- Žinutės: 2813
- Reputacija: 9
- Gauta padėkų: 512
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Go to the Vocabulary - pages 148-149 in Student's book:AND reikia sakyti po "hundred", "thousand", " million". Kai skaičius ilgas - prieš paskutinį skaičių.
BET nereikia sakyti tarp tūkstančio ir šimto, tarp milijono ir šimto tūkstančių.
a hundred and twenty two - 122; two thousand and thirty three - 2033; one million ten thousand and one = 1 010 001, two thousand three hundred = 2300
Metuose AND sakyti tereikia tik iki pirmo dešimtmečio (amerikiečiai išvis nesako).
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Right now in my backpack (kuprinėje) I have a bottle of tap water, a wallet, a packet of chewing gum, keys, a plastic bag, an apple and a memory stick. My backpack isn't very tidy.
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Right now in my brown bag there is a big wallet,one pack of tissues, _old scissors,a plastic bag, an umbrella, two pens, a pencil, one pair of work gloves, a credit card, a newspaper, _black shoe polish and a tube of glue. This bag is old and big. I like it.
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I want to tell you about a very famous woman. She is over 60, but doesn't look like that.
Her natural hair is dark, but now she's got blond hair. She exercises a lot and lives healthy. She is pretty and slim. She weighs over fifty kilos and she is about my height. She is a singer from the United States.
Do you know who she is?
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I want to tell you about a very famous man. He’s very tall. He's over 60, but doesn"t look like that. He has? a black hair and green eyes. He's attractive and pretty, also he’s disabled. He is a singer from Italy.
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