- Žinutės: 82
- Reputacija: 2
- Gauta padėkų: 66
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Our Internet comes through / via [th ru / vaja] the phone line. I think the home phone is a good option, because we don’t know when we will need it.
...well , .... buy
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Can I change in to _ better room? (... a better room...).... I went to the single room and I didn't like it. My room isn't tidy. It is cold, the shower is blocked, the window doesn't close and the room is very noisy...
Fantastic! I love your homework! It was a pleasure [pleža] to read it. Thank you!
Kai kalbame apie žinomus daiktus, kai pasakojime minime juos antrą kartą - vartojame artikelį 'the'.
YRA - gali būti arba THERE IS arba IT IS:
THERE IS + daiktavardžiai - KUR? kur yra, iš ko susideda: (There is a lot of sugar in my tea. Mano arbatoje yra daug cukraus. There is a lot of work to do in my garden. Mano sode yra daug darbo.)
IT IS + būdvardžiai - apie kokybę, savybes: KAIP? KOKS? (It's cold at home today, put on a jumper! Šiandien namuose yra šalta, užsivilk megztinį! It's noisy in the street. Gatvėje triukšminga.)
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In the evening I arrive in a hotel.
-Good evening! I say. I have a reservation,my room is a double.
The receptionist says me to wait and opens the book.Can I have your passport?please.
I say-Here you are!
The receptionist - take your key, it's room 222 ,on the second floor.
I say thanks.
My double room is comfortable , has a large window .There is a bathroom.
I have one problem,this air conditioning isn't working,I phone the receptionist.
The receptionist says:Madam,please wait one minute and I will change to a new.
Thanks! I"m happy.
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Thank you! I like your comment! It is very good!
'Good night' yra atsisveikinimas. Vėlai vakare ar naktį sveikintis: 'Good evening' arba 'Hello'. Po vidurio nakties - 'Good morning' .
'A suite' [siu -i:t] yra kelių kambarių numeris. Negalima sakyti 'a suite room'
Late evening our group arrived in a hotel in Turkey.
-Good evening- says the receptionist to us.
-Good evening - says our group head. We have a reservation five double rooms and two suites for ten nights.
-One second...I will take a look-says receptionist.It's five _ double rooms on the first floor and one suite on the second and the other on the fifth floor.Can I have group passports,please?
-Here you are-we say.
-Can you sign here,please-says the receptionist.Here are your key -cards.Enjoy your stay!
In my room the air conditioning isn't working and there aren't any towels.
I phone in Reception and ask the hotel manager:
-I have problems.Can you fix the air conditioning and bring me up the towels or change in to a better room with the view of the sea.
-It's two hundred dollars for night-says he.
-It's an expensive room-I say.Thank you .
-Just a second.We are fixing the problem.
-Thank you -I say.Good night!
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Don't forget:
I say_ ; to sign; TV
Reikia pasirinkti vieną laiką, pavyzdžiui, praeities:
This room was tidy. I didn't have a problem. I _ was happy.
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the receptionist says.... I phoned - aš paskambinau
Thank you
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I say!
... I have a reservation for a single room
Wow! I love your description of the room!
nepaimršti, kad reikia vartoti yra (there is, there are...), o su juo būna artikelis 'a':
My room is small, but bright,because the window is from floor to ceiling. The bed is very comfortable, next to the cupboard, on it there is a phone and a lamp. At the table there is a mini fridge. At the corner on the table there is a TV. By(palei) another wall there is a wardrobe.
My room was very quiet.
I was very happy.
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Jurate's Top 5 Things.
I don't carry ([keri] nešioju) bags , I prefer backpacks [be:kpe:ks] (kuprines). I always have a backpack with me. Backpacks are comfortable. I put all my shopping (pirkinius) in my backpack and it is easy to carry.
In my backpack I keep my wallet. There's my credit card, some coins, a calendar, my loyalty cards ( [lojalti ka/r/dz] parduotuvių kortelės).
I also have my keys in my backpack. These are my home keys and my office keys.
I like to take a bottle of water with me. But not in the winter, because in the winter it is too cold to drink water from a bottle.
I always have some chewing gum with me. I keep it in my backpack. I like to chew gum, it is not very polite. I have to stop to chew gum
And my fovourite thing is my iPod. I don't keep it in my bag, I don't keep it in my pocket - I pin ([pin] prisegu) it to my clothes because this iPod is very small and light [lait] (lengvas). I listen to English conversations and radio shows on my iPod. I enjoy it a lot! I take my iPod with me everywhere I go.
I don't often take my mobile phone with me. I also never have any cosmetics, medicine or perfume with me. I don't use cosmetics.
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