- Žinutės: 49
- Gauta padėkų: 43
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Jurate's first date
I went on my first date in Vilnius with a student I met at a dance night. We went to town to a bar. He was a nice and polite guy, but I was shy and felt uncomfortable. We didn't have much to talk. After an hour we said our goodbyes and went our ways. We never met again.
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Jurate's ideal job
I like being outside, but my ideal job is inside. My ideal job is not sitting at the computer, but working with people. My ideal job requires [rekuajez] (reikalauja) special qualifications which I don't have. In my ideal job, people don't have to wear a uniform, but they have to wear tidy clothes and look smart (gražiai). My ideal job is a teacher!
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Jurate's coffee drinking
I usually have one or two coffees a day. I drink coffee in the morning and sometimes in the evening. I like black coffee with milk. I have it without sugar but with a piece of chocolate.
I don't usually buy coffee at a cafe. If I go to a cafe when I'm travelling or with friends I prefer to buy tea. Maybe because tea is more refreshing [refrešing] (gaivinanti). I don't use coffee vending machines [vending mašyns] (kavos automatai).
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Per vedybas įgytos giminės anglų kalboje gale turi priedelį -in-law [in lo]: mama - mother, uošvienė - mother-in-law; tėvas -father, uošvis - father-in-law; duktė -daughter, marti - daughter-in-law; sūnus - son, žentas - son-in-law ir taip toliau. Giminių pavadinimai tiek iš vyro, tiek iš žmons pusės vienodi, visi yra "in-laws" [in loz]
Jei tėvai veda antrąkart, jų nauja šeima gauna priekyje priedėlį step: tėvas - father; patėvis - stepfather, pamotė - stepmother , įbrolis - stepbrother ir taip toliau...
Jurate's family
My close (artimiausia) family isn't big: it is only me and my mother. We live together in the same flat. My father and my mother were divorced and my father died twenty years ago. I have my father's family in Pasvalys: his brother - my uncle, and my uncle's wife -my aunt. I have two cousins and to nieces who live near Pasvalys, but we don't meet.
My mother's family is from Radviliskis. There are three my mother's brothers and three sisters who live in Lithuania and abroad. I have a lot of cousins who are also in Lithuania and abroad. We don't meet often. The last time I met my cousin and my aunt was three years ago when they came to visit us in Pasvalys.
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