prieš 7 m. 4 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 4 mėn. #7336 nuo Vita
Vita replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
Hello!My name's Vita :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 4 mėn. nuo Vita. Priežastis: klaida
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prieš 7 m. 4 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 4 mėn. #7339 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
Hello, students! How are you? Are you well? :cheer:

Your homework:
1. Padarykite pratimus iš Workbook (Pratybų knygos) :
Šie paveikslėliai pasididina, jei ant jų paspausite vieną kartą

2. Write! Parašykite Forume. Kiek daiktų jūs turite?

How many? [hau meni] Kiek? Many [meni] Daug To Have [tiu he: v] Turėti I have [ai he: v] Aš turiu

zero [zi: rou] - nulis; a flat [fle:t] - butas, a bike [baik] - dviratis; a garden [ga: dn] - sodas....

My homework:
I have a flat, a garden and one house in my garden. I have zero cars. I have a bike!
I have two computers, many books, one camera and many photos.
I have zero televisions. I have zero sandwiches.
Have a nice day! See you! :)

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 4 mėn. nuo Jurate.

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prieš 7 m. 4 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 4 mėn. #7344 nuo as vaida
as vaida replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
I live in a house. I have two computers and two televizions. I have many books and many photos. I have three cars, one bike. I have two big sandwichis and zero a hamburger.

See your wednesday!

I live in a house. I have two computers and two televisions. I have many books and many photos. I have three cars, one bike. I have two big sandwiches and zero hamburgers.

See you on Wednesday!

Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 4 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 7 m. 4 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 4 mėn. #7350 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
Thank you Vaida! Very nice :cheer:
Klaidų pataisymą rasite savo komentare (aukščiau) ;)

su zero - daugiskaita: zero hamburgers (nulis hamurgerių);
savaitės dienos anglų kalboje rašomos iš didžiosios.

See you later :)

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 4 mėn. nuo Jurate.

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prieš 7 m. 4 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 4 mėn. #7363 nuo VidaSleziene68
VidaSleziene68 replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
I have a house. I have one car. I have two bikes. I have one computer, many books, one camero and many photos. I have three televisions. I have zero sandwiches.

See yuo later :)

Very well! :woohoo: Thank you!
one camero = camera; yuo = you

Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 4 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 7 m. 4 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 4 mėn. #7364 nuo Kriginienė
Kriginienė replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
I live in a flat. I have one camera end many photos. I have one kompiuter. I have two cars end one bus. I have two bikes. I have three televisiones. I have zero footbolls.

See you tomorrow :)

Nice! Thank you! See you! :cheer:
and, ... computer.... televisions.....footballs....

Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 4 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 7 m. 4 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 4 mėn. #7366 nuo AstaB
AstaB replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
My homework

I have one house. I have a lot of books. I have zero bus. I have two cars. I have zero sandwiches.

Have a nice day! See you!

Thanks a lot, Asta :) You have one mistake (Jūs turite vieną klaidą):
I have zero buses

Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 4 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 7 m. 4 mėn. #7368 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
Thanks for homework! Dėkui už namų darbus.
Check your mistakes in your comments. Pasitikrinkite savo klaidas savo komentaruose.

Today is Wednesday. See you today! :cheer:

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)

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prieš 7 m. 4 mėn. #7370 nuo Silvija
Silvija replied the topic: My homework
I have many animals. I have five windows. I have one sister. I have ten apples. I have three chairs:)
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prieš 7 m. 4 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 4 mėn. #7371 nuo Peter
Peter replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
I live in my contry estate.I heve four a bikes.I have ane car .A flat ? i have one computer end one televisione. I have two footbolls end one camera end many pfotos.

Bye,up to dating

a country estate -užmiesčio valdos. Gal geriau a farm - ūkis, kaimo sodyba?
up to dating - pasirengęs romantiškiems pasimatymams, čia netinka :cheer:

I live on my country farm.I have four _ bikes.I have one car .I have one computer and one television_. I have two footballs and one camera and many photos.

Bye, see you later!

Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 4 mėn. nuo Jurate.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Jurate

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prieš 7 m. 4 mėn. #7372 nuo Vaidota74
Vaidota74 replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
I have

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prieš 7 m. 4 mėn. #7373 nuo Vita
Vita replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
I have many animals.
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prieš 7 m. 4 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 4 mėn. #7389 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
Hello, Students! :cheer:

This is your homework for October 25.

Čia jūsų namų darbai spalio 25 d.

Don't forget / Nepamirškite TO BE (BŪTI) asmenavimo:

(teigiamas +) - - - (neigiamas -) - - - - (klausimas ?)
I am = I' m - - - I am not=I'm not - - - - - Am I? (Ats.: Yes, I am / No, I am not=No, I'm not)
You are=You're - - You are not=You aren't - - Are you? (Yes, you are / No,you are not=No,you aren't)
He is=He's - - - - - - He is not = He isn't - - -Is he? (Ats.: Yes, he is / No, he is not =No, he isn't)
She is=She's - - - - She is not = She isn't - - -Is she? (Ats.: Yes, she is / No, she is not =No, she isn't)
It is=it's - - - - - - - It is not = It isn't - - - - Is it? (Ats.: Yes, it is / No, it is not =No, it isn't)

We are=We're - - We are not=We aren't - - - Are we? (Yes, we are / No, we are not=No, we aren't)
You are=You're - - You are not=You aren't - - Are you? (Yes, you are / No,you are not=No,you aren't)
They are=They're - They are not=They aren't -Are they? (Yes, they are / No,they are not=No,they aren't)

Padarykite Pratybų knygos pratimus, 9 puslapis / Do Workbook exercises , page Nine :

Please, answer my questions. Write a comment.
Prašau, atsakykite į mano klausimus. Parašykite komentarą:

1. How are you today?
2. Is your name Vaida?
3. Is it a nice day today?
4. Is it an afternoon?
5. Are you in Pasvalys?
6. Are you in your room?
7. Is your television in your room?
8. What is "Miegok gerai!" in English ?

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 4 mėn. nuo Jurate.

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prieš 7 m. 4 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 4 mėn. #7402 nuo as vaida
as vaida replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
1. How are you today?
Very well, thanks.
2. Is your name Vaida?
Yes, I am.=Yes, it is. (name (vardas) - it)
3. Is it a nice day today?
Yes, today _ very well day. = Yes today is a very good day (well - gerai; good - gera(s) )
4. Is it an afternoon?
Yes, it is.
5. Are you in Pasvalys?
Yes, I am.
6. Are you in your room?
Yes, I am.
7. Is your television in your room?
Yes, it is.
8. What is "Miegok gerai!" in English ?
Sleep well.
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 4 mėn. nuo Jurate.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Jurate

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prieš 7 m. 4 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 4 mėn. #7403 nuo VidaSleziene68
VidaSleziene68 replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18

1. How are you today?
Fine, thanks you.
2. Is your name Vaida?
I'm not Vaida. I'm Vida. (It is correct. :) Bet geriau: No, it isn't. My name is Vida)
3. Is it a nice day today?
Yes, today is a beautiful day.
4. Is it an afternoon?
Yes, it is.
5. Are you in Pasvalys?
No, I am not in Pasvalys.
6. Are you in your room?
Yes, I am.
7. Is your television in your room?
Yes, it is.
8. What is "Miegok gerai!" in English ?
Sleep well.

See you tomorrow :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 4 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 7 m. 4 mėn. #7404 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
Thank you both [bou-th] (abiems) :cheer:

See you tomorrow!

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)

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prieš 7 m. 4 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 4 mėn. #7410 nuo Kriginienė
Kriginienė replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
1. How are you today?
I'm very well, thank you.
2. Is your name Vaida?
_ I'm not Vaida. I'm Daima. = No, it isn't. I'm not Vaida. I'm Daima.
3. Is it a nice day today?
Yes, _ today is very nice day. = Yes, it is....
4. Is it an afternoon?
Yes, it is.
5. Are you in Pasvalys?
Yes, i am in Pasvalys. i = I
6. Are you in your room?
Yes, i am. i = I
7. Is your television in your room?
Yes, it is.
8. What is "Miegok gerai!" in English ?
Sleep well.

Good nighte. = night
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 4 mėn. nuo Jurate.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Jurate

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prieš 7 m. 4 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 4 mėn. #7414 nuo Vaidota74
Vaidota74 replied the topic: WEDNESDAY 17/18
Hello :)
How are you today? - Fine,thanks you.
Is your name Vaida? - No it isn t. My name is Vaidota.
Is it a nice day today? - Yes, today is a beautful day.
Is it an afternoon? - Yes, it is.
Are you in Pasvalys? - No, I am not in Pasvalys.
Are you in your room? - yes, i am. i = I
is your television in your room? - yes, it is.
What is ,,Miegok gerai" in English? - Sleep well.

Good nighte. = night
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 4 mėn. nuo Jurate.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Jurate

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