- Žinutės: 392
- Reputacija: 8
- Gauta padėkų: 184
Happy holidays to you too! And to all your family and relatives
pas seserį - at the sister's, to the sister's
My Christmas is going to be at my sister's in the countryside. Every year during _ Christmas we went to my sister's....
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Jurate's plans for Christmas
This year Christmas holiday is going to take four days - from Saturday to Tuesday. I think it isn't going to snow at Christmas, but it is going to be without rain, it is going to stay dry and clear, without clouds.
Soon my mother is going to decorate big spruce branches on our balcony. She is going to bring the branches from the town square. It is a tradition in our town to give away (padalinti dykai) spruce branches to local people before Christmas. I think this year the give-away is going to happen on the 20th of December.
I'm not going to attend the Christmas service. I 'm not going to make lots of dishes at home. But I am going to fast on the day before Christmas .I'm not going to eat meat nor milk products on Christmas Eve. On Christmas day I am going to eat my daily meals. It is going to be simple food which doesn't take a lot of time to make.
I am going to have a very quiet and lazy time at home. I am going to put my mobile phone in my cupboard and I am going to forget about the alarm clock for all these days. I am going to watch lots of British TV. I am going to cycle to my garden outside the town and I am going to take a walk to the riverside nearby.
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to my husband's mother's - pas vyro mamą; "Eglė Is The Queen Of Snakes"
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veiksnys + tarinys: ....my aunt comes..... All my relatives are going to meet there....
visada, kasmet, kasdien - paprastas esamasis laikas: yearly I decorate my rooms...
often, sometimes, usually galima terpti tarp veiksnio+tarinio, tačiau jei tarinys yra 'to be' - tik po tarinio : the Christmas tree is always a green spruce.
My Christmas Eve is going to be in my house with my parents and grandfather, sometimes my aunt comes. During Christmas Day and the second day of Christmas I and the parents are going to go to my mom‘s mother's and my godfather's. There all my relatives are going to meet. Yearly I decorate my rooms and the Christmas tree. The Christmas tree is always a green spruce. I and mom every time make twelve dishes for Christmas Eve diner.
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a reindeer [reindie]- kalėdinis elnias; under the Christmas tree - po eglute; grandchildren - anūkai
a reindeer:
On the Christmas Eve I’m going to visit my daughter's family in Vilnius. My grandchildren already decorated(jau papuošė?) the Christmas tree. We’re going to sit down at the table and we are going to distribute the blessed Christmas bread, which(kurią) I’m going to get in the church. Then we’re going to eat evening meals. My grandchildren put_ biscuits and milk to reindeers under Christmas tree and wait_ presents from Santa Claus. On Christmas Day we find presents under Christmas tree and we are joyful_. On Boxing Day I’m also going to be(planuoju būti) in Vilnius.
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Unit 10 - Revise and check:
There is an interesting short film about the sandwitch
Some words from the film about the sandwitch:
a light meal - lengvas maistas, užkandis; (a snack - taip pat užkandis)
an item [aitem] - vienetas;
aproximately [aproksimeitli] - vidutiniškai
filling - sotus (maistas) Sandwitches are filling . - Sumuštiniai yra sotus maistas.
tasty [teisti] - gardus, skanus = delicious
BLT [bi: el ti:] = Bacon Lettuce and Tomato [beikan letis end tomatou] - Sumuštinis su kumpiu, salotos lapais ir pomidorais;
humus [hju:mas] falafel [felafel]- sumuštinių rūšys su avinžirnių užtepu
When you do the dictation, write numbers as words (rašykite skaičius žodžiais):
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Išimtys: fast (greitai) well (gerai) hard (sunkiai); late (vėlai) long (ilgai)
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