Here is your homework for the next meeting on the thirty first of March.
Learn about can [ken]- galėti and can't [ka:nt] - negalėti
Go to
page 94 in your Student Book, listen to the
audio 4.13 in NEF Class CDs - CD3 and
Do exercises:
4C from page 95 in your Student Book:
A lot of exercises on pages 32-33 in your Workbook.
Listen to audio 15 in NEF Workbook Audios and repeat
New words from the text about the International Space Station (ISS)
space [speis] - kosmosas; International Space Station - ISS [interneišnal speis steišn - ai - es - es ] - tarptautinė kosminė stotis; gravity [gre:viti] - trauka, gravitacija; to stay [stei] - pasilikti; a plate [pleit] - lėkštė; a plastic container [ple:stik konteine] - plastikinis indas; clothes [kloudz] - rūbai, apranga; special [spešl] - specialus, ypatingas; ordinary [ordinari] - įprastinis, kasdienis; a sponge [spondž] - kempinė; a sleeping bag [sli:ping be:g] miegmaišis; a wall [uo:l] - siena.
Please write and learn to tell
2 permitted /
2 forbidden things
[permited] - leistinas; [fo/r/bidn] - neleistinas, draustinas
What can you do in the centre of Pasvalys? What can't you do in the centre of Pasvalys? (2 permitted and 2 forbidden things)
What can you do at your work? What can't you do at your work (2 permitted and 2 forbidden things)
What can you do at Pasvalys market (turgus)? What can't you do at Pasvalys market (2 permitted and 2 forbidden things)
What can you do at Pasvalys swimming pool? What can't you do at Pasvalys swimming pool? (2 permitted and 2 forbidden things)
Use phrases
from pages 39 and 112 in your Student book
My homework about permitted and forbidden things in Pasvalys town:
IN the centre of Pasvalys
1. You can walk a dog in the centre of Pasvalys 2. You can leave library books in the library books box in the centre of Pasvalys
a library books box [laibreri buks boks] - bibliotekos knygų dėžė
BUT: 1. You can't sleep in a sleeping bag in the centre of Pasvalys 2. You can't ride a bike without a safety jacket in the centre of Pasvalys
a safety jacket [seifti džaket] - apsaugos liemenė
AT MY WORK (at Pasvalys library):
1. You can take library books home 2. You can send e-mails to people at the library.
BUT: 1. You can't eat soup in the library 2. You can't speak on the phone in the reading room in the library
1. You can use a toilet at Pasvalys market 2. You can drink hot coffee and tea at Pasvalys market
BUT: 2. You can't buy things on Mondays, on Tuesdays, on Thursdays and on Sundays at Pasvalys market. 3. You can't fix a TV at Pasvalys market.
1. You can swim in a pool at Pasvalys swimming pool 2. You can have a sauna and a shower at Pasvalys swimming pool
BUT: 1. You can't take a pet to Pasvalys swimming pool 2. You can't stay after nine pm at Pasvalys swimming pool.
a pet [pet] - naminis gyvūnėlis.
See you on the thirty first of March. Who is in?