- Žinutės: 23
- Gauta padėkų: 18
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I have a Nokia phone. It is Swedish. It is about thirty euros.
I don't have a car but I have two bikes. One bike is Russian and it is 30 years old. It is a gift from my grandparents for my 10 years birthday. I think it costs about thirty euros now. I ride [raid] (važinėju, riedu) on this bike everywhere (visur).
The other bike is Chinese. I think it is about fifty Euros.
I have an Apple computer. It is new. It is eight hundred Euros. It is expensive of course, but I like it very much. It works very well.
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It's OK to use Windows 7 now . You will need Windows 10 in the future
I have a Nokia phone. It's the third my own mobile phone. This is a small and black device. I like it. It is Swedish. I do not remember its price.I think, my phone costs about thirty euros.
I have a driver's license, but I don't have my own car. We have a car VW"Sharan" with my friend. I drive not every day.I want to do it more often(dažniau).
I have two my own bikes.One bike is Russian and it is old.I bought it 30years ago and I paid about one hundred and twenty rubles.The other bike is Czesh. This bike is of a sport type. He costs about sixty euros.
I have a Sony computer.It's six years old.There is Windows 7. It works well so far. I don't know if you need to install windows 10. I paid about four hundred euros for this computer.
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What an interesting fact about your homegrown [houmgroun] (namuose auginta) tea!
....I don't know where it is from.
....I think it costs about one thousand euros now. (arba one arba a...)
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I like your homework. It is good
China - Kinija; kinietiškas - Chinese
Germany - Vokietija; German - vokiškas
i=I (Aš visada didžioji I)
daiktams nevartoti he arba she , o visada it (daugiskaitoje - they)
I have a Huawei phone. It is Chinese. It costs about one hundred fifty euros.
I have a car Ford Mondeo and I have two bikes.My car is from Germany and the bikes are from Russian manufacturers. I like travelling in the car and on my spare time on the bike.
I have an HP computer. It is old. It now costs only fifty euros.
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Thank you
I have a Samsung phone. I received gifts during Christmas. My family has a BMW car. This car is German. Its(=jos) price is seven thousand euros. ......
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I go to Pasvalys market on Saturday. I buy pork three euros fifty per 1 kg, fish for four euros per 1 kg and ten eggs for one euro fifty.At the market I buy black bread.It costs about two euros sixty. I don't buy vegetables at the market. I have my own garden.At the market I buy _ oranges and lemons. I pay about 10-20 euros for goods. I buy other goods in the supermarket.
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Great homework!
turguje - at the market ('on the market' is wrong)
prekybos centre - at arba in the supermarket ('on the supermarket' is wrong)
kasos čekis - a receit [ri si:t]
mandarinas - a tangerine [tandžerin]
česnakas, česnakai - garlic
lauke - outdoors [aut do: /r/z]
.......This market works on Wednesday, on Friday,on Saturday. .....We like oranges and tangerines from the market. At the market it is interesting in summer.....
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... I usually go to the market every Saturday, because it's the weekend. In the market I buy beef, pork and chicken. I pay 9 euros per kg of beef, 1 pay 6 euros per kg of pork and 3 eur per kg of chicken. I also buy _ vegetables: tomatoes and cucumbers. For the tomatoes I pay 2 eur. per kg and for cucumbers I pay 1 eur. per kg.......
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....... because it is fresh. Usually I buy sausages. It costs about six or seven euros........ because I have my own garden.
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Thank you for the word 'a yarn'. It is new for me
Tik pažiūrėti - just to look
Man nereikia daržovių, nes auginu namie - I don't need vegetables because I grow it at home.
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