- Žinutės: 2813
- Reputacija: 9
- Gauta padėkų: 512
How to get from Jurate's home to Pasvalys library
I live in a block of flats (daugiabutyje) in Rutu street, opposite the police station. My home is near the town centre where Pasvalys library is. So I live very close to Pasvalys library - it takes only 5 minutes to get there from my home!
The best way to get to the library is to cross the square between my building and the police station. After this, please, go straight on, go past the police station building and cross Vilnius street. Then turn right, go past the shops and turn around the corner to Vytautas square and go straight on past the fountain. The library is next to the pizza bar and opposite the church.
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I live in a block of flats in Geliu street, next to "namu ukis" office.
My house is near the Pasvalys library about 15 minutes by foot arba of walking.
I cross Geliu street turn left to Vysniu street and go to the traffic lights to cross the street.
From the traffic lights I turn right and go straight down to the last corner of the building.
I Turn left and I'm at the library.
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My name's Jurate, I'm from Lithuania, I live in a small town of Pasvalys in the North of Lithuania and I work at a local library. I live in the centre of the town with my Mum and my cat. We have a flat, we also have an alotment outside the town. Pasvalys is a queit green town, there aren't many people. I love it here. In my free time I like cycling, working in our alotment and learning English. I really love listening to English audiobooks and radio programmes from the Internet. I think they are great to learn English.
What are you going to do this year? I'm going to practice my English more. I want to find someone in the UK to exchange letters in English with them. If you want, we can write to each other. I can tell you about Lithuania and you can thell me about the UK. What do you think of it? Please, write to me soon.
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