- Žinutės: 39
- Reputacija: 2
- Gauta padėkų: 37
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Right now it's Saturday afternoon.I'm alone at home.I'm sitting on the armchair next to the table in the living room and l'm doing my homework.Oh,sorry,there is one living being (viena gyva būtybė) at home.There is my little dog!It's sleeping on the sofa.Also there is outside the window on the terrace a big dog.It's sitting and looking at me. I'm wearing comfortable everyday clothes: gray sport trousers, brown poloneck sweater, light blue crewneck jumper, gray socks and brown slippers. Now outside it's cloudy, windy and rainy. It's good time to stay at home and do homework!
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Jurate's sentences:
"But the alarm is ringing again" Bet signalizacija skamba/ kaukia vėl. (page 4):
Present simple: My mother always rings me if I don't come home until midnight - Mama man visada skambina, jeigu aš negrįžtu namo iki vidurnakčio.
Present continuous: Your phone is ringing! Someone is phoning you! - Tavo telefonas skamba. Kažkas tau skambina.
"Is she waiting for somebody?" Ar ji laukia kažko? (page 5):
Present simple: Children usually wait for Christmas because they like getting presents from Santa Claus. - Vaikai paprastai laukia Kalėdų, nes jiems patinka gauti dovanas iš Senelio Šalčio.
Present Continuous: My friend is waiting for a call from her bank. - Mano draugė laukia skambučio iš savo banko.
I'm starting to understand. " Aš pradedu suprasti. (page 7)
Present simple: When does lunch start at your work? It starts at twelve PM. - Kada pas jus darbe prasideda pietūs? Jie prasideda 12 val.
Present continuous. Quiet, please! Turn off your phones! The meeting is starting. Tylos, prašau. Išjunkit telefonus. Prasideda susirinkimas.
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