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- Gauta padėkų: 61
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Remember that you can read a story about EDI agents [eidžents] - agentus. It is not obligatory ( [not obligatori] - neprivaloma)!
THE TEXT: www.mediafire.com/file/bc5xkkjkz9k9bnb/T...+Stories+%5B1%5D.pdf
THE FIRST www.mediafire.com/file/94ajl2z5pkc3i3j/0...+of+Intelligence.mp3
THE SECOND www.mediafire.com/file/498238bvd8nt8j4/0...ondon%2C+England.mp3
Jurate's dream holiday
This story is only my dream, it isn't true! I imagined ([ime: džint] - įsivaizdavau, išsigalvojau) everything here!
On my dream holiday I was with the famous Latvian pop band Brainstorm. This band won ( [uon] - laimėjo, netaisyklingas to win -[uin] laimėti ) the third place at the Eurovision contest [jurou vižn kontest] (Eurovizijos konkurse) seventeen years ago. They are four men and they are very popular in Latvia. The band members had a big white limousine [lima zyn] and we drove in their limousine from Bauska to Ventspils. We stayed for a night in Bauska castle hotel. It was very luxurious and I didn't pay for anything. Brainstorm paid for the hotel. In the evening we went paragliding [paraglaiding] - pasklandyti su parasparniais) from Bauska bridge. At first I was afraid (išsigandusi) but at the end I loved paragliding!
Next day we went to Tarvete Nature Park (nature [neiča] - gamta). This park is a nice place to visit with the family. There is a town of gnomes ( [gnomz] nykštukų)for children , there is a castle and restaurants for adults. The band had a concert in the park, I don't know how much the tickets were because I got in for free, of course!
On the third day we arrived in Ventspils. I stayed in the musicians' villa in front of the sea. I went cycling in the seaside, I went swimming in the sea. Brainstorm boys arrived on the beach by boat and they took me to the sea for fishing...
I dreamed ( [dri:md] - susapnavau) about it a year ago when I slept on the beach in Ventspils last summer. I slept ( [slept] miegojau, to sleep [slyp] - miegoti) in the sun for an hour and I got a sunburn( [sanbio/r/n] nudegiau saulėje).
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DaliaK parašė: Jurate ,,gal gali dar karta paaiskint kaip sudaryti klausimus su sporto sakomis?
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Jurate's abilities [abiliti:z] (sugebėjimai)
I can't understand directions, I'm very bad at it. I can't read maps well too. I know it because I often get lost (pasimetu) in new places, in big cities. I have to ask local people to show me the way. About twenty years ago I got lost in Likėnai park. I saw a man and I asked him: "Excuse me, can you show me the way to the sanatorium? " The man said "Of course, the sanatorium is here, in front of you! Can't you see the building?" It's true!
I can translate quite well from other languages to Lithuanian. When I was at school, I got the first place at a national contest ( [kontest] konkursas) for young interpreters. Because of this I didn't have to do Lithuanian and French exams (laikyti liet. ir pranc. egzaminų) at school. It was the best prize ever [eva] (visų laikų) !
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