prieš 7 m. 8 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 8 mėn. #6909 nuo inga006
inga006 replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
I would like to have a stylish clothes shop or the restaurant.Where would be the comfortable atmosphere and delicious food.I wouldn't like work for other people.
I'm living in a flat but I would love to live in a small house.I would like to have a garden and a lot (more) of flowers.I would like to drink coffee in terace and listen bird's songs in the morning.I wouldn't like noise.

I would like to have a stylish clothes shop or a restaurant.Where would be a comfortable atmosphere and delicious food.I wouldn't like work for other people.
I live in a flat but I would love to live in a small house.I would like to have a garden and a lot (more) of flowers.I would like to drink coffee in a terace and listen to birds' songs in the morning.I wouldn't like noise.

Wonderfu! :)
Use 'a' when you talk about things in general and not about one particular thing - vartokite 'a', kai kalbate apie daiktus bendrai, o ne apie vieną konkretų daiktą. I want to go to a restaurant - noriu nueiti į restoraną (bet kokį); I want to go to the restaurant - noriu nueiti į tą mūsų restoraną.
bird's - paukščio / birds' paukščių
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 8 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 7 m. 8 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 8 mėn. #6910 nuo briediene
briediene replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
I would like to live in a country by the sea with sandy beaches.
I would like the warm weather and I would like to eat fruits and vegetables every day.
I would like to have a big house.When I was a child,I didin't like my name.
I even wanted to change it.
Now I like my name and would never change it.

Very well, just don't forget to:
I would like TO have - norėčiau turėti
I would like TO eat - norėčiau valgyti
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 8 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 7 m. 8 mėn. #6911 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
Your name sounds (skamba) like a song and it is easy to say in other languages :)

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)

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prieš 7 m. 8 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 8 mėn. #6922 nuo elegna
elegna replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
I would like to have one brother.I would like to go on holiday in Australia but I wouldn't like TO live in Australia.I would like to speak five many languages.I would like to try seafood.I wouldn't want to live to 100 years old,I wouldn't want to change.

many - daug / other - kitos ; five other languages - kitomis penkiomis kalbomis
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 8 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 7 m. 8 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 8 mėn. #6923 nuo drugelis
drugelis replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
In my dreams I would like to have a holiday in Russia, because I want to see the Winter Palace, Lenin's Mausoleum, Hermitage. I would like to go
there,because this country puts me nostalgia. (it brings (atneša) me nostalgia, it gives (suteikia, duoda) me nostalgia... O jeigu su put: it puts me into a nostalgic mood (įdeda, pastato į nostalgišką nuotaiką)
I wouldn't want to change my name,because I like him = it (him - tik apie vyrus! )
I would like to be an architect, but I understood it too late.
I would like to try delicious Mexican food.
I would like to meet with know like on actors.= with actors I know and like - su aktoriais, kuriuos žinau ir mėgstu.

Wonderful! I like your homework because you used some difficult English phrases here :)
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prieš 7 m. 8 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 8 mėn. #6927 nuo agnaun
agnaun replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
In Agne's dreams
1. In my dreams I would like to have a holiday in New Zealand because her=its nature is very beautiful and impressive.
2. I wouldn't want to change my name because I like my actual name.
3. I would like to live in a comfortable house near the river, lake or sea.
5. I would like to be a very good specialist in their fields.=in my field (savo srityje) (in any field - bet kokioje srityje?)
6. I would like to be eleven years old because then I was very happy.
7. I am the only child in my family. Previously I didn't mean=want? to have brothers or sisters but now I think otherwise. (to mean - turėti omenyje, ketinti, reikšti)
8. I would like to speak six languages fluently: English, Hindu, German, Russian, French and Chinese.
9. I would like to be rich but I wouldn't like to be very famous because constant attention is very tiring.
10. If I were healthy and sensible in old age I would like to live to 100 years old.

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prieš 7 m. 8 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 8 mėn. #6928 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
I want to thank Tuesday group for being such wonderful students of English. Thank you for doing your homework and for posting your comments on the Forum! :)

I wish you a great Easter! Have a nice time with your families, with your friends, paint a lot of eggs and cook a wonderful Easter meal! :cheer:

Celebrate this Easter with a heart filled with peace, joy and cheer!
[selebreit this i:ste uith e ha:/r/t fild uith pi:s džoi end chie:] švęskite šias Velykas su širdimi pripildyta taikos, džiaugsmo ir linksmybės!

If you have time, do some exercises from pages 73, 74, 75 in your workbook, please :)
a biscuit [biskit] - sausainis; cream [kri:m] - grietinė, grietinėlė; pie [pai], a pie - pyragas; steak, a steak [steik] - kepsnys; sugar [šuga] - cukrus, salt [so:lt] - druska; pepper [pepe] - pipirai; spice [spais] - prieskoniai;

a good reputation [e gud repiuteišn] - gera reputacija; possible [posibl] - galima, įmanoma;
a lot more [e lot mo:] - daug daugiau; a sausage [sosidž] - dešrelė; a tomato [toma:tou] - pomidoras; bacon [beikan] kiaulienos kumpis; a high street [hai stryt] - centrinė miesto gatvė; fish and chips [fiš and čips] - žuvis su keptom bulvytėm; a pint of beer [pint of bie:] - pinta alaus; a return [rito/r/n] - transporto bilietas į abi puses;

What to write on the Forum?

Nothing! Zero! Oh! Nill! :woohoo:

Have an Easter break!
Pasidarykite trumpas Velykų atostogas. a break [breik] - pertrauka, trumpos atostogos.

See you after Easter, on the 18th! :cheer:

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 8 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 7 m. 8 mėn. #6940 nuo Gita
Gita replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
On holiday I would like to go to Dubai.
I would like to live in Australia.
I would like to meet Barack Obama.
I would like to have one sister and one brother.
I would like to speak 5 languages..
I would like to be rich, but I wouldn't like to be famous.

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prieš 7 m. 8 mėn. #6941 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
Thank you! :) There aren't ANY mistakes in your comment. So you get the prize - this painted Easter egg :)

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)

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prieš 7 m. 8 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 8 mėn. #6972 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
Hi, everyone! I wish you sunny spring days and nice time learning English at your computers! :lol:
Linkiu saulėtų pavasario dienų ir malonaus laiko mokantis anglų prie savo kompiuterių.

Here is your homework for the twenty fifth of April (Tuesday)

Open the iChecker on your computer.

Go to Tests. Do the test for Unit 12
sentence (sakinys) 15. Do you like walking? No, I think it's a bit boring = tai truputėlį nuobodu
sentence 21. People usually drink beer in pubs, because "a pub" is "alinė" in Lithuanian ;)
sentence 27. Yuk [juk] - Fui!
sentence 41. soap [soup] - muilas
sentence 45. politely [polaitli] - mandagiai; rude [riu:d] - nemandagus, nemandagiai
Anything else? [enithin/g/ elz?] - Ko nors dar?

Don't forget to do PART 2 (Nepamirškite padaryti 2 DALIES)

Here is my part 2 exercise. I did one mistake! :blush: I wrote "anything more" but it has to be "anyting else". Don't repeat my mistake :)

Watch video 12 on your computer and do exercises 3,4 and 5

a food truck [fu:d trak] - maisto vagonėlis; fast food [fa: st fu:d] - greitas maistas; gourmet [go:mei] - delikatesinis, egzotiškas maistas; all over (the world, the city, the place) - po visą (pasaulį, miestą, vietą);
LA [el ei] - Los Andželas;
a few of LA gourmet food trucks [e fju: of el ei go/r/mei fu:d traks] - keletas Los Andželo delikatesinių patiekalų maisto vagonėlių;
kind [kaind] - rūšis, tipas; all kinds of food - įvairių rūšių maistas;
to follow [falou] the food trucks on the Internet - sekti maisto vagonėlius (jų maršrutą) Internete;
to sit on the ground [sit on the graund] - sėdėti ant žemės;
a wrap [urap] - suvyniotinis (į ploną blyną susuktas užkandis); a waffle [uo:fl] -vaflis; frite [frit] - fri bulvytės; broth [broth] - sultinys; grilled [grild] - skrudintas; a burger [borge]/r/ - suvožtinė bandelė; grilled onion [grild onjon] - skrudintas svogūnas; fried egg on the top [fraid eg on the top] - keptas kiaušinis ant viršaus; strawberry sauce [stroberi so:s] - braškių padažas;
crispy [krispi] - traškus;
Are there any near you? - Ar yra kokių nors (maisto vagonėlių) pas jus?

Write on the Forum where you like to eat out

Parašykite Forume, kur jūs mėgstate išeiti pavalgyti. (to eat out [i:t aut] = valgyti ne namie)
1.What places are there in Pasvalys where people can go to eat out?
2. Do you often eat out? Where do you eat out?
3. What do you have when you eat out? Is it cheap or expensive for you? Is it delicious or not very much?
4. What is your favourite dish [diš] (patiekalas) and where can you buy it?

Where does Jurate eat out?
I usually don't eat out because I work near my home and I always have time to go home for lunch. I like eating home because homemade [houm-meid] (namuose pagamintas) food is always cheap, delicious and healthy. My favourite dish is meat or fish stew [stju] (troškinys). It is easy to make. My stew is made [meid] (pagamintas) of vegetables and potatoes, meat or fish, tomato sauce. I like it spicy and with salad on the side. I usually make it in the evening and I have it next day at the lunch break.
Maybe I would eat out in Pasvalys if I could [kud] (galėčiau) buy cheap and delicious food near my work. But there aren't any food trucks in Pasvalys. There is a pizza shop near the library, but I don't like pizzas and soups there. They aren't fresh. There are four other cafes and restaurants near me: Kulta, At Rimas' , "Paradise Bird" and one restaurant next to the culture centre. Well, I think food isn't bad there, but not very cheap and not so delicious like (kaip) at home. I sometimes go to school cafes to eat, because I like the food there. It is cheap and good like (kaip) homemade food. In a school cafe I usually buy the soup of the day. I think their soup is delicious and cheap. To follow I have a cutlet [katlet] (kotletas) or curd dumplings [ke:/r/d damplingz] (varškėčiai arba varškės virtieniai) and I have vegetable salad on the side. But schools aren't very near my work, so I go there very rarely and I prefer to eat at home!

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 8 mėn. nuo Jurate.

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prieš 7 m. 8 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 8 mėn. #6987 nuo Vilma
Vilma replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
In the city center are cafes and restaurants.Near the church are cafes :at Rimas Kulta and near the library is a Pizzeria.There people can go to eat out.
I often eating at home,because I have make food my family.My food homemade is cheap and delicious.When I work,I go to hospitals cofes to eat.I usually have a cutlet,potatoes and vegetables. It is expensive food.
I with family often go to Panevezys eat out.I like salmon with salad and soup is tomato (cili). I think food isn't bad there,but not very cheap.
My favourite disch is pizza Margarita and kebab,it food can buy near bus station.I like fast food!

In the city center there are cafes and restaurants.Near the church there are cafes :at Rimas Kulta and near the library there is a Pizzeria.There people can go to eat out.
I often eating at home,because I have to make food my family.My homemade food is cheap and delicious.When I work,I go to hospitals cafes to eat.I usually have a cutlet,potatoes and vegetables. It is an expensive food.
I and my family often go to Panevezys to eat out.I like salmon with salad and tomato soup (cili). I think the food isn't bad there,but not very cheap.
My favourite disch is pizza Marguerita and kebab,you can buy this food near the bus station.I like fast food!

Great! :)
beasmenis 'yra' angliškai - there is, there are (In the centre there is Pizzeria)
beasmenis 'galima' angliškai - you can (You can buy fast food at Panevezys bus station)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 8 mėn. nuo Jurate.

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prieš 7 m. 8 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 8 mėn. #6988 nuo studentė
studentė replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
I often don't eat out because I cook at home for your family.When I work , for lunch I eat fast food: a tea wich a sandwich, because I don't have a lot time.I eat out when I and my family go to other city.Then we often eat a pizza or a chinese food or lithuanian dish.I think that to eat often in out it is expensive. My favourit dish in restaurant is Thai soup wich seafood and salmon wich vegetables.This food is quite expensive. I like seafood when I traveling in exotic country.But when I returns in Lithuania I really miss the Lithuanian food!!!

I often don't eat out because I cook at home for your=my family.When I work , for lunch I eat fast food: a tea wich(=t) a sandwich, because I don't have a lot <em>of</em> time.I eat out when I and my family go to another city.Then we often eat a pizza or a Chinese food or a (arba some) Lithuanian dish.I think that to eat often in out it is expensive. My favourit dish in a restaurant is Thai soup wich(=t) seafood and salmon wich(=t) vegetables.This food is quite expensive. I like seafood when I traveling in an exotic country.But when I returns in=to (į) Lithuania I really miss the Lithuanian food!!!

Nice! :lol: :cheer:
lietuviškas, kiniškas, rusiškas ir t.t. - visada angliškai iš didžiosios (Lithuanian, Chinese, Russian...)
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prieš 7 m. 8 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 8 mėn. #7007 nuo briediene
briediene replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
I usualy don't eat out because I work near my home.I always have time to go home for lunch.
I like cooking eating homemade food.It is healthier and more delicious than eat outside.
We don't realy have a lot good restorants in Pasvalys.
I like Vilnius down town and beautiful little coffee shops.Any time I'm in Vilnius I like to go to one of those coffee shops and have a cup of coffee and
something sweet.
But most of all I like sushi and middle eastern food it contains a lot of fresh produce and it is very aromatic.

I usually don't eat out because I work near my home.I always have time to go home for lunch.
I like cooking eating homemade food.It is healthier and more delicious than to eat outside.
We don't really have a lot of good restaurants in Pasvalys.

Wonderful! :kiss:
to eat outside - valgyti lauke, to eat out - valgyti ne namie.
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 8 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 7 m. 8 mėn. #7008 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
There was Mūša restaurant near the cheese factory, but it closed srome months ago. People say that the restaurant closed because young drunk guys often picked fights ([pikt faits] - mušdavosi) there.

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)

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prieš 7 m. 8 mėn. #7009 nuo inga006
inga006 replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
In Pasvalys there are just few cafes where people can eat.Food is cheap but isn't very fresh and delicious.
I like cooking at home and my family love homemade food.Sometimes I with family go to Birzai in Rinkuskiai restaurant. Food in Rinkuskiai restaurant is very tasty.I don't like fast food.My favourite disch is pumpkin (moliūgų) soup.Also I like salads,fish and for dessert-hot apple pie with ice- cream.

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prieš 7 m. 8 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 8 mėn. #7011 nuo Gita
Gita replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
In Pasvalys is Pizzeria near the Church, but I don't like this pizza shop, because there aren't frech food. I sometimes go to the Sport arena cafe to eat, because I love the Pizza Hawaii. Next to the culture centre there are cafes " At Rimas" "Kulta" and one restaurant. Well, there people can go to eat out. When I work, I go to the hospital cafe to eat. There the food isn't bad, but not so delicious like at home.So I go there very rarely. When I go to in others cities, I go to eat out there. I usually buy the soup of the day, to follow I have a fisch and mixed geen vegetables on the side. I often buy apple pie with ice-cream. I always make meal at home. My favourite dish is chicken with vegetable salad and I like curd dumplings. I think homemade food is healthy and delicious.
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 8 mėn. nuo Gita.

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prieš 7 m. 8 mėn. #7012 nuo aina
aina replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
In Pasvalys a cafe and pizzeria. People go there to eat.. I usally eat at home, sometimes cafe. I like vegetables and fish. I also like Italian food, pasta, seafood, My favorite food in seafood and fIsh. I buy then at the market and the supermarket.

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prieš 7 m. 8 mėn. #7014 nuo drugelis
drugelis replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
In the Pasvalys are a few cafes, restaurants and pizzeria. There is always full of people,or at lunch or in the evening.
I don't eat out because I eat homemade food. I often eating at work homemade food.
My kids love fast food, but I don't let often buy.
Spring and summer our family likes outdoor cafes. We likes pizza its various types and sometimes try out something new.

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