Hi, guys! How are you this cold autumn? Are you
under the weather? I hope you are not, I hope you are well!

under the weather [ande the uethe] - peršalęs, sloguojantis ir pan...
Here's your homework
for the 17th of October:
new words on page 115 in your Student Books (listen to
the audio in NEF Class CDs-->CD3-->6.7)
Don't forget:
There is/There are -
There was / There were (
yra -
There isn't /There aren't -
There wasn't / There weren't (
nėra -
Do exercise 6B on page 99 in Sudent Book.
I can check for your mistakes if you write it on the Forum!
Do exercises on page 46 in your Workbook.
Listen to track
6.8 in
NEF Class CDs-->CD3 (the script is on page 86 in Student Books):
Interviewer: Mr Soriano, what differences are there between Benidorm today and Benidorm in the 1950s?
Mr Soriano: There are very big differences. For example, today there are 65,000 people who live in Benidorm. In the 1950s there were only about 3,000 people.
Interviewer: Wow! That's a big difference! What about tourists?
Mr Soriano: Today there are four million tourists ayear.In the 1950s there were only maybe 300 tourists. And they were Spanish. Now tourists come from all over the world.
Interviewer: Was there an airport near Benidorm in the 1950s?
Mr Soriano: No, there wasn't an airport then. Today there is a big international airport in Alicante, which is only 50 kilometres from Benidorm.
Interviewer: How many hotels are there now?
Mr Soriano: There are 128 hotels in the town.
Interviewer: That's a lot! And in the 1950s?
Mr Soriano: In the 1950s there were only three.
Interviewer: Benidorm is famous for its nightlife (naktinis gyvenimas). How many bars are there?
Mr Soriano: About 600! In the 1950s I think there were maybe only ten bars in the village, and there wasnt a supermarket, only some little shops. Today there are 264 supermarkets and hundreds of shops.
Interviewer: Thank you, Mr Soriano.
Mr Soriano: You're welcome.
And now, please, write about Pasvalys. Write up to 5-6 sentences... Our Pasvalys is a small but nice town...
Are there any differences between today's Pasvalys and Pasvalys in the times of Smetona?
There are three supermarkets in Pasvalys today and there wasn't any in the times of Smetona. There was a photograph shop and a bookshop in the Market square, but today there is only a market. There was a municipality and a warehouse ([ueahouz] - sandėlis) in Vytautas Didysis Square, but today there aren't. Today there's a health [helth] centre...
Look at the old pictures:
Pasvalys Market Square [skuea:] - Turgaus aikštė; a bookshop, a photographer's (shop), a kiosk...
At the church gate - prie bažnyčios vartų; A factory [fakteri], a manufactory [manju
fekčeri] - gamykla, manufaktūra (pasenęs žodis)
The actual Community Health Centre - dabartinis visuomenės sveikatos centras; A chemist's, the municipality, a warehouse - vaistinė, savivaldybė, sandėlys
Pasvalys Green Spring - Pasvalio Žalsvasis šaltinis
Pasvalys bridge across Svalia and Lėvuo ( across [ekros] - per )
Pasvalys bridge across Lėvuo
(All these pictures are from