Hello again, classmates! Here is your homework for the 15th of February. Please do it!
We have
an extra meeting on Wednesday, on the 10th of February. See you at 4 PM!
1. Learn new words! It is very
What time is it? [uat taim iz it] - kiek valandų? to tell [tel] - pasakyti; Can you tell the time? [ken ju: tel the taim] - ar galite pasakyti, kiek valandų? o'clock [oklok] - valandų; an hour / hours [en aue/ auez] - valanda / valandos; a minute [minit] - minutė; past [pa:st] - po; to [tiu] - be; half [ha:f] - pusė; quarter [kuote] - ketvirtis, 15 min.; AM [ei em] - iki vidudienio; PM [pi: em] - po pietų; today [tiudei] - šiandien; tomorrow [tiumorou] - rytoj, a day of the week [ e dei of de ui:k] - savaitės diena; Monday [mandei] - pirmadienis; Tuesday [tjuzdei] - antradienis; Wednesday [uenzdei] - trečiadienis; Thursday [thiorzdei] - ketvirtadienis, Friday [fraidei] - penktadienis; Saturday [sa:tedei] - šeštadienis; Sunday [sandei] - sekmadienis;
at ten in the morning [e:t ten in the mo:ning] - dešim
tą ryto;
on Monday [on mandei] - pirmadien
į; a weekday [ui:kdei] - darbo diena; a weekend [ui:kend] - savaitgalis; What day is it? [uat dei iz it] - Kokia savaitės diena?
How to tell the time in English:
Kaip pasakyti laiką angliškai:
Minutes + To/Past + Hours + in the morning (AM) / in the afternoon or in the evening (PM)
minutės + iki / po + valandos + ryto / popietės arba vakaro
It's twenty to ten in the evening - Dabar be dvidešimt dešimt vakaro
It's half past six in the morning- Dabar pusė septynių ryto
It's quarter to five PM- Dabar be penkiolikos penkios po pietų
It's twelve AM=It's midnight - Dabar dvylika nakties=Dabar vidurnaktis (prasideda nauja diena - AM)
It's twelve PM=It's midday - Dabar dvylika dienos=Dabar vidudienis (diena persirito į antrą pusę - PM)
Listen to the tracks 3.27 and 3.33 in NEF Class CDs - CD2 and repeat!
3. Do the exercises on pages 26 and 27 in your Workbooks. You can write it here, on the Forum!
Listen to audio track 12 in NEF Workbook CD and repeat! It is very
4. Open your Interactive CD.
Practical English File 3 in
Words and Phrases
The Time And Ordinal Numbers in
Vocabulary Bank. Do first 10 lines only - Padarykite tik dešimt pirmų eilučių.
5.Listen to the track 3.35 in NEF Class CDs and repeat. Answer the questions. Write your answers
on the Forum!
Good luck! See you on Wednesday or on Monday!
My answers:
What day is it today?
It's Tuesday today. It is half past four in the afternoon. I'm at work, I'm at my desk, I'm on my computer
What day is it tomorrow?
It is Wednesday tomorrow. We have an extra meeting with you. We meet at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Are you in? Please, write a comment here:
What days do you have English classes?
I have English classes on Monday, on Wednesday and on Friday. They start at 4 PM. I meet other English learners and we learn English together.
What' s your favourite day of the week?
My favourite day of the week is Saturday. Saturday is the first day of the weekend, I don't go to work, I have a long evening, because I don't have to go to work on Sunday.