prieš 7 m. 3 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 3 mėn. #7614 nuo Peter
Peter replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
My homework.
Im Peter.I am from the town Pasvalys in Lithuania. My street in on the outskirts of the city.
Im married.I like to trawel to after ot her cauntries.
Im a retired.My wife Irena. She is retired.
My family a thirty children. Two daughteres and one son.They all gradesated from Vilnius University.They all work in Vilnius.Daughters vork a manageres a son is mathematician.
I am heppy.I have a beautifiul and frienndly family.

see you later:) :) :) :) :)

My homework.

I'm Peter.I am from the town Pasvalys in Lithuania. My street is on the outskirts of the town.
I'm married.I like to travel around other countries.
I'm _ retired.My wife is Irena. She is retired.
I have three children. Two daughters and one son.They all graduated from Vilnius University.They all work in Vilnius. The Daughters work as managers . Theson is a mathematician.
I am happy.I have a beautifiul and friendly family.

see you later:) :) :) :) :)

Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 3 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 7 m. 3 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 3 mėn. #7621 nuo VidaSleziene68
VidaSleziene68 replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
My name is Vida. In my family are 4 people and a cat Rudenėlis. My husban's name is Sigitas. He's work in Pasvalys. My daughter's name is Monika and she's lives and works in England. My son's name is Marius and he's live and work in Lithuania capital Vilnius.

See yuo :)

Mes ne viską dar mokėmės (there, works, lives...), bet pataisiau :) :
My name is Vida. In my family there are 4 people and a cat Rudenėlis. My husband's name is Sigitas. His work is in Pasvalys. My daughter's name is Monika and she lives and works in England. My son's name is Marius and he lives and works in Lithuanian capital Vilnius.

See you

Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 3 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 7 m. 3 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 3 mėn. #7622 nuo Silvija
Silvija replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
About my family
This is my husband. His first name is Giedrius. We have two daughters. He's thirty eight. He is a doctor and his job in the hospital :) He has a big fish aquarium. Aquarium is very beautiful.

...He is a doctor and his job is in the hospital :) He has a big fish aquarium. The aquarium is very beautiful....

Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 3 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 7 m. 3 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 3 mėn. #7625 nuo Kriginienė
Kriginienė replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
I'm Daima. I am from the small town Pasvalys. I'm married. This is my husband Marius. He is from Pasvalys. We have two children. This is my son. His first name is Eduardas and this is my daughter Lėja. They are students. This is my dog. Her name is Meta. It is four years old. It isn't weekend today. The weather is very cold.

Very good :woohoo: One mistake: ... It isn't the weekend today...
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prieš 7 m. 3 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 3 mėn. #7626 nuo as vaida
as vaida replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
About my family

I'm Vaida. I am from Pasvalys in Lithuania. I'm forty-one years old and I'm married. This is my husband Rimas. He's work at home. This is my doughters. Their names are Ieva and Eglė.
This is Ieva. She's eight years old. This is Eglė. She's twelve years old. They are students.

Good! :cheer: Three mistakes: His job is at home. They are my daughters...
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prieš 7 m. 3 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 3 mėn. #7629 nuo Vita
Vita replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
About my family.

I'm Vita. I am from the small town Pasvalys in Lithuania. My library is in the centre old the town.
I'm married. His first name is Andrejus. We have three daughters Monika, Marija and Andreja and one son Dovydas. Monika, Marija and Dovydas are students. Andreja is studying at school. She is eight years old.


Very good! :cheer: One small mistake:
My library is in the centre of the old town.

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prieš 7 m. 3 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 3 mėn. #7630 nuo replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
I’m Gintaras.I am from Pasvalys in Lithuania.
I’m married and I have three children.Two sons and a daughter.
My wife nam’s Vaida.She’s fifty years old.
My son’s name is Simonas and Edvardas.
Simonas is twenty-eight years old.He’s married and has a daughter Juliette.
Edvardas is twenty-seven years old.He’s a singl.
My sons live in Glazgow.
My daughter’s name’s Viktorija.She’s fifteen years old.
She is a student at school.

This is very good! :woohoo: One mistake:
My wife's name’s Vaida.

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prieš 7 m. 3 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 3 mėn. #7645 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
Hello, everyone! This is your homework for December 6:

New words:

a family tree [fe:mili tri:] - šeimos medis;
a man [men] - vyras (ne sutuoktinis)
men [mėn] - vyrai
a woman [wu men]- moteris
women [wi min] - moterys (dgs.)
a kid [kid] arba a child [čaild] vaikas
kids [kidz] arba children [čildren] - vaikai
a mother [ma th e] Mum [mam] - motina, Mama
a father [ fa th e] Dad [d ee: d] tėvas, Tėtė

to have [he: v] turėti
I, You, We, You, They HAVE [he:v] - Aš, Tu, Mes, Jūs, Jie turi;
He, She, It HAS [he: z ] - Jis, Ji, Tai turi

I have no books - aš neturiu knygų
She has no time - ji neturi laiko

a possession [posešn] - nuosavybė, turtas, branginamas daiktas
possessive [posesiv] (kalbant apie žmones) - pavydus, savininkiškas.

Nuosavybinis 's (Jūsų vadovėlyje: possessive 's) - gale žodžių pridedama 's, reiškianti kieno:
Alma's book - Almos knyga. Peter's car - Petro mašina.
! Jei žodis baigiasi galūne -s kieno? pridedamas tik apostrofas ' :
Antanas ' wife - Antano žmona . a childrens' room - Vaikų kambarys.

Mano, Tavo, Jo, Jos, ir To (ne žmogaus) - My [mai], Your [jo:], His [hiz], Her [ha] Its [ic]
Mūsų, Jūsų, Jų - Our [aue], Your [jo:], Their [th ea]

! Su vardais, taip pat su mano, tavo, savo... nereikia artikelio (A photo. Jurga's photo. Her photo.)

The exercises (pratimai)
in the workbook on pages twenty two, twenty three, twenty four (22, 23, 24):

North London - Šiaurės Londonas
a mile [mail] - mylia (apie 1.6 km)
a lot [e lot] - daug ; a lot of... = daug (ko?)
both [bou th] abu
rich [rič] - turtingas

Please, write what your family has.

Parašykite, ką jūsų šeima turi.

I have no children and no husband. My family is my mother and my cat Kindze.
I and my mother we have a flat in the centre of the town.
I have a job in a library. It is only about three hundred metres [mi:tez] (metrų) from my home. I am lucky to have a job near my home!
My mother's name's Angele. My mother has no job. She is retired. We both have a garden. Our garden is far from the centre of the town. My mother has no car. I have no car. But we both have bicycles [baisiklz] (dviračius). So that is not a problem. My bicycle is old. My Mum's bicycle isn't old. We are happy to have a garden.
We have two rooms in our flat. One room is for Mum and the other room's for me.
Mum's room is big. She has a new TV in her room. My room is small but very nice. I have a new laptop in my room.

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 3 mėn. nuo Jurate.

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prieš 7 m. 3 mėn. #7653 nuo Silvija
Silvija replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
I two children and husband. We have a flat near the park. I have a job in the laboratory. To my job it is about two kilos (kilometrai).
My daughter's name's Toma. She is a student. Toma has a chinchilla (šinšilą) and his name's Bonzė. My other daughter's name's Fausta. She is student. Fausta has a hamster (žiurkėną) and her name's Bolė.
My husband's name's Giedrius. He has car but he has not bicycle.
We have two rooms in our flat. One room is the kitchen (virtuvė) with a bed (lova). I do not laike it, because in there is big nois (triukšmas). The others room's for children's. The room is very beautiful.

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prieš 7 m. 3 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 3 mėn. #7654 nuo Kriginienė
Kriginienė replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
I have a husband. My family is my husband and we have two children. My husband name is Marius. Our son' s name's Eduardas. Our daughter' s name's Lėja. My familly have a dog. We have a flat in the centre of the town. I have a job in a police. We have a garden. Familly's garden is near our house. Lėjas' school is near our house. Eduardas' university in the city of Kaunas. My husband's work is miles from our house.
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 3 mėn. nuo Kriginienė.

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prieš 7 m. 3 mėn. #7655 nuo Peter
Peter replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
My homework
My family possessives my wife is Irena and two daughters in one son.They are live and work in Vilnius
I am retired My wife Irena she is retired.
We like to walk a city park.We have two bicyckles.I have a car. We have one a hause.Our a gardens are at home.We love work in it.
We have a lot friends. With them often we interact.
We are satistied life.

See you later:) :) :)

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prieš 7 m. 3 mėn. #7659 nuo VidaSleziene68
VidaSleziene68 replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
I have two childrens. Their names Monika and Marius. My husband name's Sigitas. My children are adult already and working. Their are happy. I have huge house and big garden. I also have my own room. In that room are computer, tv and a lot of books. I have one car. It's very nice. Me and my husband have a two bicycles. Their are old.

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prieš 7 m. 3 mėn. #7660 nuo Vita
Vita replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
My family is my mother and husband and three doughters and one son. My mother's name's Janina. My mom has a job. She works as an accountant. I have a job accountant. To my job it is two kilometers.
My doughter's name is Monika. She is a student. She has a cat Fifa. My children's Dovydas, Marija and Andreja has two dogs and four cats. My husband Andrius has a car. I have a house. There are six rooms. I like my home!


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prieš 7 m. 2 mėn. #7669 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
The homework for next Wednesday ( December 13) :cheer:

Grammar / gramatika:

The exercises in the workbook, pages 25 and 26:

Write on the Forum! My Best Friend! :)
Parašykite Forume: Mano geriausia(s) draugas(-ė)
1. What is your friend's name? How old is he / she?
2. Where is your friend's home? Where is his/her job?
3. Who is your friend's family? ( My friend has. a big / a small family.... His / Her parents have (three dogs) .... )
4. What is your friend's favourite music? (He/ She likes listening to.....)
5. What is your friend's favourite sport? (He /She likes playing.... He/ She likes watching .....)
6. What your friend likes doing together with you? (We both like ..... )

Look at the text on page 28 in Student Book:

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)

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prieš 7 m. 2 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 2 mėn. #7680 nuo Kriginienė
Kriginienė replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
My best friend
My best friend's name is Viktorija. She is forty—one years old. Viktorija is from Lithuania. My friend's home is in a village Žvirblai. She has a job. She is a nurse. My friend has a small familly. She is not married. She has father and mother. Her parents have one cat. My friend likes listening jazz and her favourite is Neda Malūnavičiūtė. She likes watching her the concerts. She likes running. We both like running.

Wonderful! Great! I love your comment :cheer:
su savybiniais įvardžiais nereikia artikelio: she likes watching her concerts.

... She has a father and a mother. ... My friend likes listening to jazz and her favourite is Neda Malūnavičiūtė. She likes watching her concerts. ....

Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 2 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 7 m. 2 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 2 mėn. #7682 nuo Silvija
Silvija replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
My best friend
My best friend is Giedrė. She has thirty-nine years old. She is from Pasvalys and her job in Pasvalys. My friend has a small family. She likes listening to music band „Magic!“. She likes playing a Karate. She likes watching a drama films. We both like wath films.

That's a good comment! :cheer:
daugiskaitoje nereikia artikelio 'a': She likes watching _ drama films
Anglų kalboje apie sporto šakos su kamuoliais sakoma 'to play', o be kamuolių - 'to do': she likes doing karate
My best friend is Giedrė. She is thirty-nine years old. She is from Pasvalys and her job is in Pasvalys. .... .............She likes doing karate.. She likes watching _ drama films. We both like watching films.

Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 2 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 7 m. 2 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 2 mėn. #7683 nuo Peter
Peter replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
My Best Frend

My best frends name is Antanas,He has forty two old.
He from is town Panevėžys.He have a job in Panevežys
He is teaccher. My frend has a small family.He family has a big hause.
He has a a car. He has a wife Sonata, She is a docter.He has a son Mindaugas.His family lives together with his parents. His parents have abig dogs. His dad is a hunter.
His favourite is pop music and symphonic music.
He likes to pley basscetboll and run. My frend Antanas like the guitar.
to call.
We often meet with him and have a nice time.
I love him very much sa frend Antanas.

See you latre.:) :) :)

I like your comment! :cheer: It is good! See you! :)
klasikinė muzika - classical music;

My best friend's name is Antanas,He is forty two years old.
He is from the town Panevėžys.He has a job in Panevežys
He is a teacher. My frend has a small family.His family has a big ho use.
He has a car. He has a wife Sonata, She is a docto r.He has a son Mindaugas.His family lives together with his parents. His parents have a big dog . His dad is a hunter.
His favourite music is pop and classical music.
He likes to pla y bask etba ll and run. My fri end Antanas likes to play the guitar.

We often meet with him and have a nice time.
I love him very much _.

See you later .

Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 2 mėn. nuo Jurate.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Jurate

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prieš 7 m. 2 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 2 mėn. #7685 nuo as vaida
as vaida replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
My best friend's name is Ina. She is my sister. She's 43 and she's a shop assistant.
She lives in Pasvalys. Her flat is near her job. Ina has one son. His name's Nerijus. He's 21 years old. Her son's live_ and work_ in London.
My sister has a lot of music. Her favourite music is pop and her favourite band is Rondo . Ina likes dancing. She also likes basketball.
We both like to travel.

Wow! :woohoo: Fantastic! Only one sentence with mistakes :) (tik vienas sakinys su klaidom):
Her son lives and works in London. Mes mokysimės apie tai ;)

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