Hi, mates!
Sveiki, bičiuliai!
Here is your homework for the next Monday, the Twenty Fifth (25) of Ja nuary. Do it and good luck!
1. Learn new words!
a librarian [laibreirijan] -bibliotekininkas; a library [laibreri] - biblioteka; a seamstress [si:mstres] -siuvėja ; a dressmaker, a tailor [dresmeike, teile ] - mot. rūbų siuvėja(s), siuvėja(s); a tailor's shop / studio - siuvykla; a dental technician [dental teknišn] - dantų technikas; a clinic / a polyclinic [klinik / paliklinik] - poliklinika; a tax officer/ inspector/ administrator [ofise/ inspekte/ edministreite] - mokesčių pareigūnas; Pasvalys Municipality State Tax Inspectorate [miunisipaliti steit te:ks inspektoreit] - Pasvalio savivaldybės valstybinė mokesčių inspekcija; a tax office [te:ks ofis] - mokesčių įstaiga/ kontora; a cleaner [kli:ne] - valytoja(s) a schoolgirl / a schoolboy [skulgiol / skulboi] - pradinių klasių mokinė(-ys); a student [stju:dent] - gimnazistas, studentas; a hall of residence / a hall [ho:l of rezidens / ho:l] - studentų bendrabutis; jobless, unemployed [džobles, animploid] - bedarbis; retired [ritajed] - pensininkas; a painter [peinte] - tapytojas, dažytojas; at work -[e:t woe:/r/k] - darbe ; a job [džob] - darbas, profesija; work [woe:/r/k] - darbas; Do you have a job? Ar tu turi darbą? What's your job? Kuo tu dirbi?
Remember to listen to track 3.20 in NEF Class CDs - CD2
2. Write about you and a person from your family:
1.What do you do?
2. Where do you work?
3. What do people from your family do?
4. Where do people from your family work?
1. I am a librarian assistant (bibliotekininkė-padėjėja).2. I work in Pasvalys Marius Katiliškis Public Library 3.I have a mother in my family. My mother is a painter (dažytoja), but she doesn't work. She is retired. 4. My mother is at home. She makes food, she cleans, she goes to our garden.
3. Listen to track 3.3 and 3.10 (NEF Class CDs - CD2) and repeat:
Remember! Aš, Tu (Jūs) Mes, Jie - visada be 's' gale, don't neiginyje ir do klausime!
I, You, We, They Work Don't Work Do ..... work?
Do exercises 3A and 3B on page 93 in Student Book:
4. Listen to track 3.17 (NEF Class CDs - CD2) and repeat:
Remember! Trečias vienaskaitos asmuo Jis, Ji, Tai - visada su 's' gale, doesn't neiginyje ir does klausime!
He,She,It Works Doesn't Work Does ..... work?
Do exercise 3C on page 93 in Student Book:
5 Listen to track 3.16 in NEF Class CDs - CD2 and complete the sentences:
Pasiklausykite takelio 3.16 ir užpildykite sakinius
6. Write about the woman's working day: