Friday 17/18

prieš 6 m. 10 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 10 mėn. #7959 nuo Janina
Janina replied the topic: Friday 17/18
A. Answer these questions in a few words:
1. What do Stephanie, Max, Carlo and Ruth look like?
Stephanie is very pretty. She is intelligent and serious. She looks beautiful. She has __ lovely healthy body. She looks very slim. Her hair shine_ like glass. Her eyes are happy. (=a; shines)
Max is good-looking and nice __ well. Max is shy. He looks like a cold, unfriendly person. Max tries to help other people. He is __ perfect man. (=as well (taip pat); a... )
Ruth is a small, red-hair woman with a white face. Ruth is wonderful because she __ bringing up children. She looks tired. (=is bringing up - šiuo metu augina)
Carlo is very honest. Carlo looks nice. He looks like a simple family man.
2. What do they do for living?
Stephanie is __ language teacher. Max is an architect. They live in London.
Ruth __ bringing up children. She is __wife of Carlo. Carlo is working. (=a... is bringing up... a... Carlo works (dirba pastoviai) )
3. What kind of relationship do they have?
Max and Stephanie live together __two months. They aren't married. They love each other and they admire each other. (=...have been living together for two months - trukmei nurodyti (kiek jau laiko?) - visada for)
Carlo and Ruth are married.
Carlo is a good friend of Stephanie_. (=of Stephanie's - kieno? nuosavybinis 's)

Wonderful! I love your homework :cheer:
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 10 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 6 m. 10 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 10 mėn. #7960 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Friday 17/18
This is the homework for the second of March :

If you want, you can go to the BBC English Learning website and do 2 exercises:

People in the street are talking about their experiences:
Susan's success story :

Do the exercises from the workbook (pages76-77)

to appear [apie: ] - pasirodyti: to fall asleep [fol asli:p] - užmigti; a keeper [ki:pe] - globėjas, rūpintojas; My Sister's Keeper - Savo sesers globėja; a kidney [kidni] - inkstas ; a case [keiz] in the court [ko:/r/t] - byla teisme; to find out [faind aut] - sužinoti; to vote [vout] - balsuoti
The iChecker listening exercise 5 is quite difficult . You don't have to do it. We will do it together in class.

Write on the Forum!

Listen to three people talking about film experiences:

Write the answers to A and B:
What question are they answering to (į kokį klausimą jie atsako):

Have you ever fallen asleep during a film?
Have you ever watched a film more than three times?
Have you ever cried when watching a film?

What film each (kiekvienas) speaker are=is talking about? How many times have they watched it? Why?

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 10 mėn. nuo Jurate.

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prieš 6 m. 10 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 10 mėn. #7966 nuo Simona
Simona replied the topic: Friday 17/18
Vilma‘s and Arvydas‘ homework

We liked both: the book and the film in Panevezys

A. Speakers answered to the second question.

B. The first speaker likes to watch the film „Wonderful life“ because it is on TV every Christmas after lunch when the first speaker gets bored. She watched it 6 or 7 times.
The second speaker likes the second „Stars wars“ film because he wanted to test his girls=girlfriends. He watched it 20 times.
The third speaker likes the film „Flash dance“ because she feels better after watching this film. She watched it more than _ hundred times. (=a hundred; just remember to use 'a' with hundred :) )
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prieš 6 m. 10 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 10 mėn. #7967 nuo Little Angel
Little Angel replied the topic: Friday 17/18
_ Speakers _ answering to the question have you ever watched a film more than three times? (The speakers are answering...)

1. Film a Wonderful Life speaker watched 6-7 times, because it’s a great film.

2. Film the Empire Strikes Back speaker watched twenty times, because it’s a her favourite film. (=it's _ her/u] fa[vourite...)

3. Film Flashdance speaker watched one hundred times, because she absolutly love_ it, she love_ the music, she always feel_ better. (she loves, ...loves... feels...)
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prieš 6 m. 10 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 10 mėn. #7969 nuo Janina
Janina replied the topic: Friday 17/18
A. What question are they answering to?
They are answering to the question about films which they have ever watched more than three times.
B. What film each speaker are=is talking about? Haw many times have they watched it? Whay?
The first speaker are=is talking about the film „Wonderful life". She has seen it 6 or 7 times. All = Everyone can see it on Christmas day. She is feel=feels safer watching this film. She says it's a great film.
The second speaker are=is talking about the second „Stars wars" film. He has seen it 20 times. It is his favorite film _ all time. =(of all time)
The third speaker are=is talking about the film „Flashdance". The woman has seen it more than a hundred times. She absolutely loves it.

Sorry, Janina, I myself made a mistake with 'are talking - is talking'. It is not your mistake :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 10 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 6 m. 10 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 10 mėn. #7976 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Friday 17/18
Would you like to watch film The English Patient? :)
The film is about the Second World War in Africa. It tells the story of a British army officer who fell in love with a married woman - the wife of an egyptologist [edžiptolodžist] . When she had a dangerous accident and needed a doctor, he sold important information to German Nazis to get a plane and get this woman to a hospital...

The subtitles [sabtaitlz] (subtitrai) are marked CC:

a mine field [main fild] - minų laukas; an orchard [o/r/ča/r/d] - sodas; a mountain of the shape of the back of a woman - moters nugaros formos kalnas; the farest of them all [fierest] - gražiausia(s) iš visų; she shuddered [šaded] - sudrebėjo; a ruler
- valdovas; two blocks from you - du kvartalus nuo jūsų; to take a credit [teik e kredit] - prisiimti nuopelną; a thief [thyf] - vagis; a pick-pocket [pik pokit] -kišenių kraustytojas, kišenvagys Does he lay [lei] eggs? Ar jis deda kiaušinius?
a count [kaunt] - grafas
You have been cheated - Tu esi apgauta;
platitude [pletitiud] - ilguma;
plumming [plaming] santechnikos sistema (kanalizacijos vamzdžiai);
Let's toast absent wives - pakelkime tostą už nesamas žmonas. I felt obliged [oblaidžd] - jaučiau pareigą; predatory - plėšrūniška; Don't creep [krip] around - Neslankiok, nešnipinėk aplinkui. Appropriate [aproprieit] - tinkama, padoru.
Why do you feel threatened by a woman? - Kodėl jūs jaučiatės pavojuje prieš moterį? to threaten - grąsinti, kelti grėsmę
a syringe [sirindž] - ampulė
I've met you before - mes esam susitikę anksčiau
a sikh - sikas (indų religinė grupė)
I've been thinking... - Aš vis galvoju...
to store [sto:] - sukrauti atsargas
to rescue [reskju] - išgelbėti
a scrapbook [skrep buk] - užrašų knygutė;
I don't want to feel oblidged [oblaidžd] - Nenoriu jaustis skolingas; a shelter - priedanga;
sand [send] smėlis;
in full battle dress with their swards raised - pilna karine apranga ir pakeltais kardais
Am I a terrible coward? [kaua/r/d] - Ar aš siaubinga bailė?
Hang on [heng on] - tuoj, palaukit
he's not a buffoon [bafun] -jis ne juokdarys ; aerial maps [ereal] - aviaciniai žemėlapiai; fiction [fikšn] - išgalvota, netiesa
indifferent - abejingas, nekreipiantis dėmesio
You sew [sou:] very badly - tu siuvi baisiai.
least happy [li:st] mažiausiai laiminga
a hedghog [hedžhog] - ežys; bromide [bromaid] - migdomieji vaistai; addicted [adiktid] - prikausoma nuo;
handwriting -rašysena
ownership [oune/r/šip] -savininkiškumas, savinimasis; to smash [sme:š] -sudaužyti, sulaužyti;
Swoon [swun] - apalpk; I fell over every five minutes - aš iškritinėjau kas penkias minutes.
I'm sweltering - man labai karšta; a disguise [dizgaiz] - maskuotė, kaukės
Moose [mus] Briedis
Don't sulk [salk] - nepyk, neniurnėk
to fall under the spell - būti užkerėtam
a man-to-man chat - vyriškas pokalbis
I liberated it - nusavinau tai; I think it is called looting [liuting]- manau, tai vadinama plėšimu; a toddler - žindomas kūdikis;
he wore a patch - dėvėjo akies raištį;
What's under your mittens? - Kas po tavo pirštinėm?
a thumb [tham] - nykštys
the light has gone out now - liepsna jau užgeso.

Your homework for the ninth of March:

Do 12B exercises from the interactive book:

Do 12B exercises from the workbook:

Write on the Forum! Choose one task.
Pasirinkite vieną užduotį.
Listen to a TV show from the interactive book. Write:

Why is the girlfriend angry with her boyfriend?
(They are speaking about three restaurants: Pecking Duck , Appetito and Luigi's. There was a waiter sighing [sajing] for her -dūsaujantis dėl jos)

Listen to the conversations on iChecker (12B: Have you ever been to... ?)

Write: When and where did each (kiekvienas) speaker go?

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 10 mėn. nuo Jurate.

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prieš 6 m. 10 mėn. #7981 nuo Simona
Simona replied the topic: Friday 17/18
Vilma‘s and Arvydas’ homework

The girlfriend is angry with her boyfriend because her boyfriend lies. He didn’t go to Luigi’s restaurant with his sister.

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prieš 6 m. 10 mėn. #7987 nuo vaixinas
vaixinas replied the topic: Friday 17/18
The girl wants first ask the guy where he can take her for the birthday.Guy the offering a lot of places where to go.They discuss and finally girl was very angry because her guy start to lie.

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prieš 6 m. 10 mėn. #7990 nuo Little Angel
Little Angel replied the topic: Friday 17/18
Jess asked Matt where are they going for celebrate her birthday. Matt invitation to the restaurant Luigi’s, because he was been there and it was fine. But he to tell a lie Jass who where were with him.

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prieš 6 m. 9 mėn. #8002 nuo Violeta
Violeta replied the topic: Friday 17/18
Speaker 1 went to Kenia in 2010.
Speaker 2 went to Brazil in 2006.
Speaker 3 went to New Zealand in 2011.
Speaker 4 went to Thailand in 2006.

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prieš 6 m. 9 mėn. #8003 nuo Poppi
Poppi replied the topic: Friday 17/18
Speaker 1 went to Kenia in 2010.
Speaker 2 went to Brazil in 2006.
Speaker 3 went to New Zealand in 2011.
Speaker 4 went to Thailand in 2006.

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prieš 6 m. 9 mėn. #8004 nuo Simona
Simona replied the topic: Friday 17/18
Vilma's homework

I like different kinds of music.
I don't read any book at the moment.
I don't have my favourite historical character.
I get up 1,5 hour before I have to leave the house or to start working.
I spend several hours on the internet every day.
My relaxing time is when I go for a walk, when I read something, when I watch films.
I like all rooms in my flat.
I usually have a few pens, magasines, a lamp on my desk.
I don't have any pets.
I speak Lithuanian, English, Russian and I can remember a little of the French I learned at school.
I can play the guitar, the piano, the organ, the kanklės, the accordion.
I want to learn nothing.
I don't have my favourite place in London because I 've never been there.
I'm going to spend my next holiday at home.
I don't know what is the most beautiful city for me.
My first job was a music teacher.
I've never read „The lord of the rings“.

Arvydas' homework

I like pop music and jazz.
I don't read any book at the moment.
My favourite historical character is Balys Sruoga.
I get up late (about 11 o'clock).
I spend 2-3 hours on the internet every day.
My relaxing time is when I watch sports competitions, when I go for a walk, when I watch films.
I prefer my living room.
I have a laptop, a printer, a few books on my desk.
I don't have any pets.
I speak Lithuanian, English, Russian and I can remember a little of the French I learned at school.
I can play the guitar, the violin, the trumpet, the piano.
I want to learn English.
I don't have my favourite place in London because I 've never been there, I don't like big cities. So, I don't like London at all.
I'm going to spend my next holiday at home.
I like Notingham and Dover.
My first job was a police officer.
I've never read „The lord of the rings“.
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prieš 6 m. 9 mėn. #8011 nuo Janina
Janina replied the topic: Friday 17/18
1. I like classical music and pop.
2. I'm reading the book Flaming Iza about a girl who has magical powers written by Melvin Burgess.
3. Perhaps Berbora Radvilaite who is a popular historical personality in Lithuania. Barbora lived in 16th century and is best known for her love to King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania Žygimantas Augustas.
4. I usualy get up half past six in the morning.
5. I spend a day two hours on the internet. But I could spend more time.
6. I read books, watch movies, meet friends, do sports.
7. Perhaps my kitchen. It's a nice room.
8. I always have papers and pens on the desk.
9. I have three dogs.
10. I speak Lithuanian, Russian and English.
11. No, I can't.
12. I would like to learn a lot of things.
13. I've never been in London.
14. I'm going'to go to Anykščiai district.
15. I don't know what is the most beautiful city for me.
16. My first job was at the library of Pasvalys.
17. I've never read it.
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prieš 6 m. 9 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 9 mėn. #8014 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Friday 17/18
Thank you Janina and Simona for your homework. Sorry I am so late this time!
Your homework is to listen to the conversation with the actor Ian McKellen and answer the same questions about yourself:

Everyone, sorry for my delay! Write on the Forum as many answers as you can. One or two are OK. Atsiprašau visų už savo vėlavimą. Parašykite Forume tiek atsakymų, kiek galite. 1 ar 2 yra gerai.

Jurate's answers:
What kind of music do you like? My tastes in music often change. Write now I am listening to electronic dance music. There are little words, it is more instrumental.
What book are you reading now? I have just finished listening to the audiobook "The Devil's Kiss" It is a crime novel in English. I wanted to give it to you as a read for homework, but it is a sad story.
What's your favourite historical character? My favourite is Alexander the Great because he was a dreamer and a person of action too. I think he loved life and wasn't afraid of its brutality.
What time do you usually get up? It is always around 9 o'clock. But at the weekend I sleep one hour longer.
How much time do you spend on the Internet a day? I think it's about 8 hours, the whole working day.
What's your favourite view in Pasvalys? I love going for a walk by the old railway and looking at the fields around Pasvalys.

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 9 mėn. nuo Jurate.

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prieš 6 m. 9 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 9 mėn. #8015 nuo Little Angel
Little Angel replied the topic: Friday 17/18
My answers:
What kind of music do you like? I like classical music.
What book are you reading now? I’m reading a book Autobiograghy of a Yogi by Paramhansa Yogananda. This book is about spirituality.
What time do you usually get up? It is always half past six o'clock. But at the Sunday I sleep longer. =on Sunday
How much time do you spend on the Internet a day? It's about 2-3 hours in the evening.
What's your favourite view in Pasvalys? I love looking at the trees tops around Pasvalys from my flat on the fourth floor balkony.=balcony
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prieš 6 m. 9 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 9 mėn. #8016 nuo Poppi
Poppi replied the topic: Friday 17/18
What kind of music do you like? I like pop and operain music.
What book are you reading now? I’m reading a book „I have your phone“. This book is a novel comedy about _ girl who falls into funny events. = a girl who gets involved [gets involvd] into funny events.
What time do you usually get up? I'm get up at 7 o'clock
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prieš 6 m. 9 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 9 mėn. #8017 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Friday 17/18

Your homework for the 23rd of March is to read this book about health:

After you finish reading, do the exercises at the end of the book.

What to write on the Forum? Choose ONE acitivity
Write what exercises or outdoor activities you have done during these 7 days (from Friday to Friday):

Do these exercise from page 38:

You should [ju šud] - Jūs turėtumėte

Write about your favourite most delicious meal of this week!
What products were there? How much fat, carbs (angliavandenių), salt and sugar did it have? What was healthy and what was unhealthy?

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 9 mėn. nuo Jurate.

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prieš 6 m. 9 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 9 mėn. #8019 nuo Simona
Simona replied the topic: Friday 17/18
Vilma's homework

I haven't done a lot of exercices during these 7 days. On Wednesday and on Friday I did exercices for 60 minutes. I did them inside.
I walked with nordic walking sticks for about one hour twice a week. =this week ; I understand you are talking about this past week, because you are saying 'walked' ;) 'Twice a week' means 'every week' = 'I walk twice a week'.

Arvydas' homework

I went for a walk every day. Walking is my kind of sport I like very much. I can't practice other active sports. I walked with nordic walking sticks twice a week. Sometimes I walk for one hour, sometimes more. It depends. =I walk (nes kiekvieną savaitę- įprasta veikla)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 9 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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