prieš 7 m. 9 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 9 mėn. #6758 nuo briediene
briediene replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
Nino's last holiday.
Last year I went on holiday in Canada.I had holiday in summer of = IN July.The wether was beautiful all the time we were there.
I went with my husband and we travelled by plane.We stayed in the my dougthes=DAUGHTER'S hause=O.They =THEIR home IS near the Okonagan lake.
Evry=EVERY day we went in=TO (į) the beach.We to go=WENT swimming,sunbathing.We went walking in the park,in the montheins=MOUNTAINS.
Evry naigt =Every night we made different barbecue.It was delicious.
We were happi=y becase=BECAUSE our famely=FAMILY were all together.We had a realli=Y good time and we all want to go back.
It was the best holiday.

FABULOUS! Thank you :)
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prieš 7 m. 9 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 9 mėn. #6761 nuo DaliaK
DaliaK replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
My last holiday

Last holiday I had in summer.= I had last holiday in summer. I visited Bergen city in Norway .It is a nice city with seven mountains.I went with my daughter.We stayed in friend's house.We had a good time The nature is really impressive.I saw very beautiful fjords.

Great! :)
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prieš 7 m. 9 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 9 mėn. #6762 nuo agnaun
agnaun replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
My last holiday
Last holiday I had in summer two years ago.= I had my last holiday in summer... I went on holiday to Ventspilis in Latvia. I went with my mother.
We stayed in the High School for five days.
Every day we went to the sea. Sometimes we visited different parks or different places. Once we visited South Pier. We met a lot of tourists.
The food was very delicious and the weather was beautiful all the time we were there.
We had a good time.

Veiksnys+tarinys + papildinys: I had my last holiday... :)
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prieš 7 m. 9 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 9 mėn. #6765 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
Dear English students! How are you? Are you happy with spring ? :)

This is your hoemwork for the twenty first of March (21 March) Best luck! Geriausios sėkmės!

Remember that you can read a story about EDI agents [eidžents] - agentus. It is not obligatory ( [not obligatori] - neprivaloma)!
THE TEXT: www.mediafire.com/file/bc5xkkjkz9k9bnb/T...+Stories+%5B1%5D.pdf
THE FIRST www.mediafire.com/file/94ajl2z5pkc3i3j/0...+of+Intelligence.mp3
THE SECOND www.mediafire.com/file/498238bvd8nt8j4/0...ondon%2C+England.mp3

Do workbook exercises on pages sixty and sixty three

New words: sightseeing [sait-syin]- žymių, lankytinų vietų apžiūra; to go sightseeing - lankyti žymias vietas; a Tourist Office [tue /r/ist ofis] - Turizmo informacijos biuras; a tour [tue] - turistinis apžvalginis turas; a map [me:p] - žemėlapis; to get on the bus [tiu get on de bas] - įlipti į autobusą; to get in the museum [ tiu get in de mju:zeun] - įeiti į muziejų; How much is it? - Kiek tai kainuoja? How much is it to get in? Kiek kainuoja patekti į vidų?

Open the iChecker, go to TESTS and do UNIT 10:

the pay day [pei dei] - algų diena; brilliant [briliant] - nuostabu, blizgančiai; far from here - toli nuo čia; to phone / phoned [foun / found] - paskambinti, paskambino; to do cooking - gaminti valgį; They didn't do any cooking - jie nieko negamino valgyti.; to make friends - susidraugauti, susirasti draugų; I made lots of friends - aš susiradau daug draugų.

I made one mistake in my dictation! :silly: 'We never talked about sightseeing' is the correct option [opšn] - pasirinkimas.

Watch video 10 at home again.
Imagine your dream holiday. Write on the Forum about your dream holiday
a dream [dri:m] - svajonė, sapnas;
a dream holiday - svajonių atostogos;
to imagine [ime:džin] - įsivaizduoti.

1. Who where you with in your dream ? :cheer:
2. Where did you go?
3. What did you do?
4. When did you go?

You can imagine anything you want! :woohoo:

Jurate's dream holiday
This story is only my dream, it isn't true! I imagined ([ime: džint] - įsivaizdavau, išsigalvojau) everything here! :silly:
On my dream holiday I was with the famous Latvian pop band Brainstorm. This band won ( [uon] - laimėjo, netaisyklingas to win -[uin] laimėti ) the third place at the Eurovision contest [jurou vižn kontest] (Eurovizijos konkurse) seventeen years ago. They are four men and they are very popular in Latvia. The band members had a big white limousine [lima zyn] and we drove in their limousine from Bauska to Ventspils. We stayed for a night in Bauska castle hotel. It was very luxurious and I didn't pay for anything. Brainstorm paid for the hotel. In the evening we went paragliding [paraglaiding] - pasklandyti su parasparniais) from Bauska bridge. At first I was afraid (išsigandusi) but at the end I loved paragliding!
Next day we went to Tarvete Nature Park (nature [neiča] - gamta). This park is a nice place to visit with the family. There is a town of gnomes ( [gnomz] nykštukų)for children , there is a castle and restaurants for adults. The band had a concert in the park, I don't know how much the tickets were because I got in for free, of course!
On the third day we arrived in Ventspils. I stayed in the musicians' villa in front of the sea. I went cycling in the seaside, I went swimming in the sea. Brainstorm boys arrived on the beach by boat and they took me to the sea for fishing...
I dreamed ( [dri:md] - susapnavau) about it a year ago when I slept on the beach in Ventspils last summer. I slept ( [slept] miegojau, to sleep [slyp] - miegoti) in the sun for an hour and I got a sunburn( [sanbio/r/n] nudegiau saulėje).

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
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prieš 7 m. 9 mėn. #6766 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY

DaliaK parašė: Jurate ,,gal gali dar karta paaiskint kaip sudaryti klausimus su sporto sakomis?

Esamajame laike reikia pridėti DO + asmuo + GO/PLAY + sporto šakos pavadinimas.
Praeities laike reikia pridėti DID + asmuo + GO/PLAY + sporto šakos pavadinimas.
to go swimming:
Do you go swimming? Ar einate paplaukioti? Ar užsiiminėjate plaukiojimu?
Did you go swimming? Ar ėjote paplaukioti?

to play tennis:
Do you play tennis? Ar žaidžiate tenisą?
Did you play tennis? Ar žaidėte tenisą?

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)

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prieš 7 m. 9 mėn. #6767 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
I'm sorry guys, I was late to check your homework 'My last holiday'. I checked it today and there was one common mistake (viena dažna klaida):
Last holiday I had in summer (Papildinys (ką? holiday) + veiksnys(kas? I ) + tarinys( ką veikiau? had) Wrong! :(
I had the / my last holiday in summer (Veiksnys (I)+ tarinys ( had) papildinys (my last holiday) It is correct :)

O šiaip "Last holiday" reiškia "Per praėjusias atostogas": "Last holiday I went to Spain" - Per praeitas atostogas nuvykau į Ispaniją.

Another common mistake was:
"I with my friends went to Palanga" ( veiksnys (I) + papildinys (su kuo? with my friends) + tarinys (went) Wrong! :dry:
I and my friends went to Palanga (veiksnys (kas? aš ir mano draugai) + tarinys ( ką veikėme? vykome) Correct :cheer:

In this video the man asks: I love hot weather, so, when I go on holiday I like to travel to hot countries. Last year I went to Greece which (kuri) was beautiful. How about you? What kind of holidays (kokio tipo atostogas) do you like?
And people answer: I like adventure holidays! ( adventure [edvenča] - nuotykių, avantiūros) ... I like relaxing holidays ( [rilaksin] - atpalaiduojančias, pasyvias) .... I like beach holidays (atostogas paplūdimyje) .... I like city breaks (a city break [siti breik] atostogos didmiestyje)

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)

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prieš 7 m. 9 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 9 mėn. #6779 nuo Gita
Gita replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
Gita's dream holiday
I went on holiday to the Thailand. I went with my daughters and my sister's family. We stayed in a luxurious hotel. We were in an apartment. Every day we did something different. The weather was fabulous and we went swimming and relaxing in the sun. We went walking on the sundy=sandy ([sendi]smėlėtas) beach and we admired by the nature. We heard a lots of birds sounds and saw beautiful plants. I rode on the elephant back. It's was an amazing entertainment. We met=visited the Buddhist monastery and several archaeological sities. We ate the Thai meals and drank a fresch fruit juice. I had a traditional Thai massage. It's very nice! I went to the Bangkok and I went sightseeing in this famous city. I viewed the beautiful buildings. We went sailing in one of hundreads of tropical islands. There we dived at sea. I didn't see any crocodiles, any tigers. Oh,wow! I saw the king cobra and I was afraid, but...The alarm-clock sounds. I opened one's=my eyes and I understood - it was a dream, my dream holiday.:)

Wow! Wonderful story! It was so nice to read! :cheer:
Don't use articles (nenaudokite artikelių):
with cities and one word countries (su miestais ir vieno žodžio šalimis) - Thailand, Bangkok
with things you can't count (su daiktais, kurių negalite suskaičiuoti) - traditional massage, juice (nors jie gali būti skaičiuojami, kai turima omeny porcija sulčių ar vienas seansas masažo...)
with plural form (su daugiskaita) - lots (daugybės), o vienaskaita - a lot (daugybė)
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prieš 7 m. 9 mėn. #6780 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
Your story is wonderful! There are new words! :cheer: I loved your story and I didn't want to correct your mistakes...
English articles are difficult for me too, I usually make a lot mistakes with articles. There are a lot of exceptions ([eksepšns] išimčių) .

Did you want to say 'smėlėtas paplūdimys'? smėlėtas - sandy [se:ndi], saulėtas - sunny [sani]
a site [sait] - lankytina vieta, archeologinių kasinėjimų vieta, o taip pat interneto svetainė
I visited the Buddhist monastery where I met the Buddhist monks :) Aš aplankiau budistų vienuolyną, kur pamačiau=kur susitikau su budistų vienuoliais.

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)

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prieš 7 m. 9 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 9 mėn. #6787 nuo Vilma
Vilma replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
On my dream holiday I was with my boysfriend.We had a good weekend had in Jurmala. We stayed in the Villa,that was in front of the sea.In the evening I was invited to dinner. In This Villa I met with the famous Latvian singer Laima Vaikule. I liked her choreographer,costumes and the songs.

I don't know how much the ticket was,because it was a friend's present for me.Next day we went swimming and I got a sunburn.We went walking on the sundy beach.I like beach holidays.

Great! :cheers:
Did you want to say 'the sunny' (saulėtas) or 'the sandy' (smėlėtas) beach?
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prieš 7 m. 9 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 9 mėn. #6798 nuo briediene
briediene replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
One of my biggest dreams is to visit a concert of Andrea Bocelli somewhere in a very special place.]
I know he performed in Las Vegas onse,next to lake Las Vegas.I would love to go there for a concert.
He usually has A guest singer and musicians performing .
That could be a good opportunite to meet many stars in one concert.
He had Celine Dion,Christina Aguilera and others sing with him.
I will seat in a first row so I can see and hear everything perfectLy.
I'm sure my dream will come true.

Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 9 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 7 m. 9 mėn. #6799 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
Your dream is wonderful and your homework is brilliant ! :woohoo:
I wish your dream comes true :)

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)

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prieš 7 m. 9 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 9 mėn. #6800 nuo Azyra
Azyra replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
Migle's dream holiday
On my dream holiday I was with the my boyfriend. We visited the Reunion Islands in the Indian Ocean. Everything to were=was amazing! I saw the mix of cultures. It=They were French, Indian, Chinese and African. I met the local culture people and ate local food. On Island we saw an active volcano and dormant volcanoes. There I could to see dolphins, whales and exotic fishes swimming around the coral reefs. My boyfriends arrived on the beach by boat and he took me to the sea for fishing.

That is fabulous! :)
Everything - viskas - vienaskaita, todėl: "everything was" - "viskas buvo"
to meet - pažinti, susitikti - anglų kalboje sakoma tik apie žmones, todėl: I met the local culture people and I ate (arba I tried [traid] - išbandžiau) local food.
I could see - aš galėjau matyti.., nors ir see - matyti bendratis, bet čia - be daleytės 'to'. Šią taisyklę mokysimės antradienį :)
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prieš 7 m. 9 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 9 mėn. #6804 nuo DaliaK
DaliaK replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
One of my biggest dreams is to travel to India.I wish I could practice meditation and find a perfect balance of mind.I hope I will make this dream come true and my daughter will be my company.

What a wonderful dream! :cheer:
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prieš 7 m. 9 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 9 mėn. #6805 nuo drugelis
drugelis replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
My biggest dreams is to visited a France.
I went with my family. This country is romantic.
We were in Paris. There we stayed in A hotel it was comfortable and inexpensive.
We visited the Eiffel Tower from which we saw all city. We visited Triumphal Arch, Conservatory museum, Place de la Bastille, Museum of Pablo Picaso.
When we visited the biggest museum Louvre, we saw many works of art, one of them-Mona Liza.
In the evening we visited Avenue des Champs Elysees, here was many people, many luxurious stores, various cuisine restourants ,art galleries.
But ... it's just a dream.
Maybe someday it will come true.

Wonderful ! :)
su aukščiausio laipsnio būdvardžiu visada eina 'the' (the biggest museum - didžiausias muziejus)
su šalių ir miestų pavadinimais artikelių nereikia (France), tačiau reikia su paminklų pavadinimais (The Eiffel Tower)
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prieš 7 m. 9 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 9 mėn. #6812 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
Thank you everyone for your comments! I wish all these dreams come true!

Here's the new lesson (pamoka) about CAN [ken] (galėti) and CAN'T [ka:nt , o amerikietiškai - ke: nt ] (negalėti).
Remember how to use CAN - CAN'T
***CAN ir CAN'T visiems asmenims vienodas.
***Klausimai su CAN ir CAN'T sudaromi sukeičiant vietomis veiksnį ir tarinį (nevartokite 'do' ar 'doesn't)

Do the exercises on workbook pages 64 to 67.
New words:
a request [ [rikest] - prašymas; an offer [ofe] - siūlymas; a chef [šef] - vyr. virėjas, kokas; several [several] - keli, kelios; software [soft ue:] - programinė įranga;
to play chess [plei čes] - žaisti šachmatais; to snowboard [snou boe(r)d] slidinėti snieglente;
a little bit [e litl bit] - truputį; quite well [kuait uel] - gana gerai, visai gerai; at all [e:t o:l] visiškai; loud [laud] - garsus; Turn down the music! [to/r/n daun] - nutildyk muziką! to carry [keri] - nešti; pleasure [pleža] malonumas;

a foot [fu:t] - kojos pėda;
to stand for - reikšti; ASIMO stands for Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility - ASIMO reiškia 'Pažangus žingsnis naujoviškoje mobilioje technnologijoje' ;
to recognize [rekog naiz ] - atpažinti; a face [feis] veidas; a hand [hend] - ranka iki alkūnės; to shake [šeik] - purtyti, drebėti ; to shake hands - paspausti rankas; to conduct [kandakt] - diriguoti; an orchestra [orkestra] orkestras; a concert hall [ho:l] - koncertų salė; a bow [bou] - nusilenkimas; to give a bow [giv e bou] - nusilenkti (to give [giv], gave [geiv] - duoti, davė) a performance [pe/r/fo:/r/mans] pasirodymas scenoje; fortunately [fo:čju netli] - laimei...

Write the answers to these questions on the Forum:
1. What can you do really well? Why do you think so? (Kodėl taip manote?)
2. What can't you do at all? Why do you think so?

Jurate's abilities [abiliti:z] (sugebėjimai)
I can't understand directions, I'm very bad at it. I can't read maps well too. I know it because I often get lost (pasimetu) in new places, in big cities. I have to ask local people to show me the way. About twenty years ago I got lost in Likėnai park. I saw a man and I asked him: "Excuse me, can you show me the way to the sanatorium? " The man said "Of course, the sanatorium is here, in front of you! Can't you see the building?" It's true! :lol:
I can translate quite well from other languages to Lithuanian. When I was at school, I got the first place at a national contest ( [kontest] konkursas) for young interpreters. Because of this I didn't have to do Lithuanian and French exams (laikyti liet. ir pranc. egzaminų) at school. It was the best prize ever [eva] (visų laikų) !

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
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prieš 7 m. 9 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 9 mėn. #6813 nuo Gita
Gita replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
I can do CPR really well, because it's my job. I can drive a car really well, but I can't fix a car. I can read maps quite well. About five years ago I went to Oslo in Norway. My friends gave me maps of the capital city and I visited to the old town.
I can't sing. I think, I don't have any melodious audition. = I don't have a good ear (arba) tonal memory

'to visit' - be 'to' (Do you often visit the market? I visited Palanga last summer.)
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prieš 7 m. 9 mėn. #6815 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
In English people say that they have "musical memory" " tone memory" or they have "a good ear". At Pasvalys music school there was a very nice piano teacher called Nijolė Klimavičienė. She said to me that there isn't a person without musical memory. Of course, some people are very talented from their birth, but others can be very good at music with some practice. ;)

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)

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prieš 7 m. 9 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 9 mėn. #6825 nuo elegna
elegna replied the topic: 2017 TUESDAY
My husband can drive a car really well,but I can=can't driwe (=v) quite well.I was with my family to family friends.My friend can cook delicions (=u) food good and they=their son can play chess, but I can't play chess.

I can't play chess too. I want to learn it someday. :)
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