prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #7813 nuo Kriginienė
Kriginienė replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
In my town Pasvalys is a small market. This market works on Wednesday, on Friday, on Saturday. I'm going there on Sarturday. _ Saturday I don't work. I buying fish and meat, sometimes a clothes. I don't buy vegetables and apples, becouse I have _ own garden. I like chopping at the supermarket, becouse it's near my home.

In my town Pasvalys there is a small market. This market works on Wednesday, on Friday, on Saturday. I go there on Sarturday. On Saturday I don't work. I buy fish and meat, sometimes _ clothes. I don't buy vegetables and apples, because I have my own garden. I like s hopping at the supermarket, because it's near my home.

I go - aš nueinu, vaikštau, lankausi (pirmas esamasis laikas anglų kalboje, reiškiantis nuolat atliekamus veiksmus, įpročius)
I'm going - šią minutę einu (antras esamasis laikas anglų kalboje, reiškiantis dabar atliekamus veiksmus)
clothes -rūbai (dgs.); vienas drabužis - a piece of clothing [pi:s of klou th ing]
my own - mano nuosavas (visada su my)


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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #7816 nuo Vita
Vita replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18

I go to shop to Pasvalys market too. Our town market works on Wednesday, on Friday and on Saturday. I like buying fish and eggs at the market. I buy eggs from village women. 10 eggs are about one euro fifty. I don't buy vegetables at the market because I have my own. We like oranges and mandarrins from _ market. I like shopping on supermarket.

Good! :)
mandarinų populiaresnis pavadinimas yra tangerines [tandžerinz]

We like oranges and tangerines from the market. I like shopping at the supermarket.

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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #7817 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
What time is it? It is time for English homework!

Here is your homework for January 18

New words:
Excuse me! What time is it, please? Atsiprašau, kiek yra valandų?
Do you have the time, please? Ar žinote, kiek dabar valandų?

A typical day [e tipikal dei] - įprastinė diena:

At 7 AM [ei em] - It is time to get up =7 ryto - laikas keltis
At 7:05 AM (seven oh five) [seven ou faiv] It is time to wash / It is time to have a shower [šaue] =po 7 penkios - laikas praustis / laikas praustis po dušu
At 7:10 (seven ten) - It is time to get dressed [get drest]= laikas apsirengti
At 7:15 (seven fifteen) - It is time to have breakfast [brek fest] - Laikas valgyti pusryčius
At 7:30 AM [seven thirty] - It is time to go to work - Laikas vykti į darbą
At 12 PM [tvelv pi: em ] - It is time to have lunch = Dvyliktą dienos - Laikas pietauti
At 5 PM - It is time to leave [li:v] work = Penktą po pietų - Laikas palikti darbą (t.y. eiti namo)
At 6 PM [siks pi: em] - It is time to get home = šeštą vakaro laikas grįžti namo.
At 7 PM - Time to have dinner [dine] - septintą vakaro laikas valgyti vakarienę
At 7:30 in the evening - Time to watch TV [uotč ti:vi:] , time to read a newspaper [nju:Z peipe] , time to be with the family, time to relax [rilaks] - 7:30 vakaro - laikas pažiūrėti TV, laikas paskaityti laikraštį, laikas pabūti su šeima, laikas atsipalaiduoti....
At 11 o'clock [i: le ven oklok] in the evening -It is time to go to bed = lygiai vienuoliktą vakaro laikas eiti gultis
At 12 AM [ei em] - Time to sleep [sli: p] = Dvyliktą nakties - laikas miegoti
........ ......... .
Remember (atsiminkite):
o'clock - tik tada, kai yra lygiai valandų (be minučių)
Galima pakeisti: AM = in the morning; PM = in the afernoon, in the evening
Never, always, sometimes, usually (niekada, visada, kartais, paprastai) sakinyje eina tarp asmens ir veiksmažodžio. Jei veiksmažodis 'to be' - po 'to be'
I never have breakfast because I am always late to work in the morning. Aš niekada nepusryčiauju, nes aš visada rytais vėluoju į darbą.
AT (kada?) - kelintą valandą ir savaitgalį: at the weekend; at one o'clock
ON (kada?) - kokią dieną : on Wednesday (trečiadienį)
IN (kada?) - rytą, vakarą, popietę: in the morning, in the evening, in the afternoon
....... ................ ........ .............
HOW do you go to work? KAIP jūs vykstate į darbą?
By bus, by car, by taxi [bai te ksi] - autobusu, mašina, taksi
by foot [bai fut] = I walk [uo: k]- einu pėsčiomis

WHERE do you have lunch? KUR jūs pietaujate?
in a cafe - kavinėje
in a canteen[kantin] =in a cafeteria = in a diner [in e daine] - valgykloje
at home - namuose
at work = in the office - darbe

The exercises on pages 34-36 in the workbook:
toast [toust] - skrudinta duona (neturi artikelio 'a')
exactely [igzaktli] - tiksliai

called [kold] - vadinamas
fashion [fašn] - mada
to tidy [taidi] - sutvarkyti, susitvarkyti

Write on the forum about your typical day!
When do you usually get up?
Do you have breakfast? Do you have a shower in the morning?
How do you go to work?
When do you get to work?
Where do you have lunch?
When do you leave work?
What do you usually do in the evening?
When do you go to bed?

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. nuo Jurate.

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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #7827 nuo kupiskis
kupiskis replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
Hello, I used the next time expression. I don't want to forget it.
My daily routine
I often get up at seven o'clock. In the winter it is usually dark outdoors. I have a shower at quarter past seven. I sometimes don't have time for shower bath. Then I brush my teeth and wash my face. I have my breakfast at half past seven. I like cereals, one egg, black bread and a mug of caffe_ or tea for breakfast. I put little sugar to tea.
I go to work at ten to eight. I have lunch at eleven ten a.m. I don't work every day.On my freetime I do housework,I like shopping or watching TV.
I leave my workplace at four o'clock p.m. I'm tired and hungary. My friend worked in the garage.We get home at twenty past four. We have dinner about five o'clock. The time of the evening is too short for me. Now I read the book "Life without limits" by Nick Vujicic. It is the book of an extraordinary man. I sleep well. This is important for all people.

Wow! :woohoo: Fantastic! :)

Some spelling (rašybos) mistakes:

coffee.... free_ time... hungry...
One vocabulary mistake:
I don't have time for a shower
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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #7835 nuo Red Rose
Red Rose replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18

My typical day
I get up at six in thirty AM. When _ get up I have a shower at six forty five. I get dressed .
I have breakfast 2.about 1. at seven thirty. I eat toast and ___ coffee.
I don't go to work every day. I walk _work on Wednesdays and Saturdays for two o'clocks.
I have lunch at one PM. At three o'clock I drink coffee.
I work at home, I cook to eat , go shopping, I'm learning in English, read books.
2.about 1. at six PM , I and my family ____ dinner. At six thirty in the evening I watch TV, read nevspapers, I'm with my family.
I go to bed _ about eleven o'clock in the evening.

Wonderful! :cheer:
apie (tokią valandą) = at about...
mokausi anglų - I learn English. (in English verčiasi angliškai)
einu į darbą dviem valandoms(?) - I walk to my work to work for two hours

I get up at six _ thirty AM. When I get up I have a shower at six forty five..... .I have breakfast at about seven thirty. I eat toast and drink coffee..... I walk towork on Wednesdays and Saturdays to work for two hours
I have lunch at one PM. At three o'clock I drink coffee.
I work at home, I cook food , go shopping, I learn _ English, read books.
At about six PM , I and my family have dinner. At six thirty in the evening I watch TV, read newspapers, I'm with my family.
I go to bed at about eleven o'clock in the evening.

Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #7840 nuo VidaSleziene68
VidaSleziene68 replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
My typical day
I always get up at six thirty AM. I six forty five AM to have a shower. At seven I get dressed. I have breakfast at about at seven fifteen. I usually 2. seven thirty AM to 1. go to work. I have lunch at twelve PM. i have at forty thirty to leave work. At five PM to get home. I and my family have dinner at six PM. At seven in the evening, I watch TV, read newspapers. I go to bed at about _ o'clock in the evening.

Sakinio tvarka:
asmuo (I, you, he... ) + veiksmas (have a shower) +laikas (at 7 fourty five)
laikas (at 7 fourty five) + asmuo (I, you, he... ) + veiksmas (have a shower)

My typical day
I always get up at six thirty AM. At six forty five AM I have a shower. At seven I get dressed. I have breakfast at about _ seven fifteen. I usually go to work at seven thirty AM. I have lunch at twelve PM. I leave work at four thirty. At five PM I get home. I and my family have dinner at six PM. At seven in the evening, I watch TV, read newspapers. I go to bed at about ? o'clock in the evening.

Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #7841 nuo Silvija
Silvija replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
I get up at six thirty AM. Then I go to wash. At seven o'clock I walk taking out ours dog. At seven fifteen AM my family breakfast. I have to bat (rišti) hair my young daughter. I am in the backpack of food and at seven forty I wolk to work. I spend (praleidžiu) an interesting time at work. I work up _ four thirty. I'm at home about at five thirty AM. And me waiting for housework. I go to bed at about eleven o'clock in the evening and I read there :)

Very nice! I like that you use new words and expressions in English :
išvesti šunį - to walk a dog / to take out a dog
išeiti su šunimi pasivaikščioti- to go for a walk with a dog
sušukuoti plaukus, padaryti šukuoseną - to do hair [diu hea:]
surišti plaukus - to tie [tai] hair (in a ponytail [ in e poniteil] - į uodegą)
įsidėti pietus į darbą - to pack lunch to work / to take packed lunch to work
iki - up to

.... At seven o'clock I take out our_ dog. At seven fifteen AM my family breakfast. I have to tie hair for my youngest (jauniausiai) daughter. I pack my work lunch and at seven forty I walk to work. I spend an interesting time at work. I work up to four thirty. I'm at home at about five thirty PM. And housework waits for me. I go to bed at about eleven o'clock in the evening and I read there

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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #7842 nuo Vita
Vita replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
I have a Samsung phone. I received gifts during the Cristmas. My family has a car BMW. This car is German. It's price _ seven thousand euros. I have a Chinese bike. It costs a hundred euros. It is new. It works very well.

Its price is seven thousand euros.
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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #7843 nuo Kriginienė
Kriginienė replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
My typical day
I get up at six o'clock and I have a shower. I have breakfast at seven o'clock. At seven ten AM it is time to get dressed. I go to work at seven forty-five. I work every day from eight PM to five PM. I don't work on weekend. I have lunch from twelve PM to one PM. I live works at five PM. After _ workday I cook food for my family. I go to bed at about eleven o'clock in the evening.

.... I don't work at the weekend. .... I leave work_ at five PM. After the workday I cook food for my family. I go to bed at about eleven o'clock in the evening.

to live [liv - trumpas i] - gyventi
to leave [li: v - ilgas i] - palikti, išeiti (to leave work - palikti darbą; to leave the family - palikti šeimą; to leave a book - palikti knygą...)

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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #7844 nuo as vaida
as vaida replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
My typical day

I always get up at seven o'clock and I have a shower at seven ten AM. I have breakfast at seven thirty AM. I like sandwich- and black coffe_.
At nine o'clock I go shopping.
I get home at eleven o'clock, and I have lunch at eleven thirty PM. I usually have a soup and fish for lunch.
In the evening I always do housework and make dinner.
At eight thirty PM I usually watch TV. At ten o'clock I have a bath and at eleven o'clock I go to bed.

I like sandwiches and black coffee

Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #7845 nuo Vita
Vita replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
I get up at seven thirty. At seven o'clock I walk taking out ours dog. At eighth hour I go to work. I cook and have breakfast at work. I love my job very much. I work until 5 o'clock in the evening. _ Come home, dinner with family. Then I work again...I'm a bookkeeper. At the beginning of the year it is always the case.
Therefore, I can not come to English lessons.
Have a nice evening :)
I wish you joyful lessons :) Because lessons are always very interesting and fun for us.

I'm happy that you find time to learn English. Thank you for your nice words. Come to the library when you are free. :kiss:

kai anglai sako kiek yra valandų, jie nevartoja žodžio valanda (an hour) Jie vartoja o'clock (kai yra lygiai valandų) o kitais atvejais - nieko arba AM ir PM :)

.... I walk taking out our_ dog. At eight_ o'clock (arba At eight arba At eight AM) I go to work. .... I come home, I have dinner with the family...

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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #7853 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
Guys, sorry, I'm late :cheer:

Here is your homework for January 24 (next Wednesday):

Do the exercises on pages 37, 38 and 39:

Words from the text about Obama: the forty fourth - keturiasdešimt ketvirtas; he was born [uoz bo/r/n] - gimė; private [praivat] - privati;
her most important job is as [e:z] mother - jos pats svarbiausias darbas yra kaip motina...
his own indoors basketball court [hiz oun indo: /r/z baskebol co /r/t] - jo nuosava vidinė (namo viduje įrengta) krepšinio aikštelė
to church [tiu čio/r/č] - į bažnyčią
more than [mo: then] - daugiau nei.

And now, write about yourself [joself] (save patį) and your family :woohoo:

Su savaitės dienomis vartokite 'on ' (jei nesakote 'every' - kiekvieną) , savaitgalį - at the weekend (ir nieko su 'every weekend)...

What do you do from Monday to Sunday?
What does your husband do? What do your children do?

What days do you go shopping to the market or to the supermarket?
What days do you visit other people (friends, a sister or a brother, the parents.... )?
What days do you go to classes (užsiėmimus: a yoga class (jogos užsiėmimas), an English class( anglų užsiėmimas), the gym (sportas)
What days do you go out? (išeinate iš namų, tai yra pasižmonėti, į miestą)
What days do you go to church?

Jurate's week
I go to work from Monday to Friday and I don't work at the weekend. On Monday evening I have an English class at the library. I have English classes on Wednesday and on Friday too. The classes start at 5 o'clock in the evening, but at 4 PM on Fridays.
On Tuesday and Thursday evenings I go to the gym class at Levuo school. I love exercising! We have a good gym teacher called Diana. She's a dancer too. We are about twenty people in our group. Our gym class starts at 6 PM and finishes at seven thirty PM.
At the weekend I am at home. I don't go to church, but my Mum does. She goes to church on Sundays.
She goes to the market every week, often on Wednesdays. She says that the Wednesday market is the best.
We both like to go out for a walk. My Mum usually walks to our garden. She goes there every week. It is about two or three kilometres from home. I usually walk to Pasvalys park after work, but at the weekend I have time to walk to the garden too.

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)

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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #7859 nuo kupiskis
kupiskis replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
Birute's week. I became retired in summer 2015. At the same time my company moved to Panevezys. I decided to work in market Pasvalys, beaucoup my friend has his workplace there.
All weekdays are busy for my. On Monday morning I often go to various offices, _ clinic or to _ chemist's shop. I'm sick rarely. On Monday and Thursday at ten thirty a.m. my friend gets heating procedures in 1. Pasvalys. In the afternoon I like shopping in _ supermarket. On Tuesday morning I like _ walk by our street. In the summer there 2. bloom 1. trees and birds song. There is cold and empty now.
On Wednesday,Friday and Saturday I and my friend get up at three thirty or at three forty-five a.m. I always want to sleep. I have to wash,dress clothes and drink coffee fast. We place goods on market stal_s until seven thirty. Our workday finishes about three o'clock p.m. My hands are dirty. I want to get home. On Wednesday at five o'clock we have English classes. English language lessons at _ library are interesting. I love it!
On Thursday morning I often do hous_work. There are many different jobs. I cook diner at the same time. My friend goes to _ garage. He takes care of the mashine well. We went to Panevezys last Thursday. We wisited our old friends.
On Sunday morning I get up late. We like reading books,watching TV or listening music.This is the best day of the week.

So good! :woohoo: Don't forget articles! ;)
a machine [mašin] - aparatas; an automobile [automobail] ,a car [ka] , a vehicle [vehikl] - mašina, automobilispasivaik
to walk the street, to walk down the street - pasivaikščioti gatve

..... I decided to work at the Pasvalys market, because my friend has his workplace there.
All weekdays are busy for me. On Monday morning I often go to various offices, the clinic or to a chemist's shop. I'm sick rarely. On Monday and Thursday at ten thirty a.m. my friend gets heating procedures at the Pasvalys clinic. In the afternoon I like shopping in the supermarket. On Tuesday morning I like towalk our street . In the summer there trees bloom and birds sing. There is cold and empty now.
On Wednesday,Friday and Saturday I and my friend get up at three thirty or at three forty-five a.m. I always want to sleep. I have to wash, dress and drink coffee fast. We place goods on market stalls until seven thirty. Our workday finishes about three o'clock p.m. My hands are dirty. I want to get home. On Wednesday at five o'clock we have English classes. English language lessons at the library are interesting. I love it!
On Thursday morning I often do housework. There are many different jobs. I cook diner at the same time. My friend goes to garage. He takes care of the automobile well. We went to Panevezys last Thursday. We visited our old friends..............

Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #7860 nuo Red Rose
Red Rose replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
My week,
I walk to work on Wednesday and on Saturday. I learn English on Wednesday from 5 to 8 PM. We have very good English teacher Jurate.
On Thursday I go to the pool to swim. I go to the Pasvalys market on Saturday. Sometimes I go to the supermarket.
My husband goes to work . He is a driver. In the evening he watch_ movies on TV, on a computer.
Sometimes we go to the theater and the concert.
My childrens to lives and to works in Denmark.

the concert -vienintelis koncertas ir visi žino koks; a concert - vienas koks nors koncertas apskritai

In the evening he watches movies on TV, on a computer.
Sometimes we go to the theater and a concert.
My children live and work in Denmark.

Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #7861 nuo Silvija
Silvija replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
Silvija‘s week
I work on a roaming schedule (slenkančiu grafiku=on a rotating shift schedule arba on rotating shifts). Friday is the most wonderful day of the week. I can get away from the rush. On Saturday or the next day I go to help my parents to _ village.
On Monday and Wednesday, my eldest daughter has karate classes. My youngest daughter goes to school in a zero class. From Monday to Friday her father drives her to Ustukiai.
Every day our dog, chinchilla, hamster and aquarium under the table requires attention (reiklauja dėmesio). _ 5 o'clock _ need to feed fish. _ Need to drop a table only then I can access them (reikia nukraustyti - to clear[klie:] stalą tik tada galiu prieti prie jų). My daughter do not like to do this.
Every day I cook food, my family likes everything. On Sunday I bake cake or cookies.
I go to English classes on Wednesday. Lessons are going on in the library. I like it there very much.Ours teacher is called Jūratė. She has a lot of patience(daug kantrybės), works hard (darbšti), fun(linksma). She is always ready to help us. Wednesday is a great day!

Wow :woohoo: I'm amazed [ameizd] (sužavėta) :cheer:
Reikia = I need, you need, he needs, she needs, it needs, we need, they need.... (pasirinkti asmenį pagal situaciją)

.... I go to help my parents to the village........... My youngest daughter goes to school to a zero class. ............... At 5 o'clock I need to feed fish. I need to clear the table only then I can access them. My daughter does not like to do this.......
.Our_ teacher....

Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #7864 nuo Kriginienė
Kriginienė replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
Daima's week
I go to work from Monday to Friday, but I don't work at the weekend. I work every day from eight o'clock to five PM. Every Wednesday I go to sports school, after work (five PM) I go to study English. Our teacher's name is Jūrate. This days is amazing. On Wednesday I'm tired in the evening.
My husband works too, but not every day. He works on a sliding schedule (slenkančiu grafiku=on rotating shifts; on a rotating shift schedule) ).
My son is a student. He sometimes returns home at the weekend. My daughter is a student. From Monday to Friday she learns at Lėvuo school and _ afternoon she learns to music school. She is always busy. _ The weekend I go to my parents and husband's parents or ours friends.

This day_ is amazing.... In the afternoon she learns (mokosi kur?) at the music school.... At the weekend I go to my parents.....

Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #7865 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
At home you have to do the test for Unit 6:

Click 'START' and go to iChecker:

What to write on the Forum
Please watch the video and write the answers to my questions

If it is difficult to understand, go to 3:20 and watch with subtitles.
Jei sunku suprasti, eikite į 3:20 min ir pažiūrėkite su subtitrais.

Yra nežinomų žodžių, bet jų jums atsakymams nereikės :)

0:15 sec : What time does Diane start work? What time does she finish her work?
0:26 sec : What time does Cliona start work? When does she finish?
1:17 min : What is Thelma's job? When does she start and finish her work?
1:29 min : How many hours does Pauline work a day
(per dieną)? What time does she start and finish?
2: 44 min : How often does Aisling drink wine?
2:58 min : How often does Rae drink champaigne and wine?
3:10 min : How often do Elaine and Liz drink wine?

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. nuo Jurate.

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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #7874 nuo Peter
Peter replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
My homework
Martine -em-ai-a-ti-ai-en-i
Tim -ti-ai-em
Tonny-ti -en-en-wai
Richard -er- ai -si-eič-ei-a-di
Josh-džei-eu-es -eič
See yuo later

I don't understand what homework it is, Peter :( But thank you for your comment!
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. nuo Jurate.

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Moderatoriai: Jurate
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