Friday 17/18

prieš 6 m. 9 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 9 mėn. #8026 nuo Little Angel
Little Angel replied the topic: Friday 17/18
On Wednesdays I’m going to yoga (Art of Living) and about 2,5 hours we are doing the exercises, breathes, after rests. Every day I’m walking to work and at home.
I like eat__ at home usual__. My food is easy: soups, vegetables, eggs, sometimes - fish. I don’t like meat.

Kasdieniams veiksmams nusakyti reikia paprasto esamojo. Atsipalaidavimo pratimai: cool-down [kul daun]; Lengvas maistas - light [lait] meal ar food

On Wednesdays I go to yoga (Art of Living) and about 2,5 hours we do the exercises, breathing(kvėpavimą) , cool-down. Every day I walk to work and to home.
I like eating at home usually. My food is light: soups, vegetables, eggs, sometimes - fish. I don’t like meat.

Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 9 mėn. nuo Jurate.

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prieš 6 m. 9 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 9 mėn. #8032 nuo Poppi
Poppi replied the topic: Friday 17/18
On Monday and Wednesdays I’m going to national dances. Every day I’m walking to work and at home. I walked with nordic walking 2 times a month.
I like eat at home usual. My food is soups, meat, fish. I like vegetables and fruits.

vaikščioti su lazdomis - to do nordic walking; šiaurietiškos lazdos - nordic poles :)

On Monday and Wednesdays I go to national dances. Every day I walk to work and to home. I do nordic walking 2 times a month.
I like eating at home usually. My food is soups, meat, fish. I like vegetables and fruits.

Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 9 mėn. nuo Jurate.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Jurate

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prieš 6 m. 9 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 9 mėn. #8034 nuo Janina
Janina replied the topic: Friday 17/18
2. Before I start exercise I need to warm up my muscles. I slowly and deeply do stretching exercises.
When I do exercise I breathe slowly and deeply. It helps brain and muscles get all the oxygen that they need.
After exercise, it's good to cool down muscles. I run slowly or walk a few minutes. And I think, it's important to drink after exercise.

Complete the sentences.
1. When you warm up your muscles, they move more easily.
2. Stretching exercises help you to move your arms and legs easily.
3. Remember to breathe well when you do exercise.
4. After exercise you should cool down your muscles, so that they don't get sore.
5. Use the right equipment to protect your head and body.
6. Always use lights when you cycle in the dark.

Brilliant :kiss:
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 9 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 6 m. 9 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 9 mėn. #8049 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Friday 17/18
Happy Easter, people!
This Easter the weather hasn't been nice - it has been rainy, cold and windy since the morning.
But I hope you are all warm and cosy at home and you want to learn English :)

We will meet on the sixth of April.

We have our new textbook. How to use it?
Open the folder "iTutor - Ready To Use" and click "Start"

Go to
iTutor File 1 - 1A

Do the sections marked in green.
Padarykite skyrelius pažymėtus žaliai. Kitus pabaigsime vėliau.

Every task has an audio with a script.
Kiekviena užduotis turi audio įrašą (spauskite trikampį - groti).
Kiekvienas audio turi tekstą (spauskite show script - rodyti tekstą ar hide script - slėpti tekstą)

Išbandykite save :) Try yourself. Pirmoje Grammar (me, you, him, her, us, them... man, tau/jums, jam, jai, mums, jiems/joms...)užduotyje pabandykite suprasti ir pakartoti, ką sako, o tada paspauskite 'Show script' ir pasitikrinkite.

Pronounciation (tarimo) užduotyje pakartokite pačius populiariausius angliškus vardus, o tada patikrinkite rašybą (show script)

Reading (skaitymo) užduotyje yra atskirai surašyti nauji žodžiai.

Dar keli žodžiai iš teksto:
to hurt [ho/r/t] - skaudėti, skaudinti, žeisti
common - paplitęs, dažnas, įprastas
it seems - atrodo; It seems to me (to you, to her...) - Man (tau, jai...) atrodo...
It may seem - gali atrodyti
to attract - traukti, attractive - patrauklus
an applicant - kandidatas į postą
a bottom - dugnas, apačia, sėdynė (užpakalis)
a top - viršus, viršūnė, topas
according - anot, pagal
a mark - žymė, pažymis
a grade - pažymis, įvertinimas
to affect - (pa)veikti (poveikis - an effect)
an attitude - požiūris, laikysena

Listening (klausimo) užduotyje paklausykite pokalbio su keturiais žmonėmis ir atsakykite tuos pačius klausimus Forume:
1. What's your name? Write your middle (vidurinį, antrą) name if you have it. Do you have a christian (krikšto) name? Spell your first name.
2. Why did your parents call you that?
3. Do you have a nickname? (a nikcname - pravardė) Do people shorten your name? How do they call you for short?
4. Would you like to change your name?

My name's Jurate. Differently from the common Lithuanian name Jūratė, my name is written Juratė. It has a small mistake in it. It is spelled džei - ju - a - ei - ti - i.
I don't have a middle name. But I have a Christian name. It is Bridget [bridžit] after a saint woman. My mother wanted to give me this name as my birth name because she liked it. But when she came to the registry office to register me, the officer recommended her to choose another, not a religious name. My mother went for Jurate after a mermaid from a Lithuanian tale. The officer wrote this name in my birth certificate, but with a small mistake: Juratė. Now I have the name Juratė with the mistake.
I have had two nicknames. At school children sometimes called me "the bear" because I was a little overweight. Now sometimes people call me "Woodpecker" (geniux) as a joke. I like my name and I will never change it but , if I had to, I would change (pakeisčiau) it to Jura. It means "the sea" in Lithuanian.

From the Workbook, read the text about famous people's names and answer True or False:

If you have free time I suggest (siūlau) you to read short descriptions about Shakespeare (the English writer) and Louis XIV (the French king who had the nickname The Sun):

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 9 mėn. nuo Jurate.

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prieš 6 m. 9 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 9 mėn. #8059 nuo Little Angel
Little Angel replied the topic: Friday 17/18
My name is Angele. It is spelled ei – en – dzi – i – el -i. I don’t have a middle name, but I have a Christian name. It’s  Zita. It’s spelled zed-ai-ti-ei.
My aunt’s name is Angele to_(=too). She’s my mother’s sister. I think my parents like this name and they give it me.
 I don’t have _ nic_name.(=a nickname)
I don’t like _ change my name, it’s _ nice name. (=I wouldn't like to change my name. It's a nice name.)

Koks skirtumas tarp I wouldn't like ir I don't like?
I wouldn't like - Nenorėčiau (kalbate apie galimybę)
I don't like - Man nepatinka (kalbate apie įvykusi faktą)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 9 mėn. nuo Jurate.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Jurate

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prieš 6 m. 9 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 9 mėn. #8061 nuo Janina
Janina replied the topic: Friday 17/18
My name is Janina. It spelled džei-ei-en-ai-en-ei. My first name is my a Christian name too. I don't have a middle name. My parents wanted to give me my mother's name because I was the second daughter in my family. It was believed that then the third child will be a boy. Some people call me Jane for short, but I've always introduced myself as Janina. Still people call me some pretty little names like Janinute. I will never change it. I like Saint John's Day. It's my name day. I celebrate it.

What a brilliant comment! Perfect! Wonderful! Super! :woohoo: :kiss:

You are namesake with our Alma :cheer: (namesake [neimseik] bendravardė)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 9 mėn. nuo Jurate.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Jurate

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prieš 6 m. 9 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 9 mėn. #8062 nuo Alma
Alma replied the topic: Friday 17/18
My name is Alma. It spelled ei-el-em-ei. I have a Christian name. It is Janina. It is spelled džei-ei-en-ai-en-ei. I don't have _ nic_name. I like Saint John's Day. It is my Christian name day. But I don't celebrate it. (=... a nickname)

Wow! You are namesake (bendravardė) with our Janina :woohoo:
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 9 mėn. nuo Jurate.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Jurate

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prieš 6 m. 9 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 9 mėn. #8063 nuo Violeta
Violeta replied the topic: Friday 17/18
My name‘s Violeta. It is spelled vi-ai-eu-el-i-ti-ei. My Christian name is Ona. The first my mather wanted to give me Roma name, because she liked it. But later she changed her mind, and called me Violeta. Some people shorten my name „Vile“. But I don‘t like to shorten the names of people.
I think not _ name _ adorns a person, but a person is a name. Therefore, what name a person has, that's what suits him. At school I had a few nicknames. But I don't remember it. ;)

I totally agree with your point of view! I love your comment :kiss:
Pirmiausia, iš pradžių: At first arba tik First

It is not a name that adorns a person, but a person a name.
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 9 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 6 m. 9 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 9 mėn. #8064 nuo Palmira
Palmira replied the topic: Friday 17/18
My name's Palmira.It's spelled pi-ei-el-em-ai-a-ei.I don't have a middle name and a christian name.My mother wanted to give me this name because she liked it.I don't have a nickname.Some people call me Palma for short.I don't want to change my name,I like it.

There are no mistakes :woohoo:
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 9 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 6 m. 9 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 9 mėn. #8065 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Friday 17/18
I'm sorry we didn't check our homework last Friday. We will check workbook pages from 4 to 6 next Friday, the 13th of April (Friday the 13th! :ohmy: )

Remember pronouns - prisiminkite įvardžius

man (me) jam (him) jai (her) tam daiktui (it) mums (us) tau ir jums (you) jiems ir joms - daiktams ir žmonėms (them)

Anglų kalboje yra tiesioginiai papildiniai ir netiesioginiai (kurie eina su 'for' arba 'to' ). Pirma sakinyje eina tiesioginis papildinys, paskui - netiesioginis.
Aš daviau Marytei fotoaparatą:
I gave the camera to Mary (the camera - tiesioginis; to Mary - netiesioginis)

Tačiau anglai mėgsta praleisti dalelytes to ar for. Tokiu atveju pirmiau eina netiesioginis papildinys, o paskui - tiesioginis:
I gave Mary the camera.

Ta pati taisyklė tinka, kai pakeičiame papildinius savybiniais įvardžiais:
I gave the camera to her
I gave her the camera (nebėra to - eina pirma netiesioginis papildinys)
I gave it to her (su dalelyte 'to' - eina paskui. Jeigu abu papildiniai pakeičiami įvardžiais, dalelytės 'to' ar 'for' nepraleiskite.)

Daugiau pavyzdžių paklausykite ir pakartokite interaktyviame iTutor 7c - Pronouns:
Give the book to me - Give me the book - Give it to me.
Give the shoes to her - Give her the shoes - Give them to her...

Taip pat paklausykite įrašo apie brands [bre:ndz] - firmų pavadinimus
Listen about the history of the brands IKEA , Nike, Samsung, Sony ir Google
an angle - kampas; uncommon - neįprastas, siauro rato; knowledge [nouledž] - žinios; creative [kri eitiv] - kūrybiškas; a creator [kri eite] - sukūrėjas; a founder [faunde] - įkūrėjas; origins [oridžinz]- ištakos, kilmė; original [oridžinal] - pradinis, originalus; slang [sleng] - gatvės, gaujos žodynas; a meaning [myning] -reikšmė; to mean = to stand for - reikšti; to start = to set up [set ap] -pradėti, įkurti; start

Do the exercises from the workbook. Use the iChecker.

Don't worry if you don't understand something. We will check all exrecises in class!
to seek [si: k] - siekti; a birth certificate [biorth sertifikeit] - gimimo liudijimas; a maiden name [meiden] - mergautinė pavardė; to go about - susitvarkyti, apsieiti; to feel sorry - gailėtis; for fun - dėl smagumo; a solicitor [solisite] - notaras (šeimos teisininkas D. Britanijoje); to stand out - išsiskirti iš kitų tarpo.

Žodžiai iš klausymo pratimo (iChecker)
... failure [feilije] - nesėkmė; a catterpillar [ kete/r/pila] - vikšras; to give a tip, - duoti patarimą; to give advise - duoti patarimų, patarti; to be able [eibl] - sugebėti, galėti; a syllable [silabl] - skiemuo; to seem [si:m] - atrodyti;
it seems about right - atrodo visai tinkama;
Do you see what I mean? Ar supranti, ką noriu pasakyti?
What do you mean? Ką tu nori pasakyti? Ką tai reiškia?
That makes sense - Yra logikos, yra prasmės
Take your time - neskubėkite
a magical formula [medžikal formjula] - magiška formulė
to brainstorm [breinsto/r/m] - sugalvoti ir apsvarstyti idėjas (šiuolaikinis žodis iš brain - smegenys ir storm - audra. Labai populiarus biznyje. We need to brainstorm it - mums reikia apsvarstyti ir sugalvoti kažką naujo)
a brainstorming session [breinsto/r/ming] - įvairių idėjų kūrimas ir aptarimas susirinkime.
to write down - užrašyti ant popieriaus
This is the point -tai yra svarbiausia
mind [maind]- mąstymas, sąmonė, atmintis, galvojimas
to invent - sukurti, sugalvoti, išrasti
to pull up and down - stiebtis, tempti aukštyn ir žemyn
a vehicle [vehikl] - mašina
an inspiration [inspireišn] - įkvėpimas
by chance - iš netyčių, atsitiktinai

What to write on the Forum?
Write the answers for the listening exercise 4.
You can write all the answers or just a few, but write the whole [houl] sentences (pilnus sakinius).

Twitter is the brand name of a popular social website that Donald Trump likes to use. Twitter means "čiulbuonėlis" in English and the website has the logo of a blue bird. This is because people can write only short messages on Twitter (up to 280 characters - iki 280 simbolių). It is short like a tweet (čiulbėjimas) of a bird. Twitter headquarters are in the USA. The service started in 2006. The company's founders were New York students. They chose the name at a brainstorming session which took all day long. I think in Lithuania people don't use Twitter much.

Look, this is a bird in love:

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 9 mėn. nuo Jurate.

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prieš 6 m. 8 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 8 mėn. #8076 nuo Janina
Janina replied the topic: Friday 17/18
It's about the company „Nike". This name is quite short. And its customers can easily remember the name.
The company was founded on the 25th of January in 1964. Its name is like the name of the Victory Goddess Nick=Nike. The company is headquartered near Beaverton, in the USA. The main founder is the runner of Oregon University Phil Knight. His trainer helped set up this company. There are producing athletic footwear, apparel athletic, accessories and sports equipment. „Nike" has _ logo which looks like a checkmark. With Nike's apparel you may look stylish and originall_ dressed.

There are producing athletic footwear, apparel athletic = They produce ... athletic qpparel...
„Nike" has _ logo= a logo
originall = originally
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 8 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 6 m. 8 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 8 mėn. #8077 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Friday 17/18
We are going to meet on the twentieth of April

Please learn new words to describe people's personalities:
to act (veikti) - active ( aktyvus) - unactive [anaktiv] (neaktyvus)
aggression [agrešn] (agresija) - aggressive(agresyvus) - unaggressive [anagresiv] (neagresyvus)
to attract (traukti) - attractive (patrauklus) - unattractive (ne...)
to assert (patarnauti) - assertive (paslaugus) -- unassertive (ne...)
a boss (bosas) - bossy (valdingas) - unbossy (ne...)
cheer (smagumas) - cheerful (smagus) - cheerless (nesmagus, nusiminęs)
a child - childish [čaildish](vaikiškas) - unchildish (nevaikiškas) - childless [čaildles] (bevaikis)
comfort (patogumas, paguoda) - comfortable [komftabl] (patogus) -uncomfortable (nepatogus), comfortless (nepatogus, neteikiantis paguodos)
to create (kurti) - creative (kūrybingas) - uncreative (ne...)
to envy [envi] ( pavydėti) - envious [envijes] (pavydus) - un... (ne....)
glamour [gleme] (charizma) - glamarous (žavus, charizmatiškas) - un... (ne....)
help (pagalba) - helpful (naudingas, padedantis) - unhelpful (nenaudingas) - helpless ( bejėgis )
an impulse (impulsas, paskata) - impulsive (impulsyvus)
luck [lak] (sėkmė) - lucky (tas, kuris visada sėkmingai išsisuka) -unlucky, luckiless (kuriam niekas nesiseka)
mood (nuotaika) - moody (permainingos nuotaikos)
to possess (turėti nuosavybėje) - possessive (savininkiškas) - un... (ne....)
power (galia) - powerful (galingas), powerless (bejėgis)
to rebel (maištauti) - rebelious (maištingas) - un... (ne....)
to rely (remtis, pasitikėti) - reliable (patikimas) - ir reliable [irelajabl] (nepatikimas)
to respond (atsakyti) - responsible (atsakingas) - ir responsible [iresponsibl] (neatsakingas)
to rest (ilsėtis) - restful (raminantis, ramus) - restless (neramus, nenustygstantis vienoje vietoje)
self (pats) - selfish (egoistas) - unselfish, selfless (ne...)
sense (pojūtis) - sensitive (jautrus) - un... (ne....)
sensibility [sensibiliti] (protingumas) - sensible (sveiko proto, protingas) - un... (ne....)
to socialize [soušalaiz] (bendrauti) - sociable [soušabl] (bendraujantis) - un.... (ne...)
style [stail] (stilius) - stylish (stilingas) - styleless [stail les], unstylish (ne...)
to suit [siu:t] (tikti) - suitable [siutabl] (tinkamas) - unsuitable [ansiutabl] (ne...)

Go to page 153 in your Student book and try to fill in the chart with these words from your memory! ;)
Nueikite į 153 p. Studento knygoje ir pabandykite tuos žodžius sudėlioti į lentelę iš atminties

Listen to these words on iTutor. Repeat:

Do these two exercises from the workbook page 8:

Read questions on page 9 in the student book and write down the answers in your notebook. ...užrašykite atsakymus į sąsiuvinį We will discuss them on Friday :)

1 The most glamourous person I know is our library's office administrator because she's very beautiful, stylish and sensible.
2 I don't think I'm possessive about things. I would let (leisčiau) a reliable person to use my computer or my phone. But I'm very possessive about my personal space. I couldn't (negalėčiau) share my room with someone else. I need to be alone there to relax.
3 I wasn't a rebellious child. My family says that I was quiet and dreamy. But when I was a teenager, about 13 or 14, I became very moody and bossy and I argued a lot with my Mom.
4 My most comfortable clothes are trousers or jeans! I wear them everyday and everywhere.
5 I'm not creative because I don't do craft work or art (neužsiimu rankdarbiais ar menu): I don't knit and don't make embroideries, I don't make paintings. I don't write poetry or stories. I'm good at dreaming.
6 I was in a luxurious hotel once. It was in Spain seven years ago. I stayed there for three nights. I didn't pay, it was a business trip for my library. The hotel was stylish, designed as a previous (ankstesnio) century house. My room had a big double bed, rugs on the floor and a massive bath with a silver tap. However, the view out my window was boring - there was just the wall of the opposite ugly building.
7. I felt envious of my childhood friends because a lot of them had brothers or sisters and I had none.
8. I loved the Evolution Museum in Burgos, in Spain. It is an amazing museum to visit. The oldest human species in Europe were found near Burgos. That's why they built this museum there. It has a collection of ancient bones and skeletons of humans and it explains the history of our species [spišiz] (rūšies). I recommend this museum to everyone:
9 I like tomato sauce. Did you know that it has lots of sugar in it? I have heard this on TV. When they make sauce in the factory, they put sugar to increase its amount. I have stopped buying sauce for half a year now , but I miss its taste.
10 I think it would be nice to bring a bottle of good wine for hosts. Or something for dessert like cheese or exotic fruit.

What to write on the Forum?
Describe your personality!
Do the colour personality test on page 9 in the student book:
choose one or two colours you like the most and two colours you dislike the most

Read the answers about you on page 105:

Write what characteristics (apibūdinimus) you got. Are they true or wrong for you?

I have picked the grey colour as my favourite and the purple one as my least favourite.
According (pagal) to the test I'm not sociable and not competitive or ambitious. I prefer to stay unactive. The test also says that I'm a mature and responsible person because I didn't like purple.
I think the answers are quite accurate [a:kjurat] (atitinkantis realybę) because I am really passive and unsociable at the moment. But I definitely [definitli] (tikrai, garantuotai) try to do all my work on time, I try to keep my promises so, I think , I' m a reliable person.

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 8 mėn. nuo Jurate.

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prieš 6 m. 8 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 8 mėn. #8082 nuo Janina
Janina replied the topic: Friday 17/18
I have picked the yellow and the red colours. According to the test I'm hard-working and ambitious. I'm optimistic about the future, energetic and assertive. I think the answers aren't accurate but I definitely am optimistic about the future.

There aren't any mistakes! :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 8 mėn. nuo Jurate.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Jurate

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prieš 6 m. 8 mėn. #8084 nuo Little Angel
Little Angel replied the topic: Friday 17/18
I have picked yellow colour as my favourite and the red as my least favourite. According to the test I’m hard-working and ambitious and I’m optimist about the future, but I’m not assertive, impulsive.

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prieš 6 m. 8 mėn. #8085 nuo vaixinas
vaixinas replied the topic: Friday 17/18
I have picked the blue one color.My favorite colors is blue and green.According to the text I am very loyal and sensitive,reliable and my feelings can be hurt.I think it is true.Also is true that sometimes i feel unsatisfied with my life and I want to make changes.
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prieš 6 m. 8 mėn. #8086 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Friday 17/18
Sorry, people! I have mixed up the textbooks! We have to learn from Intermediate not from Intermediate Plus! Atsiprašau, aš sumaišiau vadovėlius. Mes turime mokytis iš lygio "Vidurinis' , o ne iš 'Vidurinis-Plius'

Those who didn't come on the 20th of April - I will give you the new textbook when you come.
Those who have the disk - please install the textbook on your computer:
iTools Intermediate---> setup - Windows----> o toliau su viskuo sutikite: YES, I accept, NEXT....
Instaliuosis apie pusvalandį, o gale ant jūsų kompiuterio darbalaukio atsiras ikonėlė:

Paspauskite ikonėlę dukart (Click Twice!)

Palaukite kantriai apie minutę (Skip the screen - praleisti langą)
Kai vadovėlis atsidarys, eikite į
Student Book ---> File 1 ---> page 4-5:

If you have free time, write on the Forum!
Answer the questions from Food & Drink about you!

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prieš 6 m. 8 mėn. #8091 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Friday 17/18
Dear students,
Unfortunately, we can't meet this Friday (the 27th of April) :(
I am sent unexpectedly to Bauska and I will stay there all day.
I will miss our English class.
See you on other Fridays during May!

Don't forget to do your homework: answer the questions about food and drink for yourself ;)

Is there any food or drink that you couldn't live without? How often do you drink/eat it?
I couldn't live without hot homemade meal: porridge or potatoes with a nice piece of meat or fish and fresh salad. I have this for lunch or for dinner, twice a day.

Do you ever have ready-made or takeaway food? What kind? I hardly ever eat ready-made or takeaway food. It only happens when I am away and can't cook myself. I usually go to the seaside in August for a few days. That's the only time when I buy takeaways from Maxima. It is usually fried chicken with pickled (marinuota) cabbage salad or beetroot salad.

What's your favourite fruit or vegetable?
My favourite fruit is strawberries. It is a pity they don't grow long in Lithuania! I have them from my garden or from a local farmer. I never buy the imported ones.
I don't like mangos. Maybe because I tried only those from Maxima. They were disgusting: dry and tasteless.

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)

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prieš 6 m. 8 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 8 mėn. #8092 nuo Simona
Simona replied the topic: Friday 17/18
Vilma's homework

I don't live without a cup of coffee, I drink it about 4 cups a day.
I have ready-made food once a week. On Friday evening I eat one piece of piza.
I like apples or bananas. I don't know what my favourite vegetables are.

Arvydas' homework

I could't live without water. I drink it about 2 liters a day. And I couldn't live without coffee. I drink it about 2 cups a day.
I have ready-made food once a week. On Friday evening I eat one piece of piza.
I like mandarins==tangerines (I hear people call this fruit like this), grapes, onions and cabbage.
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 8 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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