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About Jurate:
I live in a block of flats. My flat is on the second floor. I have neighbours downstairs, upstairs and next door. I don't have any problems with my neighbours next door or upstairs. My neighbours next door are friendly and nice people. My neighbours upstairs are quiet too. But I have problems with my neighbours downstairs. I sometimes do exercises in my room and my neighbour downstairs complains about noise. I try to exercise quietly and only at day or early in the evening. But my neighbour downstairs came to complain about the noise a few times at night and it wasn't me, it was some other flat. But my neighbour downstairs is still angry with me.
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Jurate's clothes of the day!
Yesterday was the 11th of April. In the morning it was very cold and a chilly [čili] (žvarbus) wind blew [bliu] (pūtė). The afternoon was pleasant [plezant] (malonus), there were a lot of sunshine, but it was cool. The tempreture was about 12 degrees. I wore a woolly hat, a scarf and a warm coat and gloves [glouvz] (pirštines) outside.
Today the wind is blowing [blauing] (pučia) still (vis dar). It is still cold. But the sun is shining, it isn't raining. I'm not wearing my wooly hat, scarf and gloves anymore, but I'm wearing my warm coat.
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