prieš 7 m. 6 val. - prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #7991 nuo kupiskis
kupiskis replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
1.I live in a flat.
2.My flat is in a cottage house,on the ground floor. We can not use the stairs. It's easy for us to bring big things such as a wardrobe or sofa. Negative - on the ground floor there are more rubbishes and noises. (triukšmas (noise) ir šiukšlės (rubbish) anglų k. paprastai neturi daugiskaitos)
3.We live two people in our flat.
4.I like location of our home. Our home is near the river and ? small story. = a small store
5.My favorite room is ? living room. This room is big and bright. There is the large windowsill. (= the... a... po there is/are paprastai vartojamas artikelis 'a, o ne 'the')
6.In living room ? is ? dark table and ? DVD on it. I like growing flowers. Two beautiful flowers are blooming now. There are some pictures on the walls. On spring and summer ? are sunny here. We love our living room. (=there is a dark table and a DVD player on it.....In is sunny here...)
7.Our kitchen is small. There are a cooker,a small table,a big fridge,two chairs and big flower on the windowsill. I make delicious food here. (There is a cooker)

Jeigu pirma eina vienaskaitos daiktavardis = There is
Jeigu pirma eina daugiskaita = There are
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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #7992 nuo Red Rose
Red Rose replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18

1. I live in a flat. There is two rooms, ? kitchen and ? bathroom. (=are... a kitchen, a bathroom)
2. My home is located in the city center.
3. I live in a flat with my husband.
4. I like the location of my home. This is ? comfortable place. Near the house there is a market, a bus station. (=a comfortable place...)
5. I like our living room. Here I love to watch TV, work on a computer, knit.
6. My living room there aren't big. In the room there is one window. Here there are a few flowers. In my room there is a sofa, a small table, two chair_, ? TV, ? computer. There are some books on the shelf. (=My living room isn't big.... two chairs.... a TV, a computer.)
7. My kitchen is very small but very cozy. There are a fridge, a small table and two chair_. In front of there is a cooker. On the left of ? there is a cupboard. Next to ? there is a sink.(=There is a fridge,... two chairs...On the left of the cooker?...)

? reiškia praleistas artikelis arba žodis :)
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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #7993 nuo Silvija
Silvija replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
1. I live in a flat, in the first floor. =on
2. My home ? at the end of the town. =is
3. In my home live four peoples. (veiksnys -tarinys: four people live.)
4. Yes, I like it, because it is not noisy, ? the river next to ?. (=There is the river next to it.)
5. My favourite is a kitchen with ? badroom, they are two in one. =My favourite is the kitchen with the bedroom . The todėl, kad kalbate apie konkrečius kambarius -savo mėgiamiausius)
6. ? Room on the right is living room. There is soft angle (minkštas kampas=a corner sofa [ko/r/ne soufa](kampo sofa)). ? Middle (viduryje) of the room ? is a interesting table with ? aquarium. In front of the table ? is a very long TV table. (The room on the right is a living room. There is a corner sofa. In the middle of the room .there is a curious / unusual[kju rias/ anju:žual - neįprastas/ įdomus) table with an aquarium. In front of the table there is...)
7. ? Room on the left is ? kitchen. There is a kitchen unit, a fridge, a cooker, a sink. =The... a...
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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #7994 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
Our new book is Cities.
You can find the book and the audios here:

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #7996 nuo as vaida
as vaida replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
1. I live in a house.
2. My home ? located in ? village. (=is... a village).
3. In my house live four people. (veiksnys-tarinys: In my house four people live.)
4. I like because where is my house _ is low pollution, and there is no noise.(veiksnys-tarinys ir 'there': ... where my house is, there is low pollution... )
5. My favourite room is ? bedroom, becouse I am sleeping there. (=the bedroom... I sleep there (sleep - todėl, kad nuolatos, o ne vien tik šiuo momentu)
6. My living room is big. There's three sofas, ? brown armchair, ? big wardrobe with ? TV, two tables and six chairs.(=There're three sofas, a brown armchair, a big wardrobe with a TV...)
7. My kitchen is small, but space is enough. In ? kitchen ? is ? table and four chairs, ? sink, ? large cooking table and ? oven. (... but the space... In the kitchen there is a table... oven.)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #7997 nuo Kriginienė
Kriginienė replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
1. I live in a flate.
2. My home is located in the city center. I live on the three floor in an apartment. (on the third (trečias) floor)
3. Four people lives in the house.
4. I like _ location of my home. I like it, because the building is next to a supermarket and near work. (the location)
5. My favourite is the bedroom because it's large and has ? large mirror. =a large mirror
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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #7998 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
This time we are reading the book Cities.
Šį kartą mes skaitome knygą "Miestai"
The book is here:
The 12 audios are here:

(If you have ZIP on your computer, you can download all the audios in one go!
Jei turite ZIP programą savo komiuteryje, galite parsisiųsti visus audio vienu sykiu: )

Some words:
a chapter [čapte] - knygos skyrius. There are 12 chapters in this book
Discover! [diskove] - Atrask, pažink!
More than [mo: then] - daugiau negu
a boat [bout] - nedidelis laivas
a lake [leik] - ežeras
to ride [raid] - važinėtis, vairuoti, riedėti
a rickshaw [rikšo] - rikša; Azijos šalyse - dviratis taksi vežimėlis
Page 12: a playground [pleigraund] - žaidimų aikštelė
a salesclerck [seilzklerk] - pardavimų vadybininkas
Page 16: a traffic jam [trafik dže:m] - eismo kamštis
to make pollution [meik poliu šn] - daryti, kelti taršą
a tram [tre:m] -tramvajus
Trams run on tracks [tre:ks] - tramvajai važinėja (bėginėja) takeliais
page 17: underground trains [andegraund treinz] - požeminiai traukiniai=metro
under the ground [ande the graund] - po žemės paviršiumi
deep [di:p] - gilus, giliai
Page 18: to have fun [fan] - smagiai leisti laiką, linksmintis
to ride on a boat [raid on e bout] - plaukioti laiveliais
to talk to friends [tok tiu friendz] - kalbėtis su draugais

This time you don't have to write anything on the forum
Šįkart jums nereikia rašyti nieko forume.
Just read the book about cities, do the exercises and come to the library on Wednesday.
We will check the exercises together.

Tik perskaitykite knygą apie miestus, padarykite pratimus ir ateikite į biblioteką trečiadienį.
Mes patikrinsime pratimus drauge.

See you! :)

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #8010 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
On the 21 of March, when you come to the class, we will learn how to give directions
Kovo 21 d., kai ateisite į klasę, mes mokysimės kaip nurodyti kelią.
DĖMESIO: Spoileris! [ Spustelėkite, kad išplėsti ]

And now, at home, please, do the exercises on pages 48, 50 and 51:
Some words on page 48: in the corner [in the ko/r/ne] - kampe; in the drawer [in the dro:] - stalčiuje; sailing [seilin] - plaukiojimas laivu; to sunbathe [sanbeith] - degintis saulėje; sunbathing [sanbei thing] - deginimasis;
On page 50: a historic market town - istorinis turgamiestis; population [popjuleišn] - populiacija, gyventojai; a castle [kesl] - pilis; a view [vju:] vaizdas; a walk [uok] - pasivaikščiojimų takas; woods [udz] - miškas; several [several] - keletas; the high street [hai stryt] - pagrindinė (pažodžiui - aukštoji) gatvė; bakers [beikez] - kepyklų parduotvės; dry cleaners [drai klynez] - sauso rūbų valymo punktai;

Watch the video about Amsterdam:
Some words: it is known [it iz noun] - jis yra žinomas; the Dutch [dač] - olandai; the Netherlands [ne th erlendz] Olandija; over ( su skaičiais)[ouve] - virš; all over the world
    iš viso pasaulio;
boats of all shapes and sizes [bouts of ol šeips end saizis] - laivai visų formų ir dydžių; science [sajens] - mokslas; arts [arts] - menai; an area [erea] - zona; a place [pleis] - vieta; to cycle [saikl] - važinėti dviračiu; a car park [ka pak] - mašinų stovėjimo vieta; a bycicle park [baisikl park] - dviračių stovėjimo vieta

Please, write about your home town or your home village:
1 What is your home town or your home village? Where is it?
2 Where do you go shopping in your town?
3 How do you go around in your town? (to go around - keliauti po)
4 Where do you go eat out in your town?
5 Where can people relax and have fun in your town? What sports can they do?

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. nuo Jurate.

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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #8024 nuo Kriginienė
Kriginienė replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
My town Pasvalys is in the north of the Lithuania, next to the Latvia. My town is old. Over 7000 people live in the Pasvalys.
2. In my town I go shop in the supermarkets or in the market.
3. In the town it is best to go or rid a bike in summer.
4. Somtimes I go to eat in a pizzeria.
5. People can relax in a sports complex, park, museum or cultural center. In a sports complex they can swim, run, ride a bike .

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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #8025 nuo kupiskis
kupiskis replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
1.My home town is Kupiskis. It is in north-east of the country of Lituania.My home town is small but nice.
2. I live in Pasvalys now. I go shopping to the supermarket two time for week. Sometimes I buy some meet, fish and oranges at the supermarket on our workdays.
3.Usualy I walking around Pasvalys with pleasure. Many people like cycling. On Sunday I go to our garden by car. I'm excited about the wheel.I want to get more experience.
4.I rarely go eat out in Pasvalys. My friend Rima and I went to cafe "Arka" two week ago.
5.People can visit the sport center in Pasvalys. Here are some sports activities.You can play in the gym,swimming in the pool. I like to visit the sauna. In the summer in Pasvalys are more opportunities for sports and relaxtion.

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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #8027 nuo Red Rose
Red Rose replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18

1. My home town is Pasvalys. It is a city in the north of the Lithuania. The city is old. About 7000 people live in the Pasvalys.
2. In my town I go shopping at Pasvalys market and in the supermarkets .
3. I'm to go for a walk around Pasvalys or I'm drive a car.
4. I'm usually eat at home, but I sometimes go to eat in a pizzeria.
5. People can relax in a cultural center , a museum, a library. Can go for a walk a park, ride a bike. In the sport complex can play basketbool, swimming in the pool.

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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #8028 nuo Silvija
Silvija replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
1) My home village is Ustukiai. Next to Pasvalys. But now I live in Pasvalys in a very beautiful place.
2) I go to the supermarket. Sometimes I go to the market.
3) I like to walk, but hurriedly (skubant) I go around in my town a car, a bike. The town is small so easy to walk everywhere.
4) I cook food myself (pati). Very rarely I go to eat in a pizzeria. Can you eat out in "Krabinukas" :)
5) People can relax in the swimming pool, go to the cultural center. To walk even after three parks. In one park is a stadium, there you can play football, basketball, tennis.

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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #8029 nuo VidaSleziene68
VidaSleziene68 replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18

1.My village name is Valakėliai, it is in the north of the Lithuania. My village is 3 kilometers from city Pasvalys.
2. In my village I go shopping in the market or supermarket.
3. In the countryside, I usually cycling or walking.
4. In my city isn’t a lot of place to eat, but Sometimes I go for dinner to cafe "Arka".
5.In my area people can relax and have fun in the forest, at home or traveling to another bigger city. People usually playing basketball or cycling with the bike. On these days quite popular is running or walking with sticks.

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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #8030 nuo as vaida
as vaida replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
1. I live outside the town. My home village is Valakėliai.
2. I go shopping in the market and supermarket in the Pasvalys.
3. I go around my town with my car.
4. I usualy eat at home, but somtimes I go eat in a pizzeria.
5. People can relax in a cultural center, swimming pool, a library and museum.

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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #8031 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
We are learning how to give directions = how to tell the way
Mes mokomės, kaip parodyti kelią
Can you tell me the way to .... ? [ken ju tel mi the uei tiu] - Ar galite parodyti kelią į ... ?
Easy English - lengva anglų kalba:

Difficult English - sunki anglų kalba:

New words:

to give directions [give dajerekšnz] - parodyti kryptį/kelią
to tell the way [tel the uei] - parodyti kelią
a way [uei] =a road [roud] =a lane [lein] =a street [stryt] - gatvė
a crossroad [krosroud] - sankryža (dviejų kelių susikirtimas)
a roundabout [raundabaut] - žiedas, žiedinė sankryža
left / right
- kairė/ dešinė
to the left / to the right - į kairę / į dešinę
on the left / on the right - kairėje / dešinėje
turn left / turn right - pasukite kairėn/ pasukite dešinėn

Do the exercises from the workbook, on page 49 (unit 8 )

Do the test for unit 8:

Write on the Forum:
1. What street do you live on?
2. How much time does it take to go from your home to Pasvalys centre?
3. Can you tell the way from your home to the nearest shop?
(the nearest [nierest] - artimiausia)

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. nuo Jurate.

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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #8033 nuo Silvija
Silvija replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
Hello, Jūrate :)

1) I live on the Nepriklausomybės street.
2) It takes ten minutes to go from my home to Pasvalys centre.
3) I go straight along my street. Wen I come to a crossroad behind her __ is the church. Then I turn to the right and I go to the Avižonio street. On the left it is my the nearest shop "Maxima" . Opposite it __ is the museum :)

her - tinka tik su žmonėmis, o randasi / yra - there is:

Wen I come to a crossroad behind it there is the church. ... On the left there is my nearest shop "Maxima" . Opposite it there is the museum.

Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #8040 nuo kupiskis
kupiskis replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
1. I live on Gėlių street in Pasvalys. If you go straight to the street Taikos, then you have ? turn to the left on the crossroad near the Sport center. This street is Gėlių, it goes down to the bridge over the river. (If you go straight onto the street Taikos, the you have to turn...)
2.I take fifteen minutes to go from our home to Pasvalys center. =It takes (geriau taip :) )
3.The nearest shop is story "Iki". Recently there was repair.The store became bigger. I go up street Gėlių. I can see the institusion "Šilumos tinklai" on my left . On my right ? will be some residential houses. The story "Iki" is on the left closer ?the crossroad. I will buy white eggs for Easter here. (parduotuvė - a shop arba a store, įstaiga - an office... On my left there will be some residential houses.. .. It is closer to the crossroad... (arti - close to; arčiau - closer to)

Wonderful :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #8041 nuo Kriginienė
Kriginienė replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
1. I live on the Taikos street.
2. I take five minutes to go from my home to Pasvalys centre. = o dar geriau : It takes (užima)
3. There are three shops near my home.
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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