MONDAY 17/18

prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #8006 nuo studentė
studentė replied the topic: MONDAY 17/18
1. What do you do?
I'm a dentist.
2. How many hours a week do you work?
I work 40 hours per week.
3. Do you have a big family?
My family are one daughter and _ husband , my parients and the sister with her family. =the husband, parents
4. How old is your daughter?
She is twenty years old.
5. What time do you get up in the moning?
I get up at seven or rarely at quarter to seven o'clock.
6. What about at the weekend?
At the weekend I get up at eigth o'clock, rarely at nine o'clock.
7. How often do you do sport or exercise?
I neve_ do exercise at home. =never
8. What do you do?
I go to walk with my small dog.
9. Do you like animals?
I love animals, especially dogs.
10. Do you have a pet?
I have two dogs and _ big aquarium with fishes. =a big aquarium...

There are a few mistakes :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. nuo Jurate.

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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #8007 nuo drugelis
drugelis replied the topic: MONDAY 17/18
1. What do you do?
I'm a shop assistant.
2. How many hours a week do you work?
I work forty hours a week.
3. Do you have a big family?
I have a husband a daughter and a son.
4. How old are your daughter and son?
My daughter is twenty one, my son is nineteen.
5. What time do you get up in the morning?
In the morning I get up at half past six.
6. What about at weekend?
At the weekend I get up late, at eleven o'clock.
7. How often do you do sport or exercise?
I don't do exercise, but I like sport in the summer.
8. What do you do?
I like to play volleyball.
9. Do you like animals?
Yes, of course.
10. DO you have a dog or a pet?
I have a very cute dog husky, he's six years old.
I had a cute cat, which died a one year and six months ago.

Wonderful! Great! :) There are no mistakes (that one small doesn't count (nesiskaito) ;) )
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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #8009 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: MONDAY 17/18
Your homework for the 19th of March:

Please, download the book British Life:
Parsisiųskite knygą "Britų gyvenimas":

Paspauskite užrašą dešiniame kampe "Download document" (parsisiųsti dokumentą) ir knyga atsisiųs :)

Read the text until the end of page 8:

Do these exercises from the workbook page 29 (30):
I, You, He, She, It, We, You, They CAN (gali)
I, You, He, She, It, We, You, They CAN'T (negali)

po CAN nevartojama bendraties dalelytė TO; Klausimai sudaromi apverčiant žodžius:
Can you sing? No, I can't. I can dance.

What to write on the Forum?
Watch first 3 minutes from the video about the famous British talent show X Factor [eks fakte] .
Write the answers about the band "Fourth Power" ( grupė "Keturių galia"):

Where is this band from?
Who is in this band?
When did they start to sing?

Iš kur ši grupė? Kas yra toje grupėje? Kada jos pradėjo dainuoti?

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #8018 nuo drugelis
drugelis replied the topic: MONDAY 17/18
1,This band is from the Philippines.
2,There are four girls-sisters in this band.
3,They start_ to sing as a group since 2001, (=started [startid] - pradėjo)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #8020 nuo studentė
studentė replied the topic: MONDAY 17/18
1.This band is from the Philippines.
2.In this band is four sisters. =there are - yra
3.They start_ to sing as group sinse two thousand and one.(=started [startid] - pradėjo; since - nuo)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #8021 nuo briediene
briediene replied the topic: MONDAY 17/18
1.This band is from the Philippines.
2.In thes band _ are four girls-sisters.=there are
3.This band start_ to sing since 2001. (=started [startid] - pradėjo)
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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #8022 nuo dalesteponaviciene
dalesteponaviciene replied the topic: MONDAY 17/18
This band come from Philippines.

This band has four sisters.

This band started to sing since 2001.
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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #8023 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: MONDAY 17/18
Your homework for the twenty sixth (26) of March:
Remember these words:
somebody = someone [sam badi, sam uon] - kažkas (tik apie žmones, ne apie daiktus)
to meet somebody for a coffee - susitikti su kuo nors išgerti kavos
to wait for somebody - laukti kažkokio žmogaus (a friend, a family member...)
to wait for something - laukti kažkokio dalyko ( a taxi, an ambulance...)
to look for somebody - ieškoti kažkokio žmogaus
to look for something - ieškoti kažkokio daikto
to give to somebody - duoti kažkam
to get from somebody - gauti iš kažko
your turn! - tavo eilė!
to turn left, to turn right - pasisukti kairėn/dešinėn
a turn [to/r/n] - posūkis
to forget [foget] a name - pamiršti vardą
to see a movie - nueiti į kiną pažiūrėti filmo
to hear a noise [hie e noiz] - išgirsti triukšmą
to park [pa/r/k] - pastatyti mašiną
main [mein] - pagrindinis
the main entrance [mein entrans] - pagrindinis įėjimas
an audience [odijans] - publika, žiūrovai
the stage [steidž] - scena;
a performance [pefo:mans] - pasirodymas
an audition [odišn] - perklausa
a single - viena atskira daina
a record [rekord] - įrašas
to play chess or draughts [čes, drafts] - žaisti šachamatais arba šaškėmis

Do all the exercises 5A from the interactive book:

Do the exercises on page 30 (or 31) in the workbook:

Don't forget to listen to the exercise 5 (page 30?31) :

5. Write on the forum.

Choose 3 questions from my list and write your answers:
1. When was the last time you gave someone flowers? Who was it and what was the occasion?
2. Can you play chess or draughts? When was the last time you played it?
3. Would you like to go to the cinema to see a movie? What movie would you like to see?
4. Do you like to meet with your friends for a coffee? Do you often meet and where do you go?
5. When was the last time you bought a ticket to the theater or to a concert? What artist or performance did you see?
6. When was the last time you called your family member? What for? (Kam?)
7. Are you good at remembering other people's names? Can you remember phone numbers?
8. Can you park at the main entrance of your workplace? Is there a car park next to your home? Do you park your car there?
9. Can you draw a look alike picture of a person? look alike [luk elaik] (tikroviškas, panašus)
10. Do you like dancing? When and where did you dance the last time?
11. Do you like running? Can you run 2 kilometers?
12. Do you often hear noises from your neighbours upstairs?
13. Are you looking for something or somebody today? Are you waiting for something or somebody today?
14. How many hours a day do you use the computer on average?
[on averedž] (vidutiniškai)

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. nuo Jurate.

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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #8035 nuo briediene
briediene replied the topic: MONDAY 17/18
1.I like to meet with my friends for a coffee.
We are often meet.Last time we meeting four days ago.
2.I like to dance.I was danced in the 16 of febrary on my birthday.
3.I good at remembering other peoples,s names.But I can,t remember phone numbers.
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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #8036 nuo briediene
briediene replied the topic: MONDAY 17/18
1.I like to meet with my friends for a coffee.
We are often meet.Last time we meeting four days ago. (=We often meet... Last time we met (susitikome - praeitis)
2.I like to dance.I was danced in the 16 of febrary on my birthday.
3.I good at remembering other peoples's names.But I can't remember phone numbers. (=people's - žmonių)
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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #8037 nuo studentė
studentė replied the topic: MONDAY 17/18
6.Yesterday I visited my parents and got home in the evening I called to my mother that I am at home and I got back well.
8. When I arrived at work I parked the car at the main entrance of my workplace.I parked my car next to my home in the yard or in the garage. (Geriau būtų vartoti esamąjį laiką : Aš paprastai atvykstu ir pastatau mašiną - I arrive at work... I park the car...)
14. I use my Ipad two three hours a day on average.
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #8038 nuo studentė
studentė replied the topic: MONDAY 17/18
Sorry ,there is mistake in 8. Correct : When I arrived at work .......
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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #8039 nuo drugelis
drugelis replied the topic: MONDAY 17/18
1,The last time I got flowers from my husband on March 8th.
2,I can't play chess, but I can play checkers. The last time I played it after _ New Years _ with my friends son. (Naujieji metai (šventė) = New Year's Eve: I played it after New Year's Eve with my friend's son.)
3,I like to go _ the cinema. Last time I saw the movie '' Klasiokų susitikimas'' in the Culture centre of Pasvalys. (Klasiokų sustikimas = Class Reunion )
7,I good rememer other people's names and I can remember my family phone numbers.
8,I can park at the main entrance of my workplace. I can park a car in my yard because I live in my own home (=house geriau šiuo atveju.).
10,I like to dance. Last time I danced in the New Years. = on New Year's Eve, nes tai viena diena, o ne metai, because it is a day, not a year.
11,I don't like _ run, but I can run 2 kilometers. (I don't like to run)
14,I use the compiuter at two hours a day, but at the weekend 4-6 hours a day.
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #8058 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: MONDAY 17/18
We are talking about our neighbours. We are learning present continuous.
Dabar mes kalbam apie savo kaimynus. Dabar mes mokomės esamąjį momentinį laiką.

See you on the 9th of April!
Remember present continous

Prisiminkite momentinį esamąjį laiką:

Do the exercises in your interactive book

Do the exercises from the workbook (only page 32 - tik 32 p.)

Listen again to the text "Switzerland - the sound of silence"

Write on the Forum:
1. Do you live in your own house or in a block of flats? What floor?
2. Do you have neighbours downstairs or upstairs? Do you have neighbours next door?
3. Do you have anti-noise rules in your home? Do you have noise problems with your neighbours or your family members?

About Jurate:
I live in a block of flats. My flat is on the second floor. I have neighbours downstairs, upstairs and next door. I don't have any problems with my neighbours next door or upstairs. My neighbours next door are friendly and nice people. My neighbours upstairs are quiet too. But I have problems with my neighbours downstairs. I sometimes do exercises in my room and my neighbour downstairs complains about noise. I try to exercise quietly and only at day or early in the evening. But my neighbour downstairs came to complain about the noise a few times at night and it wasn't me, it was some other flat. But my neighbour downstairs is still angry with me.

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. nuo Jurate.

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prieš 6 m. 10 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 10 mėn. #8066 nuo briediene
briediene replied the topic: MONDAY 17/18
I live in a blok of flats. = a block
I have neighbours upstairs,dowstairs and next door.
My neighbours aren't very noisy,so upstairs neighbours sometimes talking very loudly. = but upstairs neighbours sometimes talk...
And one couple next door sometimes cause a noisy. = makes a noise
But I like my neighbours.
When we had a dog, we also cause noisy. = we were noisy ARBA we made a lot of noise
Our a dog often barked,but it,s dieth 2 years ago. = Our dog... it died...
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prieš 6 m. 10 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 10 mėn. #8067 nuo drugelis
drugelis replied the topic: MONDAY 17/18
I live in my own house.
Our house is only one floor. (mano namas vieno aukšto - namo aukščiui nusakyti naudojama ne 'a floor' bet ' a storey' [stori] : My house is only one storey)
My neighbour lives on the other side of the road. He lives alone , his children rarely come to him.
Because we live in a village center, our neighbours are all people who lives around as. (=who live around us)
We don't have problems with our neighbours, because we trying be friendly. = we try to be friendly, nes nuolatos, o ne tik šiandien ;) )
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 10 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 6 m. 10 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 10 mėn. #8072 nuo Gita
Gita replied the topic: MONDAY 17/18
I live in a blok of flats. My flat is on the third floor. So I have neighbours upstairs, downstairs and next door. All my neighbours are quiet. My neighbours upstairs are old and sometimes they listen loudly to the TV, but it doesn't hurt me. My neighbour downstairs is a lonely grandmother. So I don't have problems with her. My neighbours next door are friendly people. We don't have anti-noises rules in our home. Do your neghbours have no problems with me? They don't say.:unsure:

Wonderful! :woohoo:
....they listen loudly to the TV = they listen to the TV loudly (aplinkybės (kaip? kur? kada? anglų sakinyje eina po papildinių)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 10 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 6 m. 10 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 10 mėn. #8075 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: MONDAY 17/18
Dear students:
Next time, when you go to the English class, bring a memory stick with 4 GB empty space!

Sekantį kartą, kai eisite į anglų pamoką, atsineškite tuščią 4 GB atmintuką su 4 GB tuščios vietos.

What to do at home for the sixteenth of April?
Remember the words:
to complain [kamplein]- skųstis
What is the weather like? Koks oras?
changeable [čeindžebl] - permainingas, besikeičiantis
fog, foggy [fog, fogi] - rūkas, rūkanota
the sun, sunny [san, sani] 0 sulė, saulėta
rain, rainy, wet, damp [rein, reini, uet, de::mp} - lietus, lietinga, šlapia, permirkę
wind, windy [ uind, uindi] - vėjas, vėjuota
a cloud, ... cloudy [klaud, klaudi] - debesis, debesuota
a degree [digry] - laipsnis
skating [skeiting] - čiužinėjimas
an ice rink [ais rink] - čiuožykla
sightseeing [sait sy ing] - įžymių vietų lankymas

Do listening exercises from iChecker 5C (workbook page 33)

1 - surasti poroje žodžių tą, kuris turi garsą [ng] ar [nk]
2 -išklausyti apie problemas su kaimynais.

Do exercises from workbook page 34

Write on the Forum:
1. What was the weather like yesterday?
2. What is the weather like today?
3. What did you wear yesterday, when you went outside?
4. What are you wearing outside today?

Jurate's clothes of the day!
Yesterday was the 11th of April. In the morning it was very cold and a chilly [čili] (žvarbus) wind blew [bliu] (pūtė). The afternoon was pleasant [plezant] (malonus), there were a lot of sunshine, but it was cool. The tempreture was about 12 degrees. I wore a woolly hat, a scarf and a warm coat and gloves [glouvz] (pirštines) outside.
Today the wind is blowing [blauing] (pučia) still (vis dar). It is still cold. But the sun is shining, it isn't raining. I'm not wearing my wooly hat, scarf and gloves anymore, but I'm wearing my warm coat.

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 10 mėn. nuo Jurate.

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