prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 2 mėn.#5639nuo Jurate
Jurate created the topic: TUESDAY 2016
Hello! I'm Jurate , I'm from Lithuania, from Pasvalys. I'm 39 years old. I'm a librarian assistant. My mother is from Pasvalys too. She is 63. She is retired.
Nice to see you! How are you? What's your name? What's your job? Where are you from? Write about you and one person from your family!
prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 2 mėn.#5683nuo Gita
Gita replied the topic: TUESDAY 2016
Hello! Nice to see you too. I'm very well, thanks. I'm Gitana. I'm from Lithuania. I live in Pasvalys. I have two daughters. They're students. I'm a nors=nurse. I love my work.
My sister's name's Ana. She's a businesswomen. Ana is at work. She's very tired, but happy. Her job is interesting. She's married.
Bye! See you on Tuesday!
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. nuo Jurate.
prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 2 mėn.#5692nuo elegna
elegna replied the topic: TUESDAY 2016
Hello. Nice to see you too. I'm OK, thanks. And you?
I'm Angele. I'm a nourse. I'm from Pasvalys, a village Vienkiemiu, a street Vilniaus Nr. 20, a flat 4.
My sister is from Vilnius. Her name's Vitalija. She's a teacher. She's 51 (fifty one). Her school is in the centre of Vilnius. She isn't married, she's single. She's it's on holiday, in Budapest.
Kai pasakome kaimą ar miestą su vardu, o gatvę su numeriu - nebereikia artikelio 'a'.
Tada arba nieko arba artikelis 'the' : I'm from village Vienkiemiu, street Vilniaus, flat 4
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. nuo Jurate.
prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 2 mėn.#5693nuo inga006
inga006 replied the topic: TUESDAY 2016
Hello! J'm Inga.I'm OK,thanks.I'm from Pasvalys in Lithuania.I'm 44 yars old.I'm a nurse.I have two childrens.Do=augter Gabriele is 20 years old,she is a student.Son Paulius is 9 years old ,he is a schoolba=oy.I love my childrens..
Have a nice day!See you later!
žodis 'vaikai' Išimtis anglų kalboje, jiems daugiskaitoje nėra 's', bet pasikeičia galūnė:
a child [čaild] - vaikas; children [čildren] - vaikai ;
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. nuo Jurate.
prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 2 mėn.#5697nuo Vilma
Vilma replied the topic: TUESDAY 2016
Hi,my name is Elvyra,nice to see you too,I'm fine,thanks.I'm from Lithuania and I live Pasvalys.I'm 42years old.I'm a nurse and married.
My frend's name is Vilma .She lives in Dublin,she is married and has two boys. She v=works in the =a chocolate factory,her job is a manager.C=She is happy!To see you !
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. nuo Jurate.
My name is Ina. My surname is Petrauskiene. I am 55 years old. I am married. I am from Pasvalys. My telephone number is 86255555. My job is a nurse.
My sister Grazina is a teacher, she lives in Namisiai.
My brother Audrius is a businessman, he lives in Ukmerge.
prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 2 mėn.#5712nuo DaliaK
DaliaK replied the topic: TUESDAY 2016
Hello ..I'm Dalia .I'm from Lithuania ,,from Pasvalys .I have two da=oughters ,Da=oaughter Ermita lives in Vilnius ..Martyna lives and works in Norway.They return at home only for celebrations.
at home = namuose;
home = 1. namo 2.namuose
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. nuo Jurate.
Labas vakaras Jurate.Jus dirbsite pirmadieni as uzlekciau pas jus i darba noriu paprasyti irasyti man diską nes kompiuteriui sugedus viskas issitryne o disko nebeturiu.aciū.Pamokos liks neruostos Inga
prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 2 mėn.#5742nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: TUESDAY 2016
I'm at work on Monday - Aš pirmadienį dirbu. I go for lunch about twelve - Aš einu pietauti apie 12 val.
Jei manęs nerastumėte - paklauskite rūbinėje - ten išeidama Jums paliksiu atmintuką ir diską.
O visi, nepamirškite: 1.
Write about you here
Parašykite apie save čia (kas parašė - nebereikia) 2 Please, write exercise sixteen here Prašau, parašykite pratimą 16 čia...
prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 2 mėn.#5777nuo drugelis
drugelis replied the topic: TUESDAY 2016
HELLO. I am Dit. I am 41 years old. I'm from Pasvalys district. My hustband is a builder. My dougther and son are students. I am very happy to meet you all.
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. nuo Jurate.