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- Reputacija: 4
- Gauta padėkų: 62
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Jurate's income
My monthly income is fairly enough to live on sufficiently [siu-fi-šentli] (patenkinamai) for me. There's enough to pay my household bills which I share with my Mom, because we live together in the same flat and she insists (reikalauja) on paying half of the bills with her pension [penšn] money. And after paying the bills, I still have enough money left on my bank account to go to a local supermarket and shop for daily food and some clothes without thinking about expenditure [ekspendiče]. I'm not a saver, but my daily needs are moderate, so I don't waste much. That's why there's always an amount of money on my bank account. My bank has given me a consumer credit up to 100 euros on my card, but I never use it. I have saved up enough to afford to pay in the nearest future for my mother's wish - a fence [fens] (tvora) around our garden. I was very surprised to learn how expensive a simple fence is nowadays! (It's over 1000 Euros with the installation. )
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My income is lower than my expenditures. .... . After paying the bills, I need to buy food and _ things I use everyday. ... But I'm not alone. I can carry on shopping...
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I have a part-time job. My income is low.I can"t waste my money and I must to save it.I live with my father and we _ share household bills.After paying the bills I spend money to buy daily food and to buy clothes and small things. In free time I like to relax in the swimming pool in Pasvalys.Also I have a few hobbies.
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20 years ago, when I was a student in Vilnius, I didn't submit my papers in time and I didn't get my allowance for a whole year. I thought this money was lost forever for me, but next autumn I found an incredible sum of 500 Litas in my bank account! I felt like at Christmas. I spent all the money in a few days. On the same first day I went to the biggest electronics shop and I bought a juicer for my mother and a food processor for my gran. I also bought warm leather shoes for myself in an expensive department shop. The rest of the money, I spent it with my friends from the hall of residence. I invited them to a pub in the old town.. It was a nice celebration of the start of a new year at university
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