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- Reputacija: 23
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Jurate's wardrobe
I keep my clothes in two cupboards. There are so many clothes that there aren't much free room left (nėra likę daug laisvos vietos) ! I usually buy my clothes at the local second-hand clothes market. I visit there about twice a year. At work and at home I prefer to wear trousers with blouses and sweaters because this is very convenient and comfortable in any weather (bet kokiu oru) and inside or outside. If it is warm I can put on a sweater, if it is hot I can take the sweater off. I have three lovely dresses in my cupboard. Two dresses are black and one is brown. I also have two jackets of blue and brown colour. I don't wear dresses and jackets everyday to work, I put them on for special events at the library. I don't like to wear bright ([brait] - ryškus) colour clothes. I prefer dim (neryški) colour and many clothes in my wardrobe are brown, blue, grey or green. I like work uniforms. I think that bank employees or police officers look good in their uniforms. It is easy for people to see them fast. I would like to wear a uniform at work but my work uniform has to be trousers and not a skirt.
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Jurate's questions and answers about Easter
How many eggs did you eat at Easter? I had two eggs: one egg on Sunday and one egg on Monday.
What kind of eggs do you prefer? Do you like them runny [rani] (skystus) , soft boiled [sof boild] (minkštai virtus) or hard boiled [ha/r/d boild] (kietai virtus)?
I prefer my eggs runny or hard boiled. This Easter I had hard boiled eggs.
What did you do on Easter Monday? I spent a late morning in my bed at the computer and then I went for a walk and I had a good dinner with my mother (I hope so, because now, when I'm writing this, it is still Monday morning!)
Who came to your home to visit at Easter? No one visited us at Easter, we spent Easter holidays wery queitly and peacefully.
Which festival do you prefer: Easter or Christmas? I prefer Christmas because there is more hope and more magic in it. And the decorations at Christmas are so beautiful. Easter doesn't have so many decorations and people dont wait for Easter so much as for Christmas.
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