- Žinutės: 71
- Reputacija: 5
- Gauta padėkų: 58
vegetable soup, vegetable salad - nes daiktavardiški apibūdinimai yra vienaskaita;
grits - kukurūzų košė. Be žodžio porridge. It was new for me too
... I usually eat different soups, vegetables or grits, it depends. ...
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Today for breakfast I had a cup of _ green tea and two apples.
Usually for my lunch I have _ home made food, but today at lunch time I was near a cantine/ a cafeteria (valgykla). I was in a hurry, so I went there. I bought two dishes for my lunch, it was _ pea soup and _ potato pancakes with sauce. It was delicious.
For lunch I had _ vegetable salad with _ black bread and a glass of milk with cookies.
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I want to share the recipe of pumpkin semolina porridge with you. I made it twice last week
To make pumpkin and semolina porridge you will need:
1. to buy a packet of semolina (manų). You can use grits (kukurūzų kruopas) instead of semolina. It is good too!
2. to get a big slice of pumpkin. You can buy it in a local shop or the market if you don't grow it yourself...
3. a little bit of salt.
4. A medium size cup of milk.
Take a pot and put it on the stove.
Pour about half of a cup of water with a little bit of salt in the pot.
Put in grated pumpkin and boil it for a minute. Then let it cool down (leiskite atvėsti).
Turn on the fire and slowly mix 3 to 5 spoonfuls of semolina in the water. I usually start cooking porridge in cold water because the porridge cooks better this way.
When the pot starts to boil, cover the pot and cook the porridge for about two or three minutes on a slow fire - very slow fire. Don't forget to check the porridge and stir it well.([stio] pamaišykite gerai)
When the porridge starts getting thick ([th ik] tiršta), pour the milk, and stir everything again.
Continue to cook and to stir on a very slow fire for several minutes.
I sometimes leave the pot on the stove when I turn off the fire. I cover the pot with a towel and wait for a bit.
I eat this porridge with a little butter and pieces of fruit. Bananas or persimmons taste very good with this porridge for me.
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You have to mix up one egg, some water..... I can flip my pancakes in the air....
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Your recipe isn't good - it doesn't have any mushrooms!
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Thank you! I like your recipe
To prepare: you need to cut napa cabbage, tomatoes, and the cucumber in small pieces. Put everything in a bowl, add some mayonnaise, a little bit of salt and _mix everything...
Beijing cabbage = napa cabbage
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Is Flush the specific name for this dish? My dictionary says that flush is 'srautas', 'paraudimas, 'nuleidziamas vanduo'. In English anything you put on bread is called topping or spread (užtepas).
Do you need one avocado or a piece of avocado?
To make this bread topping you will need one? avocado, sauerkraut, garlic, ground black pepper. You need to grind all ingredients with the mortar and pestle ? , put on some bread, on some French bread...
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Then bake it ARBA Then roast it = tada kepkite tai... (nes orkaitėje gaminti vartojama 'to bake' arba 'to roast')
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to crush - sutraiškyti, suskaldyti; to mash - sutrinti
to do - daryti, užsiimti veikla (nieko nesukuriant); to make - pagaminti, padaryti gaminį
You need 1 kilogram of potatoes,to cook and to mash (sutrinti) them.To put 100grams of flour and 100grams of semolina,some salt,do not need an egg.To mix everything.Then you have to make pancakes and put the curd inside. Bake and eat with sour cream. Enjoy your meal!
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stew - troškinys; a stew - viena (porcija) troškinio;
to turn on (įjungti) the stove or the fire (not the pan)
Wait a little bit - palaukite truputį, after waiting a little bit - palaukus truputį...
Stew with chicken
You will need: three carrots, two onions, one red or yellow chilli, a chicken breast, some oil, some black pepper and two or three tomatoes.
You have to cut the carrots and onions and red or yelow chilli. Then turn on the fire, put the pan on and pour some oil. Then you can put all vegetables and fry it. Wait a little bit and then you can put the chopped chicken breast with tomatoes and black pepper. Stir everything and fry. You can eat this dish with rice.
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