- Žinutės: 36
- Gauta padėkų: 27
In my town Pasvalys there is a small market. This market works on Wednesday, on Friday, on Saturday. I go there on Sarturday. On Saturday I don't work. I buy fish and meat, sometimes _ clothes. I don't buy vegetables and apples, because I have my own garden. I like s hopping at the supermarket, because it's near my home.
I go - aš nueinu, vaikštau, lankausi (pirmas esamasis laikas anglų kalboje, reiškiantis nuolat atliekamus veiksmus, įpročius)
I'm going - šią minutę einu (antras esamasis laikas anglų kalboje, reiškiantis dabar atliekamus veiksmus)
clothes -rūbai (dgs.); vienas drabužis - a piece of clothing [pi:s of klou th ing]
my own - mano nuosavas (visada su my)
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We like oranges and tangerines from the market. I like shopping at the supermarket.
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I get up at six _ thirty AM. When I get up I have a shower at six forty five..... .I have breakfast at about seven thirty. I eat toast and drink coffee..... I walk towork on Wednesdays and Saturdays to work for two hours
I have lunch at one PM. At three o'clock I drink coffee.
I work at home, I cook food , go shopping, I learn _ English, read books.
At about six PM , I and my family have dinner. At six thirty in the evening I watch TV, read newspapers, I'm with my family.
I go to bed at about eleven o'clock in the evening.
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Sakinio tvarka:
asmuo (I, you, he... ) + veiksmas (have a shower) +laikas (at 7 fourty five)
laikas (at 7 fourty five) + asmuo (I, you, he... ) + veiksmas (have a shower)
My typical day
I always get up at six thirty AM. At six forty five AM I have a shower. At seven I get dressed. I have breakfast at about _ seven fifteen. I usually go to work at seven thirty AM. I have lunch at twelve PM. I leave work at four thirty. At five PM I get home. I and my family have dinner at six PM. At seven in the evening, I watch TV, read newspapers. I go to bed at about ? o'clock in the evening.
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Very nice! I like that you use new words and expressions in English :
išvesti šunį - to walk a dog / to take out a dog
išeiti su šunimi pasivaikščioti- to go for a walk with a dog
sušukuoti plaukus, padaryti šukuoseną - to do hair [diu hea:]
surišti plaukus - to tie [tai] hair (in a ponytail [ in e poniteil] - į uodegą)
įsidėti pietus į darbą - to pack lunch to work / to take packed lunch to work
iki - up to
.... At seven o'clock I take out our_ dog. At seven fifteen AM my family breakfast. I have to tie hair for my youngest (jauniausiai) daughter. I pack my work lunch and at seven forty I walk to work. I spend an interesting time at work. I work up to four thirty. I'm at home at about five thirty PM. And housework waits for me. I go to bed at about eleven o'clock in the evening and I read there
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.... I don't work at the weekend. .... I leave work_ at five PM. After the workday I cook food for my family. I go to bed at about eleven o'clock in the evening.
to live [liv - trumpas i] - gyventi
to leave [li: v - ilgas i] - palikti, išeiti (to leave work - palikti darbą; to leave the family - palikti šeimą; to leave a book - palikti knygą...)
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I like sandwiches and black coffee
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kai anglai sako kiek yra valandų, jie nevartoja žodžio valanda (an hour) Jie vartoja o'clock (kai yra lygiai valandų) o kitais atvejais - nieko arba AM ir PM
.... I walk taking out our_ dog. At eight_ o'clock (arba At eight arba At eight AM) I go to work. .... I come home, I have dinner with the family...
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Jurate's week
I go to work from Monday to Friday and I don't work at the weekend. On Monday evening I have an English class at the library. I have English classes on Wednesday and on Friday too. The classes start at 5 o'clock in the evening, but at 4 PM on Fridays.
On Tuesday and Thursday evenings I go to the gym class at Levuo school. I love exercising! We have a good gym teacher called Diana. She's a dancer too. We are about twenty people in our group. Our gym class starts at 6 PM and finishes at seven thirty PM.
At the weekend I am at home. I don't go to church, but my Mum does. She goes to church on Sundays.
She goes to the market every week, often on Wednesdays. She says that the Wednesday market is the best.
We both like to go out for a walk. My Mum usually walks to our garden. She goes there every week. It is about two or three kilometres from home. I usually walk to Pasvalys park after work, but at the weekend I have time to walk to the garden too.
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..... I decided to work at the Pasvalys market, because my friend has his workplace there.
All weekdays are busy for me. On Monday morning I often go to various offices, the clinic or to a chemist's shop. I'm sick rarely. On Monday and Thursday at ten thirty a.m. my friend gets heating procedures at the Pasvalys clinic. In the afternoon I like shopping in the supermarket. On Tuesday morning I like towalk our street . In the summer there trees bloom and birds sing. There is cold and empty now.
On Wednesday,Friday and Saturday I and my friend get up at three thirty or at three forty-five a.m. I always want to sleep. I have to wash, dress and drink coffee fast. We place goods on market stalls until seven thirty. Our workday finishes about three o'clock p.m. My hands are dirty. I want to get home. On Wednesday at five o'clock we have English classes. English language lessons at the library are interesting. I love it!
On Thursday morning I often do housework. There are many different jobs. I cook diner at the same time. My friend goes to garage. He takes care of the automobile well. We went to Panevezys last Thursday. We visited our old friends..............
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In the evening he watches movies on TV, on a computer.
Sometimes we go to the theater and a concert.
My children live and work in Denmark.
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.... I go to help my parents to the village........... My youngest daughter goes to school to a zero class. ............... At 5 o'clock I need to feed fish. I need to clear the table only then I can access them. My daughter does not like to do this.......
.Our_ teacher....
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This day_ is amazing.... In the afternoon she learns (mokosi kur?) at the music school.... At the weekend I go to my parents.....
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