MONDAY Winter Homework

prieš 8 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 11 mėn. #4137 nuo Palmira
Palmira replied the topic: MONDAY Winter Homework
I promise you to bake black bread and to give you the recipe.It is not difficult.I promise You bake homemade black bread,becouse you love cooking and you don't eat purchased bread.It isn't delicous and it isn't healthy!
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 8 m. 11 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 8 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 11 mėn. #4140 nuo Renata
Renata replied the topic: MONDAY Winter Homework
I love cooking.In the evening I make dinner with my daughter. We cook various soups and often chicken with vegetables or rices.
Almost every evening I make cake or buns. I like buns with various fillings: with cinnamon, with apples, with curd, with pineapple, with sausage.I make cake with raisin, with kiwi.. Today I'll try a new recipe- cake with kiwi.
I like Lithuanian food too.I like potatoes dumplings very much. I served dumplings with sour cream.
I like sour milk with berries or bananas.
I think- when delicious food are big pleasure.=I think when food is delicious, it is a big pleasure
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prieš 8 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 11 mėn. #4147 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: MONDAY Winter Homework
Thank you, Palaima! I agree with you, homemade food is healthy and delicious. I think people in big cities have little time to cook and they eat a lot of bad fast food. But we live in a small town and we have time to make our food.
to agree [agri:] - sutikti

People say "Cooking with love is living with love."

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prieš 8 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 11 mėn. #4152 nuo DaliaK
DaliaK replied the topic: MONDAY Winter Homework
I love cooking.I have a lot cooking recipes.I have a good oven.I love to bake a curd pie. I bake bread with fruit at the weekend.I love to cook a potato pancakes

a potato pancake - vienas bulvinis blynas; potato pancakes - bulviniai blynai; I love to cook potato pancakes - Aš mėgstu kepti bulvinius blynus. :cheer:
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prieš 8 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 11 mėn. #4155 nuo ginta
ginta replied the topic: MONDAY Winter Homework
I like Lithuanian food potatoes dishes.I am for cooking at home. (=Aš esu už valgio gaminimą namuose?)
I like to make potato pancakes,''cepelinus,''kugel, potato
dumplings,stomach?.I like cold soup ''šaltibarščiai''
with potatoes. I like very much souertraut.I make souertraut soup and salads.

potato dishes = bulvių patiekalai (food = maistas)
What do you mean by "stomach" ? Ką jūs norite pasakyti žodžiu "stomach" = skrandis? Maybe "black pudding"? Gal "kraujinis vėdaras"? :cheer:
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prieš 8 m. 11 mėn. #4159 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: MONDAY Winter Homework
This young man is from Columbia, his name is Fabian and he studies in Vilnius. He likes Lithuanian potato dishes! :lol:

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prieš 8 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 11 mėn. #4164 nuo Romualda
Romualda replied the topic: MONDAY Winter Homework
In my family we don`t eat breakfast. We drink coffee and go to work. My husband have=s lunch at home. He eats food, what I make to yesterday=the evening before. I usually make food in the evening. I make different soups. I usually cook beet soup or vegetable soup with minced meat dumplings. Sometimes I roast meat with potatoes and make various salad. I like fried cakes with fresh cheese curd.
At the Weekend I bake apple cake or cupcakes.

the evening before [bifo:] - iš vakaro
My husband likes and eats - Mano vyras mėgsta ir valgo (3 vienaskaitos asmuo visada su -s gale)

fried [fraid] - keptas ant keptuvės. Cakes usually are baked in the oven ;)
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prieš 8 m. 11 mėn. #4168 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: MONDAY Winter Homework
Good morning! Time for breakfast! :cheer:

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prieš 8 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 11 mėn. #4172 nuo Little Angel
Little Angel replied the topic: MONDAY Winter Homework
My homewoork

I don't like cooking, but I want to eat and I usually make meal at home. My favourite traditional Lithuanian dish is cold bortscht with potatoes (šaltibarščiai = cold beet soup / chilled beet soup). I like potato dishes. I usually cooking a different soup for lunch. I sometimes like to make sometimes vegetable salad, a different porridges. Also at weekends I bake biscuits.
a biscuit [biskit] - sausainis; a cake - pyragas, tortas; sponge cake - biskvitas
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prieš 8 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 11 mėn. #4173 nuo naujoke
naujoke replied the topic: MONDAY Winter Homework
I like Lithuanian food. My favorite tradic(t)ional dish is ''cepelinai'' , ''balandeliai'' and potatoe sausage.
I make food at home. I like to cook, but I don't like to bake cookies and biscuit-sponge cake.
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prieš 8 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 11 mėn. #4177 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: MONDAY Winter Homework
a buiscuit [biskit]:

sponge cake [sponž keik]:


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prieš 8 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 11 mėn. #4191 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: MONDAY Winter Homework
Hi, mates! :cheer: Sveiki, bičiuliai!
Here is your homework for the next Monday, the Twenty Fifth (25) of Ja nuary. Do it and good luck!

1. Learn new words!
a librarian [laibreirijan] -bibliotekininkas; a library [laibreri] - biblioteka; a seamstress [si:mstres] -siuvėja ; a dressmaker, a tailor [dresmeike, teile ] - mot. rūbų siuvėja(s), siuvėja(s); a tailor's shop / studio - siuvykla; a dental technician [dental teknišn] - dantų technikas; a clinic / a polyclinic [klinik / paliklinik] - poliklinika; a tax officer/ inspector/ administrator [ofise/ inspekte/ edministreite] - mokesčių pareigūnas; Pasvalys Municipality State Tax Inspectorate [miunisipaliti steit te:ks inspektoreit] - Pasvalio savivaldybės valstybinė mokesčių inspekcija; a tax office [te:ks ofis] - mokesčių įstaiga/ kontora; a cleaner [kli:ne] - valytoja(s) a schoolgirl / a schoolboy [skulgiol / skulboi] - pradinių klasių mokinė(-ys); a student [stju:dent] - gimnazistas, studentas; a hall of residence / a hall [ho:l of rezidens / ho:l] - studentų bendrabutis; jobless, unemployed [džobles, animploid] - bedarbis; retired [ritajed] - pensininkas; a painter [peinte] - tapytojas, dažytojas; at work -[e:t woe:/r/k] - darbe ; a job [džob] - darbas, profesija; work [woe:/r/k] - darbas; Do you have a job? Ar tu turi darbą? What's your job? Kuo tu dirbi?

Remember to listen to track 3.20 in NEF Class CDs - CD2

2. Write about you and a person from your family:
1.What do you do?
2. Where do you work?
3. What do people from your family do?
4. Where do people from your family work?

1. I am a librarian assistant (bibliotekininkė-padėjėja).2. I work in Pasvalys Marius Katiliškis Public Library 3.I have a mother in my family. My mother is a painter (dažytoja), but she doesn't work. She is retired. 4. My mother is at home. She makes food, she cleans, she goes to our garden.

3. Listen to track 3.3 and 3.10 (NEF Class CDs - CD2) and repeat:
Remember! Aš, Tu (Jūs) Mes, Jie - visada be 's' gale, don't neiginyje ir do klausime!
I, You, We, They Work Don't Work Do ..... work?

Do exercises 3A and 3B on page 93 in Student Book:

4. Listen to track 3.17 (NEF Class CDs - CD2) and repeat:
Remember! Trečias vienaskaitos asmuo Jis, Ji, Tai - visada su 's' gale, doesn't neiginyje ir does klausime!
He,She,It Works Doesn't Work Does ..... work?

Do exercise 3C on page 93 in Student Book:

5 Listen to track 3.16 in NEF Class CDs - CD2 and complete the sentences:

Pasiklausykite takelio 3.16 ir užpildykite sakinius

6. Write about the woman's working day:

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
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prieš 8 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 11 mėn. #4204 nuo vaidyla
vaidyla replied the topic: MONDAY Winter Homework
3.She works in an office.
4.She eats salad.
5.She doesn't drink beer.
6.She speaks Spanish.
7.She doesn't read a newspaper.
8.She doesn't listen to the radio.
9.She watches TV.
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prieš 8 m. 11 mėn. #4220 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: MONDAY Winter Homework
Watch this video. What jobs do you hear?
Pažiūrėkite šį video. Kokias profesijas jūs girdite?

domestic engineer [domestik indžinie] - namų inžinierius - ta moteris juokavo ;)
a salesman [seilzmen] - prekybos agentas
unemployed [enimploid]- bedarbis
a traffic warden [tre:fik wo/r/den] - eismo reguliuotojas

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prieš 8 m. 11 mėn. #4231 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: MONDAY Winter Homework
Dear Monday learners! I can't come to the library on the 25th of January because I'm very sick :(
Brangūs pirmadienio studentai. Aš negaliu ateiti į biblioteką sausio 25 d., nes labai sergu.
I'm cold, I have a temperature of 38.7, my head, my stomach and my chest hurts. I go to the doctor's on Monday.
Man šalta, aš turiu 38.7 temperatūros, mano galva, mano pilvas ir mano krūtinė skauda. Aš einu pas daktarą pirmadienį.
I hope it is for a short time. See you soon!
Aš tikiuosi tai trumpam. Iki greito pasimatymo! :cheer:

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
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prieš 8 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 11 mėn. #4232 nuo Romualda
Romualda replied the topic: MONDAY Winter Homework
My homework

I work in Pasvalys Municipality office. I am a Land Management Engineer.
My husband is a farmer. His job is in the farm and in the fields.
My son is a Surveyor Engineer (Geodesist). He works in office „Kadastriniai matavimai“ in Vilnius.
My daughter has a Bachelor's degree in of Economics. She works in an office.
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 8 m. 11 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 8 m. 11 mėn. #4233 nuo Romualda
Romualda replied the topic: MONDAY Winter Homework
we wish you a speedy recovery
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prieš 8 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 11 mėn. #4238 nuo Little Angel
Little Angel replied the topic: MONDAY Winter Homework
My homework
I'm a tax officer administrator. I'm work in the State Tax inspectorate at the Ministry of Finance. My first daughter is a medic student of medicine in the Vilnius University. My second daughter is a project coordinator in the Education development centre.
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 8 m. 11 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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