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My favourite city is Riga. Riga is the capital city of Latvia. About 700 000 people live there. I often go in my car to Riga.The city is at the river Daugava. Riga has an Airport,a train and bus station, the central Market, National Opera and theater, a zoo. Many hotels, restaurants and cafes. Very nice old buildings, narrow streets. There are four churches. _ Riga is very nice in the summer and winter.
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When were Jurate's family members born?
My family is small. I don't have any brothers or sisters, so I want to tell you about me, my mother, my father and my uncle ([ankl] - dėdė) ' s family - his wife and his two children - my two cousins ([cazns] - pusbroliai ir puseserės) We all live in Pasvalys town.
I was born in nineteen seventy seven in the hospital of Panevėžys. Now I am an assistant at the library of Pasvalys. My father was born in nineteen fifty seven. He was from Pasvalys, he was a builder, but he died [daid] (mirė) in two thousand and one. His grave [greiv] (kapas) is in the new graveyard [greiv ja:d] (kapinės) of Pasvalys, next to the town park.
My mother was born in nineteen fifty three. She is from Radviliškis district. She was a painter ( [peinte] dažytoja(s) ), a receptionist ([resepšenist] - priėmėja), a cleaner ([klyne] valytoja(s) ), but now she is retired and stays at home.
My brother's brother or my uncle is from Pasvalys and he lives here together with his family. He was born in nineteen sixty one and he is a gas fitter ([ge:s fite] dujininkas). Now he works for the company " At Rimas' ". My uncle's wife is from the village Kyburiai near the Latvian border. She understands Latvian because her parents were from Latvia. She is a seamstress [si:mstres] (siuvėja) and she has a seamstress' shop near Pasvalys Bus Station. I' m not sure but I think that she was born about nineteen sixty.
My uncle's children - my two cousins were born in Pasvalys and they are younger ([jange] jaunesnis(-ė)) than me. My cousin Mindaugas was born in nineteen eighty nine and he is a carpenter ([ka:pente] stalius). He makes furniture for people. My cousin Lina was born in nineteen ninty one. She is an office employee ([empluoji:] tarnautoja).
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My famely is small.I was born in nineteen fifty eight ON THE sixteenTH OF febrUARy.I have one sister,her name is Irina ,shE was born in nineteen fifty five.
My father was born in nineteen twenty six in Vladimir sity in Russia.He was an engineEr in A railway station.My mother was born in nineteen thIrty four.My parents are died.FATHer in nineteen sixty eight,mother in nineteen eighty seven.Their graves ARE in the old graveyard of Vladimir
I am maried and .My husbAnd name is Vigantas,he was born in nineteen fifty seven.He was A sailor.We liveD (gyvenome) in Kamcatka from nineteen seventy nine until nineteen eighty six.We have one dAugther.She was born in nineteen eigthy four.We have three granddAugthers.Anar was born in two thousand seven and twins Maja and Lija WERE born IN two thousand thIrty.I love them all and I am happy.
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Jurate's week from the twentieth to the twenty sixth of March
On the twentieth of March it was Monday. The morning was terrible. The night before I went to bed late and I got up at 8:50 (eight:fifty) AM! I was late to my work and my director wasn't happy with me (nebuvo patenkinta manimi). I had my lunch at home at about one o'clock. After lunch the day was better [bete] (geresnė). I had an English class with four people from four to six o'clock. I love English classes! Then (tada), at six o'clock PM I went to the gym and I did exercise with a group of women. I love doing exercise! We did exercises until [antil] (iki) 7:30 (seven thirty) o'clock. I came home happy.
Tuesday morning was stressful (įtemptas, stresuotas) too. We had a meeting in our director's office. I don't like meetings at work. But in the evening I had an English class and I had a good time! After the class, I went for a walk for an hour. I went home happy.
Wednesday was a good day. At work we greeted [gri:t id] (pasveikinome) our colleague on her birthday. We bought flowers for her. After work I went to the gym again. After the gym I went for a walk with my cat.
Thursday was nice. At work I thought about my weekend. After work I went shopping and bought some food for my cat and three tulips for my Mom. Because tulips were beautiful and I liked them.
On Friday I went to work happy because it was the last day at work in this week. I was late twenty minutes and the director didn't see me. I had an English class in the afternoon. Six people came to the class and four of them didn't do their homework. After work I went out. There was snow outside, it was beautiful,
I walked to the town park and back. At home I watched videos on my computer until [antil] (iki) two o'clock in the morning.
I love Saturdays. On Saturday I stayed in bed until twelve o'clock. Then I got up and had my a big meal. I made a hot egg and sausage sandwich. The sandwich was huge. After the meal I went to my garden. I stayed at home in the evening. I was on my computer and I watched films and news in English.
On Sunday I was at home. I did housework. I cleaned my room and our kitchen, I washed [uošt] (ploviau) my clothes. In the evening I thought about tomorrow [tiumorou] (rytojus) at work. I don't like Sunday evenings! I stayed on my computer until two AM.
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