- Žinutės: 45
- Reputacija: 3
- Gauta padėkų: 43
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Jurate's answers:
"Wait, young man! Don't travel with that girl - her ship is going to shipwreck on the desert island, you are going to stay with her on this island for 30 years and you are going to be angry with her all the time!"
to shipwreck [šipwrek] - sudužti (tik apie laivus) a desert island - negyvenama sala
I chose E,F, G cards. Here's my forecast:
Next year you are going to have a big surprise: maybe you are going to meet someone new, maybe there are going to be big changes in your life. At the beginning, you aren't going to like this new person or these new changes in your life but after some time this person or these changes are going to bring a lot of love and happiness for you.
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On Christmas Eve I __ visited __ my daughter's family in Vilnius. There were a decorated Christmas tree. The Grandchild waited for Santa Claus presents. Before all together we __ made dishes for Christmas Eve dinner. We made _ poppy milk, baked biscuits with mushrooms, Christmas Eve biscuits, fruit, __ we bougth sweets in the shop. Also we made herring with onions and wallnuts, bread, salad_. We cooked _ fish_. So we had the Lamb which we got in the church. Later we ate the evening meals. After, we left biscuits, a glass of milk for Santa Claus under the Christmas tree___. On Christmas day we found presents by the Christmas tree. It was the family reunion, grandchild was very joyful. We didn't go to church, because grandchild wasn't very healtly.
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