- Žinutės: 2813
- Reputacija: 9
- Gauta padėkų: 512
Per vedybas įgytos giminės anglų kalboje gale turi priedelį -in-law [in lo]: mama - mother, uošvienė - mother-in-law; tėvas -father, uošvis - father-in-law; duktė -daughter, marti - daughter-in-law; sūnus - son, žentas - son-in-law ir taip toliau. Giminių pavadinimai tiek iš vyro, tiek iš žmons pusės vienodi, visi yra "in-laws" [in loz]
Jei tėvai veda antrąkart, jų nauja šeima gauna priekyje priedėlį step: tėvas - father; patėvis - stepfather, pamotė - stepmother , įbrolis - stepbrother ir taip toliau...
Let's wash our hands - Plaukime rankas
Rub, rub, rub them! - Trinkime, trinkime, trinkime jas!
Don't put your hands - Nedėk savo rankų
on eyes, mouth, nose - ant burnos, akių, nosies
And limit going to crowded places - Ir apribok ėjimą į žmonių pilnas vietas
Fight back against corona! - Kovok prieš koroną!
Always strengthen your health - Nuolat stiprink sveikatą
And keep your environment clean - Ir palaikyk savo aplinką švarią
Together let's raise our awareness - Drauge ugdykime savo sąmoningumą
Fight back against corona! - Kovokime prieš koroną!
Jurate's family
My close (artimiausia) family isn't big: it is only me and my mother. We live together in the same flat. My father and my mother were divorced and my father died twenty years ago. I have my father's family in Pasvalys: his brother - my uncle, and my uncle's wife -my aunt. I have two cousins and to nieces who live near Pasvalys, but we don't meet.
My mother's family is from Radviliskis. There are three my mother's brothers and three sisters who live in Lithuania and abroad. I have a lot of cousins who are also in Lithuania and abroad. We don't meet often. The last time I met my cousin and my aunt was three years ago when they came to visit us in Pasvalys.
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