Friday 2018/19

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prieš 6 m. 5 mėn. #8148 nuo Jurate
Jurate created the topic: Friday 2018/19
We start our English class for the year 2018 to 2019!

Let's talk about food again and learn the words:
to contain (turėti sudėtyje)
high in calories [hai] - turintis daug kalorijų
to put on weight [ueit] - priaugti svorio
to cut down - sumažinti (kiekį)
a source of fibre [so/r/s of faibe] - skaidulų šaltinis
should/ shouldn't - turėti /neturėti (taip daryti)
fats and carbohydrates [karbohaidreits] - riebalai ir angliavandeniai

If you wasn't in the classroom on Friday, read and listen on the page 6 in Workbook:

And now watch this video: Can Eating Fruit Be Bad For You?

Here is the script (please, click to see):
DĖMESIO: Spoileris! [ Spustelėkite, kad išplėsti ]

Can you do these exercises?
Match the words with the definitions:

1. …… a fizzy drink / a soft drink
2. …… a teaspoon
3. …… junk food
4. …… to gain weight (=to put on weight)
5. …… ripe (prinokęs)
6. …… whole (visas, neišskaidytas)
7. …… to overload
8. …… veg

Definitions (apibrėžimai):
a. entire; in one piece
b. a short form of ‘vegetables’
c. to get heavier
d. to give too much work to someone or something
e. a drink which contains bubbles and is usually sweet
f. pre-prepared food which is bad for you because it has a lot of sugar, salt or fat
g. finished growing and ready to eat
h. a small spoon typically used for putting sugar in a
cup of coffee or tea

Are the sentences true or false?
1. An apple contains about half as much sugar as a can of fizzy drink.
2. Fructose is better than glucose for providing our body with energy.
3. The sugar in fruit is a little different from the sugar in fizzy drinks.
4. Some types of sugar don’t cause people to gain weight.
5. A banana generally contains more sugar than a kiwi fruit.
6. The amount of sugar in a piece of fruit decreases as it gets older.
7. It is better for you if you cut fruit into little pieces before eating it.
8. If we don’t eat fruit, it is impossible to get certain vitamins.

Write a word to complete the sentences.
1. A regular-sized soft drink contains about seven to eight ……………………………… of sugar.
2. These are chemically identical to the sugars you get in ……………………………… food.
3. Sugar is sugar. And you’re going to gain ……………………………… if you eat too much of it.
4. The ……………………………… the fruit, the more sugar it contains.
5. You should eat most of your fruit ……………………………… .
6. There is no vitamin or mineral in fruit that you can’t get from ……………………………… .

Good luck! See you on the Twelfth of October :)

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prieš 6 m. 4 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 4 mėn. #8156 nuo Violeta
Violeta replied the topic: Friday 2018/19
Are the sentences true or false?
1. An apple contains about half as much sugar as a can of fizzy drink.-False
2. Fructose is better than glucose for providing our body with energy.-false
3. The sugar in fruit is a little different from the sugar in fizzy drinks.- true
4. Some types of sugar don’t cause people to gain weight.- true
5. A banana generally contains more sugar than a kiwi fruit. -true
6. The amount of sugar in a piece of fruit decreases as it gets older. -false
7. It is better for you if you cut fruit into little pieces before eating it.-false
8. If we don’t eat fruit, it is impossible to get certain vitamins.-true.

Definitions (apibrėžimai):
a. entire; in one piece - 6. …… whole (visas, neišskaidytas)
b. a short form of ‘vegetables’- 8. …… veg
c. to get heavier - 4. …… to gain weight (=to put on weight)
d. to give too much work to someone or something -7. …… to overload
e. a drink which contains bubbles and is usually sweet - 1. …… a fizzy drink / a soft drink
f. pre-prepared food which is bad for you because it has a lot of sugar, salt or fat - 3. …… junk food
g. finished growing and ready to eat - 5. …… ripe (prinokęs)
h. a small spoon typically used for putting sugar in a cup of coffee or tea-2. …… a teaspoon

write a word to complete the sentences.
1. A regular-sized soft drink contains about seven to eight spoons of sugar.
2. These are chemically identical to the sugars you get in junk food.
3. Sugar is sugar. And you’re going to gain weight if you eat too much of it.
4. The ripe*_ the fruit, the more sugar it contains. - riper- labiau prinokęs
5. You should eat most of your fruit home .
6. There is no vitamin or mineral in fruit that you can’t get from veg.
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prieš 6 m. 4 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 4 mėn. #8157 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Friday 2018/19
Hi, Violeta! It is very nice to see you on the Forum!
Your homework is very good!
I only don't agree with the 4th sentence in the exercise True or False:
Yes, it is true, there are two different types of sugar - glucose for blood and fructose for the liver, but
"sugar is sugar" - it is the same in fruit and in junk food and it adds weight to your body just the same. :)

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
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prieš 6 m. 4 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 4 mėn. #8158 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Friday 2018/19
We are learning how to talk about future:
will / won't - staigiai šovusioms mintims ir savo spėlionėms, nuomonėms apie ateitį (opinions about future, predictions, promises):
I think next summer will be cold (mano spėjimas)
I will love you forever! (pažadas)

shall - mandagiems pasisiūlymams, dažnai klausimo formoje (offers)
Shall we go home? Gal mums jau eiti namo?
If you want, I shall make dinner for you. Jei nori, paruošiu tau vakarienę.

(to be) going to +_____ - netrukus vyksiantiems įvykiams, įrodymais pagrįstoms prognozėms ir ateities planams (forecasts and plans)
Hurry, the bus is going to leave in 5 minutes! Paskubėk, autobusas išvyks po penkių minučių
The weather presenter said it is going to rain tomorrow.
I'm going to move to a new flat next month.

(to be) +____ing - priimtiems sprendimams, nutarimams (arrangements), labai greitai netrukus vyksiantiems planams:
I'm not coming to you tonight. I'm having dinner at my parents'. Neateisiu pas tave šįvakar. Vakarieniausiu pas tėvus.
What are these tickets for? -It's for our holiday. We are staying in an Italian resort this summer. Kam šie bilietai? Mūsų atostogoms. Mes gyvensime Italijos kurorte šią vasarą

Kalbant apie planus - ar ateities, ar netrukus vykstantiems - galima vartoti bet kurią iš šių dviejų formų: (to be) going to +_____ arba (to be) going to +_____ :
What are these tickets for? It's for our holiday we are going to stay = we are staying in an Italian resort...

1. Please, do the homework from the workbook, unit 1, pages 7 to 9.

I'm sorry we didn't have time in the class to look at new words of personality (charakterio). Learn them at home, look for pronunciation on Google. We will check everything on Friday:
jealous - pavydus, reliable - patikimas; self-confident - savimi pasitikintis; selfish - egoistiškas; sensible - racionalus, spoilt - išlepintas; stubborn - užsispyręs.
Some opposites - kai kurios priešingos reikšmės:
trusting - patiklus; unconfident - nepasitikintis savimi; unreliable - nepatikimas; unsensible arba foolish - neracionalus, neprotingas; selfless - nesavanaudis; tough - užsigrūdinęs, kietas;
kind - unkind - malonus - nemalonus; lazy - hard-working arba energetic - tinginys - darbštuolis, energingas; mature - immature - subrendęs - nesubrendęs; organized - disorganized - tvarkingas - išsiblaškęs; sensitive - insensitive - jautrus - nejautrus, talkative - quiet, silent, untalkative - kalbus - tylus, nekalbus ; tidy-untidy - tvarkingas - netvarkingas

words from the text:
a tie - ryšys; a host - šeimininkas; shiny - spindintis; to pull up - sustoti šalikelėje; to support - remti, palaikyti; left alone - paliktas vienas.
a boarding school - mokykla su apgyvendinimu; gathering - susitikimas, susibūrimas; rivalry - rungtyniavimas, konkuravimas; aware of - žinantis, suvokiantis; no wonder - nieko stebėtino.

Listen to the couple's conversation and write on the Forum:

What is the main reason (priežastis) for Terry (the husband) to move in with his parents ?
Why doesn't Jane (the wife) want to live with her in-laws?

That's settled - nuspręsta
It'll get easier; It'll get better - bus lengviau; bus geriau
I suppose so - Manau (sutinku), kad taip

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 4 mėn. nuo Jurate.

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prieš 6 m. 4 mėn. #8167 nuo Simona
Simona replied the topic: Friday 2018/19
Vilma's and Arvydas' homework

Terry wants to live with his parents because he thinks they'll have more time to be together without their children. But Jane doesn't agree with his idea because she thinks they wouldn't have any privacy.
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prieš 6 m. 4 mėn. #8168 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Friday 2018/19
I totally agree with you, Simona! The husband wants his parents to look after his children sometimes and that's the main reason he wants to live with his parents. I suppose for his wife it is not very acceptable :)

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prieš 6 m. 4 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 4 mėn. #8174 nuo vaixinas
vaixinas replied the topic: Friday 2018/19
The main reason of Terry to move in with his parents is that they never have time for each other. They are always with the children..Terry would like to go out in the evenings without the their childrens.
Jane think that would be more people in the house and would be more work to do.Would not have any privacy.

The main reason of Terry to move in with his parents is that they never have time for each other. They are always with the children..Terry would like to go out in the evenings without the their childrens.
Jane thinks that there would be more people in the house and would be more work to do.They Would not have any privacy.

Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 4 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 6 m. 4 mėn. #8187 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Friday 2018/19
What to do for next Friday - October the twenty sixth?

Open the student book's page 11.

Exercise 6: Click on the vocabulary book. Learn personality words from the vocabulary.
Exercise 7: Listen, repeat and remember where the stress is (kur yra kirtis)
Exercise 8: Listen and write in your notebook:
What personality traits [traits] (bruožus) do children have depending on their birth order?
birth order -gimimo eilė ; to influence - įtakoti, an influence - įtaka; a character [karakte] -charakteris; the first born - pirmagimis; the prime minister - premjeras; to lose some attention -prarasti dėmesio; rejected - atstumtas; sociable - bendraujantis; to get on - gerai sutarti; sort out arguments/ problems- išspręsti ginčus, problemas; on the other hand - iš kitos pusės; on the positive side - iš teigiamos pusės; on the negative side - iš neigiamos pusės; to lack direction in life - trūkti krypties gyvenime; probably - galbūt; to break the rules - laužyti taisykles; they are giving everything - jiems viskas duodama; to be used -būti įpratusiam.

Write on the Forum:
Which child in the family are you?
Do you find that the book "Birth Order" is true for you? What isn't true?
Can you give a short description of your and your siblings (brolių ir seserų) personalities?

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prieš 6 m. 4 mėn. #8192 nuo Simona
Simona replied the topic: Friday 2018/19
Vilma's homework
I'm the first born. I think the book „Birth Order“ is true: our birth order influences our characters.
I have personal traits like all first borns: I'm responsible, sensible, patient, ambicious and anxious.
My brother is more rebellious, also he is charming, sociable.

Arvydas' homework
I'm the youngest child in my family. I agree with the information in the book „Birth Order“ but I think every character depends on the education in the family.
I'm very outgoing, charming, kind, self confident.
My brother is the first born. He is sociable, calm, responsible, sensible.
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prieš 6 m. 4 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 4 mėn. #8193 nuo Janina
Janina replied the topic: Friday 2018/19
I think about my siblings. What are they like?
The first- born child was sensible, responsible. This child behaved like a second mother.
The second-born child was sociable, friendly, reliable and often were not=was not at home.
The third-born child was charming, spoilt and jealous. This child sometimes was angry with others.
And the fourth- born child was wise, hard-working and independent. This child was very good at learning and perhaps most of all reached=succeeded most of all in life.
Which child in the family am I?

Wonderful ! :) reached netinka todėl, kad reiškia siekti fizine prasme - pvz., tiesti ranką; reikia vartoti succeeded - pasisekė, pasiekė
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prieš 6 m. 4 mėn. #8194 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Friday 2018/19
I guess you were the third -born child. Am I right? ;)
I think so, because you used the most of negative characteristics (apibūdinimų) when describing them.

I love your homework, Janina :kiss:

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
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prieš 6 m. 4 mėn. #8195 nuo Janina
Janina replied the topic: Friday 2018/19
It's only my opinion. Another person would describe them differently.
I'm the second-born child.
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prieš 6 m. 4 mėn. #8198 nuo vaixinas
vaixinas replied the topic: Friday 2018/19
I am the youngiest child in family.I have older brother.I think our personalities is diferent.
I am sensitive,sociable,anxious and outgoing.My brother is mature,self-confident and sensible.
What is written in this book "Birth Order" everything is true.I am absolutely agree,because it is discribe mine personality!

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prieš 6 m. 4 mėn. #8199 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Friday 2018/19
And I was the only child in my family. I don't have any siblings. I am surprised how much the characteristics in the book fit me (tinka man).
Like they say in the book about only children, I was good at school. That's because I got a lot of support from my Mom. I'm also self-confident and impulsive. For example, I do as I think is sensible to do without listening to others. I'm not affraid to tell my opinion out loud. I also like sorting out problems with others. I prefer to deal with difficulties on my own.
The only thing from the book that doesn't fit me is about being organized. I'm disorganized. Maybe because I was spoilt by my Mom and by my grandparents. I was always the baby child for them.

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)

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prieš 6 m. 4 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 4 mėn. #8217 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Friday 2018/19
Dear students,
Study pages 12 to 13 in your Student Book and come to the library on the second of November.
There's nothing to write on the forum this time.

For the 9th of November you have to read some stories (or one story) from the book "As The Inspector Said"
Take the book (download):
Take the audio to the first story:
Take the audio to the second story:
Take the audio to the third story:
Take the audio to the fourth story:
Take the audio to the fifth story:

Write on the Forum! Find the question about the story you have read and answer it:
1. In the second story the little girl and the police tried to catch two thieves with silver but what did they get at the end?
Some words from the second story:
to melt - lyditi; a salt-cellar - druskinė; fair hair - šviesūs plaukai; to whisper - šnabždėti; to wonder - stebėtis, svarstyti; a cloackroom - rūbinė

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
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prieš 6 m. 4 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 4 mėn. #8225 nuo Simona
Simona replied the topic: Friday 2018/19
Vilma's and Arvydas' homework

This story we read together. (=we read this story together)
At the end the police caught all the thieves. Mr Colegate got his silver back. It took many years for the girl's hair to grow long again.It never grew as long as before.
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prieš 6 m. 4 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 4 mėn. #8226 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Friday 2018/19
Well, your answer is not quite true ;) They got something more than the stolen silver and thieves! What was that?

2. In the third story, what ruined Mr. Thwaite 's plan to murder his colleague?
Some words from the third story:
blackmail - šantažas; to be blackmailed - būti šantažuojamam; powder - milteliai;
an overcoat = a coat - paltas; the hands of the watch - laikrodžio rodyklės; a hammer - plaktukas;
to be over - pasibaigti; freight - prekių krovinys; to take a punishement - prisiimti bausmę
either this or that -arba tas arba tas

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 4 mėn. nuo Jurate.

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prieš 6 m. 3 mėn. - prieš 6 m. 3 mėn. #8230 nuo Dew
Dew replied the topic: Friday 2018/19
hi :)
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