prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. #6630 nuo briediene
briediene replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
The best way to get from Lithuania to Canada is to fly by plane.Of course we can sail by ship and I think it will be very interesting,but it will bi=e a very long time and expensive.We usually fly by this route:Vilnius-Warsaw-Toronto-Vancouver-Kelowna.This year we will fly by the new route :Riga-London-Calgary-Kelowna.
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. #6631 nuo aina
aina replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
My favourite city is Riga. Riga is the capital city of Latvia. There live abaut 700 000 people. I often goes his car in Riga.The city is the river Daugava. Riga is Airport, train and bus station, central Market, National Opera and theatrer, zoo. Many hotels, restaurants and cafes. Very nice old buildings, narrow streets. There are four churches. There Riga is very nise the summer and vinter.

In English 'there live' is wrong, 'there is', 'there are' are correct . You can say: There are 700000 people in Riga ... 700 000 people live in Riga...

My favourite city is Riga. Riga is the capital city of Latvia. About 700 000 people live there. I often go in my car to Riga.The city is at the river Daugava. Riga has an Airport,a train and bus station, the central Market, National Opera and theater, a zoo. Many hotels, restaurants and cafes. Very nice old buildings, narrow streets. There are four churches. _ Riga is very nice in the summer and winter.

Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. #6633 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
We have a read. It is a short story "Newspaper Chase"
Take the audio: www.mediafire.com/file/y4xb4odg43yoeju/N...aper_Chase_Audio.mp3
(Click the green button 'Download')

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)

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prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. #6634 nuo agnaun
agnaun replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
Agne's favourite city
My favourite city is Ventspilis. Ventspilis is a town in the northwestern Latvia in the historical Courland region of Latvia, and it is the sixth largest city in the country. About thirty-nine thousand people live in this town. The best way to get to Ventspilis from Lithuania is by car or by bus.
I know Ventspilis, because I was there three times. I love Ventspilis because there are a many beautiful places. There is the Livonian Order Castle, the Seaside Open Air Museum, the South Pier, the Old Town, the Market Place, the Ostgals Park, the Deer Park, the Jungle Trail, the Anchor Trail, the Ostas Street, the Fountain “Sun Boats”, the Fountain “Ship Watcher” and there are a lot other fountains. There is the Swedish Rampart, the Bridge Garden, there are a lot of flower sculptures, cow sculptures. There is the International Writers And Translators House. Ventspils is a very beautiful city with many impressive buildings and other famous places. People are friendly and they speak English or Russian.
People go to eat to restaurants or to cafes. Food isn't very expensive. People can stay in camping sites, in guest houses, in country houses, in hostels, in holiday houses, in apartments, in hotels and other locations.
I think the best way to go around in the city is by cycling or walk it.(, o jei reikia pasakyti po - around. vaikščioti po jį = to walk around.)
I recommend to visit Ventspilis to everyone!
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. #6635 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
Here is what to do for the next Tuesday, February the twenty first (21):

Remember how to say in English 'buvau, buvai, buvo...':
I was [uoz] - I wasn't [uoznt] - Was I? [uoz ai]
You were [ue:] - You weren't [ue'ent] Were You?[ ue: ju:]
He, She, It was [uoz] - He, She, It wasn't [uoznt] - Was He, She, It? [uoz hi: ,ši:, it]
We were [ue:] - We weren't [ue'ent] Were We? [ue: ui:]
You were [ue:] - You weren't [ue'ent] Were You? [ue: ju:]
They were [ue:] - They weren't [ue'ent] Were They? [ue: thei]

Do exercises from the workbook (unit 9, pages fifty two, fifty three and fifty four )
New words from these exercises:
a fall [fo:l] - griūtis, nuvertimas, žlugimas, nuopuolis; the fall of the Berlin Wall - Berlyno sienos nuvertimas
a game [geim] - žaidimas;
an assassination [asasineišn] - nužudymas
the moon[mu:n] - mėnulis
the first, the second [fio/r/st], [sekand] - pirmas, antras
Ireland [aj /r/ lend] Airija
a relative, relatives [releitiv, reletivz] - giminaitis, giminaičiai
a pharmacist [fa:/r/masist] - vaistininkas in the USA. But in the UK it's "a chemist".
together [tiugede] - drauge
poor [pue, po:] vargšas, skurdžius
They met... - Jie susitiko...
at first [et fio/r/st] - iš pradžių, pradžioje
hard [ha:d] - sunkus, kietas
an engineer [enžiniea] - inžinierius
a painter - tapytojas, dažytojas
a filmmaker [film meike]- filmų kūrėjas
everyday [evridei] - kasdienis, kasdien
a tin[tin] - skardinė, konservų dėžutė
a celebrity [selebrity] - įžymybė
coal [koul] - anglys; a coal miner [koul maine] - anglių kasėjas
a factory [fektori] - gamykla, fabrikas. Endis Vorholas turėjo nusipirkęs apleistą pastatą miesto centre, kurį visi vadino Fabriku.
ill [il] - ligotas, sunkiai sergantis
healthy [hel th y] - sveikas
affraid [efreid] - bijantis
a count, a countess [kaunt, kauntes] - grafas, grafienė
charity [čariti] - labdara
a car accident [ka: aksident] - mašinos avarija
to die [dai] - mirti; he died [daid] - jis mirė; he is dead [ded] jis yra miręs

Write about your family on the Forum.
Write birthday years in words (rašykite gimimo metus žodžiais): "Michael was born in nineteen sixty nine"

1. Who is in your family?
2. What year were your family members ( [membez] - nariai) born? Are they all from Pasvalys?
3.What do your family members do?

When were Jurate's family members born?
My family is small. I don't have any brothers or sisters, so I want to tell you about me, my mother, my father and my uncle ([ankl] - dėdė) ' s family - his wife and his two children - my two cousins ([cazns] - pusbroliai ir puseserės) We all live in Pasvalys town.
I was born in nineteen seventy seven in the hospital of Panevėžys. Now I am an assistant at the library of Pasvalys. My father was born in nineteen fifty seven. He was from Pasvalys, he was a builder, but he died [daid] (mirė) in two thousand and one. His grave [greiv] (kapas) is in the new graveyard [greiv ja:d] (kapinės) of Pasvalys, next to the town park.
My mother was born in nineteen fifty three. She is from Radviliškis district. She was a painter ( [peinte] dažytoja(s) ), a receptionist ([resepšenist] - priėmėja), a cleaner ([klyne] valytoja(s) ), but now she is retired and stays at home.
My brother's brother or my uncle is from Pasvalys and he lives here together with his family. He was born in nineteen sixty one and he is a gas fitter ([ge:s fite] dujininkas). Now he works for the company " At Rimas' ". My uncle's wife is from the village Kyburiai near the Latvian border. She understands Latvian because her parents were from Latvia. She is a seamstress [si:mstres] (siuvėja) and she has a seamstress' shop near Pasvalys Bus Station. I' m not sure but I think that she was born about nineteen sixty.
My uncle's children - my two cousins were born in Pasvalys and they are younger ([jange] jaunesnis(-ė)) than me. My cousin Mindaugas was born in nineteen eighty nine and he is a carpenter ([ka:pente] stalius). He makes furniture for people. My cousin Lina was born in nineteen ninty one. She is an office employee ([empluoji:] tarnautoja).

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. nuo Jurate.

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prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. #6649 nuo Vilma
Vilma replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
My family is small. I was born in nineteen seventy three in the hospital of Pavalys.I am maried and have a son.My husband was born in nineteen seventy and my son was born in nineteen ninety six.
My father was born in nineteen thirty seven.He is from Kelme, he was a builder.My mother was born in nineteen thirty nine in the village Krincinas.She was a milk receptionist in the=a factory. My mother and father are dead. I have one brother, he was born in nineteen sixty nine.My brother is older than me and lives in Pasvalys.

Nice! :cheer:
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. #6650 nuo elegna
elegna replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
Angėlė's family.My father was born in nineteen twenty one and my mother was born in nineteen twenty nine byt they are dead.Their graves is =are in the old graveyard of Pasvalys.I live with my husband.He is older than me.He was born in nineteen fifty seven and I was born in nineteen fifty eight.I have one sister.She cadency=is one year younger than my=me.She was born in nineteen fifty nine.I have one daughter and one son.My dauhgter is older than me=y son.She was born in nineteen eighty two and my son was born in nineteen eighty three.I have five grandchildrens.My family is big.We all live in town Pasvalys.

me [mi:] - man, mane, manimi...
my [mai] - mano
a child [čaild] vaikas / children [čildren] vaikai

Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. #6655 nuo briediene
briediene replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
My famely is small.I was born in nineteen fifty eight sixteen febraly.I have one sister,her name is Irina ,shi was born in nineteen fifty five.
My father was born in nineteen twenty six in Vladimir sity in Russia.He was an enginer in railway station.My mother was born in nineteen therty four.My parents are died.Thaver in nineteen sixty eight,motherin nineteen eighty seven.Their graves is in the old graveyard of Vladimir
I am maried and .My huasbend name is Vigantas,he was born in nineteen fifty seven.He was is sailor.We live in Kamcatka from nineteen seventy nine until nineteen eightysix.We have one dougther.She was born in nineteen eigthy four.We have three granddougthers.Anar was born in two thousand seven and twins Maja and Lija was born two thousand therty.I they all loves and I happy.

My famely is small.I was born in nineteen fifty eight ON THE sixteenTH OF febrUARy.I have one sister,her name is Irina ,shE was born in nineteen fifty five.
My father was born in nineteen twenty six in Vladimir sity in Russia.He was an engineEr in A railway station.My mother was born in nineteen thIrty four.My parents are died.FATHer in nineteen sixty eight,mother in nineteen eighty seven.Their graves ARE in the old graveyard of Vladimir
I am maried and .My husbAnd name is Vigantas,he was born in nineteen fifty seven.He was A sailor.We liveD (gyvenome) in Kamcatka from nineteen seventy nine until nineteen eighty six.We have one dAugther.She was born in nineteen eigthy four.We have three granddAugthers.Anar was born in two thousand seven and twins Maja and Lija WERE born IN two thousand thIrty.I love them all and I am happy.

Very nice! Thank you! :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. nuo Jurate.

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prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. #6656 nuo inga006
inga006 replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
Inga's family.My mother was born in nineteen forty five,my father was born in nineteen forty two.I have three brothers. THE First brother was born in nineteen sixty nine,THE second brother was born in nineteen seventy onE,THE third brother was born in nineteen eighty five.I was born in nineteen seventy two.My husband was born in nineteen seventy five.I have a two children, THE daughter was born in nineteen ninety six,she IS a students.My son was born in two thousand and eight.My parents have six grandchildren.

Nice! Your son is lovely! :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. nuo Jurate.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Jurate

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prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. #6661 nuo Azyra
Azyra replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
Hello. My name‘s Migle. I‘m from Pasvalys town. I‘m forty. I was born in nineteen seventy six. I‘m married and I‘ have a husband and two sons. My husband‘s names‘s Mindaugas. His job is a programmer. He is forty two. He was born in nineteen seventy four. My son Patrikas was born in two thousand and three and Lukas was born two thousand and five. They are students AT school.
My family is small. I don‘t have any brothers or sisters. My parents lives in Pasvalys. My mother‘s name is Valerija. She is sixty seven years old. She was born in nineteen fourty nine in the village Gulbinenai near the Pasvalys town. She was a chemist. My father‘s name is Alvydas . He‘s from Rokiškis town and he was born in nineteen fifty two. My father was a businessman.

Wonderful! :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. nuo Jurate.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Jurate

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prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. #6666 nuo Gita
Gita replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
My family isn't small. I have two daugthers, my mother, my father and my sister's family-her husband and their two children. I have nine cousins too.
I was born in nineteen seventy one. I'm a nurse so I work in the hospital. My older daugther was born in nineteen ninety five. She IS studying at the University. The younger daugther was born in nineteen ninety- nine. She IS studying in=AT the gymnasium and she lives with me. My parents ARE from Pasvalys district. My mother was born in nineteen forty- six. She was a seamstress, a worker. My father was born in nineteen forty-six and he was a master. Now both my parents are retired and stays at home. My sister was born in nineteen eighty. She works at=IN the Lietuvos Geležinkeliai. Sister's husband was born IN nineteen seventy eight. He is from Pakruojis and he's a driver. Now sister's husband works at the hospital. They have two children: a son was born two thousand and a daugther was born IN two thousand and four. Sister's children are students.

This is great! I like your homework. It is very English. Kur nors mokytis - TO STUDY - visada yra AT (he studies at the university, at the college, at school...) Kur nors dirbti - gali būti IN (reiškia, kad priklauso etatiniams darbuotojams), bet gali būti ir AT(nepabrėžiant, kad etatinis darbuotojas)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. #6668 nuo aina
aina replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
My family is smail. I was born in ninteen seventy six. My husband was born in ninteen seventy three. My son vas=was born in ninteen ninty eight. My husband is a builders and THE son IS a student. We are from a=the small town Pasvalys.My parents live in Pasvalys. My mother was born in ninteen fifty three. My father was born in ninnteen fifty five. My sister was born in ninteen seventy seven. She liveS in Biržai.

the small town Pasvalys - 'the' , o ne 'a' todėl, kad su pavadinimu Pasvalys. Nes Pasvalys vienintelis :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. #6669 nuo drugelis
drugelis replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
I'm Edita. There are four persons=people in my family. I, my husband, doughter and son. I was born in nineteen seventy four, I am a shop assistant. My husband was born in nineteen seventy three, he is A builder. My doughter is eldest than my son, she was born in nineteen ninety six, she is a student in an university. My son was born in nineteen ninety nine, he is A student at school. I have mother, she lives in Pasvalys, she was born in nineteen fifty two. My father lives in Pasvalys, he was born in nineteen fourty nine. My sister was born in nineteen seventy three. I have A grandmother, she was born in nineteen twenty four, she lives in Pakruojis district, I'm happy because she is still here.

This is great! I like the last sentence :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. nuo Jurate. Priežastis: Papildymas
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prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. #6670 nuo DaliaK
DaliaK replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
My family is small.I don't have any brothers or sisters .I was born in ninenteen sixty two in the hospital of Pasvalys .My father was born in ninenteen thirty five .,my mother was born IN ninenteen thirty eight ..she is from Kirdonys .I have two daughters.Ermita was born ninenteen eighty five ..Martyna was born ninenteen ninety three.Also I have two grand daughters. They are six and eight years old.

Very good!
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. #6671 nuo agnaun
agnaun replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
When were Agne's family members born?
My family is very small. I don't have any sisters or brothers.
I live in Pasvalys town with my mother. I was born in nineteen ninety in the hospital of Pasvalys. Now I am a graphic artist. I work in the library of Pasvalys.
My mother was born in nineteen sixty-six. She is from Pasvalys district. She is a teacher of mathematics.
My mother's brother or my uncle is from Pasvalys district and he lives here alone. He was born in nineteen sixty-seven and he is a mechanic.

Wonderful! :) Your uncle is the same age like me...
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. #6676 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
Hello on our new Forum! Please, write your homework for the seventh of March :)

To write a comment click on 'ACTION' and click 'ATSAKYTI' (Kad parašytumėte komentarą spauskite ant 'Action' ir spauskite ant 'Atsakyti')

What to do?
Remember the rules about the past (Prisiminkite taisykles apie praeitį)
Yra trys grupės veiksmažodžių: (1) to be (2) Netaisyklingi, kuriuos reikia išmokti mintinai ir (3) Taisyklingi

(1)to be:

(2) Dalis netaisyklingų, kurių mums reikia dabar:
BUY - BOUGHT [bai - bo:t] (pirkti - (nu)pirko)
COME - CAME [kam - keim](ateiti-atėjo)
DO - DID [diu - did] ((pa)daryti - (pa)darė)
GET - GOT [get-got] (gauti, gavo)
GO - WENT [gou - uent] (eiti-ėjo)
HAVE - HAD [he:v - he:d] (turėti - turėjo)
MAKE - MADE [meik - meid] (daryti, kurti, gaminti - (pa)darė, (su)kūrė, (pa)gamino)
MEET - MET [mi:t-met] (sutikti - sutiko)
SAY -SAID [sei - sed] (sakyti - (pa)sakė)
SEE - SAW [si: - so: ] (matyti - (pa)matė )
THINK - THOUGHT [think - tho:t] (galvoti - (pa)galvojo)

(3) Taisyklingi:
Taisyklingi veiksmažodžiai nesikeičia, tik prie visų gale pridedama -ED (tariama [t], [d] ir [id] )

Praeities NEIGINYS yra DIDN'T + BENDRATIS (pvz.: I go - I went - I didn't go)

Praeities KLAUSIMAS yra DID + paprastas sakinys + ? (pvz.: I go home - I went home - Did I go home? )

Do the exercises on pages Fifty Eight and Fifty Nine in your workbook:

Watch the video 9 about Steve Jobs [Sti:v Džobz] and do exercises on your photocopy:

Write on the Forum about your last week!
1. What did you do from Monday to Friday?
Did you go to work? Did you have lunch? Did you go shopping? Did you go out after work? Did you see your friends?

2. What did you do at the weekend?
Did you get up early or late? Did you go out? Did you stay at home? Did you cook a big meal? When did you go to bed?

3. Did you do housework? Did you do some exercise? What day of the week was it?

Good luck!

You don't have to write a lot like I do :) Jums nereikia rašyti tiek daug kaip aš rašau :)

Jurate's week from the twentieth to the twenty sixth of March

On the twentieth of March it was Monday. The morning was terrible. The night before I went to bed late and I got up at 8:50 (eight:fifty) AM! I was late to my work and my director wasn't happy with me (nebuvo patenkinta manimi). I had my lunch at home at about one o'clock. After lunch the day was better [bete] (geresnė). I had an English class with four people from four to six o'clock. I love English classes! Then (tada), at six o'clock PM I went to the gym and I did exercise with a group of women. I love doing exercise! We did exercises until [antil] (iki) 7:30 (seven thirty) o'clock. I came home happy.

Tuesday morning was stressful (įtemptas, stresuotas) too. We had a meeting in our director's office. I don't like meetings at work. But in the evening I had an English class and I had a good time! After the class, I went for a walk for an hour. I went home happy.

Wednesday was a good day. At work we greeted [gri:t id] (pasveikinome) our colleague on her birthday. We bought flowers for her. After work I went to the gym again. After the gym I went for a walk with my cat.

Thursday was nice. At work I thought about my weekend. After work I went shopping and bought some food for my cat and three tulips for my Mom. Because tulips were beautiful and I liked them.

On Friday I went to work happy because it was the last day at work in this week. I was late twenty minutes and the director didn't see me. I had an English class in the afternoon. Six people came to the class and four of them didn't do their homework. After work I went out. There was snow outside, it was beautiful,
I walked to the town park and back. At home I watched videos on my computer until [antil] (iki) two o'clock in the morning.

I love Saturdays. On Saturday I stayed in bed until twelve o'clock. Then I got up and had my a big meal. I made a hot egg and sausage sandwich. The sandwich was huge. After the meal I went to my garden. I stayed at home in the evening. I was on my computer and I watched films and news in English.

On Sunday I was at home. I did housework. I cleaned my room and our kitchen, I washed [uošt] (ploviau) my clothes. In the evening I thought about tomorrow [tiumorou] (rytojus) at work. I don't like Sunday evenings! I stayed on my computer until two AM.

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. nuo Jurate.

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prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. #6693 nuo inga006
inga006 replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
Thanks.Have a nice day Jūrate
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. nuo inga006.
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prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. #6694 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
Thank you! Every day has problems but nice words make big problems small. Have a good time at work and at home! :)

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)

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Moderatoriai: Jurate
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