Tuesday 2019/20

prieš 5 m. 1 mėn. - prieš 5 m. 1 mėn. #8640 nuo kupiskis
kupiskis replied the topic: Tuesday 2019/20
In the summer I like cycling in Pasvalys. I live near street Biržu. This street has been renovated recently. The cars drivers usuaally drive carefully. The road near the our garden is narrow and winding. I go slowly there. I would like more bikes trails in Pasvalys.

My first trip to abroad was to Paris. It was ten years ago, in march=March. There I liked the nice behavior of people on the street, lots of smiles. I tasted unusual food: real sushi, fried snails, seafood, dried frog legs and original red wine. I loved watching the street artists. These were young , brilliant black guys.The weather was very good. I didn't want to go home because it was vinter here.

A wonderful comment. Thank you for sharing :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 5 m. 1 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 5 m. 1 mėn. - prieš 5 m. 1 mėn. #8641 nuo Red Rose
Red Rose replied the topic: Tuesday 2019/20
Zita's opinion:

1. I think Pasvalys is not safe for cyclists because there is no bicycle paths. On weekdays there are lots of cars. Often people take their bike on the sidewalk.
Outside the city, it is dangerous to drive because of the many big trucks.

2. I did not visit Britain. My trip to abroad was to Ireland. The weather in Ireland changes several times a day. It's the sun, it's raining. Very windy. In Ireland vegetation are green all year round.
Beautiful landscapes of Ireland. Many ancient castles.
Irish roads are narrow and winding, similar to bike lanes. Difficult to pass for two cars. The drivers are polite, stop and miss each other.
Ireland has many pubs. They taste beer there, talk, have fun. Their famous national Guinness beer. We were also at the bar and tasted Guinness beer. I would like to go to Ireland again.

I LOVE your comment :kiss: . It was so interesting to read. No mistakes. Wonderful! :cheer: Thank you a lot!
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 5 m. 1 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 5 m. 1 mėn. - prieš 5 m. 1 mėn. #8642 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Tuesday 2019/20
This is your homework for the 28 of January:

Do the exercises from the Workbook, File 3, pages 17 and 18

Some new words:
to greet [gri:t] - sveikintis; to take it back - grąžinti atgal; to solve [solv] - išspręsti; to complain [kamplein] - skųstis; a receipt [risyt] - kasos čekis; to stay - pasilikti, laikinai apsistoti; a conversation [kanverseišn] -pokalbis; to believe [bilyv] - tikėti; hard - sunkiai, kietai; to change [čeindž] - (pasi)keisti, persirengti.

Please, write on the Forum!
Watch the video
Arash Fazl [araš fazl] is a doctor in a hospital Mount Sinai.
He is a final year resident - jis yra praktikantas, atliekantis paskutinių metų praktiką.
He has a degree [digri:] (mokslinį laipsnį) in medicine from a medical school in Teheran.
He has a Phd [pi: eič di:] (magistranto diplomas)from Boston University.
Both in Iran and in the USA patients [peišents] need the same care [kiea] - Ir Irane, ir JAV pacientams reikia tos pačios priežiūros

How much do you understand from the video?
Please write on the Forum:
What does Arash Fazl do in a day?

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
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prieš 5 m. 1 mėn. #8648 nuo Red Rose
Red Rose replied the topic: Tuesday 2019/20

Arash Faz usually gets up at 6,30. He arrives at work around 7,30.Then he checks the new patients list. He visits his patients.
He talks a lot with other doctors, discusses patients illnesses, their medicine.
In the afternoon, he visits his patients again, are them OK.
He sometimes works until 9 p.m. His days are always very busy.

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prieš 5 m. 1 mėn. - prieš 5 m. 1 mėn. #8649 nuo kupiskis
kupiskis replied the topic: Tuesday 2019/20
Doctor Arash Fazl gets up at 6.30 and leaves home at 7.00. He arrives to hospital at 7.30. First of all he checks the patients lists and talks to the doctors. Then he visits these patients, he discusses illness and medicine they need.
Usually he has the lunche at midday, but he doesn't eat a lot, because he doesn't have a lot of time.
In the afternoon doctor Fazl usually visits his patients. He wants do it two-three time a day.
All day he is very busy. Often he stays late. Sometimes he works until 9p.m.
Doctor Fazl enjoys his job. He works hard, but every day he helps people.
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prieš 5 m. 1 mėn. #8650 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Tuesday 2019/20
Next time we are going to meet on the 18th of February!
You have a two-week break.

Do your English homework:
Workbook exercises (3B; pages 19 and 20):

Read about English tea

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)

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prieš 5 m. 1 sav. #8654 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Tuesday 2019/20
This is your homework for the 25th of February:
Do the exercises from pages 21 and 22, File 3 in Workbook:

Write on the Forum:
1. Where did you meet your husband/ your partner? Did you go on a date?
2. How did your date go? Did you have a nice time?

Jurate's first date
I went on my first date in Vilnius with a student I met at a dance night. We went to town to a bar. He was a nice and polite guy, but I was shy and felt uncomfortable. We didn't have much to talk. After an hour we said our goodbyes and went our ways. We never met again.

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)

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prieš 5 m. 1 sav. - prieš 5 m. 5 d. #8656 nuo kupiskis
kupiskis replied the topic: Tuesday 2019/20
I went on my first date when I was 16.I was a student at the time. The guy Vytautas was a student at another school. We danced together at a school party. We met several times during the summer. We had a good time. We went to the cinema, biking, swimming in the lake. Vytautas was older than me. He was called up to the army for three years. We exchanged letters, but later
communication stopped.
We met when he came back. But we were only familiar=friends. Sad, but he died young in the =an accident.

I'm sick today. I'll not come to the English lesson. Sorry.

Get well, Birute! You wrote a wonderful memory! :kiss:
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 5 m. 5 d. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 5 m. 1 sav. - prieš 5 m. 5 d. #8657 nuo Red Rose
Red Rose replied the topic: Tuesday 2019/20

We met at the cinema. After the movie we went home together. He was polite, attractive. I was shy. When we said goodbye, he said = asked (paprašė) to meet next time. My first date was in Pasvalys. We walked around the city=town (because Pasvalys is small.... We got to a bar for coffee, to eat ice cream, talked about a lot of things. We had a good time.

Thank you for telling about your first date :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 5 m. 5 d. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 5 m. 1 sav. #8658 nuo Stasė
Stasė replied the topic: Tuesday 2019/20
Hello, I'm Stase
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prieš 5 m. 5 d. - prieš 5 m. 3 d. #8659 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Tuesday 2019/20
Here is what to do for the class on the third of March
Do the iChecker test File 3
Padarykite ai-Čekerio testą 3 skyriui.
Savo kompiuteriuose atsidaraykite antrą aplankėlį su testais, spauskite Start.exe-->I accept-->įrašykite savo vardą--> pasirinkite Tests ir File 3:

Kai išspręsite visus trisdešimt testo sakinių, nepamirškite paspausti "Go to the Challenge" !

iChecker'io diktantas šįkart - apie veterinaro darbą:

Write on the Forum: what is the ideal job for you?
ideal [ai dyl] - idealus, tobulas
1. Is it a job outside or inside?
2. Is it a job in an office with computers, with people or with animals?
3. Is it a job where you need to wear a uniform?
4. Do you need special qualifications for your ideal job?
4. Can you name (įvardinti) your ideal job?

Jurate's ideal job
I like being outside, but my ideal job is inside. My ideal job is not sitting at the computer, but working with people. My ideal job requires [rekuajez] (reikalauja) special qualifications which I don't have. In my ideal job, people don't have to wear a uniform, but they have to wear tidy clothes and look smart (gražiai). My ideal job is a teacher!

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 5 m. 3 d. nuo Jurate.

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prieš 5 m. 5 d. #8662 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Tuesday 2019/20
I'm sorry I forgot to post a video about Pancake Tuesday (Užgavėnės). We listened to this video in class on the day of the festival.
I hope you ate a lot of pancakes during Pancake Tuesday :silly:

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)

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prieš 5 m. 3 d. - prieš 4 m. 11 mėn. #8664 nuo Red Rose
Red Rose replied the topic: Tuesday 2019/20

My ideal job was inside. My ideal job was sitting in the office. It was work on the computer and with people. My ideal job required the special qualifications which I have. In my work, people don't have to wear uniforms. They have to wear a blouse, a suit, a dress, and look tidy. My ideal job is an accountant.

Perfect - no mistakes!
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 4 m. 11 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 5 m. 3 d. - prieš 4 m. 11 mėn. #8665 nuo kupiskis
kupiskis replied the topic: Tuesday 2019/20
Hello, I'thinking about my last job. I was knitwear technologist= technician [teknišn]. I had a lot of knowledge about years=yarns [jarns] and fibers. My job was indoors. I dream of a different job right now. i prefer to work with plants. I like vegetables and flovers=w. There works are =work is dirty, but they are =it is outside. I was a little sick. This is important at work.

Your homework is very good, there are some mistakes because there are some quite difficult words like 'a technician' , 'a yarn' (špūlė). Work - vienaskaita, a little - truputį, little - mažai
Thank you :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 4 m. 11 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 4 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 4 m. 11 mėn. #8667 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Tuesday 2019/20
Sorry, I'm late with your homework for the 10th of March.
Remember to come at 4 PM!
Please do the exercises from Workbook page 23, File 3 :

You can watch the videos about Jenny and Rob:

How to pronounce COFFEE - kaip tarti KAVA (prasideda nuo 1 min.):

Write on the Forum!
How much coffee do you drink a day?
What kind of coffee do you like?
Do you go to a cafe to have a coffee? Do you buy coffee to take away?

Jurate's coffee drinking
I usually have one or two coffees a day. I drink coffee in the morning and sometimes in the evening. I like black coffee with milk. I have it without sugar but with a piece of chocolate.
I don't usually buy coffee at a cafe. If I go to a cafe when I'm travelling or with friends I prefer to buy tea. Maybe because tea is more refreshing [refrešing] (gaivinanti). I don't use coffee vending machines [vending mašyns] (kavos automatai).

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
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prieš 4 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 4 m. 11 mėn. #8669 nuo Red Rose
Red Rose replied the topic: Tuesday 2019/20

I usually drink three coffees a day. In the morning I usually drink Espresso from the machine. I like black coffee with a little sugar. I like something delicious with coffee.
Usually I don’t buy coffee at the cafe. If I travel by car then I drink coffee for take away.

Thank you! There are no mistakes! :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 4 m. 11 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 4 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 4 m. 11 mėn. #8670 nuo kupiskis
kupiskis replied the topic: Tuesday 2019/20
Hello, I usually have coffee in the morning. I and my husband like black coffee with milk or cream widhout=t sugar. Sometimes I buy coffee in the market, especially when the weather is cold and wet.
I rarely buy coffee at a cafe. Such a small occasion requires more time. In the evening I like to drink a glass of warm milk or cocoa. This is a winter drink.
A cup of tea or coffee are best during an English lesson in our library.

Such a nice compliment! :kiss: I hope we will have tea with you for a long time in the future :)
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prieš 4 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 4 m. 11 mėn. #8671 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Tuesday 2019/20
What to do for the 17th of March:
Open your Student Book, go down (žemyn) to Vocabulary Bank and open page 155 - The Family.
Learn new words, do the exercises b and c

MARRIED - vedęs; DIVORCED- išsiskyręs

Per vedybas įgytos giminės anglų kalboje gale turi priedelį -in-law [in lo]: mama - mother, uošvienė - mother-in-law; tėvas -father, uošvis - father-in-law; duktė -daughter, marti - daughter-in-law; sūnus - son, žentas - son-in-law ir taip toliau. Giminių pavadinimai tiek iš vyro, tiek iš žmons pusės vienodi, visi yra "in-laws" [in loz]
Jei tėvai veda antrąkart, jų nauja šeima gauna priekyje priedėlį step: tėvas - father; patėvis - stepfather, pamotė - stepmother , įbrolis - stepbrother ir taip toliau...

Do the exercises in Workbook, pages 24-25 (File 4A) :
to be interested in - domėtis kuo nors (I am interested in politics)
royalty [rojalti] - karališka šeima
celebrity [selebriti] - garsenybė

If you are interested, you can watch how to make a face mask at home
Jei jums įdomu, pažiūrėkite video, kaip pasigaminti veido kaukę namuose:

Daina apie rankų plovimą vietnamiečių kalba su angliškais subtitrais:

Write on the Forum about your family!
Do you have any brothers or sisters?
Do you have any nieces or nephews?
How many cousins do you have?
Do you have children and grandchildren?
Do your family members live far apart(toli vienas nuo kito)?
Do you often meet?

Jurate's family
My close (artimiausia) family isn't big: it is only me and my mother. We live together in the same flat. My father and my mother were divorced and my father died twenty years ago. I have my father's family in Pasvalys: his brother - my uncle, and my uncle's wife -my aunt. I have two cousins and to nieces who live near Pasvalys, but we don't meet.
My mother's family is from Radviliskis. There are three my mother's brothers and three sisters who live in Lithuania and abroad. I have a lot of cousins who are also in Lithuania and abroad. We don't meet often. The last time I met my cousin and my aunt was three years ago when they came to visit us in Pasvalys.

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 4 m. 11 mėn. nuo Jurate.

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