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I'm not very interested in my family's history and I don't have my family tree. When I was little I loved to listen to my mother's stories about her childhood on a remote farm. She told me a lot about her parents and her grandparents. And my father's mother liked to tell me about her young days, how she met my grandfather and how they became a family. That's how I learnt a little about the past of my family.
My mother's great-grandparents were servants in a house of a landlord in the district of Radviliskis. That's where their children, my mother's parents, met and married. After their marriage, my mother's parents bought a piece of land near Radviliskis. My mother grew ([griu] augo) there with her other four brothers and three sisters. She always remembers the woods and the fields around her parents' farm, she loved this place. Later, she went to a vocational school ([vokeišnal sku:l] - profesinė mokykla) in Panvėžys to train as a painter. There she met my father who studied construction. They married and came to Pasvalys, my father's hometown. I am their only child. I never met my mother's father and I saw her mother only once.
But I know my grandparents on my father's side very well. I spent a lot of time at their home in my childhood. They come from Joniškėlis. When they married, they moved to Pasvalys where they lived all their lives. They had two sons - my father and my uncle. My uncle married a Latvian woman, he and his family live near Pasvalys, behind the junction ([džankšn] sankryža) by "Maxima". My uncle's children or my cousins have their children too. I am an aunt to two little girls - my nieces.
I'm not very close with my cousins on my mother's side. Some of my cousins live in Radviliskis, some in Siauliai, in Klaipeda and in Italy. My cousins on my father's side live here, but we rarely meet. Last time I saw them at my grandfather's funeral this summer.
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I don't have my family tree. My grandfather from my mother's side died __three years ago, and my grandmother's still alive. My paternal grandfather died 26 years ago and my grandmother's still alive. With both my grandmothers I get on well. My mother has three brothers and my dad has two sisters and one brother. I have ten male? cousins and five female cousins. I have a brother we are family we are together. We don't have families of our own yet.
a cousin [kazn] - yra ir pusbrolis, ir pusseserė. Kai kalbant būna neaišku, galima pridėti female [fimeil] - moteriška, ir male [meil] -vyriškas
Thank you very much!
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Probably I will not attend in the lesson on Friday.
I made my family tree, when I was a student. It was as a class project. My family is not big. I, my sister and my mama. My mama lives in Biržai district. My sister with her husband live in __Belgium. My father died twelve years ago. My grandparents are dead. I have 2 aunts and 1 uncle. My uncle and 2 cousins live in Vilnius. One aunt and three cousins live in Pušalotas, second aunt live in Kratiškiai in Biržai district. My own family is my wife and two children, a son and a daughtier. I have a mother-in-law and a father-in-law, they live in Pasvalys district.
Probably I will not attend_ the lesson on Friday.
See you next time. Cheers!
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I have my family trees but I can't find them. My great-grandparents were farmers as far as I know. My mother's great-grandparents lived in Svedasai district. My father's great-grandparents lived in Pušalotas. My mother's parents were teachers and my father's parents were farmers. My grandparents lived about 12 kilometres from Pasvalys.My parents are retired now. My mother was a teacher. My father was a builder.My father's brother and his wife, my aunt, live near Pasvalys. My aunt on my mother's side lives in Biržai. My mother's brother, my uncle, is dead.I have 2 cousins. They live in UK. My brother lives in Vilnius. Sometimes he leaves Vilnius and he goes to work to Norway. I have one niece. She is only 1 month years old. So, my family is not very big.
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I'm not interested in my family's history a lot. I drew my family tree on my mother's side. It is very big and I don't know a lot of people who are my family.
This family tree starts from my mother's grandfather. My grandfather on my mother's side had twelve brothers and sisters. This grandfather had seven children. And I have three uncles and three aunts. On this side I have 15 cousins. I know them but I don't know their children. My father has only one sister and I have four cousins. I had one brother but he died very young.
My grandparents are dead. My parents are retired and live not far away. I have a husband and two children. It's a pitty buth they don't have cousins.
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What to do for the 18th of November?I made two mistakes in the class last Friday:
1. Apie aštuntą valandą - At about 8 o'clock - reikia vartoti at
2. to start (pradėti) vartojamas su veiksmažodžio bendratimi arba -ing galūnėje (I started to run - aš pradėjau bėgti. I started reading - pradėjau skaityti)...
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... At the same time I make my breakfast. ... At about 6 p.m. I make my dinner. After dinner I prepare something I need for the next day, I read, I talk with my friends on mobile phone...
Please, note that 'prepare a meal' isn't a mistake, but In everyday English, people usually say that someone makes a meal.
To speak/talk by phone - it isn't a mistake too, but people usually say "on the phone" , because 'by phone' means 'naudodamasi telefonu'
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My favorite day of the week is Friday. I get up like every morning at 6.25. My morning is very busy because my family get up together too. Only children have the breakfast and sometimes I have too. I have my first cup of coffee at work with my colleagues. I have luch break from 11.30 to 12.15. I like Friday because the workday is shorter. Usually I finish unfinished works, have a methodical day. And I like Friday_ evening the most.
It's a fantastic feeling to know that two free days are waiting for me.
I like to invite my friends, to plan small our weekend_ trips or do nothing. I can go to bed later and stay in bed longer next morning.
su negyvais dalykais vengti vartoti nuosavybinį 's
to wait (for) - laukti (ko?)... "two free days are waiting for me"....or: "two free days ahead of me" - dvi laisvos dienos man priešaky...
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My favorite day of the week is Sunday. I like it because I can lie in bed longer until 10.00 a.m. On Sunday I can take the time to make breakfast, drink coffee, handle and lock? (užrakinti?) the shop. My lunch is usually at home. Usually for lunch I cook stew or stuffed peppers with vegetables. In the evening, I usually have a quiet time to readbooks. I go to make salad for dinner. After having dinner I turn on TV and find a good movie to watch.
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