MONDAY 17/18

prieš 7 m. 1 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 1 mėn. #7608 nuo Vilma
Vilma replied the topic: MONDAY 17/18
Yesterday I worked 24 hours a day. Today is a weekend. I sitting at the table and drinking coffee.It's early morning, so my family is sleeping .I'm feeling taed, I"m said and I 'm bored.
The weather today is good,isn't cold and the sun is shining.After good and stong coffee I vill go clean the window.Now I'm fine!

So your suggestion to yourself : Do housework, when you are sad and bored... Am I right? :cheer:
Yesterday I worked 24 hours a day. Today is the weekend. I am sitting at the table and drinking coffee.It's an early morning, so my family is sleeping .I'm feeling tired, I"m said and I 'm bored.
The weather today is good,isn't cold and the sun is shining.After good and strong coffee I will go to clean the window. Now I'm fine!

Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 1 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 7 m. 1 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 1 mėn. #7609 nuo Azyra
Azyra replied the topic: MONDAY 17/18
Hello. It‘s Sunday today. The weather today is some cloudy. It‘s sunny, but cold outside. It‘s nice day. It's very good walking with dog too it‘s good time fishing. That's good.

So you are feeling good? Am I correct? :cheer:
some -truputį, šiek tiek - vartojamas su daktavardžiais
a little, a bit, a little bit - truputį, šiek tiek - vartojamas su būdvardžiais

Hello. It‘s Sunday today. The weather today is a little bit cloudy. It‘s sunny, but cold outside. It‘s a nice day. It's very good walking with a dog too it‘s good time fishing. That's good.

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prieš 7 m. 1 mėn. #7610 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: MONDAY 17/18
Nice comments, guys! I like them and thank you :cheer:

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)

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prieš 7 m. 1 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 1 mėn. #7611 nuo aina
aina replied the topic: MONDAY 17/18
It's Sunday today. Is evening and the windows is dark, but the day was beautiful and not lost. I feel good, relaxed and rested.

It's Sunday today. It is evening and the windows are dark, but the day was beautiful and not lost. I feel good, relaxed and rested.

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prieš 7 m. 1 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 1 mėn. #7612 nuo drugelis
drugelis replied the topic: MONDAY 17/18
Today is Sunday.
Today is my free day.
Now I'm sitting at the sofa and eat cranberry ice and watch TV.= ... on the sofa and I'm eating cranberry ice cream and watching TV
The evening is cold in the outside, but the day was great and sunny.
I'm feel great. = I'm feeling great.

outside - lauke (nebereikia in) Thanks! :cheer:
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prieš 7 m. 1 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 1 mėn. #7613 nuo DaliaK
DaliaK replied the topic: MONDAY 17/18
Today is Sunday ,,is the weekend.The weather today is good the sun is shining.I'm feeling good I' m happy I bake the buns with curd.I will go to church in the evening I feel calm there.

... It is the weekend....

Nice comment! :cheer:

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prieš 7 m. 1 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 1 mėn. #7616 nuo briediene
briediene replied the topic: MONDAY 17/18
It's Monday today.
I don't to fall asleep,becous I'm feeling tired.
Bet the weather today is very good,_ isn't cold and the sun is shining. (But ... it isn't...)
I'm working and I'm very busy.
My suggestion to myself:go to bed early and get enough sleep.

I almost [olmoust] fell asleep because I'm feeling tired - vos neužmigau, nes jaučiuosi pavargusi?
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 1 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 7 m. 1 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 1 mėn. #7617 nuo dalesteponaviciene
dalesteponaviciene replied the topic: MONDAY 17/18
Today is Monday. I am at work. I would be outsaide because it is very beautiful weather. Today is the shining day, not wind and is warm.

Today is Monday. I am at work. I would like (norėčiau?) to be outside because it is very beautiful weather. Today is the bright day, not windy and it is warm.

shining - spindintis; bright [brait] - šviesus, skaistus

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prieš 7 m. 1 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 1 mėn. #7624 nuo Gita
Gita replied the topic: MONDAY 17/18
I'm sitting at the computer and I don't know what to write. I'm worried because I missed three English lessons. Maybe I will understand new lessons and the theacher will help me. So I'm excited.
Today I'm feeling quite good. The sun is shining through the window and I'm not bored. An Advent will begin soon and I 'm going to do an Advent wreath. Then I _ feel great.

WOW, GITA, that's a very nice comment. Don't worry, of course I will help you. You are a good student and it is my honour to teach you :)

The Advent - because it is the only one - nes jis vienintelis :

The Advent will begin soon and I 'm going to do the Advent wreath. Then I will feel great.

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prieš 7 m. 1 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 1 mėn. #7640 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: MONDAY 17/18
Hi! How are you all? All right? :cheer:

Here is your homework for the fourth of December (12 04):

Watch the two videos and do the dictation:

It's the revision! [revižn] Pakartojimas!
Do the exercises on page 18 in Student Book:

Only if you want and have time: Tik jei norite ir turite laiko:
open the iChecker and do Test 2:

Please watch the video on Youtube - Hector Goes Shopping
(Hektoras eina apsipirkti):
4:05 min: Is it fancy dress? [fensi dres] - Ar tai karnavaliniai rūbai?
4:22 min: must [mast] - privalėti
5:20 min: I'll take him [ail teik him] shopping - aš pasiimsiu jį apsipirkti
6:29 min: On your own? Tu pats vienas?
8:24 min: I completely [kampli:tli] forgot - Aš visai pamiršau
9:09 min: I have a cold - Aš peršalau
9:17 min: terrible pyjamas - siaubinga pižama
9:28 min: on my own - aš pati viena
9:34 min: as well [e:z uel] - taip pat
9:47 min: What will he look like? Kaip jis atrodys?
9:53 min: a look - išvaizda, įvaizdis: a cowboy look - kaubojaus įvaizdis, a biker look - baikerio įvaizdis; a designer look - modelio įvaizdis...

Write on the Forum.

Watch the end of the video Hector Goes Shopping:

Write the answers to the questions:
1. What did Hector buy online? Are the friends happy with his shopping?
Ką Hektoras nupirko internetu? Ar draugai patenkinti jo pirkiniais?
2. What clothes did the friends buy for Hector in the clothes shops? Does Hector look good with these clothes?
Kokius rūbus draugai nupirko Hektorui rūbų parduotuvėse? Ar Hektoras gerai atrodo su tais rūbais?
0:34 s: The tarantula - nuodinga vorė (taip draugai vadina nuomojamo buto savininkę)
2:13 min: Try it on! - Pasimatuok!
2:40 min: I'll give this to him - Duosiu jam šitai
2:50 min: I've got something for you - Kai ką turiu tau (I've got = I have got=turiu)
3:00 min: a spoilsport - malonumo gadintoja(s)
3: 48 min: We don't need any melons! He did try. - Mums nereikia jokių melionų. Jis stengėsi.
4:01 min: Just a few [fju:] - tik kelis
4:29 min: instead of - vietoj
4:57 min: I cannot wait [kenot] - negaliu sulaukti
5:06 min: a really trendy outfit - labai madinga apranga
5:45 min: a dozen [douzen]- tuzinas
5:46 min: stupid [stju pid]- kvailys
6:36 min: a sarong - sarongas, azijietiška skara-suknia
7:19 min: servants - tarnai
7:25 min: Till you drop - Kol nugriūsi
8:07 min: I'll have to measure [meža] you then - Turėsiu tave pamatuoti tuomet
8:24: a chest [čest] - krūtinė
8:35 a waist [ueist] - liemuo
8:50 I shall [šal] do that - Aš padarysiu tai
10:14 I'm coming as fast as I can - Aš ateinu taip greitai kaip galiu
10:32 min: Can you get that? Ar gali pasižiūrėti, kas ten? (
kai kas nors beldžiasi į duris)
11:12 min: Well done! - Gerai atlikta!
12:16 min: silly [sili]- kvailiukas(-ė)
12:21: Why are 400 tins of dog food here? Kodėl čia yra šuns maisto konservų dėžučių? (a tin - konservų dėžutė, skardinė)

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
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prieš 7 m. 1 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 1 mėn. #7647 nuo studentė
studentė replied the topic: MONDAY 17/18
Online Hector bought 144 eggs or 12 boxes, 10 melons and 400 tins of dog food. The friends aren't happy with his shopping, but they say that he did try.
The friends bought for Hector the waistcoat,the shirt ,the sarong, the shoes and scratch on head. But they say that Hector doesn't like good.

You understood everything very well! :cheer:
Pataisiau žodžių tvarką (for Hector). Skarelė - a scarf, atrodyti - to look:

The friends bought _ a waistcoat, a shirt ,a sarong, shoes for Hector and a scarf for his head. But they say that Hector doesn't look good.

Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 1 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 7 m. 1 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 1 mėn. #7648 nuo dalesteponaviciene
dalesteponaviciene replied the topic: MONDAY 17/18
Hector buoght the 144 eggs, 10 melons and dog food in Online. His friends were not satisfies with his shopping. Hector's Friends bought the a sarong, shoes, the shirt, the waistcoat and scratch on hed. He looks bad.

You understood well :)
Kai pirmąkart minite daiktus, vartokite artikelį A. Su skaičiais artikelių išvis nereikia. Online - internetu, in nereikia...

Hector bought _ 144 eggs, 10 melons and dog food _ Online. His friends were not satisfied with his shopping. Hector's Friends bought _ a sarong, shoes, a shirt, a waistcoat and a scarf for the head. He looks bad.

Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 1 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 7 m. 1 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 1 mėn. #7649 nuo Gita
Gita replied the topic: MONDAY 17/18
Hector bought twele boxes eggs, ten melons instead of ten lemons and four hundred tins of dog food. The friends aren't happy with his shopping.
In the clothes shops the friends bought the shoes, the shirt and the sarong for Hector. But Hector doesn't look god with these clothes.

twelve boxes of eggs (12 dėžučių ko? - of)
...In the clothes shops the friends bought _ shoes, a shirt and a sarong for Hector...
Pirmąkart minint daiktus, įvedant juos į pasakojimą reikia vartoti artikelį 'a' (o dgs. - nieko)
Draugai filmuke sako 'the', nes jie žiūri į jau apsirengusį Hektorą ir sako ( 6:39 min) "Man patinka šitie marškiniai... man patinka šitie batai.... :)

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prieš 7 m. 1 mėn. #7662 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: MONDAY 17/18
What to do for the eleventh of December?

Please do all exercises from the interactive book, Unit 3A

Please do all exercises from the workbook on pages 17 and 18

Some words:
a staff [ste:f]- personalas
to greet [gri:t] - pasisveikinti
take back - grąžinti
to solve [solv] a problem - išspręsti problemą
to complain [kamplein] - skųstis
even [i: ven] - netgi
to stay [stei] - pasilikti, būti
for the price - už kainą
Eating out - valgymas mieste
a conversation [kanverseišn] - pokalbis
everyone - visi
everything - viskas
to believe [bili:v] - tikėti
highlighted [ hai laitid] - išskirtas, paryškintas

Write on the Forum about the last time you went shopping for clothes

Parašykite Forume apie paskutinį kartą kai jūs ėjote pirkti drabužių
Use the past - naudokite praeitį
I was - I wasn't /I did -I didn't/ I went - I didn't go/ I bought / I paid / I tried on/ I liked - I didn't like...
(buvau - nebuvau; dariau - nedariau; ėjau -nėjau/ pirkau/ sumokėjau/ pasimatavau/ Man patiko-nepatiko...)
1. When was the last time you went shopping for clothes?
2. What did you want to buy?
3. Where did you go?
4. Was the shop assistant friendly/ polite/ rude?
5. Did you try on clothes in the shop?
6.What did you buy? How much did you pay ?
7. Did your friends or colleagues at work see your new clothes. Did they say that you looked good in your new clothes?

Who didn't watch the video Hector Goes Shopping. please watch it now. Please, write the comments!

Jurate's clothes shopping

The last time I bought clothes was three months ago. It was in September and I was in Panevezys. I didn't plan to go shopping for clothes. But when I went to a local Maxima supermarket I saw big discounts [dikaunts] (išpardavimus) for women's summer clothes. Everything was cheap. I liked blue jeans, a smart shirt, a colorful jacket and a swimsuit. I like shopping at supermarkets. Because supermarket shop assistants don't watch (nestebi) the costumers like in other clothes shops. I took some clothes and I went to a dressing room [dresin ru:m] (pasimatavimo kambarys/kabina). There I tried the clothes on. There was a mirror in the dressing room , I could see what the clothes looked like on me. The shirt and the jacket didn't look good , they weren't my size. But the jeans and the swimsuit were my size. I thought they looked nice on me. I took them to the checkout [ček aut] (kasos) and I paid about 20 Euros. I didn't wear these clothes, they are in my cupboard now. I am going to wear my new jeans for next spring and my new swimsuit for next summer.

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)

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prieš 7 m. 4 sav. - prieš 7 m. 3 sav. #7670 nuo studentė
studentė replied the topic: MONDAY 17/18
When I had last time clothes shopping in Lithuania I don't remember.May be a lot _ time.
A month ago when I was on a trip I saw very beautiful knitted withe summer dress.
I together with my husband and girlfriend went to the beach.On the way was a souvenir shop.Here was beautiful dress.I asked the shop assistant,what size is it and is my size?She said -it is possible.I tried on and asked my husband and my friend it is ok. They said: - you look good.
I paid 30 euros and happy went to the beach with my dress.
I think that this dress is very useful and good souvenir!

I love your comment! I didn't want to mark your mistakes ;)
buvau pirkti rūbų - I went clothes shopping
buvo, ten buvo - there was

When I went last time clothes shopping in Lithuania I don't remember.Maybe a lot of times.
A month ago when I was on a trip I saw a very beautiful knitted withe summer dress.
I, my husband and girlfriend went to the beach.On the way there was a souvenir shop. There was a beautiful dress.I asked the shop assistant,what size is it and is it my size?She said -it is possible.I tried on and asked my husband and my friend if it is ok. They said: - you look good.
I paid 30 euros and happy went to the beach with my dress.
I think that this dress is a very useful and good souvenir!

Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 3 sav. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 7 m. 4 sav. - prieš 7 m. 3 sav. #7675 nuo drugelis
drugelis replied the topic: MONDAY 17/18
Hector bought ten melons and ten lemons in Online. Also Hector had to buy a dozen eggs, but in the frige there are one hundred forty four eggs.?
Hectora's friends bought ugly clothes: short pants, vest big and the boots and shirts see to bad.
But he bought a very nice clothes in the shop. He looks great with them.

Yes, there are 144 eggs in the fridge now. You are right! :cheer:

Online - Internete (kur? vietininkas), nereikia 'in'
..batai ir marškiniai atrodo ypač blogai - the boots and shirts look too bad

Hector bought ten melons and not ten lemons _ Online. ...
...Hector's friends bought ugly clothes: short pants, big vest and the boots and shirts look too bad.
But he bought _ very nice clothes in the shop. He looks great with them

Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 3 sav. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 7 m. 4 sav. - prieš 7 m. 3 sav. #7676 nuo drugelis
drugelis replied the topic: MONDAY 17/18
Last weekend I was in Panevezys in the RYO supermarket. I woud like buy clothes for yourself. I like bought in the New Yorker, because there are various discounts and clothes are not expensive, I took a few knits to see you and went to the dressing room. The sweater looked good on me. I paid for it in the checkout 14,95 euros. Shop assistant was friendly. My colleagues at work see my new clothes and said that looks nice.

Great! Thanks for your two comments :)
norėčiau - I would like, o norėjau - I wanted [uantid]
sau - for myself; tau - for yourself
saw - pamatė

Last weekend I was in Panevezys in the RYO supermarket. I wanted to buy clothes for myself. I like to buy (man patinka pirkti?) in the New Yorker, because there are various discounts and clothes are not expensive, I took a few knits to see _ (pasižiūrėti) and went to the dressing room. The sweater looked good on me. I paid 14,95 euros for it in the checkout. The shop assistant was friendly. My colleagues at work saw my new clothes and said: "That looks nice!"

Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 3 sav. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 7 m. 4 sav. - prieš 7 m. 3 sav. #7677 nuo briediene
briediene replied the topic: MONDAY 17/18
I like _ go to shopping.I like do present for my family,for my friends.
Yesterday I went to shopping with my husband.We traveled in Panevezys.
I wanted bought many present for Chrismas.
We were in a clothes shop when I saw a fluffy white jumpers.
They look really good.I bought three jumpers for my granddaughters.
I paid 60 euros.For my daughters I bought a dress,for my husband I bought
a tie and a shirt.I happi com bag at home.

A very nice comment! Your granddaughters will be warm and will look nice in these jumpers :cheer:
dovanoti - to give a present/ to give presents
į Panevėžį - to Panevėžys; po Panevėžį, Panevėžyje - in Panevėžys

I like to go shopping.I like to give presents for my family,for my friends.
Yesterday I went shopping with my husband.We travelled to Panevezys.
I wanted to buy many present for Christmas.
We were in a clothes shop when I saw fluffy white jumpers.
They looked really good.I bought three jumpers for my granddaughters.
I paid 60 euros.For my daughter I bought a dress,for my husband I bought
a tie and a shirt. I came back home happy .

Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 3 sav. nuo Jurate.
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