- Žinutės: 1011
- Reputacija: 23
- Gauta padėkų: 407
... Nobody knew the answer. Anglų kalboje su 'Nobody' ar 'No one' ar 'Nothing' eina teigiamas vieksmažodis
It's the truth ARBA It's true :
truth yra daiktavardis + konkretus atvejis=reikia artikelio 'the';
true - būdvardis (teisinga, tikra), artikelio nereikia. Anglai dažnai sako 'It's true', kaip kad lietuviai sako 'Tai tiesa'
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I just remember how this children's book look like.=
I just remember what this children's book looks like.
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It is such a good comment! Thanks God your adventure had a happy ending
My last holiday was in Georgia. Georgia is a wonderful country.We travelled together with my husband. We were in Georgia about three weeks.It was September. This September was very hot in Georgia. It was about 36 degrees of heat.We lived in a mountain village for one week. Every day we walked around the village.
One day we went to the mountains.Up to the mountains it was 10 kilometers.I was very tired. It was very sunny and hot. I stayed at the hill. My husband climbed up.It'd been 4 hours. but he hadn't returned.I started to worry.I climbed on to the stone and watched.I had no water or food. Got scared.
It's been half an hour.
There wasn't a single person around. I was thinking, that I needed to spend the night in the mountains alone.I drank mountain water.
Finally I saw my husband. He got lost on the heights.
He needed to go across a mountain river.. He was wet and hungry.
We happily returned to the hotel.
It was a memorable day.
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Usually on Sunday I play national lottery "Teleloto" and one time I was surprised because I almost won the golden pot of that lottery. I was so close but there weren't enough numbers to win the pot. So I still haven't succeeded in any lottery.
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My grandfather told me one story. It happened in the dark night. One man went home. He was alone. Suddenly he saw something white in the graveyard. That strange object moved from left to right, from right to left. He thought: “I saw a terrible ghost!” He started running. Next morning a few men went to work and they found a nice white goat inside the graveyard.
That story happened more than 10 years ago. It was The New Year’s Eve. About 10 p.m. my father answered the phone. He heard one man’s voice. That voice said: “This is a police. Why did you commit a crime?”. My father was shocked and his face became white. Than the calling man said: “I’m your neighbour next door, please, come to eat and drink, we are waiting for you!”.
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Wonderful! There are no big mistakes, just two very little :
I bake _ buns (bandeles apskritai, ne konkrečias, todėl nereikia 'the')
vegetable soup - daržovių sriuba (kai apibūdinimas padaromas iš daiktavardžio, tas daiktavardis paprastai būna vienaskaitoje)
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cherry jam - daiktavardžiai apibūdinimai - dažniausia vienaskaitoje
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