Simona, is the second photo from your childhood when you were at the nursery?
I have old photos with Santa from my New Year's celebrations at the nursery. In one photo, I'm sitting on Santa's lap (kelių) by the Christmas tree. Santa is holding a massive stick, he's looking at the camera and smiling but I'm not smiling, I
look (atrodau - nėra present continuous) very scared
Arunas' quiz answer is
the same as for Marius! Maybe you both must stop having parties at night ?
This is what to do for the 13th of January :
(Wow!It will be Friday the Thirteen! Do you believe that Friday the thirteenth brings bad luck?
Do section 5B on your CD
When you do the Vocabulary, don't forget to click on the sentences and listen to the native English speaker!
New words:
argue [agju] - ginčytis, įrodinėti;
Stop arguing over/about the game! Nustokite ginčytis dėl žaidimo!
noise, noisy - [noiz, noizi] triukšmas, triukšmingas. Are your neighbours noisy or quiet? Ar tavo kaimynai ramūs ar triukšmingi?
queit -[kuajet] - tylus, ramus ir ramybė; I want some peace and quiet! - Pageidauju ramybės ir tylos!
silence [sailens] - tyla
to move furniture [mu:v fio:niče]- perstumdyti baldus;
strict rules [strikt ru:lz] - griežtos taisyklės. Who can follow these rules? They are too strict! Kas gali laikytis šių taisyklių? Jos per griežtos!
to complain [komplein] - pasiskųsti
to call the police - iškviesti policiją
to fine [fain] - uždėti baudą
to check out - pamatyti, pastebėti, atkreipti dėmesį. Check out my new jogging shoes! - Pažiūrėk, kokie mano nauji bėgimo batai!
a bullet train - a very fast train in Japan (a bullet [balet] - kulka)
a trattoria - it's a pub in Italian
jogging [džoging] - bėgiojimas mankštai; Who is jogging around the football field? Kas ten bėgioja aplink stadioną?
block of flats [e blok of fle:ts] - daugiabutis
staircase [stea: keiz] - laiptinė
next door [nekst do:] - šalia buto, kaimynystėje.
I live next door! Aš jūsų kaimynas! The boy next door was listening to metal all night! Kaimynų berniukas klausėsi metalo visą naktį.
Do the exercises on pages 32 and 33Use the iChecker!
Write on the forum!
I'm giving you two tasks, but you can skip the second, if you don't have time...
The first task - page 113 in Student's book:
Match the photos with the comments below and guess what countries Alain is in (I don't know what country the photo on the beach is from
But I know what photo is from the UK!
Write three to four comments about some photos from your travel photo album ( or your family album)
The second task - the listening exercise on page 33 in Workbook.
Please, tell in few words about each speaker's problem. Practice your English.
For example: One woman is very disapointed with her neighbours who work all day and leave their pets alone at home. She is complaining about the noise these pets make. She thinks that working people shouldn't keep pets if they can't stay with them at home...