- Žinutės: 94
- Reputacija: 4
- Gauta padėkų: 62
... to the USA. Daniel was left without a worker :
to leave - išvykti, palikti (kitus) ;
to be left - būti paliktam.
Valstybės paprastai be artikelių, bet tos, kurių pavadinimuose yra 'Jungtinis' ar 'Sąjunga' ... - turi 'the'
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Jei vienaskaita eina iškart - reikia sakyti there is
Jei daugiskaita eina pirma - reikia sakyti there are
protingų problemų nebūna
the weather - yra oro sąlygos
the air - yra oras, kuriuo kvėpuojame
1. I think living in the country is better than in a city because there is quieter, more beautiful nature. The air in the country is better and cleaner than in a city.
2. I think beautiful people are happier than clever people because they have less clever people's problems. Beautiful people like more comfortable life.
3. I think living in Lithuania is better than in rich Western countries because there is better food, cleaner air, more beautiful nature.
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...who is having dinner...
...better [bete] - geriau, geresnis; batter [ba:te]- skysta tešla
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nature - be 'a' nes neskaičiuotinis, bendrinė sąvoka:
1.I think living in the country is better than a city because the nature is more beautiful in the country.
hard - kietas, o sunkus - tik kalbant apie darbą, veiklq. Sunkus kalbant apie svorį - heavy:
4. I think eating big breakfast is unhealthier than having big dinner because the body becomes heavier / lazier and it is harder to work.Today,doctors advise to keep your stomach empty in the morning.
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I think living in a Western European country is better than in Lithuania, because Western people are freer: they think and behave more freely, they have more confidence in theirselves and they enjoy the life more. They go out more than Lithuanians. The night life in Western cities is much more interesting, much more vibrant. There are more clubs and pubs for all the ages.
A Western country is better for those people who want to start their own business. Small business people are always more successful in the West. They make more money, they have less problems with the government regulations. Their businesses often grow bigger. They like to pass their businesses to their children. In Lithuania small business people are more unhappy with their laws. Lithuanian business owners are ruder to their workers and less fair to their costumers .
Western people more enjoy meeting for various activities. Various night classes like art, sport, cooking or studying are more popular with Western people than with Lithuanians. . In Lithuania there are less night classes and few volunteers. Lithunians prefer to spend their time at home with their families. They trust less their neighbours and their communities. Streets, cafes and pubs go very quiet in Lithuania in the evening.
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... fruit trees and other green stuff...
... water for free.... (unpaid - neapmokėtas)
a private place
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1. I think living in the country is better than in a city because there is fresh and not polluted air, you can have pets, and there is not so much noise.
2. I think beautiful people are unhappier than clever people because in the life there are a few troubles which just smart people can get through.
Just happiness can not take through troubles if there isn't a clever mind. (a mind - sąmonė apskritai, reikia patikslinti ar kvaila, ar protinga)
3. I think living in Lithuania is better than in rich Western countries because I love my country, there are my friends, family.
4. I think eating big breakfast is healthier than having big dinner because breakfast gives the start for our day.
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My piece of advice to a foreigner:
Don't go to the pubs in Birzai street because they sell the cheapest and the worst quality beer. Pasvalys pubs are for the poorest people who only want to get drunk. These places are the noisiest and the most untidy to eat at. There aren't any nice meals, only some snacks to go with beer. These places have bad reputation among the locals. Everyone goes to eat to the town centre where there are a few cafes and a restaurant.
If you want to taste our local beer go and buy a bottle or a bigger container at the brewery near Pasvalys hospital. The brewery is called Alsteka and I think it makes the best beer in the town.
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