Here is your homework
for the 11th (eleventh) of January.
We have
extra meeting on Thursday, the 7th of January. Our meeting starts at 4 pm
Learn new words and remember the old ones
Mokykitės naujus žodžius ir prisiminkite senus
extra [ekstra] - papildomas;
The Year Twenty-Sixteen / The Year Two Thousand Sixteen - 2016 metai;
Monkey Year [manki jiea:] - beždžionės metai;
to wish [uiš] - linkėti, trokšti;
to worry [uori] - jaudintis;
Don't worry! - nesijaudink(ite)!
sitting down - pasisėdėjimas prie stalo;
eating [i:ting] - valgymas; to
give [giv] - duoti; to
get [get] - gauti;
giving presents [giving prezents] - dovanų dalijimas;
getting presents [geting prezents] - dovanų gavimas; to
celebrate [selebreit] - švęsti;
celebrating - šventimas;
Christmas Eve - Kalėdų išvakarės =Kūčios; Christmas (day) - Kalėdos;
The New Year's Eve [nju iea:z i:v] - Naujametinis vakaras; to
decorate - [dekoreit] - puošti;
decorating [dekoreiting] - puošimas;
decorating the Christmas tree - Kalėdų eglutės puošimas
to go out [gou aut] - išeiti pasižmonėti;
to have good/nice entertainment [enterteinmen
t] - turėti gerą/malonią pramogą;
a notebook/ a planner [plea:ne] / an
organizer [organaize] - darbo kalendorius;
a wall calendar [uol kea:lenda] - sieninis kalendorius;
a desk calendar [desk ke: lenda] - stalinis kalendorius; a
desk [desk] - rašomasis stalas;
decoupage [deikupaž] - dekupažas;
a decoupage decorated thing [deikupaž dekoreited thing] - dekupažu dekoruotas daiktas;
made [meid] - pagamintas;
homemade [houm meid] - namų darbo
Listen to the audio 3.9 in 'NEF Class CDs' and learn words about food and drink on page 108 in your Student Book.
delicious [delišez] - skanus; disgusting [dizgasting] - bjaurus; cold [kould] - šaltas; hot [hot] - karštas;
food [fu:d] - maistas;
drink [drink] - gėrimas; to
drink - gerti;
hungry [hangri] - alkanas;
full [ful] - pilnas, sotus;
breakfasf [brekfea:st] - pusryčiai,
lunch [lanč] - pietūs,
dinner [dine] - vakarienė (be artikelio, nes neskaičiuotini);
to have breakfast / lunch / dinner - valgyti pusryčius, pietus, vakarienę;
to have for breakfast - valgyti pusryčiams;
at breakfast/ at lunch/ at dinner - per pusryčius, per pietus, per vakarienę;
to have lunch at home / at work/ at a restaurant/ in a cafe - valgyti pietus namie, darbe, restorane, kavinėje;
to eat [i:t] - valgyti;
to drink [drink] - gerti
a lot of [e lot of] - daug ko (a lot of fruit - daug vaisių; a lot of vegetables - daug daržovių);
a little of [e litl
of] - truputis, šiek tiek (a little
of sugar [e litl of šaga] - truputis cukraus);
a piece of [e pi:s of] - gabalėlis ko nors (a piece of meat [e pi:s of mi:t] - gabalėlis mėsos;
a sausage [sosidž] - dešrelė;
sausage [sosidž] (be artikelio) - dešra ;
porridge [poridž] - košė (be artikelio - neskaičiuotina).
Do Workbook exercises on page 22
Listen to the audio 10 track 10 in 'NEF Workbook Audio CD'. Repeat after (It is on page 23 in your Workbook):
Open your
Interactive CD. Go to Vocabulary Bank. Do 'Food And Drink'[/b][/color]
Write here, on the Forum about your breakfast, lunch and dinner. Be ready to speak about it in the classroom!
Do you have breakfast? When is your breakfast? What do you have for breakfast? Do you drink coffee or tea?
When is your lunch? Do you have your lunch at work, at home or in a cafe? What do you have for lunch?
When is your dinner? Do you have your dinner at home or in a restaurant? Do you eat a lot at dinner?