prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. #6703 nuo Gita
Gita replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
Last Monday morning I got up at 7:0 o'clock, becouse (=a) the night before I went to bed late. I was at work at 7:50 A.M. I worked 24 hours, so I had my lunch and dinner at work. Tuesday morning I got home. I had a shower and a big breakfast. I was tired so I went to bed. I slept about three hours. Then I made lunch and I met my parents. In the evening I had an Englisch lesson and I had an interesting time. On the first of March it was Wednesday. The morning was beautiful, so The Spring came. I cleaned my flat, I went shopping and I went for a walk. I went home happy. Then, at eight o'clock P.M I went to work and worked until eight o'clok A.M. After work i went out. I walked to the town park and back. Then I stayed at home and I did my homework. So Thursday was nice. On Friday I got up late. I listened to music, I watched TV and I did housework. I went to bed early, so on Saturday to work. I love Sanday(=u) . On Sanday I met my sister's family,we had a big meal and a good time.

This is SO good!!
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. #6704 nuo inga006
inga006 replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
Inga's week from the first to the sixth of March
Wednesday was the first day of spring.The morning was warm but rainy.I got up at 7 o'clock AM.I didn't go to work so I take=took my son to school.I went to the market and then I made lunch for my family.
On Thursday I went to work.I was working from 8 o'clock to 8 o'clock Friday's morning.I was very tired after work so I went to rest,I watched TV.After that I made lunch for my family.It was about 14,30(fourteen thirty)PM.I helped for my son to do homework in the evening.
On Saturdays.We drove in =to(į)city Šiauliai.I met my brothers and their families.It was a good evening and I was happy.
I didn't go to work on Sunday.I got up at 10 o'clock.AM I made pancakes for the breakfast.It is weekend's breakfast.Later on I cleaned my flat and washed clothes.
I went to work on Monday.Tuesday was a good day.I was at the computer and I was doing my English homework.I met my Englich group and teacher Jūratė at five o'clock.

:lol: :kiss: Great!
1. padėti kokiam žmogui - to help a person (lieka vardininko linksnyje angliškai); I helped my son... Padedu tau - I help you... Padėkite man ... Help me...
2. Anglai paprastai naudoja ne žmones reiškiančius daiktavardžius be 's, kai sako 'kieno?': penktadienio rytas - Friday morning; miesto autobusas - a city bus; weekend breakfast; TAČIAU: tečio mašina - the father's car... ir jeigu pabrėžiama konkreti diena - this, last,next - šita, praeita, sekanti this weekend's breakfast
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prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. #6708 nuo Vilma
Vilma replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
On the sixth of March it was Monday.This morning I got up early,at 7o'clock AM.I had a workday.The day was difficult,because I worked 24hours a day.I had my lunch and dinner at work.Next morning I was tired and I felt aš jaučiausi terrible.After lunch I had an Englichs class and met with teacherJurate.Tuesday morning I worked for my girlfriend.This day was nice.
At the weekend I got up late, and went to the bed at ten PM.I don't like Sunday,batu I like Saturday.Saturday I drove a=to Panevezys market and in the evening I met with friends. On Sunday I cleaned my rooms,made lunch for my family.This the working week was difficult.

Very good!
Jei norite pasakyti, kad dirbote už draugę, tai 'pavaduoti ką nors darbe' yra 'fill in for someone at work' - I filled in for my girlfriend (my colleague) - Aš pavadavau savo draugę (kolegę)...
I feel [ ai fyl ] - aš jaučiuosi ; I felt - aš jaučiausi, pasijutau (netaisyklingas veiksmažodis) I felt terrible - aš jaučiausi labai blogai, siaubingai.
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prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. #6709 nuo elegna
elegna replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
Last s=Saturday I didn't go to work. I went shoppu]ing in=to (į) the market.I bought meat,fish and bread.I cleaned my rooms and I was tired.In the Evening I was at home and I watched TV. On Sunday I had a lovely day.I and my grandchildren went in=to (į) the park.We had a realy good ty=ime.

Nice! :)
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prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. #6715 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
I think your homework is good, guys. I am very proud with you :silly:
to be proud with [praud] - didžiuotis kuo
Thank you for finding time in your busy week to learn English! :cheer:

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)

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prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. #6718 nuo Azyra
Azyra replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
Last Saturday I got up at seven o‘clock and I had a shower. Then I had fantastic breakfast at eight o‘ clock. On Saturday I and my son Lukas went to Church. Then we came back from there after one hours and I had lunch at home with my family. After the lunch we watched on the TV. Then I took a nap for about half an hour. At five o‘clock I met some friends and we discussed about the whole past week. Last week was so so. I had a fever. I wasn‘t AT an English class. I wasn‘t happy. I love e=English classes. Thank you very much, Jurate. We have a great teacher.

:silly: Thank you for your kind words :)
on TV - per TV; we watched TV - žiūrėjome TV
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prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. #6720 nuo briediene
briediene replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
Nina's last week.
Last week started like usually.On Monday I get(=got) up at 7 o'clock and went to work at 8 o'clock AM.I had more work, so I returnedhome very tired.
On Tuesday in our kindergarden THERE was the celebraite=tion /uzgavenes/=of Pancake Day,we had a really good time
In the evening I had an e=English lesson at 5 o'clock PM.I was very tired,but happy.
Wednesday was the first day of spring.
Thursday was easy.
I like f=Friday,I could watched TV until 2 o,clock PM.
On Saturday I drove in to Panevezys.I went shopping in mool=malls Rio and Babilon.I bought a birthday present for my friend.
On Sanday(=u) I cleaned my rooms ,made lunch,did my e=English homework.

Very good! :)
Užgavėnės - Pancake day [penkeik dei] (blynų diena) arba Shrove Tuesday [šrouv tju:zdi] (Užgavėnių antradienis);
We celebrated [selebreitid] Pancake Day / There was the celebration [selebreišn] of Pancake Day - Šventėm Užgavėnes / Vyko Užgavėnių šventė...
I drove into Panevėžys - aš įvažiavau į Panevėžį (į miesto vidų) / I drove to Panevėžys - aš nuvažiavau į Panevėžį
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prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. #6728 nuo drugelis
drugelis replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
Last weekend on saturday, I and my family got up really early at sixth o'clock. This day our family drove to Panevėžys. At ten o'clock we went to the church (Cathedra). After that we went to THEcolumbarium where rests our uncle RESTS. At twelve o'clock we had lunch at "Gazele". After lunch we met with our relatives. At =IN the evening we drove to supermarket "RIO". We had some quick walk around the shops. We arrived home late at the evening.
On sunday we had a nice day. We got up at twelve o'clock. I made lunch for my family. I and my doughter cleaned our house. My son was walked the dog. After that we watched TV and decided to take some rest.
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prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. #6729 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)

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prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. #6730 nuo DaliaK
DaliaK replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
Last week I was working=worked five days .After work in the evenings I stay=WAS tired .I drank tea and I kniting=KNITTED.At the weekend on Saturday I went shopping ,I cleaned my rooms .,made lunch ..did me=Y English homework.On Sanday=U I had a nice day I got up at ten o'clock.and I went for a walk.
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prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. #6731 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
This is what to do for the next lesson which is on the 14th of March:

Learn new words about activities (Listen to the pronunciation on page 76 in the student's book):

swimming / to go swimming - plaukiojimas / užsiiminėti plaukiojimu, eiti plaukioti
windsurfing / to go windsurfing - buriavimas / užsiiminėti buriavimu, eiti buriuoti
skiing / to go skiing - slidinėjimas / užsiiminėti ar eiti paslidinėti
ice-skaiting / to go ice-skating - čiuožinėjimas / užsiiminėti čiuožinėjimu, eiti čiuožinėti
horse-riding / to go horse-riding - jodinėjimas / jodinėti
dancing / to go dancing - šokimas / lankyti šokius
to go cycling - važinėti dviračiu
to go fishing - eiti pažvejoti
to go sailing - plaukioti laivais, užsiiminėti plaukiojimu laivais
to play tennis / to like playing tennis - žaisti tenisą, mėgti žaisti tenisą
to play golf /to play football - žaisti golfą, futbolą
to play cards - lošti kortomis
to play the piano, to play the guitar - groti pianinu ar gitara...

[img]http://i.imgur.com/urIHyRq.png[/im[g] [color=black]2. Do the exercises on pages 60,61,62 and 63, but[/color] [u][color=red]don't do[/color][/u] [color=black]Everyday English[/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/647UxNP.png

If you have a little free time, you can play with iChecker.
Go to Writing Support --> Go to Reading or Writing or Vocabulary --> Go to Units 9 and 10

Write on the Forum. "My last holiday"

1.When do you usually go on holiday? What do you usually do on your holiday?
2. When did you go on holiday last year? What did you do? How was it?

once [uons] - vieną kartą

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
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prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. #6736 nuo DaliaK
DaliaK replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
Jurate ,,gal gali dar karta paaiskint kaip sudaryti klausimus su sporto sakomis?
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prieš 7 m. 9 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 9 mėn. #6737 nuo drugelis
drugelis replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
Last holiday I had in summer =I had last holiday in summer. I went on holiday to Jurmala's beach. I was there with my family and family friends. We stayed in Jurmala's beach for three days. Every day we were playing voleyball and piggy. We enjoyed warm sea water. Sometimes we had A sunbath. Once a day we went to the shop to buy some ice scream and drinks. We met great people around there. At the morning we had a breakfast: A sandwitch and fast=instant soup, coffee or tea too. The food was delicious. In the evening we made a pilaf and baked barbeque. After dinner we went to the seaboard and were taking long walks. We were going to sleep really lately. We had a really good time all together.

Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 9 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 7 m. 9 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 9 mėn. #6741 nuo elegna
elegna replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
Last holiday I had in sumer of month June.= I had my last holiday in summer, in the month of June. I'm with=and my husband went on holiday in Spain in Barselona.The weather in Spain was hot.We stayed in a wery big hotel near the sea.We sawed a lot of people and a lot of tourists.We to go=went swimming in the sea and to go=went sunbathing in the beach.Every day we with=and an official guide went to the museums,castles,Monseraty convent and souvenir shops.In the evening we went to different restaurants.The food in restaurats was expensive and delicions=u.We had a realLy good time together.

So nice! :cheer:

Lithuanians say : 'aš su draugu nuėjau...', but Englsh speakers say 'I and my friend went....'
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prieš 7 m. 9 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 9 mėn. #6743 nuo Vilma
Vilma replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
Last year I went on holiday in Denmark.I had summer holiday in June and July.
I went with girlfriend and we travelled by boat.We stayed in the=a small room.Here in Denmark, two months I worked.Every day we worked hard, but at free time I read the=a book.Sometimes I played cards and tennis,I go=went fishing.Once we went to the sea.At the weekend I went shopping.The food was varied=ious,because we made same. The weather was beautiful.We had a realy good time and we all want to go back!

Great! I hope (tikiuosi) you weren't tired after your hard work in Denmark :)
I didn't understand the sentence: The food was various,because we made same - Maistas buvo įvairus, nes mes gaminome tą patį.
Did you want to say : The food wasn't (nebuvo?) various because we made the same...?
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prieš 7 m. 9 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 9 mėn. #6746 nuo inga006
inga006 replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
My last holiday.
Last holiday I had in summer = I had my last holiday in summer.I with=and my family went to Palanga and Klaipeda.We stayed in a friend's house.Every day in the morning about at 11 o'clock we went to Palanga's beach.Sometimes we went out in the Klaipedos streets and to pubs.Sometimes we to go = went cycling,to played games.Once we visited Dolphinarium and we had a good time.For the breakfast we had sandwiches and coffee.We made a barbeque in the evening.The weather was beautiful.I love sunsets.We had a good time.

I want to go cycling in Klaipeda too! :silly:

Veiksnys+tarinys+papildinys = I had my last holiday in summer.
'aš su šeima nuvykau...' = I and my family went...
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prieš 7 m. 9 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 9 mėn. #6747 nuo Azyra
Azyra replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
My last holiday.
Last holiday I had in last year of month June.=I had my last holiday last year in the month of June. I went on holiday to Majorca. I went with my family. We stayed in an aparthotel=apartment in the hotel Aquasol . Here every day we went swimming in the sea and we sunbathing=ed. It‘s Great! Sometimes we went to the sports club. Once we went to a restaurant. There the food was a lot of=very delicious, fresh seafood and the weather was beautiful. We had a good time, and we all want to go back.

Nice! :cheer:
Mes deginomės - We sunbathed [sanbei th id]
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prieš 7 m. 9 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 9 mėn. #6753 nuo Gita
Gita replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
My last holiday
I usually go on holiday in summer. I and my family always go to the seaside. So we go to Šventoji or Jūrmala. But last year we had a holiday in spring. We went to Copenhagen in Denmark. On=In the capital of city we stayed in a very nice hostel. So we had our meals in a caffe-bar in the hostel. The food was delicious. But we went out every night and we went to a different restaurants. In Denmark it (arba there) was the spring and the weather was comforter=able,so we went cycling and went walking. We visited to the old town. We went sailling around the harbor and idyllic canals and we heard all about Copenhagen. We met lots of lovely people and we had a really good time.

So nice! :)
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