- Žinutės: 19
- Reputacija: 1
- Gauta padėkų: 17
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1. Daugiskaitoje prisideda -s, nereikia rašyti -'s
2. gyvas, nemiręs =alive [elaiv]
3. prieš veiksmažodį vartojamas ne 'very', o 'really'. Po veiksmažodžio - 'very much': I really miss her = I miss her very much...
4. Anglų k. yra du skirtingi 'taip pat': too - teigiamam sakinyje ; either [aithe] - neigiamame: He isn't married either.
... I don't have brothers or sisterrs .... my grandfather Jonas is alive and he lives in Pasvalys district alone.
I'm satisfied with my family but sometimes I really miss my grandmothers.
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About Jurate
I'm Lithuanian. I speak Lithuanian fluently, of course.
I can also speak three other languages, but not fluently. I learnt Russian and French at school, I studied French at university. I can't speak them fluently because I don't practice them.
Later , when I bought a computer and got the Internet at home, I started to learn English. My English is getting better and better thanks to YOU people who come to study English at the library with me
I also can speak Spanish a little. It's because I went to a Spanish class about twenty years ago. My teacher was a very nice Spanish man called Alfonso.
I use Russian when I go on holidays to the Latvian seaside in the summer. I usually speak English when I visit countries in Western Europe. I usually visit there on business, not on holidays. I spoke English at conferences and meetings with other librarians in Greece, in Spain, in Slovenia, in Germany.
And I can tell one thing: English mistakes don't matter (nesvarbu). People in other countries often can't speak English very well and they are very happy to meet a foreigner who speaks English with mistakes - just like them!
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I'm Russian. I speak Russian fluently of course.
I'mlive in Lithuania from 1986.I can also speak Lithuanian, but not fluently. I learnt German at school,
but it was many years ago.
Now I learn English at the library with you.
Every yearsI go to Canada on my holiday I'm very happy, that I can speak English a little.
I make many mistakes,but my granddaughters help me.
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Aš ne dažnai vykstu į užsienį = I don't often go abroad
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I'm speak = I speak
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that=kad ... ; so that = tam, kad....
every year - kiekvienais metais
I'm Lithuanian.I speak _ Lithuanian and Russian fluently, a little French, Polish and English. Every year I go abraod, because I like to travel to different countries. I visit many countries, in particular I like exotic countries. A few years ago I travelled to the south-east Asian countries. I like to get acquainted with a different culture . There now I'm learning English so that I could communicate with different countries people.
Very good! I like your comment very much!
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Wonderful! I love your comment Two mistakes:
When I go on holidays to the Latvian seaside? (pajūrį?)
Aš negalėjau kalbėti - I couldn't speak (galėti - galėjo = can - could [kud]. Negalėjo - could not arba couldn't [kudnt])
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*postcode... Very good , thank you
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...I use it always... - (veiksnys (I)+tarinys( use)+papildinys (it) )
I have a little contacts = I have a few contacts.
Anglų kalboje yra dviejų rūšių daiktavardžiai: skaičiuotiniai (viskas, kas suskaičiuojama) ir neskaičiuotiniai (maistas, oras, meilė, ir panašūs abstraktūs dalykai....)
Su skaičiuotiniais pasakyti daug ir mažai vartojama : a lot of (daug) many (daug) a few (nedaug, truputis, keletas) few (mažai, per mažai)
Su neskaičiuotiniais: a lot of (daug) much (daug) a little (nedaug) little (mažai, per mažai)
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Galima pasakyti dviem būdais "vyro ir dukros numeriai":
1. the phone numbers of my husband and my daughter
2. my husband's and my daughter's phone numbers
I don't have a home phone.I have a mobile phone.
I remember my phone number,but I don't remember the phone numbers of my husband_ and my daughter_.
I have a lot of contacts in my address book.I use my phone to call people or to send messages.
I know my postcode
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I don't have a home phone. I have a smart _ phone. My phones are from LENOVA company. I have my smart phone everywhere I go. I remember my mobile phone number. I don't remember phone numbers of my husband_ and my mother_. I have a lot of contacts in my phone's address book. I'dont know my postal code (arba: postcode).
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Great! Good work and only few mistakes.
.... I have a phone line and the subscribtion (abonementas) , because through it the internet is connected... (žodžių tvarka: veiksnys-tarinys)
.... I remember my and my husband's mobile phone numbers ...(dgs.)
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