- Žinutės: 49
- Reputacija: 1
- Gauta padėkų: 43
Gita's photoother - kita(s), kiti. Kai eina prieš daiktavardžius - neturi daugiskaitos
good my = my good
my = me arba I ( akcentuotas 'aš' )
didn't had = didn't have
And...five-six old = five-six years old ...arba: five-six.
hading a touch = turi skarelę? having a scarf? with her scarf on her shoulders
a T-shirt
Write any time you want. I read your comments with pleasurean advert....snoring? = grumbling? (paniurnu) ar snacking? (užvalgau, sukramtau ką nors)? to snore [sno:] yra knarkti
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My pancakes:
I love pancakes with curd. I usually have them with homemade yogurt and fruit.
First I mix flour and a little water in a bowl. The batter must be liquid (skysta). In another bowl I mix curd with an egg. I don't separate the yolk from the white. Sometimes I add a little bit of lemon to the curd.
I take a large frying pan, put it on the cooker, spread (palieju, ištepu)) a little bit of oil in the pan and turn on the fire. Then I pour [pue] (įpilu) the batter. After about 2 minutes I flip (apverčiu) the pancake to the other side and put the curd. I spread [spred] the curd. After about two minutes I fold (perlenkiu) my pancake. I flip (vartau) it again and again until it is golden brown. Then I put my pancake on a plate and have yogurt with orange or kiwi or any fresh berries on the top. Done!
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Kai kalbame apie savo gyvenimo įpročius, kasdien atliekamus veiksmus (daily routine) - vartojame paprastą esamąjį laiką . Momentinį esamą laiką (I am going/ eating/doing.... ) vartojame šiuo momoentu daromiems veiksmams
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I like fruit... go out for a walk.... a good night sleep...
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