MONDAY 17/18

prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #7832 nuo Gita
Gita replied the topic: MONDAY 17/18
I really love Christmas and it's my favourite holiday. I always decorate our home for Christmas. So I decorated windows with fairy lights, on the table I put the Advent wreath with four candels. On the door I hanged beels. On our Christmas Tree I put baubles, stars and fairy ligths. All our family got presents from Santa Claus. I like this presents. At Christmas we ate a lot, but didn't put on weight. Wasn't my favourite dish, because all dishes were delicious. I usually wear a Christmas sweater at Christmas. It's read and with snowflakes. We never stay at home at Christmas. We went to my parents home.

candles.... bells.... There wasn't my favourite dish.... We went to my parents' home....

Gita's profile:
I want to make a friend online.
I'm looking for a boyfriend who lives near Pasvalys and he is single. The age isn't important. I would like to meet for the leisure time and interesting conversations.

About me:
I like pop and classical music, but I don't like rock or jazz.
I like Lithuanian and European films. I like watching documentaly films about nature. I don't watch a lot of fiction films, but "Game of Thrones" is my favourite serial.
I wath the news in the evening and a talk show, e.g "From to" or "Time with Ruta"
I don't do sport, but I like to exercise.
I speak Rusian and a little English.
I like to read books and I love trave_ling very much. =travelling
I'm looking forward to your messages.

:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: Your homework is so good! I'm without words :) Thank you for writing.
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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #7836 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: MONDAY 17/18
See you on the twenty second of January! Here is what to learn:

Telling time in English (Laiko sakymas angliškai)

Minutes and hours [minits end auez] minutės ir valandos

past [past] - po ; to [tiu] - be
half [haf] - pusė ; (a) quarter [kuote] - 15 min., ketvirtis

10 minutes past 6 - 10 minučių po šešių
10 minutes to 6 - be 10 šešios

half past 6 - po šešių pusė (t.y. pusė septynių)
(a) quarter past 6 - 15 minučių po šešių

Please, do the exercises in the interactive book:

Please, do the exercises on page 22 in the workbook:
to take away [teik au-ei] - išsinešti/ food or drinks to take away- maistas ar gėrimai išsinešti
the change [čeindž] -grąža
urban [io /r/ ban] - miesto
brunch [branč] - priešpiečiai
a snack [sne:k] - užkandis
a laddie [lee: di] - mergelė (škotų k.)
homemade [houm meid] - namų gamybos
private [praivet] - privatus, nuošalus
vegetarian [vedžetarijan] - vegetariškas; su 'a' artikeliu - vegetaras
Eninburgh color=red]Edinbra[/color - Edinburgas - Škotijos sostinė
a comfortable couch [komfortabl kouč] - patogi sofa

Open your iChecker, go to Tests, do Test 3:

So, write very shortly:
Do you often eat out? What is your favourite place to eat out? What does it look like?
When was the last time you eat out and what did you have?

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #7854 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: MONDAY 17/18
Sorry, I'm late.
This is episode 3 from EXTRA show. Watch it if you want:

Hector Has A Date - Hektoras turi pasimatymą (3 serijos pavadinimas)
1:23 - a dream date [dri:m deit] - svajonių draugas (pasimatymams)
1:51 - make my dream come true - padaryk (paversk) mano svajonę tikrove
2:53 -touch your toes [tač jo touz] - paliesk savo kojų pirštus / a toe [tou] - kojos pirštas
3:13 - faster [faste] -greičiau; still [stil] - (vis) dar
4:45 a taxidermist [teksidermist] - kailiadirbys, iškamšų kūrėjas
6:07 - I bet [bet] - lažinuosi (I bet I could get a girlfriend - Lažinuosi galėčiau įsigyti draugę)
6:33 - mousy [mauzi] - pelės
6:57 - do my washing [diu mai uošing] - išskalbk mano skalbinius
7:06 - will you spray [sprei] my plant - ar apipurkši mano gėlę?
7:34 - Never mind [neva maind] Nesvarbu
7:51 - an exercise video - mankštos pratimų kasetė
8: 24 - too arrogant, too horrible, too weird - per doug 'pasikėlęs', per daug siaubingas, per daug keistas
8:24 a train spotter [trein spote] - pedantas, smulkmeniškas žmogus

0:11 - to get a girlfriend - įsigyti, susirasti draugę
0:32 loads [loudz] - krūvas, t.y. daugybę
2:59 Bridget's cold or hot? dvi prasmės: 1. Bridžitos - karštai ar šaltai? 2. Bridžita yra karšta ar šalta?
3: 26 - From now on it'll be girls - Nuo šiol tai bus merginos...
3:33 aftershave [afte šeiv] - odekolonas (po skutimosi) You must change your aftershave - Tu turi pasikeisti savo odekoloną
4:19 to believe [bili:v] - tikėti; I don't believe it - Negaliu patikėti
4:27 done [dan] - padaryta, atlikta; The washing is done - skalbimas yra atliktas, t.y. viskas išskalbta
5:02 gorgeous [godžes] - gražuolis (-ė)
7:13 to cuddle [kadl] - apkabinti, glėbesčiuoti; Cuddles and Bubbles [kadlz end bablz] - glėbesčiukas ir burbuliukas
9:37 fewer [fju e] mažiau
10:05 None [nan] - Nei vieno(s)
10:36 We need a script - Mums reikia žodžių (scenarijaus)
10: 38 Try [trai] - Pabandyk
10:42. -Your eyes [aiz] are blue like the ocean [oušn]- Tavo akys mėlynos kaip vandenynas
10:47 - ears [ie/r/z] - ausys
11:09 You smell of sweat [ju smel of suet] - Tu smirdi prakaitu; to smell - kvepėti ir smirdėti
12:30 to stick - prilipti, laikytis įsikibus; Stick to the script - laikykis scenarijaus (plano)
13:35 a trick [trik] - gudrybė, suktybė
14:03 I'm off - išeinu, dingstu

This is about me eating out (apie save valgančią ne namie):

I don't like eating out because homemade food that I make is the best for me. I'm lucky to work near my home so I have time to come back for lunch.
But sometimes when I'm on a trip I have to eat out. The last time I ate out was in September when I visited Birzai castle with some guests. We went to Birzai castle restaurant for a lunch. I ordered vegetable soup and potato pancakes and I drank a double espresso with a shot [šot] (taurele) of vodka.
Birzai castle restaurant is very luxurious, the furniture is vintage [vintadž] (old) style . All the tables are dressed in white. The restaurant is dark and there are some private areas. They serve high quality food and it's expensive. The waiters wear smart uniforms and are very polite.

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #7855 nuo drugelis
drugelis replied the topic: MONDAY 17/18
Last Sunday we were in Vilnius. We walked down the center of Vilnius. We looked at the Christmas tree, there were many outdoor market places so we took coffee and tea. We went to the Cathedral. We visited the Rotuse and Vilnius Old Town, which is very beautiful ,colourful in the summer.
After then we went to '' Extra Pizza'' and ordered two big pizza_ with cola.
It was a good and fun day spend with _ family.

Wonderful! :cheer:
Two mistakes:
1.. .. ordered two big pizzas (daugiskaita)
2. It was a good and fun day spent with the family (spent - praleista; to spend - praleisti)

Rotušę galima versti angliškai : The City Hall [hol]
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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #7856 nuo briediene
briediene replied the topic: MONDAY 17/18
Last weekend I with my husband were in Panevezys. =I and my husband...
We went to sho_ping.We were to mool RIO and Babilon. = We went _ shopping. We were at malls....
I don't find that I need.We are very tired and hungry,so we went to Cili Pizza =praeitis: I didn't find what I need. We were very tired....
and order cepelinus .It isn't my favourite place to eat.Our lunch was terrible.not
delicious.So we cam_ back home very angry. = We came

Hi, Nina. I think homemade cepelinai are the best! I can make delicious cepelinai or potato dumplings. I have an electric potato grater [greite] (el. bulvių tarka) :cheer:
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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #7858 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: MONDAY 17/18
We learn new words about family relations.
We learn a little about British royal family: (Royal Family Tree) (Official Royal Family website) (some exercises)

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #7866 nuo Gita
Gita replied the topic: MONDAY 17/18
I rarely eat out. Last time I ate out in the China restaurant. There I was _ the first time. I ordered beef dish with rice and I drank white wine glass. The restaurant is small but comfortable. The food it's tasty but expensive. Though expensive everywhere! So I like eating homemade food.
In one caffe in Panevežys there is a very delicious green cocktail. It is made of apple, banana, spinach and ... I forget about what else. So my favourite place to eat out is where the cocktail is made.

Wonderful! :cheer:
Some very small mistakes:
There I was for the first time (kokį kartą - for)
The food is tasty (yra veiksnys - the food, nereikia 'it' )
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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #7872 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: MONDAY 17/18
Sorry, guys, I'm late :blush:

This is the homework for the 29th of January

Our lesson is about the family, about relatives :cheer:

Learn some new words:
a relative [releitiv] - giminaitis; a family member [membe] - šeimos narys; close [klouz] - artimas; distant [distant] - tolimas

Jei interaktyviame vadovėlyje žodynėlyje (Vocabulary) paspausite ant žodžių, išgirsite tarimą:

Do the exercises in the interactive book, Unit 4A. Don't do the grammar because we didn't have time to explain last Monday :)

a hairdresser [he: drese] - kirpėja(s) ; to do hair - daryti šukuoseną, sušukuoti;

Do the exercises in the workbook, Unit 4A (on pages 23 and 24). Don't do exercises 2, 3 and 4:

Now, tell about your family tree! Use the new words....
Dabar papasakokite apie savo šeimos geneologinį medį. Panaudokite naujuosius žodžius.

About Jurate's family tree
My great-grandparents aren't alive. They died when I wasn't born or when I was little. All my great-grandparents were farmers. They lived in villages all their lives and worked the land (dirbo žemę).
One my great-grandfather bought a big farm in Latvia. But he couldn't give the money back to his bank and he killed himself. He left three children and one of them was my grandfather Voldemaras.
The other great-grandfather had a farm in Pusalotas. He went mad (išprotėjo; to go mad - išprotėti) when a German bomb fell (nukrito) in front of him. He was in hospital for many years. His daughter was my grandmother Ksavera.
After the Second World War Ksavera was 17 and she started to work in an office in Joniskelis. She was an accountant. At work she met my grandfather Voldemaras who was an engineer and about 30 years old. They married and had two sons. One of them was my father Algirdas.
My mother and my father met in Panevezys when they were students. My mother comes from Radviliskis and she has a big family. I have 6 uncles and aunts from my mother's family, I have 15 cousins, lots of nephews and nieces. Some of them live in Klaipeda, some in Siauliai, some in Italy, the UK, Spain. I'm not close with my mother's family and I know very little about their lives.
I have relatives in Pasvalys from my father's family. They are my uncle, his wife, my two cousins and my two little nieces - my cousins' daughters. My uncle is married to a Lithuanian Latvian. My in-laws come from Kiburiai village.

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. nuo Jurate.

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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #7875 nuo drugelis
drugelis replied the topic: MONDAY 17/18
My grandparents are dead from _ mother_ side. They both are from _ village near Linkuva. My mother has _ sister and two brother_. My aunt and her husband has five childrens: four son_ and _ dougther. My both uncles aren't married. They all lives in _ village near Linkuva.
My mother live_ in Pasvalys. My parents met in Pakruojis, when they married left Pakruojis and arrived in Pasvalys. Now they are divorced
My grandfather are dead from my father_ side, but I have _ grandmother, she is 95 old year. She is greatgrandmother of my children. In family they was eight children: four girls and four boys. Uncles and aunts all lives in Lithuania: Radviliskis, Pakruojis, Siauliai, Panevezys, ect. My cousins lives in Lithuania, Norway and _ UK.
I have _ sister, she have two children son and doughter,they are my nephew and niece.
I 'm married I have _ husband. We have two children: doughter and son. I have _ mother-in-law and _ father-in-law, they are very wonderful, for my husband's parents.

That's a very good comment, BUT don't forget articles the/a and -s for a lot of things: a son (vns.) ; sons (dgs.).
Also :
He, She, It .... +s I, you, we, they ..... ---( He lives - They live) :

My grandparents are dead from the mother's side. They both are from a village near Linkuva. My mother has a sister and two brothers. My aunt and her husband have five children_: four sons and a daugther. My both uncles aren't married. They all live_ in a village near Linkuva.
My mother lives in Pasvalys. My parents met in Pakruojis, when they married left Pakruojis and arrived in Pasvalys. Now they are divorced
My grandfather is dead from my father's side, but I have the grandmother, she is 95 years old. She is the greatgrandmother of my children. In the family there were eight children: four girls and four boys. Uncles and aunts all live_ in Lithuania: Radviliskis, Pakruojis, Siauliai, Panevezys, ect. My cousins live_ in Lithuania, Norway and the UK.
I have a sister, she has two children son and daughter,they are my nephew and niece.
I 'm married I have a husband. We have two children: daughter and son. I have a mother-in-law and a father-in-law, they are very wonderful, for my husband's parents.

Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #7876 nuo Vilma
Vilma replied the topic: MONDAY 17/18
My grandparents are dead .My grandfather was married two times .The first vaif dead very young.My grandfather _ left with four little children. He was _ widower and married _ _ second _ again.Then (2.)was born (1.)my mother and two children. My grandmother had four stepdaughter_.
I have 6 aunts, 1 uncle and 10 cousins. My parents met in Kelme,but they lived in Pasvalys .My parents are dead.

My grandfather left - mano senelis išvyko, paliko kitus...
My grandfather was left - mano senelis pasiliko, buvo paliktas...

My grandparents are dead .My grandfather was married two times .The first wife died [daid] (mirė) very young.My grandfather was left with four little children. He was a widower and married for the second time again.Then my mother and two children were born. My grandmother had four stepdaughters.

Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #7877 nuo aina
aina replied the topic: MONDAY 17/18
My gre_t-grandparents are dead. They lived in _ village. I don't know anything abaut him anymore. Theirs daughter is in my grandmother. Shy is ninety-eight years old now. She has two daughters, my mother and my aunt. My aunt has one daughter she is my cousin. She has a daughter and a son. My aunt is _ great-grandmother. My mothers has four children.This is my two sisters and my brothers.
My father_s parents aren't dead. They had to four childrens. This is my fathers and my three aunt_.

My great-grandparents are dead. They lived in a village. I don't know anything about them anymore. Their daughter is my grandmother. She is ninety-eight years old now. She has two daughters, my mother and my aunt. My aunt has one daughter she is my cousin. She has a daughter and a son. My aunt is a great-grandmother. My mother has four children.These are my two sisters and my brothers.
My father's parents aren't dead. They had four children. These are my father and my three aunts.

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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #7880 nuo briediene
briediene replied the topic: MONDAY 17/18
I know very little about my great-grandparents.
They dead when I wasn't born.
One my grandfather was a train draiver and his waif_,my grandmother was an accountant.
They lived in Vladimir sity of Russia.
They had two sons Lev and Veniamin.Lev is my father.
Veniamin my uncle had a son and a daughter Vladimir and Natasa ar_ my cousins.
Other my grandparents comes from _ small toun,whey worked in glass faktory
and they had 5 children.Theys 3th daughters Izolda was my mother.
I had three uncles and one aunt.All my uncles _ dead.
I have seven cousiens.I have one sisther and one nephew.
They live in Nizniy Novgorod of Russia.

This is very good :cheer:

I know very little about my great-grandparents.
They died [daid] (mirė) when I wasn't born.
One my grandfather was a train driver and his wife, my grandmother was an accountant.
They lived in Vladimir city in Russia.
They had two sons Lev and Veniamin.Lev is my father.
Veniamin my uncle had a son and a daughter Vladimir and Natasa are my cousins.
Other my grandparents come from a small town,They worked in a glass factory
and they had 5 children.Their 3d- third daughter Izolda was my mother.
I had three uncles and one aunt.All my uncles are dead.
I have seven cousins.I have one sister and one nephew.
They live in Nizniy Novgorod in Russia.

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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #7898 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: MONDAY 17/18
Sorry, Monday group, I'm late! :blush:

You have to finish doing all the exercises in Unit 4A :
Whose [hu : z ] - kieno?
(Whose is this book? Whose book is this? - Kieno ši knyga?)
Nesumaišyti su Who's [hu : z] - kas yra?
Who's this in the photo with you? This is my friend next door. Kas šita(s) nuotraukoje su tavimi? Tai mano draugas kaimynas.

From iChecker:
Menorca is an island in Spain...

If you want , you can watch Episode 4 from EXTRA show: Hector Looks For A Job (Hektoras ieško darbo)

1:25 mature [mač jo] - subrendęs
1:30 Where's the fire? Kur gaisras?
1:32 a smoke detector - dūmų detektorius
2:10 crasy [kreizi] - nenormalus
2:32 ruined [ru-ind] sugadintas
2:45 anyway [eni uei] - šiaip ar taip
3:10 the coolest stuntman [stant men]- šauniausias triukų meistras
3:45 I would love to have a dress like that - Labai norėčiau turėti suknelę kaip šita
4:28 I need - man reikia
5:26 to look for a job - ieškoti darbo
5:55 a vacancy [veikansi] - laisva vieta
5:55 wanted [uantid] - ieškomas, reikalingas
5:55 a launderette [launderet] assistant - skalbyklos darbuotojas
7:23 Singing Parrot Cafe - Dainuojančios papūgos kavinė
7:38 He invited - jis pakvietė
7:50 clever [kleve] - protingas
7:56 He might [mait] offer me a promotion [promoušn] - Jis galbūt pasiūlys man paaukštinimą
8:00 to wear: What shall(=will ) I wear? apsivlkti: Ką aš apsivilksiu?
8:02 I have nothing to wear! Neturiu ką apsivilkti
8:10 So last season - Toks praeitas sezonas
8:30 his nickname is the Octopus [oktopas] - jo pravardė yra Aštuonkojis
9:25 Definitelly [definitli]- garantuotai, griežtai

0:14 you must set the table - tu privalai padengti stalą
0:30 too small - per ma
0:40 courses [korsiz] - patiekalai
1:29 the bill - sąskaita
1:50 the dish of the day - dienos patiekalas
2:18 How's it going? Kaip einasi?
2:28 I'll (=will) get it - Aš atidarysiu/ Aš atsiliepsiu
2:25 It must be Howard - tai turi būti
3:18 terrific [terifik] - labai puiku
4:18 to serve a good dinner - patiekti gerą vakarienę
5:30 divine [divain] - dieviška
6:08 a cow [kau] - karvė
6:20 weird [uei /r/ d] - keista(s)
6:46 Dinner is served - Vakarienė patiekta
7:05 sick pea soup [sik pi:] -nesveikų žirnių sriuba
7:15 chick pea soup [čik pi:] - avinžirnių sriuba
7:50 teeth - beef [ti: th - bi: f] casserole - dantų - jautienos troškinys
8:24 good looks - gera išvaizda
9:12 Fascinating - Pasigėrėtina
9:33 You have poisoned me - tu mane nunuodijai ; poison [poizon] - nuodai
9:56 you will never ever be - tu niekada niekada nebūsi
10:00 creep [kri:p] - iškrypėlis
10:19 you lost your job - tu netekai savo darbo
11:18 they must go back - jos privalo grįžti
11:22 Let's go clubbing - Einam pasilinksminti klubuose
12:34 Hop on! I will give you a lift - Šok (ant dviračio). Aš tave pavešiu.
10:24 Too late, I quit - per vėlu - aš išeinu (iš darbo)

Write on the forum. Take a photo from your family photo book and describe it:
How old is this photo?
What occasion [akeižn] (proga) was this? How many people are there in the photo?
Where are you and what are you wearing?
Who are the other people in the photo?

Jurate's old photo
I want to tell you about my school photo. It is about 24 years old (I don't remember the year exactly). In this photo there is my twelfth year group. There are about 14 students in our group. We all are in the school hall together with our group teacher - our group tutor [tjute] (auklėtoja(s)). We are at the end of our school year, we are about to finish our studies. We took this photo to remember this special time - the start of our adult lives.
All students are in our traditional school uniforms. We the girls are wearing brown dresses with black aprons [ei: prons] (žiurstais). The boys are wearing blue suits (trousers and jackets). I am standing in front of the group, on the left. Next to me there is my good classmate Migle. She looks very beatiful, as [e:z] (kaip kad) always :) Our group tutor is in the centre of the photo. The people in our town know this teacher well - her surname is Gelazauskiene, she thought Russian at Petras Vileisis Secondary School. Now she is retired and our school is called Vileisis Gymnasium. A lot of students from our group went away, but I and Migle stayed in Pasvalys. We often meet at the English class at the library :cheer:

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. nuo Jurate.

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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #7900 nuo briediene
briediene replied the topic: MONDAY 17/18
I want to tell about my family.
This photo is 55 jears old. =years
In this photo there are 6 persons.I'm 5years old, my sister is 7, my parents and my father's parents.
We ar_ in the park.My parents ar_ very young, nice and very fashionables.
My father _ we_ring a grow suit,mum _ we_ring a blue skirt and jacket.
I and my sister _ wering very nice dreses.
In this photo I and all my family look like nice and happy.

Old photos are the best! :)

In this photo there are 6 people.I'm 5 years old,my sister is 7,my parents and my father's parents.
We are in the park.My parents are very young, nice and very fashionable_ ( nes būdvardžiai neturi daugiskaitos).
My father is wearing a grey (pilka) suit,mum is wearing a blue skirt and jacket.
I and my sister are wearing very nice dreses.

Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. nuo Jurate.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Jurate

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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 10 mėn. #7901 nuo drugelis
drugelis replied the topic: MONDAY 17/18
I love photos with my family.
This photo is 12 years old. In this photo our=we are four persons=people: I am 31 years old, my husband is 32, my daughter is 11 and my son _ 7 years old. =my son is 7...
This photo was _ on 1 September . =taken [teiken] nufotografuota
We there all _ standed=are standing. We are in a Photo Studio.
My husband is wearing a blac_ =black suit, a grey shirt and _ tie =a tie. I'm wearing a white blouse and a blac_ trousers= and black trousers. My doughter is wearing a white blouse and a dark blue skirt. My son is wearing a white shirt and _ =a grey tie ,a blac = black vest and a blac_ trousers. _ Son and _ doughter = The son and the daughter have maple leaves in their hands.
It's a very beautiful and warm photo.

Yes, I think it is a beautiful photo! :)
I am wearing black trousers - daugiskaita, todėl nereikia 'a'
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 10 mėn. nuo Jurate.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Jurate

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prieš 6 m. 11 mėn. #7902 nuo avocado
avocado replied the topic: MONDAY 17/18
Hello, I'm back :)

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prieš 6 m. 10 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 10 mėn. #7916 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: MONDAY 17/18
See you on Monday, the 13 th of February

The homework
Do interactive exercises 4 B
Don't do Amelia's Day

Do workbook exercises on page 23:

You have to watch episode 5 from EXTRA English
The Star Is Born - Žvaigždė yra gimusi (gimė)

Your turn [jo: to/r/n] - Tavo eilė
You have the wrong number - Jūs pataikėte ne tuo numeriu
Rock Thrust - Uolos Smūgis
legs [legz] -hands [hendz] - kojos - rankos
silly [sili] =stupid - kvailas
Piccadilly Circus - an area of night clubs in London - naktinių klubų rajonas Londone
messages -žinutės
to mean [mi:n] - reikšti... What do you mean? - Ką tu nori pasakyti?
They cut off my phone [kat of] - jie atjungė mano telefoną
You should pay your bills - Tu turėtum susimokėti sąskaitas
to knock on the door - pasibelsti į duris
an advert - reklaminis skelbimas
smooth - švelnus, lygus
to melt - tirpti
a tummy [tami / tumi] - pilvas, pilvelis
a part in a film/in a theater play - rolė, vaidmuo
What is going on? - kas dabar vyksta?
to make a big exit - didingai išeiti
too many [tiu meni] - per daug
a challenge-iššūkis
chunky chunks -stambūs gabalai
a plate - lėkštė
without knocking - be beldimo
a huge audience [hju:dž odijans] - didžiulė publika

a centurion - Romos karys
on the ground - ant žemės
a script - scenarijus
The way to the heart is through the stomach - Kelias į širdį yra per skrandį
to mean - What do you mean? See what I mean?
washing powder
a stain [stein] - dėmė
gravy [greivi] - padažas
to zap - sunaikinti žaibiškai
a pound = a quid [kuid] - valiuta svaras
an executive - vadovas (darbų vykdytojas)
to work on - dirbti prie ko nors (srityje)
gorgeous [godžes] - nuostabiai gražus ar skanus
to separate [separeit] atskirti
a yolk - a white [jolk - uait] trynys - baltymas
to whisk [uisk] - suplakti; a whisk - plaktuvas
to add - įdėti
get on with it - padaryk ir baigta
I’m glad - aš patenkintas
I ran [re: n] all the way from the studio - Bėgau visą kelią iš studijos
I was chased [čeist] - Mane vijosi

Please, write on the Forum:
Choose one task - pasirinkite vieną užduotį:
What is Nick doing on TV?
What time is he on TV?
Do friends think he's a TV star?

Do you like adverts like Annie does (kaip Anė)? Do you have a favourite ad?

I don't watch TV ads. They usually annoy [anoi] (erzina, įkyri) me, because the Lithuanian TV channels like to put long advertisements in the middle [midl] (į vidurį) of a film or a TV show.
I like short ads that are about 10 seconds long. I like ads that are funny (juokingi) and have a good song.
I don't have a favourite ad now, but I loved one Christmas ad on British TV.

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 10 mėn. nuo Jurate.

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prieš 6 m. 10 mėn. #7920 nuo studentė
studentė replied the topic: MONDAY 17/18
I don't like tv adverts because they are long and many seen. I like funny and short ads. Sometims they provide information about tv shows, concerts , events . Then don't need tv programs and I use them...
The following user(s) said Thank You: Jurate

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