prieš 7 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 11 mėn. #6755 nuo saulutė
saulutė replied the topic: 2017 MONDAY
My favourite place at home is my bathroom! Every morning I go to my bathroom and prepare for my work. There are I take a shower, wash my hair with shampoo and do make-up. When I am tired I like relaxING (arba: to relax) in the bath.

My garden is my favourite place in Pasvalys. There are A lot of flowers and trees. I like sitTING on the grass and TO relax. It's wondeRful, because I can merge with nature. (or: 'I can feel one with nature")

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prieš 7 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 11 mėn. #6759 nuo Arunas
Arunas replied the topic: 2017 MONDAY
My favourite place at home is a THE / MY bedroom. Because I like to have a rest, I read the book, I browsingE the Internet with =ON the phone. I love my bed, which is in the bedroom. And in my city THERE IS a great place in Switzerland. It PEOPLE can take a walk, enjoy the fresh air, sit, work out in. I wish you all there to visit THERE.
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prieš 7 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 11 mėn. #6768 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: 2017 MONDAY
Dear Monday students,
This time we didn't take the new lesson from our Student's book.
Please, do the exercises on page 18 in Student's book:

And then, read about London from page fourteen to page twenty one

New words and phrases:
a tower [taue] - bokštas; tall - the tallest [to:l the to:lest] aukštas-aukščiausias; the top - viršūnė; a meat company [mi:t] - mėsos kompanija; a builder [bilde] - statybinininkas; to write in lights - parašyti šviesomis (t.y. sudėlioti užrašą iš šviečiančių lempų); the sky [skai] - dangus;
to destroy [distroi] - sugriauti, sunaikinti; the Great Fire [greit faje] - didysis gaisras; to break - broke [breik - brouk] sulūžti, sulūžo; a bell [bel] - varpas; the bell sounds [saundz] - varpas skamba, muša; a sound - garsas, skambesys;
to fight - fought [fait - fo:t] - kautis - kovėsi; a bird [biod] - paukštis;
to sell - sold [sel - sold] parduoti - pardavė; Egyptian [edžypšn] - egiptietis; to move to a new building [tiu mu:v tiu e nju: bilding] - persikelti į naują pastatą;
Petticoat Lane [petikout lein] - Apatinuko gatvė :silly: the street runs through [ranz thru:] gatvė eina per...; an eating place [i:ting pleis] vieta pavalgyti;
the Sutton Hoo treasure [satn hu: treža] Saton Hu kaimelio lobis; a fine treaure [fain treža] brangus, vertingas lobis; a thinker [thinke] - mąstytojas, filosofas; a dress [dres] - suknelė;
Heathrow [hy th rou] Hitrou aerouostas; Brussels [braselz] - Briuselis; the wrong time of day - netinkamas dienos metas; across [ekros] - per; to move across [mu:v ekros] - judėti per; an underground [andegraund] - požemis, požeminis traukinys (metro); the Tube [tju:b] - "Vamzdis" - Londono metro pavadinimas;
to feel ill [fyl il] pasijusti blogai; felt ill [felt il] - pasijuto blogai; Millenium [milenijum] - tūkstantmetis; to move [mu:v] judėti; the newest [nju: est] - naujausias; more work [mo: ue/r/k] daugiau darbo.

Write the answers on the Forum!

A.You can or can't? eat at the top of the Telecom Tower.
B. Big Ben is the name of a ? .
C. The tallest building in London is ?
D. The Queen of Britain goes shopping to ?
E. There are no ? on Millenium Bridge
F. What colour are London taxis? They are ?
G. The name of the person who made the first map for the Tube was ?
H. I want to visit ? in London (please, write the name of the place)

H. I would like to visit Covent Garden in London and to watch a street show! :cheer:

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
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prieš 7 m. 11 mėn. #6786 nuo Janina
Janina replied the topic: 2017 MONDAY
A. I can eat at the top of the Telecom Tower. There is a restaurant at the top.
B. Big Ben is the name of the bell inside St. Stephen's Tower.
C. The tallest building in London is Canada Tower.
D. The Queen of Britain goes shopping to an expensive shop which called Fortnum and Mason.
E. There is the Millenium Brige where many Londoners walk across it every day.
F. There are black taxis. The city is famous for its black taxis.
G. The name of the person who made the first map for the Tube was Henry Beck.
H. I would like to walk across the Millenium Brige because there aren't cars and I can see the city.
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prieš 7 m. 11 mėn. #6788 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: 2017 MONDAY
There are no grammar mistakes :) BUT A and E answers are wrong ;)

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)

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prieš 7 m. 11 mėn. #6795 nuo Romualda
Romualda replied the topic: 2017 MONDAY
A. You can eat at the top of the Telecom Tower. There is a restaurant.
B. Big Ben is the name of a bell inside St. Stephen's Tower.
C. The tallest building in London is Canada Tower.
D. The Queen of Britain goes shopping to Fortnum & Masson.
E. There are no cars and buses on the Millennium Bridge. Many Londoners walk across it every day.
F. What colour are London taxis? They are black.
G. The name of the person who made the first map for the Tube was Henry Beck.
H. I would like to visit Harrods shops, one of the most famous shops in London. But I would like most to visit Buckingham Palace and Hyde Park in London of course.
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prieš 7 m. 11 mėn. #6796 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: 2017 MONDAY
There are no grammar mistakes, but the answer A isn't correct. Is the restaurant open or closed today?

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)

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prieš 7 m. 11 mėn. #6801 nuo Palmira
Palmira replied the topic: 2017 MONDAY
A.You can't eat at the top of the Telecom Tower,because the restaurant closed in 1970.
B.Big Ben is the name of a bell inside St.Stephen's Tower.
C.The tallest building in London is Canada Tower.
D.The Queen of Britain goes shopping to Fortum and Masson.
E.There are no cars and buses on Millennium Bridge.
F.They are black.
G.The name of the person who made the first map for the Tube was Henry Beck.
H.I would like to visit Millennium Bridge and Buchinghan Palace in London.
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prieš 7 m. 11 mėn. #6802 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: 2017 MONDAY
Your answers are correct! Only Buckingham Palace - Bekinhemo rūmai. :cheer:

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prieš 7 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 11 mėn. #6814 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: 2017 MONDAY
Here is your homework for the 27th of March. Please, do it, OK? I'm really unhappy if you don't do your homework :(

Do 3A unit exercises on iTutor
Learn new words:
to give good advice [advais] - duoti gerų patarimų; an intercity train [inte/r/siti trein] - tarpmiestinis traukinys; to hoot [hu:t] - signalizuoti, pypsenti; patient [peišent] - kantrus; polite [poulait] - mandagus; to let pass [let pas] - leisti praeiti; praleisti; Boots the Chemist - the chain of chemist's shops in the UK (vaistinių tinklas D.Britanijoje); Starbucks [sta:baks] - the chain of coffee shops around the world (kavinių tinklas pasaulyje)

Do the exercises on pages 17 and 18 in the student's book.
Remember these words:
a costumer [kostiume] - klientas; a staff [stea:f] - personalas; to take back [ teik bea:k] - pasiimti atgal; to solve a problem [solv] - išspręsti problemą; to complain [komplein] - skųstis; the receipt [ risi:t ] - pirkinio čekis; a chain [čein] - tinklas, grandinė; old-fashionned [ould fašend] - senamadiškas; eating out - valgymas ne namie;

Don't forget to listen to exercise 5 on iChecker!
Some words from exercise 5: Hyde Park [haid pa:k]- a popular park in the centre of London; it is the biggest in the city.
plants and trees - [plea:nts and tryz] -augalai ir medžiai; good Korean food [kori: an] - geras korėjietiškas maistas; quite relaxed [kuait rilakst] - gana laisva (rami) aplinka;

And now, write on the forum:

1. What can you say about the weather (and nature?) in Lithuania? What do you like and don't like about it?
2. What shops or cafes or restaurants do you like or do you not like in Lithuania? Why?
3. Do you think Lithuanian people are friendly? Do you think Lithuanian drivers are nice? Are they polite with other drivers? Do they let pass pedestrians?

Jurate's opinion about Lithuania
1.The weather in Lithuania is nice when it isn't too hot and dry. I don't like it in summer, when the temperature rises over 30 degrees, because then I feel tired and it isn't nice to be outside in the sun. But I love Lithuanian spring and early autumn when it isn't too cold and the rain is warm. But I don't like when it rains in winter and there is no snow. It happens (nutinka) often in Lithuania now. I think it is because of global warming [uo/r/ming] (atšilimas)...

2. I like Maxima shops. They look clean and tidy. I always go there to buy food. I find everything I need and it isn't expensive. I sometimes find nice cheap clothes there. Also, I don't have to wait for long time at check-outs ([čekauts] - kasos), the line ([lain] eilė) moves fast.
i don't like eating out in Lithuania. I think food in Lithuanian restaurants and cafes is expensive and not very fresh or delicious. I prefer to cook and eat at home. I'm happy that I work and live in a small town and I have time to make my meals. I see lots of Lithuanian people eating their homemade food at work.
I don't like Lithuanian banks because they ask costumers to pay for all bank services when in the UK bank cards and ATMs are for free.

3. I think Lithuanians are polite but they aren't very friendly with strangers ([streindžez] svetimais). They like to keep distance (išlaikyti atstumą), they prefer to spend their time with their families. Lithuanian drivers are very polite and they usually let pass the pedestrains on the crossing. But some drivers don't stop if there aren't traffic lights, so pedestrians have to be careful.

So , what do you think of life in Lithuania? Write soon! ;)

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
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prieš 7 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 11 mėn. #6831 nuo Palmira
Palmira replied the topic: 2017 MONDAY
1.I think the weather in Lithuania is nice when we can watch the changing seasons and colors in nature. I love autumn because there is a lot of yellow.But I'm sad when it rains and there is a little sun.
2.I like Agis shop.Here I can find good and fresh food.I buy vegetables in IKI shop.I prefer to cook and eat at home.I think food in Lithuanian restaurants and cafes is expensive.But sometimes when I go to another city,I like with and my girlfriends or my daughter like to go to eat or drink coffee in a cafe or a restaurant.I like to taste good and more interesting dishes.
3.I think in Lithuania you can meet different people.There are good and fun people,but there are angry and who aren't friendly.Because there is bad policy,everything expensive or there is [color=]a[/color] little sun and missing=lack of vitamin D.The same I can say --->the same about drivers.

Wonderful! :)
little - mažai; People in Lithuania soetimes are angry, they are in a bad mood because there is little (mažai) sun.
a little - truputį...like in the popular Lithuanian song: a little sunshine, a little loving (truputį saulės, truputį meilės ir šiam pasaulį vėl gera bus)
missing - trūkstamas, tačiau trūkumas (daktavardis) - lack [lea:k]
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prieš 7 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 11 mėn. #6832 nuo Janina
Janina replied the topic: 2017 MONDAY
1. The weather in Lithuania is nice. I like the spring because nature is beautiful. Everywhere THERE are green trees, a lot of flowers, birds are singing. I like summer. In the summer the weather is warm. I can swim in the river. I can work in the kitchen-garden. The autumn is also beautiful. Tree leaves are red, yellow, brown. Birds are flying to warm countries. In my kitchen-gardenTHERE are vegetables, in the garden - fruits. It's great. The winter is white, wonderful. You can take photos and you can see why it is wonderful.
2. I usually go to Maxima's shops. Maybe I like these shops? I don't know. I shopping fast. I go to another shops too.
I like homemade food. I sometimes eat in a cafe. Then I think food in a cafe is delicious.
3. I usually meet friendly people. Drivers let pass pedestrians but pedestrians always have to be careful.

Well done! :) Just don't forget THERE (there is, there are = yra)
Maxima shops, a Maxima shop - 's usually goes with people names, but not with company names...('s paprastai būna su žmonių vardais, o ne su kompanijų pavadinaimais)
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prieš 7 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 11 mėn. #6842 nuo ginta
ginta replied the topic: 2017 MONDAY
1. The weather in Lithuania is different, but I like summer, because summer can be a=has more nature.But in the summer is very short. I don't like bad weather when it is
cold, wet, and windy.
2. I live near IKI the shops and there I often visited. In Lithuanian restaurants and cafes are=it is (yra) expensive, but sometimes I visit a cafe and drink coffee or juices and
order to eat.
3. I think drivers is=are different. I was spalshed with water many times.

Very good! :)
I agree with you! Drivers who splash water on pedestrians are very bad! I feel for you (užjaučiu jus) because it happened to me too! :)
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prieš 7 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 11 mėn. #6843 nuo Romualda
Romualda replied the topic: 2017 MONDAY
1. I think, that Lithuania is a very beautiful country. It has a lot of green forests and fields. A lot of cities are nice and tidy. But we have a little (mažai) sun, a lot of clouds in the sky and rain. I love winter, when it's snowing and I like summer, when the sun is shining.

2. I like the supermarkets (you speak in general - kalbate apskritai), here you can find everything. I make food at home. I don’t eat in a restaurants, I thingk, that food in Lithuanian restaurants is expensive. But there are in Vilnius city many cozy cafes and restaurants, where I would love to drink coffee and chat with friends in=at the weekend.

3. I think, that Lithuanian people are friendly, but they are sad, do not=there is no smile in=on their faces. Lithuanian drivers are very different. Some drivers are very polite. Other drivers are irresponsible, they are dangerous in the roads.

Great! :)
Lithuanians say "veiduose" but English speakers say "on faces" (ant veidų)
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prieš 7 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 11 mėn. #6844 nuo Little Angel
Little Angel replied the topic: 2017 MONDAY
My homework
1. The climate of the Lithuania is different and fine. Where’s=There are[/color warm and raininess=rainy summers and quite severe climate winters. Also there’s=are nice springs and autumns. I like warm weather in summer, then I can swimming and I like snowy winters, then I can to go skiing.
2. I live in a small town and where’s=there are only few alternative=different shops. I go to the near distance=nearby Maxima shop to buy food. I don’t like eating out, because the food in restaurants and cofeS is expensive. I make food at home.
3. I think Lithuanians people aren’t very friendly. They like to keep distance. The Lithuanians drivers a polite with=to other drivers and with=to pedestrains, then they to keep to rules of the road.

Nice! :)
Remember: alternative - netradicinis, naujoviškas
Lithuanians - lietuviai; arba Lithuanian people - lietuviai;
artima - nearby [niea: bai]
laikosi taisyklių - they keep to rules
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prieš 7 m. 11 mėn. #6845 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: 2017 MONDAY
Thank you everyone who wrote homework! I'm so glad and happy with you! You did very well :)

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)

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prieš 7 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 11 mėn. #6849 nuo Arunas
Arunas replied the topic: 2017 MONDAY
1. I like the Lithuanian weather because I like to be in nature, fishing, walking, running. The most = I mostly enjoy the summer time when the weather is warm.
2. We were in the restaurant "Beer Road '' on Friday. We are very pleased. We're going=go (paprastai einame?) to buy food in=at the AGI, there are fresh fish. To Buy vegetables go to the IKI, so that= because there's less price and=are fresh vegetables and for a lower price.
3. Lithuanians are not friendly compared with other countries. But so we are. There are a lot of bad drivers who are angry, rushing and beeps=hooting. But such are=is not everyone. I wish each all drivers to be=were (būtų) patient.
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prieš 7 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 11 mėn. #6861 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: 2017 MONDAY
Sorry guys for being SO VERY LATE this time. :blush:

THIS HOMEWORK IS FOR THE THIRD OF APRIL. I hope you have enough time to do it.
Don't forget to write about your attendance. It really matters to me :cheers:
to matter [me:te] - būti svarbu (tai man tikrai svarbu...)

Open unit 3B in iTutor and do the exercises in Grammar, in Vocabulary and in Pronunciation

Do the exercises on page 19 in the student's book

Read the end of the book about London

Words: down and out - be pinigų ir be pastogės; to fly over - skristi virš; to walk round - apeiti, apvaikščioti; to bring - atnešti, o šiame tekste - sutraukti, pritraukti.

Please, write on the Forum:

1.Write the answer to this question about London: What race [reis] (lenktynės) can you see in London in April?
2. Write very shortly about your job by answering (atsakydami) to the questionaire (page 22 in the student's book):
special qualifications [spešal kalifikeišns] - profesinis parengimas, to earn [io/r/n] - uždirbti ([io:] tarimą rasite šios pamokos iTutor)

Jurate's answers about her job:
I usually work inside. I spend hours in my office at the library, but I also go outside a few times a month and I walk round Pasvalys with invitations and posters
to library events (bibliotekos renginius)

I work regular working hours: 5 workdays a week from Monday to Friday and from 8 am to 5 pm with one hour for a lunch break. Sometimes when I'm late with a task, I work extra hours at home on my computer.

At my work, I spend a lot of hours at the computer. There are a lot of people around me: library staff, library visitors. I sometimes start to feel stressed and I start to dream about quiet time alone. Then I usually take a week off work to relax at home.

I don't make things at work, I do paperwork (dirbu su dokumentais) and I advertise. We don't wear uniforms at the library but we have to dress clean and tidy. At work I speak Lithuanian and English. Very rarely I have to use French and Russian. I don't drive, although (nors) I have a driving licence. I travelled for work in the past. I went on business trips to Spain, to Greece, to Germany and to Slovenia.

I don't have special qualifications for a job at the library. There is a new law in Lithuania that librarians who don't get qualifications in five years, must be fired (to be fired [fajed] - būti atleistam iš darbo). I still don't know what I'm going to do. I'm thinking at the moment... :silly:

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
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