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prieš 8 m. 4 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 4 mėn. #5611 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: MONDAY 2016
In the past, there was more (daugiau) water in the rivers of Pasvalys, and today the water is low ([lou] - žemas, nusekęs) :(
In the past, there was a spa (=a place where medicinal baths are) in Pasvalys, and today there's Pasvalys Swimming Pool B)
In the past, there were some small manufactories in Pasvalys and today there is a big milk factory and a biofuel [bajofjuel] factory :)
In the past, there weren't nurseries in Pasvalys and today there are three: 'Liepaite', 'Eglute' and 'Zilvytis' :)
In the past, there wasn't a museum in Pasvalys and now there is one big renovated Pasvalys country museum. :)

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
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prieš 8 m. 4 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 4 mėn. #5619 nuo Little Angel
Little Angel replied the topic: MONDAY 2016
Abuot Pasvalys
Our Pasvalys is a small town beetween rivers Svalia, Levuo and Musha. There are four supermarkets in Pasvalys today and there was only Market Square in the times of Smetona. There's a church and there's at the curch gate a rectory today, but there was at the curch gate a manufactory in the times of Smetona. There is the actual community health Centre in Pasvalys, but there were a chemist's of municipality and a warehouse in the times of Smetona. There's green Spring in Pasvalys and there was he in the past. There's a bridge across Levuo, but there was the old bridge across Levuo in other place in the times of Smetona. Also there are the bridge across Svalia and the bridge across Musha and there were they in the times of Smetona.

There were they
= They were there - jie buvo ten, toje pat vietoje
There was he = It was there - jis (ne žmogus) buvo ten, toje pat vietoje

About Pasvalys
Our Pasvalys is a small town beetween rivers Svalia, Levuo and Musha. There are four supermarkets in Pasvalys today and there was only Market Square in the times of Smetona. There's a church and there's a rectory at the church gate today, but there was a manufactory at the curch gate in the times of Smetona. There is the actual community health Centre in Pasvalys, but there was a chemist's, a municipality and a warehouse in the times of Smetona. There's Green Spring in Pasvalys and it was in the past. There's a bridge across Levuo, but there was the old bridge across Levuo in another place in the times of Smetona. Also there is a bridge across Svalia and a bridge across Musha and they were there in the times of Smetona.

Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 8 m. 4 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 8 m. 4 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 4 mėn. #5622 nuo Romualda
Romualda replied the topic: MONDAY 2016
There are =is Pasvalys a beautifully handled town. There are three parks, a lot of cafes, there is a cultural=e center, where are various concerts, theaters=theater plays every week. There are=is a nice town square in front of the church, and the=a modern fountain next to it. In the past, there was a street.
There are three supermarkets in Pasvalys, in the past, there were some of small shops. There is the=a sports centre with a swimming pool in Pasvalys, in the past there wasn't any swimming pools. There weren't in the past nurseries in Pasvalys in the past and today there are three.

Po 'yra', 'buvo' vartoti 'is' , jei pirmiausia eina vienaskaita - nesvarbu kiek daug dalykų po to vardinate: There is a square and a fountain and a church and a soup kitchen (labdaros valgykla)
Po 'yra', 'buvo' vienaskaitoje paprastai ne artikelis 'the', o 'a'
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prieš 8 m. 4 mėn. #5625 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: MONDAY 2016
Was there a hospital in Pasvalys in the times of Smetona? I guess there wasn't .

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)

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prieš 8 m. 4 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 4 mėn. #5626 nuo naujoke
naujoke replied the topic: MONDAY 2016
1.Is there an airport? was there an airport?
2.There aren't any restaurants. There weren't any restaurants.
3.There are a lot of shops. There were a lot of shops.
4.There aren't any bars. There weren't any bars.
5.Are there any tourists? Was there any tourists?
6.There isn't a spa. There wasn't a spa.
7.Is there a sinema? Was there a cinema?
8.There's a hospital. There was a hospital.

A.Hi jack.How was the hotel?
B.It was awful.
B.Well, there wasn't a lift,and our room was on the fhird floor.The room was big, but it was cold and darc, and weren't any windows.
A.Was there a restaurant?
B.No, it wasn't. There was only a bar.
A.Where there a lot of people in the hotel?
B.No. And I'm not surprised.
A.Was there a swiming pool?
B.Yes,it was, but it wasn't wery clean.
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prieš 8 m. 4 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 4 mėn. #5628 nuo Palmira
Palmira replied the topic: MONDAY 2016
In the past in Pasvalys ,there was a building with minerals or sulfur baths and today there is a physiotherapy clinic.In the past,there was the =a bridge near the river Svalia,today there is the=a bridge in another place.There were some hospitals, the infections=and an infectious diseases hospital on the street Biržų, the birth and internal medicine=a maternity unit and an internal diseases unit on the street Joniškėlio,today there is a modern hospital on the street Geležinkeliečių.

infectious diseases [infekšez dizi:zis] - užkrečiamos ligos,
an infectious diseases hospital, a hospital of infectious diseases - užkrečiamų ligų ligoninė
a unit [ju:nit]- skyrius

I'm sorry for my wrong advice in the class on Monday :blush:
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prieš 8 m. 4 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 4 mėn. #5632 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: MONDAY 2016
On the 17th of October we read a story about a girl on a train. You can find this story below [bilou] - žemiau, apačioje.

To do for the next meeting (the 24th of October):
1. Read the story again.
2. Write on the Forum five to ten sentences what this story is about.
3. Learn to tell.
4. You can do three exercises for this story. The exercises are at the end.
Good luck :cheer:

New Words:
a carriage [keridž] - vagonas; each [i:č] - kiekvienas; a stranger [streindže] - nepažįstamasis; to laugh [laf] - juoktis; bored [bo:/r/d] - nuobodžiaujantis; boring [boring] - nuobodus; a pocket [pokit] - kišenė; them [them] - jų, jais, juos, jiems...; noisy [noizy] - triukšmingas; quiet [kuajet] - tylus, ramus.
A train is a closed world. Each carriage is like a small room, with windows and doors, but you can't get out
when the train is moving. The world outside is far away, and you can forget your home, your work, your
friends. On a train you sit with strangers. You don't know anything about them, but you sit next to them for
hours, or perhaps days, in the same small room. You can't get away from them.

The Girl with Green Eyes
'Of course,' the man in the brown hat said, 'there are good policemen and there are bad policemen, you know.'
'You're right,' the young man said. 'Yes. That's very true. Isn't it, Julie?' He looked at the young woman next to him.
Julie didn't answer and looked bored. She closed her eyes. 'Julie's my wife,' the young man told the man in the brown
hat. 'She doesn't like trains. She always feels ill on trains.' 'Oh yes?' the man in the brown hat said. 'Now my wife
- she doesn't like buses. She nearly had an accident on a bus once. It was last year . .. No, no, it wasn't. It was two
years ago. I remember now. It was in Manchester.' He told a long, boring story about his wife and a bus in
It was a hot day and the train was slow. There were seven people in the carriage. There was the man in the
brown hat; the young man and his wife, Julie; a mother and two children; and a tall dark man in an expensive suit.
The young man's name was Bill. He had short brown hair and a happy smile. His wife, Julie, had long red hair
and very green eyes - the colour of sea water. They were very beautiful eyes.
The man in the brown hat talked and talked. He had a big red face and a loud voice. He talked to Bill because
Bill liked to talk too. The man in the brown hat laughed a lot, and when he laughed, Bill laughed too. Bill liked
talking and laughing with people.
The two children were hot and bored. They didn't want to sit down. They wanted to be noisy and run up and
down the train.
'Now sit down and be quiet,' their mother said. She was a small woman with a tired face and a tired voice.
'I don't want to sit down,' the little boy said. 'I'm thirsty.'
'Here. Have an orange,' his mother said. She took an
orange out of her bag and gave it to him.
'I want an orange too, the little girl said loudly.
'All right. Here you are,' said her mother. 'Eat it nicely,
The children ate their oranges and were quiet for a minute.
Then the little boy said, 'I want a drink. I'm thirsty.'
The tall dark man took out his newspaper and began to read. Julie opened her eyes and looked at the back page
of his newspaper. She read about the weather in Budapest and about the football in Liverpool. She wasn't interested
in Budapest and she didn't like football, but she didn't want to listen to Bill and the man in the brown hat. 'Talk,
talk, talk,' she thought. 'Bill never stops talking.' Then suddenly she saw the tall man's eyes over the
top of his newspaper. She could not see his mouth, but there was a smile in his eyes. Quickly, she looked
down at the newspaper and read about the weather in Budapest again.
The train stopped at Dawlish station and people got on and got off. There was a lot of noise.
'Is this our station?' the little girl asked. She went to the window and looked out.
'No, it isn't. Now sit down,' her mother said.
'We're going to Penzance,' the little girl told Bill. 'For our holidays.'
'Yes,' her mother said. 'My sister's got a little hotel by the sea. We're staying there. It's cheap, you see.'
'Yes,' the man in the brown hat said. 'It's a nice town. I know a man there. He's got a restaurant in King Street.
A lot of holiday people go there. He makes a lot of money in the summer.' He laughed loudly. 'Yes,' he said again.
'You can have a nice holiday in Penzance.'
'We're going to St Austell,' Bill. said. 'Me and Julie. It's our first holiday. Julie wanted to go to Spain, but I like
St Austell. I always go there for my holidays. It's nice in August. You can have a good time there too.'
Julie looked out of the window. 'Where is Budapest?' she thought. 'I want to go there. I want to go to Vienna,
to Paris, to Rome, to Athens.' Her green eyes were bored and angry. Through the window she watched the little
villages and hills of England.
The man in the brown hat looked at Julie. 'You're right,' he said to Bill. 'You can have a good time on
holiday in England. We always go to Brighton, me and the wife. But the weather! We went one year, and it rained
every day. Morning, afternoon, and night. It's true. It never stopped raining.' He laughed loudly. 'We nearly
went home after the first week.'
Bill laughed too. 'What did you do all day, then?' he asked. Julie read about the weather in Budapest for the third
time. Then she looked at the tall man's hands. They were long, brown hands, very clean. 'Nice hands,' she thought.
He wore a very expensive Japanese watch. 'Japan,' she thought. 'I'd like to go to Japan.' She looked up and saw
the man's eyes again over the top of his newspaper. This time she did not look away. Green eyes looked into dark
brown eyes for a long, slow minute. After Newton Abbot station the guard came into the
carriage to look at their tickets. 'Now then,' he said, 'where are we all going?'
'This train's late,' the man in the brown hat said.
'Twenty minutes late, by my watch.'
'Ten minutes,' the guard said. 'That's all.' He smiled at Julie.
The tall dark man put his newspaper down, found his ticket, and gave it to the guard. The guard looked at it.
'You're all right, sir,' he said. 'The boat doesn't leave Plymouth before six o'clock. You've got lots of time.'
The tall man smiled, put his ticket back in his pocket and opened his newspaper again. Julie didn't look at him. 'A boat,' she thought. 'He's taking a boat from Plymouth. Where's he going?' She looked at him again with her big green eyes.
He read his newspaper and didn't look at her. But his eyes smiled. The train stopped at Totnes station and more people got on and off.
'Everybody's going on holiday,' Bill said. He laughed. 'It's going to be wonderful. No work for two weeks. It's
a nice, quiet town, St Austell. We can stay in bed in the mornings, and sit and talk in the afternoons, and have a
drink or two in the evenings. Eh, Julie?' He looked at his wife. 'Are you all right, Julie?'
'Yes, Bill,' she said quietly. 'I'm OK.' She looked out of the window again. The train went more quickly now, and
it began to rain. Bill and the man in the brown hat talked and talked. Bill told a long story about two men and a dog,
and the man in the brown hat laughed very loudly. 'That's a good story,' he said. 'I like that. You tell it
very well. Do you know the story about . . .' And he told Bill a story about a Frenchman and a bicycle.
'Why do people laugh at these stories?' Julie thought. 'They're so boring!'
But Bill liked it. Then he told a story about an old woman and a cat, and the man in the brown hat laughed
again. 'That's good, too. I don't know. How do you remember them all?'
'Because', Julie thought, 'he tells them every day.'
'I don't understand,' the little girl said suddenly. She looked at Bill. 'Why did the cat die?'
'Shhh. Be quiet,' her mother said. 'Come and eat your sandwiches now.'
That's all right,' Bill said. 'I like children.'
The man in the brown hat looked at the children's sandwiches. 'Mmm, I'm hungry, too,' he said. 'You can get
sandwiches in the restaurant on this train.' He looked at Bill
'Let's go down to the restaurant, eh? I need a drink too.'
Bill laughed. 'You're right. It's thirsty work, telling stories.'
The two men stood up and left the carriage.
The little girl ate her sandwich and looked at Julie. 'But why did the cat die?' she asked.
'I don't know,' Julie said. 'Perhaps it wanted to die.'
The little girl came and sat next to Julie. 'I like your hair,' she said. 'It's beautiful.' Julie looked down at her and smiled.
For some minutes it was quiet in the carriage. Then the tall dark man opened his bag and took out a book. He put
it on the seat next to him, and looked at Julie with a smile.
Julie looked back at him, and then down at the book. Famous towns of Italy, she read. Venice, Florence, Rome,
Naples. She looked away again, out of the window at the rain. Two weeks in St Austell,' she thought. 'With Bill-
In the rain.'
After half an hour the two men came back to the carriage.
'There are a lot of people on this train,' Bill said.
'Do you want a sandwich, Julie?'
'No,' she said. 'I'm not hungry. You eat them.'
The train was nearly at Plymouth. Doors opened and people began to move. 'A lot of people get on here,' the
man in the brown hat said. The tall dark man stood up and put his book and his
newspaper in his bag. Then he picked up his bag and left the carriage. The train stopped at the station. A lot of
people got on the train, and two women and an old man came into the carriage. They had a lot of bags with them.
Bill and the man in the brown hat stood up and helped them. One of the women had a big bag of apples. The bag
broke and the apples went all over the carriage.
'Oh damn!' she said.
Everybody laughed, and helped her to find the apples. The train moved away from Plymouth station. After a
minute or two everybody sat down and the woman gave some apples to the children.
'Where's Julie?' Bill said suddenly. 'She's not here.'
'Perhaps she went to the restaurant,' the man in the brown hat said.
'But she wasn't hungry,' Bill said. 'She told me.'
The little girl looked at Bill. 'She got off the train at Plymouth,' she said. 'With the tall dark man. I saw them.'
'Of course she didn't!' Bill said. 'She's on this train. She didn't get off.'
'Yes, she did,' the children's mother said suddenly. 'I saw her too. The tall man waited for her on the platform.'
'He waited for her?' Bill's mouth was open. 'But... But he read his newspaper all the time. He didn't talk to Julie.
And she never talked to him. They didn't say a word.'
'People don't always need words, young man,' the children's mother said.
'But she's my wife!' Bill's face was red and angry. 'She can't do that!' he said loudly. He stood up. 'I'm going to
stop the train,' Everybody looked at him and the two children laughed.
'No,' the man in the brown hat said, 'no, you don't want to do that. Sit down and eat your sandwiches, my friend.'
'But I don't understand. Why did she go? What am I going to do?' Bill's face was very unhappy. After a second or two
he sat down again. 'What am I going to do?' he said again.
'Nothing,' the man in the brown hat said. He ate his sandwich slowly. 'Go and have your holiday in St Austell.
You can have a good time there. Forget about Julie. Those green eyes, now.' He took out a second sandwich and began to eat it. 'I knew a woman once with green eyes. She gave me a very bad time. No, you want to forget about Julie.'
'She got off the train at Plymouth. With the tall dark man.'
Read The Girl with Green Eyes. Who did what in this story?
How many true sentences can you make?

The man in the brown hat... / Julie... / Bill.../ The mother.../ The little girl.../ The little boy ... / The tall dark man... a newspaper. / ...talked a lot./ off the train at Plymouth. / ...went to the restaurant. / ...saw Julie on the platform. / ...was bored.
Here are some untrue ([antru] - neteisingos) sentences about the story.
Change them into true sentences.

1 The man in the brown hat was an interesting man.
2 The tall dark man read the back page of Julie's newspaper.
3 Nobody got on the train at Plymouth.
4 Julie said goodbye to Bill when she got off the train.
5 Bill was very happy when Julie left.
6 The man in the brown hat wanted Bill to remember Julie.
In The Girl with Green Eyes, Julie and the tall dark man did not talk, but here is a 'conversation' between their eyes, in the wrong order. Write it out in the correct order and put in the speakers' names. The tall dark man speaks first (number 7).
1 'Of course you can. Bill is more interested in his stories than in his beautiful wife. And you are
beautiful, Julie. You have the most wonderful eyes.'
2 'I can't do that! What about Bill?'
3 'No buts. Come with me to Italy. You can be happy with me. Don't you want to be happy?'
4 'How wonderful! I'd love to go to Italy. But I'm going to St Austell.'
5 'Say nothing. That's the best way. Just get off the train at Plymouth after me.'
6 'Yes, that's true. I am bored. But he's my husband, and I can't just leave him . . . can I?'
7 _ _ _ 'Do you see my book about Italy? I'm going to visit these four famous cities.'
8 'All right. Wait for me on the platform!'
9 'Well, what about him? You don't like him. You're bored with him.'
10 'OK, I have wonderful eyes, but. . .'
11 _ _ _ 'St Austell's a boring town. Come with me to Italy.'
12 . 'Yes. Yes, I do. But what do I say to Bill?'

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 8 m. 4 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 8 m. 4 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 4 mėn. #5664 nuo Janina
Janina replied the topic: MONDAY 2016
The girl with green eyes
There were seven people in the carriage. There was the man in the brown hat, the young man, a tall dark man, a mother with two children and a young woman. She was the wife of the young man and she had very green eyes. The man in the brown hat talked with the young man. The two children run up and down the train. Their mother was tired and sad. The tall dark man read his newspaper. Once a =the woman with green eyes looked into dark brown eyes. They Did not need words. The tall dark man and the young woman got off the train together.

1. The man in the brown hat and Bill talked a lot. The tall dark man smiled but never spoke. The man in the brown hat and Bill went to the restaurant. The tall dark man read a newspaper. Julie got off the train at Plymouth. The mother and the little girl saw Julie on the platform. The little boy was bored.
2. The man in the brown hat was fun. Julie read the back page of the tall dark man's newspaper. A lot of people got on at Plymouth. Julie got off the train. Bill was very unhappy when Julie got off the train. The man in the brown hat wanted Bill to forget about Julie.
3. ,,Julie, do you see my book about Italy? I'm going to visit these four famous cities."
,,How wonderful! I'd love to go to Italy. But I'm going to St.Austell."
,,Julie St.Austell's a boring town. Come with me to Italy."
,,I can't do that! What about Bill?"
,,Of course you can. Bill is more interested in his stories than in his beautiful wife. And you are beautiful, Julie. You have the most wonderful eyes."
,,OK, I have wonderful eyes, but..."
,,No buts. Come with me to Italy. You can be happy with me. Don't you want to be happy?"
,,Yes, that's true. I am bored. But he's my husband, and I can't just leave him... can I?"
,,Well, what about him? You don't like him. You're bored with him."
,,Yes.Yes, I do. But what do I say to Bill?"
,,Say nothing. That's the best way. Just get off the train at Plymouth after me."
,,All right! Wait for me on the platform!"
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prieš 8 m. 4 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 4 mėn. #5675 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: MONDAY 2016
Janina, you are a wonderful student :) Soon, you will be my teacher :lol: Please, learn to tell what you wrote in short about the story, don't forget articles 'a' and 'the':

The girl with green eyes
There were seven people in the carriage. There was the man in the brown hat, the young man, a tall dark man, a mother with two children and a young woman. She was the wife of the young man and she had very green eyes. The man in the brown hat talked with the young man. The two children run up and down the train. Their mother was tired and sad. The tall dark man read his newspaper. Once the woman with green eyes looked into dark brown eyes. They Did not need words. The tall dark man and the young woman got off the train together.

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 8 m. 4 mėn. nuo Jurate.

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prieš 8 m. 4 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 4 mėn. #5680 nuo Romualda
Romualda replied the topic: MONDAY 2016
On the train traveled seven different persons=people travelled. There was the man in the brown hat; the young man Bill and his wife Julie; a mother and two children the little girl and the little boy and a tall dark man in an expensive suit. It was a hot day and the train was slow. The Bill and the man in the brown hat talked and talked. July, the girl with green eyes, and long red hair, didn't speak and looked bored. Her eyes often met with eyes of a=the tall dark man. They didnt speak, but they speak =spoke with the eyes. Bill didn't seen, that his wife July got off the train at Plymouth with the tall dark man. All of this saw the mother and the little girl saw all of this.
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 8 m. 4 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 8 m. 4 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 4 mėn. #5684 nuo Little Angel
Little Angel replied the topic: MONDAY 2016
This story is about the girl with green eyes
Strangers people went on a traine. There vere sevent people in the carriage. There was the man in the brown hat, there was the young man Bill with his wife Julie. She had very green eyes and very long red haire. There was a mother and two his =her children too. Also there was a tall dark man in an expensive suit. The man in the brown hat talked and talked vith Bill and they laughed too in the carriage. The two children didn't want to sit daown. They wanted to by noisy. The tall dark man read a newspaper. Julie was bored and she looked to =at the man's eyes over the top of his newspaper. She saw a smile in his eyes, but they didn't talked. The tall dark man left the carriage then the train stopped at the Plymouth station. Julie got off the train at the Plymouth station too. The tall dark man waited for her on the platform. The children saw it and told about. After that, Bill was very unhappy.
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 8 m. 4 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 8 m. 4 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 4 mėn. #5685 nuo ginta
ginta replied the topic: MONDAY 2016
There were seven people in the carriage. There was the man in the brown hat the young man and his wife Julie a mother and two children
and a tall dak man in an expensive suit. The young man's name was Bill. His wife Julie had long red hair and very green eyes. They were
very beautiful eyes. The man in the brown had talked and talked with Bill because Bill liked to talk too. She didn't want to listen to Bill and the
man in the brown hat. Talk,talk,talk she thought.The tall dark man took out his newspaper and began to read. Julie opened her eys and looked at the back page of his newspaper. Suddenly she saw the tall man's eyes over the top of his newspaper. She could not see his mouth, but there was a smile in his eyes. The train was nearly at Plymonuth. The tall dark man looked at Julie and theyir a smile eyes smiled. The train stopped at
the station, Julie got off the train at Plymouth with the tall dark man.
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 8 m. 4 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 8 m. 4 mėn. #5696 nuo Palmira
Palmira replied the topic: MONDAY 2016
This is a story about communication strangers traveling by train.Juli with green eyes was wife the young man.She didn't speak and was bored.Afte a few looking the women with green eyes and the smile tall dark man,they got off the train together.The young man must to forget his wife.
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prieš 8 m. 4 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 4 mėn. #5706 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: MONDAY 2016

People! Next Monday comes before a public holiday, the library closes at 5 PM. :(
What to do? When to meet? Can you come at 3 PM on Monday? Please, comment on the Forum for meeting attendees:

YOUR homework for next week:
Learn English phrases on page 113 in your Student Book. Listen to audios 5.18 and 6.13 in NEF Class CDs-->CD3


Anglų kalboje asmeniniai įvardžiai turi vieną linksnį (nuo kilmininko iki vietininko)
I --> me / You --->you / He--> him / She - her [hio:] /It--> it / We --> us [as]/ They - them
Duok man - Give me. Palik mane - Leave me; Pasitikėk manimi - Trust me, Kažkas manyje - Something inside me...

Do exercises on pages 48 and 49 in your Workbook

Do the exercise 6C on page 99 in Student Book (įvardžiai: me, you, him, her, it, us, them )

Do exercises from your CD :

*6B and 6C in Words and Phrases
*Irregular Verbs in Vocabulary Bank

Read the story on pages 58 and 59 in your Student Book.
a seat [si:t]- sėdima vieta; full [ful] - pilnas; empty [empti] - tuščias; smell [smel] - kvapas; perfume [pio fju:m] - kvepalai; property - nuosavybė, turtas; a box office [boks ofis] - kasa; a show [šou] - pasirodymas, spektaklis, koncertas (bet koks pramoginis sceninis renginys) ;

Write on the Forum!

Write in 5-6 sentences what the story "Strangers on a train" is about. Learn to tell.
Where did the man see the woman? Did he like her? Where did she sit on the train? What did they talk about? Where did they go after the train stopped? What did the woman say about her job? Where did the man work and live? Did they exchange ([eksčeindž] - pasikeitė) their phone numbers? Did the woman send a text message to the man next day? Where did the woman invite the man? What did the man do at the theater? What did he see when he came back home?

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 8 m. 4 mėn. nuo Jurate.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Janina

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prieš 8 m. 4 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 4 mėn. #5735 nuo Janina
Janina replied the topic: MONDAY 2016
Strangers on the train
The man saw a beautiful woman on the platform. When the train left the station this woman sat down next to the man. There was a nice smell. They talked about books. When the train stopped they drank coffee and talked at the station coffee bar. The woman knew where this man works and lives this man. He gave her the phone number. On Friday the woman called him and invited at =to (į) the teatre. The man arrived at the teatre. The woman didn't come. The man was angry. He left the teatre and went home. There weren't some man's things in a flat.=Some man's things were missing. There was the nice smell of Chanell Number 5.
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 8 m. 4 mėn. nuo Jurate.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Jurate

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prieš 8 m. 4 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 4 mėn. #5737 nuo naujoke
naujoke replied the topic: MONDAY 2016
This is a story abaut people's travel by the train.In one carriege went seven different persons. July, girl vith green eyes,was boring long time. Her man Bill talked almost all the time of the trip. He not see, that her wife got out of the train vith another man.

This is a story about people's travel by _ train.In one carriage there were seven different people. July, girl with green eyes,was bored for a long time. Her man Bill talked almost all the time of the trip. He didn't see, that her wife got out of the train with another man.

Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 8 m. 4 mėn. nuo Jurate.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Jurate

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prieš 8 m. 4 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 4 mėn. #5740 nuo naujoke
naujoke replied the topic: MONDAY 2016
Man went by train. When the train stopped he saw on the platform a tall blonde woman vith dark blue eyes. She like him. Shortly she sat down next to him. They started talking. Her name was Olivia. Wen the train stopped, they went to drink coffee. There were speaking about work, and later exchanged phone's numbres. The next day Olivia invited the man at the teater. But shy didn't arriv. The man came back at home angry.
He opened the door. Hes flat was diferent. There was no TV, no pictures. Vhen he come into his bedrooms, he saw that there wasn't his laptop.But there was a nice smell of Chanel Number 5. This smell vas Olivia

The Man went by train. When the train stopped he saw a tall blonde woman with dark blue eyes on the platform. She liked him. Soon she sat down next to him. They started talking. Her name was Olivia. Wen the train stopped, they went to drink coffee. They spoke about work, and later exchanged phone numbers. The next day Olivia invited the man to the teater. But she didn't arrive. The man came back_home angry.

Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 8 m. 4 mėn. nuo naujoke.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Jurate

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prieš 8 m. 4 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 4 mėn. #5743 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: MONDAY 2016
Yes, the man came back home angry, but it is not the end of the story.
What did he see when he came back? What did Olivia do? You can hear the answers on audio 6.15!

No one wrote a comment about our meeting time. :(
So, I wait for all of you at 3PM on Monday.

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 8 m. 4 mėn. nuo Jurate.

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