prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. #5663 nuo Violeta
Violeta replied the topic: FRIDAY 2016
My homework

1.In the morning I spend about half an hour in the bathroom. How much time do you spend in the bathroom in the morning?
2. When I come home from work, I do housework. Do you like to clean the house?
3. I don‘t like to cook. Do you like to cook? Can you make dinner for both of us? :)
4.I hate greasy socks. Do you wash your socks everyday? :pinch:
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prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. #5665 nuo Alma
Alma replied the topic: FRIDAY 2016
My homework

1. I love cats. I have a cat at home. Her name is Murke. Do you have any pets?
2. Sometimes I play to piano. Can you tolerate it?
3. Every day I do my housework. Do you like to clean the house?
4. I do not like the smells. Do you smoker?
5. Do you have a job? Are you able to pay a rent for six months?
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prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. #5670 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: FRIDAY 2016
I think, in real life questions about smoking and about rent payment are the most important when you let a room to a stranger :)

Saulegraza, I would let a room in my flat for you - because of your love for cats and sports . We both like these things :lol:

would + to verb = tariamoji nuosaka (I would like - norėčiau, I would let - išnuomočiau...)

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
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prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. #5673 nuo aurelija
aurelija replied the topic: FRIDAY 2016
Fact 1: I like myhome being clean.I feel relaxed. Do you like house work?
Fact 2: I like to listen to music, but don't play any kind of instruments.Do you like to sing?
Fact 3: I like a healthy lifestyle. Do you like vegetarian ?
Fact 4: I like to reading books.What kind of books do you like?
Fact 5: I am a hiygiene cosmetologist.What is your profession?

I found a hygienist - cosmetologist on Google. Maybe this one is a correct name for your job :)
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prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. #5674 nuo Poppi
Poppi replied the topic: FRIDAY 2016
1. I like peaceful environment, thats why I live near a forest.
Do you like lisining to music? What kind of music do you like?
2. I love animals of them live inside of the house and others stay outside.
What kind of animals do you like?
3. I like go in to the jym.
What kind of sports do you like?
4. I like doing housework, but I just dont have the time to do it.
Do you like cleaning?
5. I dont like smokeing and I dont like people who smoke.
Do you like to smoke and where do you usually smoke? Inside or outside?

Max and Jessica are a good match, because they like the same films, they have the same job, they like to go to the cinema on Saturday.

Kai iš veiksmažodžio darome daiktavardį su -ing, paprastai numetame galinę -e: to write - writing (rašyti-rašymas); to skype - skyping (bendrauti per skaipą - bendravimas per skaipą) ; to give - giving (duoti - davimas)
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prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. #5676 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: FRIDAY 2016
Hi, guys! Next time we meet on Thursday, on October the 27th, at 4 PM. You may be late :)
Here's what to do for Thursday :
Finish reading Tildy's story and learn to tell it in short.
Can you translate these questions to English and write them with the answers on the Forum?
Kaip atrodo Tildė ir Eilina?
Kodėl ponas Sydersas pabučiavo Tildę?
Ar Tildė buvo patenkinta, kai Sydersas atsiprašė? (to say sorry, to apologize)
Ką pasakė Eilina?

Tildy's Story
Bogle's Family Restaurant on Eighth Avenue is not a famous place, but if you need a large cheap
meal, then Bogle's is the place for you. There are twelve tables in the room, six on each side. Bogle
himself sits at the desk by the door and takes the money. There are also two waitresses and a Voice.
The Voice comes from the kitchen.
At the time of my story, one of the waitresses was called Aileen. She was tall, beautiful and full of life.
The name of the other waitress was Tildy. She was small, fat and was not beautiful.
Most of the people who came to eat at Bogle's were men, and they loved the beautiful Aileen.
They were happy to wait a long time for their meals because they could look at her. Aileen knew how to hold a
conversation with twelve people and work hard at the same time. And all the men wanted to take Aileen
dancing or give her presents. One gave her a gold ring and one gave her a little dog.
And poor Tildy?
In the busy, noisy restaurant men's eyes did not follow Tildy. Nobody laughed and talked with her.
Nobody asked her to go dancing, and nobody gave her presents. She was a good waitress, but when she stood
by the tables, the men looked round her to see Aileen.
But Tildy was happy to work with no thanks, she was happy to see the men with Aileen, she was happy
to know that the men loved Aileen. She was Aileen's friend. But deep inside, she, too, wanted a man to love
her. Tildy listened to all Aileen's stories. One day Aileen came in with a black eye. A man hit her because she did
not want to kiss him. 'How wonderful to have a black eye for love!' Tildy thought.
One of the men who came to Bogle's was a young man called Mr Seeders. He was a small, thin man, and
he worked in an office. He knew that Aileen was not interested in him, so he sat at one of Tildy's tables, said
nothing, and ate his fish. One day when Mr Seeders came in for his meal, he drank too much beer. He finished his fish, got up, put
his arm round Tildy, kissed her loudly, and walked out of the restaurant.
For a few seconds Tildy just stood there. Then Aileen said to her, 'Why, Tildy! You bad girl! I must
watch you. I don't want to lose my men to you!'
Suddenly Tildy's world changed. She understood now that men could like her and want her as much as
Aileen. She, Tildy, could have a love-life, too. Her eyes were bright, and her face was pink. She wanted to tell
everybody her secret. When the restaurant was quiet, she went and stood by Bogle's desk.
'Do you know what a man in the restaurant did to me today?' she said. 'He put his arm round me and he
kissed me!'
'Really!' Bogle answered. This was good for business.
'Next week you'll get a dollar a week more.'
And when, in the evening, the restaurant was busy again, Tildy put down the food on the tables and said
quietly, 'Do you know what a man in the restaurant did to me today? He put his arm round me and kissed
Some of the men in the restaurant were surprised; some of them said, 'Well done!' Men began to smile
and say nice things to her. Tildy was very happy. Love was now possible in her grey life.
For two days Mr Seeders did not come again, and in that time Tildy was a different woman. She wore
bright clothes, did her hair differently, and she looked taller and thinner. Now she was a real woman because
someone loved her. She felt excited, and a little afraid. What would Mr Seeders do the next time he came in?
At four o'clock in the afternoon of the third day, Mr. Seeders came in. There were no people at the tables,
and Aileen and Tildy were working at the back of the restaurant. Mr Seeders walked up to them.
Tildy looked at him, and she could not speak. Mr Seeders' face was very red, and he looked uncomfortable.
'Miss Tildy,' he said, 'I want to say that I'm sorry for what I did to you a few days ago. It was the drink, you
see. I didn't know what I was doing. I'm very sorry.'
And Mr Seeders left. But Tildy ran into the kitchen, and she began to cry. She could not stop crying.
She was no longer beautiful. No man loved her. No man wanted her. The kiss meant nothing to Mr Seeders. Tildy did not like him
very much, but the kiss was important to her - and now there was nothing.
But she still had her friend, and Aileen put her arm round Tildy. Aileen did not really understand,
but she said, 'Don't be unhappy, Tildy. That little Seeders has got a face like a dead potato!
He's nothing. A real man never says sorry!'

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
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prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. #5687 nuo aurelija
aurelija replied the topic: FRIDAY 2016
1. How does=What do Tildy and Aileen look like?
Tildy is beautiful and full of life, and Aileen is small fat and ise' nt (isn't ) beautiful.
2. Why did Mr. Seeders kiss Tildy?
She did it because she was drunk .He didn't hknow what he was doing.
3. Was Tildy satisfied after Mr. Seeder apologized?
She was not satisfied with Mr. Seeders apology, she cried long time.
4. What did Aileen said=y?
Aileen said don't be unhappy Tildy. That little Seeders has got a face like a dead potato! He's nothing. A real man never says sorry.

a Long time [long taim] - ilgą laiką, ilgai
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prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. #5688 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: FRIDAY 2016
Thank you Aurelija, this is really good :kiss:

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
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prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. #5716 nuo Poppi
Poppi replied the topic: FRIDAY 2016

How does
=What do Tildy and Aileen Look like?
Tildy is tall, beautiful and ful of life and Aileen is small, fat and isin't beautiful/ ugly.

Whay did Mr Seiders kiss Tildy?
He did it because he was drunk. He didn't know What he was doing.

Was Tildy satisfied after Mr. Seedrers apologised? What did Aileen said=y?
She was not satisfied with Mr. Seeders apology. She cryied for a long time.
Aileen said "Don't be unhappy, Tildy. That little Seeders has got a face like a dead potato. He's nothing. A real man never says sorry"

Thank you.
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prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. #5723 nuo Marius
Marius replied the topic: FRIDAY 2016
My homework...

Tildė and Eilina, as they looks= What do they look like?
Eilina was tall, beautiful and full of life and Tildė was small and fat.

Why did Mr. Sydersas kissed Tilda?
Maybe Mr. Sydersas wanted apply ( or divert...norėjau pasakyti kad norėjo atkreipti dėmesį)=to get (arba to attract) Eilina's attention, his arm round Tilde and kissing Tilde.

Or Was Tilde was happy, when Mr. Seeder apologized?
She was not satisfied with Mr. Seeders apology.

What did Eilina said=y?
Don't be unhappy, Tildy. That little Seeders has got a face like a dead potato!
He's nothing. A real man never says sorry.
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prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. #5726 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: FRIDAY 2016
Let's remember:
Kaip (tai) atrodo? Koks yra? in English is What (is it ) like?

What are your parents like? - Kokie yra tavo tėvai?
What do your parents look like? - Kaip atrodo tavo tėvai?
How are your parents? - Kaip sekas tavo tėvams
What is London like? - Koks yra Londonas?
How is London? - Kaip Londonas? Kaip sekasi Londone?

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)

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prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. #5732 nuo saulegraza
saulegraza replied the topic: FRIDAY 2016
1.What does Tildy and Aileen look like?
Aillen was toll, beautiful and full of life. Tildy was small, fat and was not beautiful.

2. Why did Seeders kiss Tildy?
Mis. Seeders was drank too much beer. He didn't know what he doing.

3. Did Was Tildy was satisfied, when Seeders to sayid sorry?
No, Tildy don't wasn't satified, she ran in to the kitchen and cried for a long time.

4. What does =did Aileen saidy?
Aileen said,- don't be unhappy, Tildy, that little Seeders has got a face a dead potato, he 's nothing. a real man never says sorry.
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prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. #5745 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: FRIDAY 2016
Here is your homework for the next time - the 4th of November.
Please do it and write your answers on the Forum! :)
Please, do File 3 ---> Practical English on your CD.

After you watch the videos, please, write the answers to the questions on the Forum:
(Clip 1) What is full Jenny's full name? Where and when did she meet with Rob in London? Why was Rob late? Why did he invite Jenny to get a coffee? Where did Jenny have to go? (Clip 2) What kind of coffee did Rob and Jenny have? What did they have to eat? How much was it? (Clip 3) Who was the first person in London office who Rob introduced to Jenny? What office is Jenny from? Where does she live? Is this her first time in Europe? Who was the second person who Jenny met in London office? Did she have enough time for her first meeting? What did Rob do?

Remember the words: to come into... [intiu] - užeiti į (...vidų...) food/drinks to take away - maistas/gėrimai išsinešti; food/drinks to have here - maistas/gėrimai vietoje; a barista [barista] - kavinukės, baro darbuotojas; a brunch[branč] - breakfast+lunch= valgis tarp pusryčių ir pietų, stipriau nei pusryčiai, silpniau nei pietūs; a snack[sne:k] - užkandis tarp valgių (vaisius, baranka, ledai...); a laddie [le:di] - 'mergička' škotų tarmėje

Do exercises on page 22 in Workbook. Edinburgh [edinboro] is the capital of Scotland. After you read exercise 4, choose one cafe and write on the Forum very briefly ( [bri:fli] trumpai) : I would like to visit the cafe "...." because....

Do the exercise about telling the time on page 157 in Student Book:

3. 4 exercise: I personally would like(norėčiau) to visit the cafe "Two Thin Laddies" because I love homemade food and I don't know how to make good vegetarian food. So, it would be(būtų) nice to have a vegetarian homemade meal in this cafe. To have a private space is also a big plus. I like privacy when I eat. I only hope that this cafe isn't very expensive.

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
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prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. #5770 nuo Violeta
Violeta replied the topic: FRIDAY 2016
My homework,
What is full Jenny's full name? Jenny‘s full name is Jennifer.
Where and when did she meet with Rob in London? They met in a hotel at 9.15.
Why was Rob late? Because the traffic was horrible.
Why did he invite Jenny to get a coffee? Because Jenny wanted a good cup of coffee, real coffee.
Where did Jenny have to go? She went out of town cafe. Kur Dženi turėjo eiti? She had to go to a meeting at 9.30 in London office.
What kind of coffee did Rob and Jenny have? They had a Latte and an Espreso.
What did they have to eat? A brownie and a croissant.
How much was it? It was 12.45.
Who was the first person in London office who Rob introduced to Jenny? It was Karen.
What office is Jenny from? From New York‘s office.
Where does she live? Jenny lives in Manhattan.
Is this her first time in Europe? No, she has got family in Poland.
Who was the second person who Jenny met in London office? It was Daniel.
Did she have enough time for her first meeting? I think, yes.
What did Rob do? He waited for an interview with Daniel.
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. #5772 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: FRIDAY 2016
Thank you!
to wait (for) - laukti (ko nors). The costumer waited for a cup of coffee. / They waited for a bus for 20 minutes. / Wait for me.

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
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prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. #5775 nuo Poppi
Poppi replied the topic: FRIDAY 2016
Hello, this is my homework.

(Clip 1)
What is full Jenny's full name? Her names is Jennifer.
Where and when did she meet with Rob in London?
She met with Rob in a hotel at 9.15.
Why was Rob late? Rob was late because the traffic was terrible.
Why did he invite Jenny to get a coffee? He invited Jenny to get a coffee because she didn't like coffee from the hotel.
Where did Jenny have to go? Jenny had to go to a meeting.
(Clip 2)
What kind of coffee did Rob and Jenny have?Rob had a latte and Jenny had an Espresso.
What did they have to eat? They had a croissant and a brownie.
How much was it? It was 12.45.
(Clip 3)
Who was the first person in London office who Rob introduced to Jenny? The first person in London office who Rob introduced to Jenny was Karen the administrator.
What office is Jenny from? Jenny is from New York office.
Where does she live? She lives in Manhattan.
Is this her first time in Europe? No, she has a family in Poland.
Who was the second person who Jenny met in London office? The second person who Jenny met in London office was Daniel.
Did she have enough time for her first meeting? Yes, she did.
What did Rob do? He did nothing.

The exercise no 2 is still in progress. Will do it later.
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. #5778 nuo Marius
Marius replied the topic: FRIDAY 2016
Clip 1
1. Full Jenny’s full name is Jenifer.
2. She meet in the hotel lobby at nine fifteen. ( quarter after the nine).
3. Rob was late because traffic is=was horrible.
4. Jenny wanted a good coffe, real coffe.
5. Jenny has to meet daniel at nine thirty. (half after nine).
Clip 2.
1. Jeny wanted a double espresso, Rob had a large late.
2. Rob wanted a browny and a croissant, Jenny wanted nothing.
3. Their order price was twenty =twelve forty-five.
Clip 3.
1. The First person in the office was administrator Karen.
2. Jenny is from N.Y Office.
3. Jenny lives in Manhattan.
4. It's Not the first time in Europe, because she has got family in Poland.
5. The second person in office was Daniel.
6. Next meeting of theis at twelfthve, the meeting has =is two hours.
7. Rob waited to talk to later.

I would like to wisit coffe =cafe „Kilimanjaro“ because:
it Serves the best coffee in Edinburgh. (It) Has a lot of customers. The Furniture is comfortabile and food is fantastic.
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prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. #5781 nuo Inga
Inga replied the topic: FRIDAY 2016
(Clip 1) What is full Jenny's full name? Jennifer is a the full name.
Where and when did she meet with Rob in London? Jennifer met with Rob in a hotel at nine fifteen.
Why was Rob late? Traffic was terible and Rob was late.
Why did he invite Jenny to get a coffee? Jenny wanted a real coffe but not the hotel coffe and Rob invited her.
Where did Jenny have to go? Jenny has a meeting with Daniel.
(Clip 2) What kind of coffee did Rob and Jenny have? Jenny has=had a double espresso and Rob has=had a large late.
What did they have to eat? How much was it? Rob took a croisant and brownie. It was 12.45.
(Clip 3) Who was the first person in London office who Rob introduced to Jenny? Rob introduced Karen to Jenny. She was an administrator.
What office is Jenny from? Jenny is from New York office.
Where does she live? Is this her first time in Europe? Jenifer lives in Manhattan. It is not her/the first time in Europe.
Who was the second person who Jenny met in London office? The second person was Daniel.
Did she have enough time for her first meeting? Yes, she did. What did Rob do? I think Rob was disappointed for a short meeting with Jennifer.

I would want to visit coffee bar The Elephant House. I would want to see an the interior. I like elephants. And I would like to taste some snacks.
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