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My result: scrambled egg (omelette)............when I choose the option .............egg is an important food
It's Not important how prepared egg is, I like to eat it. But if an egg is cooked in "Japanese“, (a roasted "_runny egg" with pepper and salt), cut into strips and _ with black bread on the side. It is fantastic.
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What about my mum? My best childhood memories about my mum are going for long walks together and watching her drawing pictures. My mum loved walking by Lėvuo or going to the park She always took me together with her and we imagined various stories about gnomes and animals hiding in trees, bushes and the river. We took bread with us and fed ducks in the river and we sat on the grass in the summer or built snowmen in the winter. My mother could draw very well, she could make people's portraits, she drew me and my favourite characters from children's books. I loved to sit beside her and watch her working on some drawing. She doesn't draw anymore, but still, her Easter eggs are much more beautiful than the eggs colored by me!
Every child sees their mother as the most beautiful woman in the World! I think my mother was one of the most beautiful women in Pasvalys! She had long black hair and grey eyes, white and soft skin, she was thin and tall and gracious. Unfortunately, I don't look like my mother, I took after my father.
Now my mother is sixty four, has grey hair that is still long. She has difficulties to walk because her knees hurt. She isn't thin and gracious but she is still beautiful to me. I didn't do much for her on Mothering Sunday, I bought her two bags of her favourite cookies
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