Friday 2018/19

prieš 6 m. 1 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 1 mėn. #8236 nuo Violeta
Violeta replied the topic: Friday 2018/19
Hello. This story I read= I read this story. He forgot his keys and he could not get back in without them. Hi would have to ring the front door bell. His alibi was destroyed.
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prieš 6 m. 1 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 1 mėn. #8237 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Friday 2018/19
Yes, that's right. Isn't it sad and funny that he didn't kill, but was sentenced to death (nuteistas mirti) because he didn't have an alibi?

Here's a question for the fourth story about a French thief and a priest:
3. Why did the thief and the detective take off their hats to the priest?
to knock over - išversti, išvartyti; a heath - dykynė, laukai; Hampstead Heath - a park in London

The last question for the final story:
4. Why did the killer murder the beautiful lady's maid?
a maid - kambarinė; cash on delivery - grynieji įvykdžius darbą; to deliver - atlikti/pristatyti užsakymą

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prieš 6 m. 1 mėn. #8238 nuo Violeta
Violeta replied the topic: Friday 2018/19
If I understood correctly. Becouse the priest deceived Flambew and helped the detective catch him.
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prieš 6 m. 1 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 1 mėn. #8248 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Friday 2018/19
What to do for the 16th of November?

First of all, go to the vocabulary (page 154) . Do the exercises about prepositions (prielinksnius) and nouns( daiktavardžius)
Check your answers by listening to the audios
a loan - paskola apskritai ; a mortgage (mogidž) - paskola nekilnojamam turtui įsigyti (būstui)
to repay a loan in monthly installments [ripei e loun in monthli instolments} - apmokėti paskolą kasmėnesinėmis sumomis

Do the exercises on page 11 in the workbook:

Please write on the Forum: Are you a spender or a saver? Why?

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prieš 6 m. 1 mėn. #8256 nuo Violeta
Violeta replied the topic: Friday 2018/19
I would say that I'm spender. I spend money on things like concerts, o on trips or buying clothes. I like to spend money. I think I'm working when I‘ll spend money and not save them.:whistle: :silly:

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prieš 6 m. 1 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 1 mėn. #8258 nuo Janina
Janina replied the topic: Friday 2018/19
I spend all my money fast. I earn over 200 euros. It's a low salary. But I like my job. I sometimes give money for charity. Because I see people need money on food, clothes and various things. We need money on stupid things too.
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prieš 6 m. 1 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 1 mėn. #8259 nuo vaixinas
vaixinas replied the topic: Friday 2018/19
Mine salary is low but I like mine job.I dislike to waste mine money.Money is money and I soon spend it.I like shoping in tne internet and in the big shopcenters.Usually I am spend money for buying clothes and small things.
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prieš 6 m. 1 mėn. #8260 nuo Simona
Simona replied the topic: Friday 2018/19
Vilma‘s and Arvydas‘ homework

Sometimes we are spenders sometimes we are savers. Ir depends. We spend money. But we try and we save. Before buying something expensive I think about 1-2 days or more , I read comments.We discuss. Then we decide to buy or not.

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prieš 6 m. 1 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 1 mėn. #8271 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Friday 2018/19
Here is what to do for this Friday, the 23d of November (sorry I'm late with my comment!):
1 Do the workbook exercises from pages 12 to 13:
some words: to lay (laid) [lei (leid]] - pakloti (paklojo); atsigulti (atsigulė); the stocks market - akcijų rinka; a debt [det] - skola; to apply [aplai] - pateikti paraiškq; kandidatuoti; to sell by- parduoti iki...; a bin - šiukšliadėžė; discarded [diskardid]= thrown away = išmestas; a tramp [tre:mp] - valkata, benamis; a freight train [freit] - prekių traukinys; to hitch-hike [hič-haik] - keliauti autostopu; a stream [stri:m] - nedidelis upelis, upokšnis; taip pat srovė.
outgoing=social [autgouing=soušal] - komunikabilus, bendraujantis
income [inkam] - įplaukos; outcome [autkam] - pasėkmės; outgoings [aut-gou-ingz]- išplaukos; expenditure(s) [ekspndiče(z)] - išlaida(-os)
every now and then - karts nuo karto; a savings account - banko santaupos
childcare [čaildkea] - vaikų priežiūra;
fairly [fearli] =quite - gana; to live on - išgyventi, išsiversti iš ko nors;
fancy [fe:nsi]=luxurious - prabangus;
to bring up - užauginti; a childminder [čaildmainde] - vaikų auklė, vaikų prižiūrėtojas
to gamble [ge:mbl]- lošti iš pinigų; broke [brouk] - without money, bancrupt - be pinigų, bankrutavęs; recession [resešn] - ekonominis nuosmūkis

Please, write on the Forum!
First, listen to the audio in the workbook (page 13) Then answer the question:
Do you live on your salary? Where do you spend it on?

Jurate's income
My monthly income is fairly enough to live on sufficiently [siu-fi-šentli] (patenkinamai) for me. There's enough to pay my household bills which I share with my Mom, because we live together in the same flat and she insists (reikalauja) on paying half of the bills with her pension [penšn] money. And after paying the bills, I still have enough money left on my bank account to go to a local supermarket and shop for daily food and some clothes without thinking about expenditure [ekspendiče]. I'm not a saver, but my daily needs are moderate, so I don't waste much. That's why there's always an amount of money on my bank account. My bank has given me a consumer credit up to 100 euros on my card, but I never use it. I have saved up enough to afford to pay in the nearest future for my mother's wish - a fence [fens] (tvora) around our garden. I was very surprised to learn how expensive a simple fence is nowadays! (It's over 1000 Euros with the installation. )

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prieš 6 m. 1 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 1 mėn. #8279 nuo Simona
Simona replied the topic: Friday 2018/19
Vilma's and Arvydas' homework

Our monthly income is enough to live on for us. There's enough to pay household bills. I share it with my parents and Arvydas shares it with his parents. After paying the bills we still have money for daily food and other things we need. We don't waste much. But we like to go to the cultural=culture centre and we buy tickets there. A few times a year we go to the opera house or to the cinema to watch new films. We like comedies and romantic dramas.
But I need more money. So, this week I started my second job in Biržai.

Pasvalys culture centre [kolče sente]
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prieš 6 m. 1 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 1 mėn. #8280 nuo Janina
Janina replied the topic: Friday 2018/19
My income lower than my expenditures. But there's enough to pay my household bills. After paying the bills, I need to buy food and the things I use everyday. One week later there is no maney in my bank account. I need to wait for the next salary. But I not alone. I can continue shopping...

'continue' galima pakeisti 'carry on' [keri on] - populiaru taip sakyti.

My income is lower than my expenditures. .... . After paying the bills, I need to buy food and _ things I use everyday. ... But I'm not alone. I can carry on shopping...

Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 1 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 6 m. 1 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 1 mėn. #8281 nuo vaixinas
vaixinas replied the topic: Friday 2018/19
I have part-time job.Mine income is low.I can"t waste mine money and I must to save it.I live with mine father and we to share household bills.After paying the bills I spend money to buying daily food and to buy clothes and small things.At free time I like to relax in swimming pool in Pasvalys.Also I have a few hobby.

Mine - maniškis, vartojamas tada, kai po jo neseka daiktavardis.

I have a part-time job. My income is low.I can"t waste my money and I must to save it.I live with my father and we _ share household bills.After paying the bills I spend money to buy daily food and to buy clothes and small things. In free time I like to relax in the swimming pool in Pasvalys.Also I have a few hobbies.

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prieš 6 m. 1 mėn. #8282 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Friday 2018/19
We are going to read the book „Strangers On A Train“.
Take the text:

Listen to the audio on Youtube:
First part:

Second part:

This book was made into a famous film by Alfred Hitchcock

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prieš 6 m. 1 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 1 mėn. #8297 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Friday 2018/19

If you haven't read the book "Strangers On The Train", please read it anytime in your free time!
Your homework for the 7th of December:
Read about the secret millionaire and translate for yourself.
Do the exercises about the text:

Answer any of these questions on the Forum :
Do you know someone who set up a business? Were they successful?
When was the last recession in Lithuania? What troubles, what difficulties did it cause?
Have you ever been completely broke?
What would you do if you were broke? Would you borrow some money or take a loan from the bank? Would you sell or rent your property?
Have you ever unexpectedly got (won, inherited) a large sum of money? What did you spend it on? Did you save for a bad day?

20 years ago, when I was a student in Vilnius, I didn't submit my papers in time and I didn't get my allowance for a whole year. I thought this money was lost forever for me, but next autumn I found an incredible sum of 500 Litas in my bank account! I felt like at Christmas. I spent all the money in a few days. On the same first day I went to the biggest electronics shop and I bought a juicer for my mother and a food processor for my gran. I also bought warm leather shoes for myself in an expensive department shop. The rest of the money, I spent it with my friends from the hall of residence. I invited them to a pub in the old town.. It was a nice celebration of the start of a new year at university

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prieš 6 m. 1 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 1 mėn. #8302 nuo Simona
Simona replied the topic: Friday 2018/19
Vilma's homework
1. Arvydas' mother set up a business. It was successful.
2. I'm not interested in politics or economics. So, I don't know what to answer.
3. I have never been completely broken. Maybe I would borrow some money.
4. I have never got a large sum unexpectedly.

Arvydas' homework
1. My friend Saulius set up a business. He worked with investment funds. That business was succesful.
2. During last recession I was in UK. I didn't know anything about troubles or difficulties.
3.I have never been completely broken. I have saved money.
4. I have got one bonus from my last job in UK. I saved this money.
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prieš 6 m. 1 mėn. #8303 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Friday 2018/19
broken - sulūžęs
It doesn't matter that you've never been broke. The question is: what would you do if you were broke?

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prieš 6 m. 1 mėn. #8306 nuo Janina
Janina replied the topic: Friday 2018/19
2. The last recession in Lithuania was ten years ago. This recession was one of the strongest. It affected all markets. There was a lot of borrowing.
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prieš 6 m. 1 mėn. #8307 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Friday 2018/19
We are learning to say since when ([sins] nuo kada) and for how long (kiek ilgai) we have been doing something
SINCE/FOR reikalauja present perfect continuous (have been ___-ing). Tačiau su jausmais, žinojimu, turėjimu ("neaktyviais" veiksmažodžiais: like, love, know, have... ) vartojamas present perfect
Neaktyvūs veiksmažodžiai:

Do the exercises from the workbook file 2B (pages 14-17):

Don't do exercise 4

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