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prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. #6216 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: TUESDAY 2016
Hello, guys! How are you? Do you want to do your homework?

Here's what to do for next Tuesday. the 20th of December:
Please, go to page 125 (one hundred twenty five) in your Student's book and look at Grammar rules
Nueikite į p.125 Studento knygoje ir pažiūrėkite į gramatikos taisykles:
Remember to say -s with He, She, it
Remember where to say always, never, sometimes,usually [ju-žu-ali]
Prisiminkite, kur sakyti visada, niekada, kartais, paprastai
Remember how to ask and say negative sentences with He, She, It
Prisiminkite kaip klausti ir sakyti neigiamus sakinius su Jis, Ji, Tai

How to tell the time in English? Kaip pasakyti valandas angliškai?
Excuse me, what's the time? Excuse me what time is it? Atsiprašau, kiek valandų?
an hour --> minutes [en oue -->minits] valanda--->minutės
2:00 = two o'clock
2:45=two forty five = two forty five in the morning/ in the afternoon = two forty five AM / PM
in the morning/ in the afternoon/ in the evening ryte/ popietėje/ vakare
AM [ei em] - iki vidurdienio (until midday)
PM [pi em] - iki vidurnakčio (until midnight)

Do these exercises (pages 34-37 in Workbook):

Write about you here, on the Forum:
What do you do every day?
1.When do you get up on your workdays?
2.Do you have a shower in the morning?
3. Do you usually have breakfast? What time? What do you eat and drink?
4. What time do you go to work? Do you walk to work? Do you go by car or by bus?
5. Where do you work? Do you work in an office, in a school, in a hospital, in a nursery (darželis), in a company, in a shop, in a bakery or maybe at home?
6. What time do you have lunch?
7. When do you leave your work?
8. When do you get home?
9. What do you usually do in the evening? Do you go out? (Maybe you go to the theater, to a cafe, to a restaurant? Do you meet friends?) Do you go shopping? Do you stay [stei] (liekate) at home and watch television, read books or newspapers, use [ju:z] naudojate the Internet?
10. Do you have dinner? What time?
11. What time do you go to bed?
What does your family member do every day?
1. When does he/she get up?
2. When does she/ he go to work/to school?
3. When does she/ he get home?
4. What does she/he do in the evening?
5. When does she/ he go to bed?

What does Jurate do every day?
I usually get up at eight forty in the morning. I wash my face, I never have breakfast but I always drink coffee with milk. Then (tada) I go to my work, usually at 9 o'clock. My job is near my home, so I walk and I get to my work at nine and ten AM. I work at Pasvalys library, in an office. I have lunch at twelve PM, I always go home for lunch. I usually have porridge with salad and sausage. Then I go back (atgal) to work. I usually leave my work at six PM. I usually go shopping to local supermarkets in the evening, but sometimes I go to Pasvalys swimming pool or I walk to Pasvalys park. I usually get home at seven or seven thirty PM, sometimes at nine PM. I have dinner, I have a shower, I use the Internet. I sometimes have dinner very late, at eleven PM or at twelve AM. I go to bed late, at one AM or later.
What does Jurate's Mother do every day?
My mother always gets up early, at 7 or 8 AM. She always has breakfast until nine, she has a shower in the morning. My mother doesn't work, she is retired. In the morning or in the afernoon she cleans our home, on Wednesdays and on Fridays she goes shopping to Pasvalys market. She usually has lunch in the afternoon, at 3 PM. She goes out, she walks to the park or to our garden. She gets home at 5 PM and she has dinner. After dinner she watches TV, she likes watching news. She usually goes to bed at eleven PM.

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. nuo Jurate.

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prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. #6219 nuo briediene
briediene replied the topic: TUESDAY 2016
What does Nina do every day I usually get up at seven in the morning.I have a shower every morning.I have toast and coffee for breaokfest=breakfast.Then I go to my work at eight o'clok=clock AM.My job is not far ? toli? close to ? arti? for=from home.I work an=at a nursery.I have lunch at one PM.Then I go back to work.I usually leave my work at five PM.Sometimes I go to cafe with my frends.I go shoping=shopping at the weekend.I use the internet.I always have dinner until six PM.I usually go to bed at eleven PM.

What does Nino,s husbend do every day.My husband always gets up 6 AM.He has a shower in the morning.He has breakfast at seven AM,he has sendwich,coffee with milk,sometimes tea.Then he goes to work.He job far from home.He leaves work at 8 AM.He lekes gets up late at the weekend.He likes reads books,magazines,newspapers,the internet.He likeshas dinner very late,at ten PM.He goes to bed late.

What does Nina's husband do every day.My husband always gets up at 6 AM.He has a shower in the morning.He has breakfast at seven AM,he has sandwich,coffee with milk,sometimes tea.Then he goes to work.His job is far from home.He leaves work at 8 AM.He likes getting up late at the weekend.He likes reading books,magazines,newspapers, on the internet.He likes having dinner very late,at ten PM.He goes to bed late.

Thank you, this is very good! :cheer:
su 'like' (patinka) vartokite 'to ____' arba '____-ing':
He likes to get up late ARBA He likes getting up late - Jam patinka vėlai keltis.
Arti - close to : I live close to my work
Toli - far from : I live far from my work
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. nuo Jurate.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Jurate

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prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. #6220 nuo elegna
elegna replied the topic: angėlės
I always get up at six thirty AM.I wash my face.I always have breakfast at seven o'clock.My work are in a hospital.I have lunch at tweln o' cloch AM.I always drink coffe.I sometimes have biscuit.I usually go shopping in supermarkets in evening.I always get home at six fiften PM.I supped at seven o' clock PM.My husband gets up always six fiften AM. He never doesn'tdrink coffe.

I always get up at six thirty AM.I wash my face.I always have breakfast at seven o'clock.My work is in a hospital.I have lunch at twelve o' clock __.I always drink coffee.I sometimes have biscuit.I usually go shopping to supermarkets in evening.I always get home at six fifteen PM.I have dinner at seven __ PM.My husband gets up always six fifteen AM. He never drinks coffee.

Please, tell more (daugiau) about your husband :silly:
Su AM ir PM nevartojamas o'clock, o in the morning, in the evening:
I get up at 7 o'clock in the morning ARBA I get up at 7 AM
Su 'never' nevartojamas don't / doesn't: He doesn't drink coffee - He never drinks coffee
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. nuo Jurate.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Jurate

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prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. #6222 nuo Vilma
Vilma replied the topic: TUESDAY 2016
I get up on my workdays at seven in the moning. In the moning I have a shover,I never have breakfast, but drink coffer at home. I go to my work always at nine o'clock .My job is near my home,so I walk to work.
I work at Pasvalys in a hospital.,l have lunch at twelve AM.and I lunch at work.I sometimes have a pork roast and drink coffee.I work 24 hours a day.I always leave my work at eight AM.At home I get at eight thirty.I usually go to chopping to market,sometimes I clean the room,meet friends,reed books .I have dinner at seven PM. I to go to bed early, at ten PM.
My husbent every day get up at 6 .AM .He never has breakfast,but drinks coffee with milk ,My husbant has a shower, He works every day,he is electrican.In the moning he goes to work at seven forty - five.He gets home at seven PM.He usually in the evening has dinner,he watches TV.He sometimes goes to bed at ten PM.

I get up at seven in the moning on my workdays. In the morning I have a shower,I never have breakfast, but drink coffee at home. I go to my work always at nine o'clock .My job is near my home,so I walk to work.
I work in Pasvalys in a hospital.,l have lunch at twelve AM.and I lunch at work.I sometimes have a pork roast and drink coffee.I work 24 hours a day.I always leave my work at eight AM. I get home at eight thirty.I usually go shopping to the market,sometimes I clean the room,meet friends,read books .I have dinner at seven PM. I to go to bed early, at ten PM.
My husband gets up at 6 .AM every day.He never has breakfast,but drinks coffee with milk ,My husband has a shower, He works every day,he is an electrican.In the moning he goes to work at seven forty - five.He gets home at seven PM.In the evening He usually _ has dinner, he watches TV.He sometimes goes to bed at ten PM.

That's a very good job! Thanks! :cheer:
Some advice (šiek tiek patarimų):
I work in Pasvalys, in a hospital. - Dirbu Pasvalyje, ligoninėje
arba: I work at Pasvalys hospital 0- Dirbu Pasvalio ligoninėje
Laiko išsireiškimai every day, on workdays, at the weekend ir t.t.... paprastai eina sakinio gale arba pradžioje
šie keturi laiko išsireiškimai : always, never, sometimes, usually dažniausiai eina tarp veiksnio ir tarinio, pvz.: My husband always gets up at 6 AM on workdays...
at home - namuose
to get home - pareiti namo
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. #6235 nuo drugelis
drugelis replied the topic: TUESDAY 2016
On workdays I get up at six fifteen AM. I have a shower at six thirty AM. I have breakfast at seven o'clock. I go to work at seven thirty AM. I have lunch from two o'clock to three o'clock PM. I leave work at five forty PM with my son. I get home at six o'clock, have coffee, make food, clean clothes, tidy the five rooms. I go to bed about at twelve o'clock on workdays and weekend.
My son gets up on schooldays at six thirty. He has a shower at six forty. He has breakfast at seven o'clock with my=me. He gets to school at seven thirty. His lunch is always from twelve o'clock to twelve forty five PM. He leaves school at five forty with my PM with me. He gets home at six o'clock . He plays a computer and watch TV. He gets to bed at eleven o'clock on schooldays but later at the weekend.

Wonderful! Thank you :cheer:

my - mano
me - visi 'aš' linksniai: manęs, man, manimi, manyje ... su manimi - with me
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. nuo Jurate.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Jurate

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prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. #6241 nuo aina
aina replied the topic: TUESDAY 2016
I get up at five in the moning.. I have a shower..I have coffee for breakfast. I an going to work by car, the sixth=at six AM. my work is in a company.. I have lunch at twelve PM. I go home in the evening sixteen = at four PM. I usually go shopping. I have dinner at twenti =eight PM, go to bed at ten PM.
My husbant=d gets up at six AM. He goes to work at seven AM. He in the evening reads books and go to bed eleven AM. = In the evening, he reads books and goes to bed at eleven PM.

The British don't use numbers from 13 to 24 to tell the time. They use numbers from 1 to 12 and AM and PM ( in the morning - in the evening)
Anglai nenaudoja skaičių nuo 13 iki 24 pasakyti laikui. Jie naudoja skaičius nuo 1 iki 12 ir AM bei PM (ryte - vakare)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. #6242 nuo Azyra
Azyra replied the topic: TUESDAY 2016
On workdays I get up at six fifteen. Then I go to the bathroom and I have a shower every morning. I have breakfast at seven AM. My breakfast is coffee with milk and sandwich with cheese or meat. I go to work by car at seven thirty. I work at office. I have lunch in the dining room with my husband, that is at twelve fifteen. I usually leave usually work at five PM. I go shopping to supermarkets in evening. I get home at six PM, have dinner, tea, watch TV. At the weekend I clean the room. I go to bed at ten PM on workdays, but later at the weekend, of course.
On schooldays my sons always get up at six forty – five AM. They have breakfast at seven AM and they go to school at seven thirty. My son Lukas has lunch in school. That is at one PM. He leaves school at one thirty PM. My son Patrikas leaves school at three thirty in the afternoon and gets home at four PM. At home he has lunch and does homework. In the evening usually they plays on a computer and watch TV. My sons always go to bed at nine PM.

Wonderful! I love your homework ! :cheer:
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. nuo Jurate.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Jurate

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prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. #6243 nuo agnaun
agnaun replied the topic: TUESDAY 2016
What does Agne do every day?
1. I usually get up at nine fifteen in the morning.
2. I have a shower at nine twenty.
3. I have breakfast at nine thirty AM. I drink tea or water. I eat a lot of porridges, sandwiches, omelettes or eggs, in =on the workdays.
4. Then I go to my work, usually at 10 o'clock. My job is near my home. I go to work on foot.
5. I work at Pasvalys library but mostly I work at my home.
6. I have lunch at two or three PM.
7. I usually leave my work at twelve PM, but I sometimes work longer. Time isn't steady=fixed.
8. I usually get home at six or seven PM.
9. I usually stay at home I listen to music and I draw. I sometimes use the Internet or I watch TV.
10. I have dinner in home with my mother, that's at seven or eight PM.
11. I go to bed at eleven thirty in the evening.

What does Agne's mother do every day?
1. My mother usually gets up early, at six thirty AM.
2. She always goes to work at eight o'clock.
3. My mother usually gets home at five PM.
4. In the evening she watches TV and she reads newspapers. She sometimes uses the Internet.
5. My mother usually goes to bed at eleven fifteen in the evening.

I hear people say in English: '"My working hours aren't fixed. / I don't work fixed hours" (Mano darbo valandos nėra griežtai nustatytos, aš nedirbu nustatytomis valandomis)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. #6244 nuo inga006
inga006 replied the topic: TUESDAY 2016
I get up at seven o'clock.I have a shower at seven ten AM.I never have breakfast,but drink coffe.My work is in a hospital,but not every day.I go to my work at eight o'clock.I work 24 hours a day. I sometimes go to shopping to the market,clean the rooms .I usually make lunch at home.I have dinner at six o'clock at together with the family.I go to bed about at twelve o'clock.
My son gets up on =at seven o'clock.He washes his face.He has breakfast.He gets to school at seven thirty.His has is lunch to =inschool at twelve PM . He is leaves school at three o'clock. After school, on Tuesday,on Wednesday and on Friday my son onTuesday,on Wednesday and on Friday goes to swimming.He gets home late.He plays on a computer and watches TV.He gets to bed at nine o'clock.

I really like your homework. It is great! :cheer:
Tarp veiksnio ir tarinio dėkite always, never, sometimes, usually, often. Savaitės dienas - prieš arba po veiksnio su tariniu:
After shool, on Tuesday,on Wednesday and on Friday my son usually goes swimming.
ARBA: My son usually goes swimming after school on Tuesday,on Wednesday and on Friday.
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. #6245 nuo Gita
Gita replied the topic: TUESDAY 2016
I get up at six forty in the morning on my workdays. I have a shower,I always have breakfast. I eating a sandwich and always drinking coffee. Then I go to my work, usually at seven thirty AM. My job is near my home, so I don't go by car. I work at Pasvalys hospital. I usually have lunch at twelve o'clock. I work twenty four hours, so I have dinner very late at work. I get home at eight AM, sometimes at nine AM. I usually go shopping to the supermarket, I clean the room, meet friends at the weekend. When I don't work, I go to bed at eleven o'clock.
My daugther always gets up at six thirty in the morning. She never drinks coffee, but she usually eats cereal. My daugther goes to school at 7.45 AM. She sometimes goes home for lunch. Then she goes back to shool. She usually gets home at three PM. She is outgoing=goes out with friends. She has dinner at 8 PM or later. After dinner she watches TV and she likes reading books, on the internet. She usually goes to bed late at twelve o'cloc k.

Great! I love your homework! :cheer:
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. #6247 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: TUESDAY 2016
Hello, guys! Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! :cheer:
Thank you for your Christmas present....

Next time we meet on the third of January at 5 PM as usual :)
Sekantį kartą susitinkame sausio trečią dieną, 5 po pietų kaip paprastai.

What to do at home?
Do exercise 1 on page 47 in Student's Book:
listen, repeat and remember days of the week (...klausykite, kartorkite ir įsiminkite savaitės dienas ) :
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday (First letter is always capital)
pirmadienis,antradienis, trečiadienis, ketvirtadienis, penktadienis, šeštadienis, sekmadienis (pirma raidė - visada didžioji)
Monday - pirmadienis
on Monday - (kada?) pirmadienį
next Monday, this Monday, every Monday - (kada?) sekantį, šį, kiekvieną pirmadienį
WRITE THE ANSWERS FROM EXERCISE 2 ON THE FORUM! Parašykite antro pratimo atsakymus Forume :silly:

Do Workbook exercises on pages 37, 38, 39:

Merry Christmas! Linksmų Kalėdų! Happy New Year! Laimingų Naujų metų!

Write on the Forum: What do you usually do at Christmas? Ką jūs paprastai darote per Kalėdas?
Jei įmanoma, panaudokite žodelius 'usually', 'sometimes', 'never', 'always'

New words:
Christmas [krismas] Kalėdos
Christmas Eve [krismas i:v] - Kalėdų išvakarės (Kūčios Lietuvoje)
at Christmas [e:t krismas] - per Kalėdas
on Christmas Eve [on krismas i:v] per Kūčias

Paveiksliukas su garsu (the picture with sound): www.learningchocolate.com/content/christmas-0

a holiday - šventė, atostogos; a public holiday - valstybinė švenčių, nedarbo diena; a day off work [dei of uork]; a day off [dei of] - išeiginė

the Christmas tree [krismas tri:]; the tree [tri:] - Kalėdų eglutė ; to decorate [dekoreit] - puošti; to decorate the Christmas tree - puošti Kalėdų eglutę; under [ande] - po; under the Christmas tree - po Kalėdų eglute;
a present [prezent] - dovana; a Christmas present - Kalėdų dovana; to buy presents - pirkti dovanas; to get a present - gauti dovaną;
Christmas Eve dinner - Kūčių vakarienė; Christmas lunch - Kalėdų pietūs;
Santa [se:nta] ; Santa Claus [se:nta kloz] - Kalėdų senelis;
a church [čerč] - bažnyčia; to go to church [go tiu čerč] - eiti į bažnyčią;
to stay up [stei ap] - neiti miegoti;
to surf the Internet [siorf the internet] - naršyti internete
to take photos [ teik foutouz] - fotografuoti
to visit [vizit] - aplankyti; a guest [gest], a visitor [vizite] - svečias;
to come [kam] - atvykti
a walk [wok] - pasivaikščiojimas; to go for a walk - eiti pasivaikščioti
merry [meri] - smagus, džiaugsmingas

1. What day of the week is Christmas Eve this year? What day of the week is Christmas this year?
2. Do you decorate your home for Christmas [fo: krismas] - Kalėdoms? Do you decorate the Christmas tree ? Who helps (padeda) you?
3. Do you buy presents for Christmas?
4. Do you work at Christmas or on Christmas Eve? (never, sometimes, usually...)
5. Do you stay home at Christmas? Do you go to your parents' home? Do you go to your friends' home?
6. Where do you have dinner on Christmas Eve? Where do you have lunch at Christmas? Do you meet with your friends?
7. Do you go to church on Christmas Eve? Do you go to church at Christmas?
8. What time do you give Christmas presents? On Christmas Eve or at Christmas? Do you leave presents under the Christmas tree?
9. Do you meet Santa at Christmas? Does Santa come to your home?

Jurate's Christmas
I really love Christmas. Christmas is my favourite holiday. This year Christmas is on Sunday and Christmas Eve is on Saturday. I and my mother we sometimes decorate our home for Christmas. We always decorate the Christmas tree on Christmas Eve. I usually buy one Christmas present for my mother. I never work on Christmas Eve or at Christmas. I always stay at home. On Christmas Eve I get up late and I usually don't go shopping this day. I usually don't eat this day. I tidy my room, I go for a walk, I help my mother to make dinner and to decorate the Christmas tree. We usually have dinner at 5 or 6 o'clock in the evening. We don't eat meat, fish, eggs or milk on Christmas Eve, we don't drink alcohol. After dinner we watch television. We go to bed at about eleven or twelve o'clock. I sometimes stay up and surf the Internet. On Christmas day I usually get up late. My mother gets up early, she sometimes goes to church. When she gets home, we have Christmas lunch and we give Christmas presents. My mother usually makes a Christmas present for me. She likes to knit socks [nit soks] - megzti kojines) and she gives one pair of socks to me every Christmas! I usually buy a present for my mother. I buy books, a box of chocolate or a beautiful cup. Sometimes my mother's sister - my aunt from Radviliškis district - comes to visit with my cousin Tanya and her two children. They usually come on the second day of Christmas. Then we talk, we have lunch and we go out for a walk to see the Christmas tree in the centre of Pasvalys.

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. nuo Jurate.

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prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. #6248 nuo inga006
inga006 replied the topic: TUESDAY 2016
Jurate man rodos Jus suklydot.sausio 3d mes susitinkam :) Jei ne tada pataisykite mane.Grazių Jums švenčių
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prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. #6249 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: TUESDAY 2016
Yes, you are correct and I am wrong :silly:

Thank you for the comment ! :cheer: I corrected my mistake (Aš pataisiau savo klaidą)

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)

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prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. #6252 nuo briediene
briediene replied the topic: TUESDAY 2016
Nina's Chrismas.Chrismas is my favourite holiday.But Chrismas season is sed for us this year,as big part of my family is farther in Canada.And Chrismas to me is oll obout family spending time together.This year Chrismas is on Sunday and Chrismas Eve is on Saturday.I like decorate our home for Chrismas I always decorate big the Chrismas tree.Me helps my husband.I like to buy a lot presents on Chrismas for my family and frends.Also I usually mekes a Chrismas presends.I like to knit and sew for my granddaughters.I never work on Crismas,but like cooking,baking.On Chrismasw i meet with our frends.On second Chrismas day I draving to church in Panevezy.We give presends on Chrismas morning.We leave presends under the Chrismas tree.Usually we traveling another cities,then we go aut for a walk to see the Chrismas tree.Merry Chrismas.Happy New Year.

Nina's Christmas.Christmas is my favourite holiday.But Chrismas season is sad for us this year,as a big part of my family is far away in Canada.And Christmas to me is all about the family spending time together.This year Christmas is on Sunday and Christmas Eve is on Saturday.I like decorating our home for Chrismas I always decorate __ a big Chrismas tree.___ My husband helps me.I like to buy a lot presents at Christmas for my family and friends.Also I usually make _ Chrismas presents.I like to knit and sew for my granddaughters.I never work at Crismas,but like cooking,baking.At Chrismasw I meet with our frends.On the second Chrismas day I drive to church in Panevezys.We give presents on Christmas morning.We leave presents under the Christmas tree.Usually we travel_ other cities,then we go out for a walk to see the Chrismas tree.Merry Chrismas.Happy New Year.

farther - toliau, far away [fa: auvei] - toli
another = kitas , dar vienas ( tik vienaskaita), other - kitas, kiti ( vienaskaita ir daugiskaita)
My husband helps me - Mano vyras padeda man
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. nuo Jurate.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Jurate

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prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. #6256 nuo Vilma
Vilma replied the topic: TUESDAY 2016
Christmas is my favourite holiday.This year Christmas Eve is on Saturday,and Christmas is on Sonday=Sunday. I always love always decorate the Christmas tree on Christmas Eve. I usually go to buy presents and I decorate your =my arba our house for Christmas.I often work on =at Christmas, when I have days off work, I always go to the parent's home,.On The second Christmas day I meet with your =my friends.We sometimes have lunch at11-12 o'clock.We eat meat ,fich,roast and drink white wine. I never for Christmas have not dinner for Christmas .I with =and my husband to go to church on Christmas Eve ..On Christmas day I usually get up late.I go to meet with my brother's family.At the Brother's home I always get presents .I walk to see the Christmas tree in the centre of Panevezys.Happy New Year!

1.my - mano, our - mūsų, your - tavo;
2.kada? (tokią) dieną = on ___ day. Visada su 'on'.
on Christmas day - Kalėdų dieną, on the second Christmas day - antrą Kalėdų dieną
3.per Kalėdas - at Christmas (kai nėra žodžio 'day' :cheer: )
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prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. #6257 nuo inga006
inga006 replied the topic: TUESDAY 2016
Inga's Christmas.This year Christmas Eve is on Saturday,this year Christmas is on Sunday.I and my children decorate our home for Christmas.We also decorate the Christmas tree.I usually buying Christmas presents a month ago.On Christmas Eve I wake up early.I'm cooking food for Christmas Eve,my children helping me.We a cooking gingerbread avery=every year.We always go to the parent's home.On Christmas day I usually get up late.We give presents on Christmas morning.We usually meet our friends on second Christmas day.Happy New Year!

Don't use -ing :) Use -ing only after verbs 'to like', 'to love'
Nevartokite -ing. Vartokite -ing tik po veiksmažodžių mėgti/patikti, labai mėgti / mylėti

1,What day is it today?Today it is Tuesday.
2,What day is it tomorrow?Tomorrow it is Wednesday.
3,What days do you go to work?I usually go to work on Monday,on Wednesday,on Friday.
4,What days are the weekend?The weekend days are on Saturday,on Sanday.=Sunday
5,What days do you like?I like Saturday and Sanday.
6,What days don't you like?I don't like on Monday. (todėl, kad on Monday= kada? pirmadienį)
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prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. #6261 nuo Gita
Gita replied the topic: TUESDAY 2016
The answers from exercise 2
1. Today it is Tuesday.
2. Tomorrow it is Wednesday.
3. I go to work on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.
4. The weekend days are on Saturday, and Sunday.
5. I like Friday and Saturday.
6. I don't like Monday.

Gita's Christmas
This year Christmas Eve is on Saturday and Christmas is on Sunday. I always decorate our home for Christmas. I and my daughters decorate the Christmas tree. I always buy Christmas presents for my familly. I sometimes work on Christmas Eve or at Christmas. I don't like working at Christmas. On Christmas Eve I make dinner and my daugthers sometimes help for me. We usually have dinner at 6 or 7 o'clock in the evening. We don't eat meat on Christmas Eve. After dinner we always go to church. I leave presents under the Christmas tree. We go to bed at twelve o'clock. On Christmas day I usually get up late. When my daughters get up , we give Christmas presents. We never stay at home at Christmas. We go to my parents' home. My sister usually comes to visit with her familly. Then we have lunch and Santa comes to our home.On the second day of Christmas I usually meet friends. Then we talk and we go out for a walk to see the Christmas tree. I really love Christmas and it is my favourite holiday.

Wonderful! Great homework! :cheer:
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prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. #6262 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: TUESDAY 2016
Thank you everyone for your Christmas homework!

In this video American parents give bad presents to children (it starts after 43 seconds)

Present One - pickles [piklz] - marinuoti agurkai
Present Two - broccoli - brokolis
Presents Three and Four - toothpaste and deodorant - dantų pasta ir dezodorantas
Present Five - a Barbie - lėlė Barbė
Present Six - a Barbie too!
Present Seven - a T-shirt (ti šiort) - sportiniai marškinėliai
Present Eight and Nine - Soup (sup) - sriuba, a Sponge (e spondž) - kempinė
Present Ten - broccoli
Present Eleven - seasoning (si:zoning) - prieskoniai
Present Twelve and Thirteen - a potato [e pouteitou] - bulvė, 3DS ( 3DS game [geim] 3 DS žaidimas kompiuterinis erdvinis)
Present Fourteen - a plastic bottle [plastik batl] - plastikinis butelis


Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
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