Your homework for the 19th of May
(Don't forget to leave a comment about your attendance.)
1. Do exercises from Unit 8A on iTutor and in the workbook.
Please use the iChecker to listen to the interview with the detective.
Page 165 in the student's book has more irregular verbs:
2.After listening to the interview with the chief inspector Jeremy Downes from the Metropolitan Police on the radio show What's Next? answer the questions on the Forum:
opportunity - galimybė, a
carrier opportunity - karjeros galimybė, a
chief inspector - vyr. inspektorius; to
join - prisijungti,įstoti, įsilieti į gretas;
National Investigators Exam - valstybinis kriminalinių tyrėjų egzaminas;
to do a course - lankyti vienus kokius kursus; a
trainee investigator - inspektorius mokinys; to
solve a problem - išspręsti problemą, a
mystery - paslaptingas įvykis, nusikaltimas; to
solve a mystery - išnarplioti nusikaltimą, a
case - byla,
to go to a murder scene [syn'] - vykti į žmogžudystės vietą.
1. The detective Downes says that his profession runs in his family. Who else [elz] (dar) was a detective in his family?
2. What special qualifications does a person in Britain need to become a detective?
3. Why does the chief inspector like his job and why does he recommend it to anyone?