Monday 2018/19

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prieš 6 m. 1 sav. - prieš 6 m. 1 sav. #8333 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Monday 2018/19
Hello again! Here are some words from the story about the Christmas travel:

0:38 min:
tinsel - blizgutis;
a steering wheel [stiering ui:l]- vairas;
a mistletoe [misl tou] - amalas
1:10 min:
an argument - ginčas
a sweetheart - širdelė (malonus kreipinys į žmogų)
a note [nout] - banknotas
1:35 min
change - grąža
Harminda pushed through the crowd - Harminda prasibrovė pro minią
cancelled - atšauktas
destination [destineišn] - atvykimo vieta
2:16 min:
fully booked - pilnai užsakyta
2:49 min
sympathetically - (kaip?) su užuojauta (sympathy angliškai yra užuojauta)
hire [haje] - išsinuomoti, pasisamdyti
3:24 min
You pushed in front of me - tu užlindai prieš mane
in her late twenties - bebaigianti antrą dešimtmetį savo metų
to inerupt - įsiterpti
4:00 min
We can share [še:] the driving and the cost - Galime pasidalinti vairavimą ir kainą
mad [me:d] - beprotis,-ė
4:46 min
angrily -piktai (angry - piktas)
reluctantly - nenoromis
5:02 min
he was sweating [sueting] - jis prakaitavo
waiving at the car - mojuodama mašinai
to be in trouble [trabl] - turėti problemų
obvious [obvijes] - akivaizdu
He even proposed [propouzd] - jis netgi pasipiršo
7:32 min
Have you never been in love? -Ar niekada nesi įsimylėjusi? (šį laiką - trečią esamąjį laiką anglų kalboje dar mokysimės)
engagement [engeidžment] - sužadėtuvės
At last - pagaliau
to slow down - sulėtinti greitį
to argue [argju] - ginčytis
all you falt [folt] -vis tavo kaltė
a traffic jam - eismo kamštis
eventually [enenčiuli] - pagaliau
a ferry terminal - kelto postas/terminalas
the security guard pointed [pointid] - apsauginis parodė pirštu
to sail away from the port - plaukti (tolyn) iš uosto
shut up [šat ap] - nutilk
a briefcase [bryfkeiz] - lagaminas dokumentams / diplomas (the case - lagaminas)
to pull from the car - traukti iš mašinos
Somebody has obviously forgotten it - Kažkas akivaizdžiai yra pamiršęs jį (trečias esamasis laikas, kurį dar mokysimės)
10:33 min
a sleepless [slyples] night - bemiegė naktis
a blanket - antklodė
11:12 min
locked [lokt] - užrakinta; a lock [lok] - spyna
she noticed [noutist] - ji pastebėjo
a clip - segtukas
no label [nou leibl] - nėra etiketės
13:28 min
my parents' caravan - mano tėvų kemperis/ namelis ant ratų
held / to hold - laikė / laikyti
Her cheeks [čyks] were wet with tears [tie/r/z] - jos skruostai buvo šlapi nuo ašarų
to survive [se/r/vaiv] - išgyventi
to nod / nodded [nod / nodid] - linktelti galva / linktelėjo
a dawn [do:n] -aušra; It was dawn - aušo , švito
an arranged [areinžd]marriage - vestuvės pagal susitarimą, ne iš meilės
They stood in silence for a while [e ua: il] - jos stovėjo tylėdamos kurį laiką
She touched her stomach [tačt ha stomak] - ji palietė savo pilvą
pregnant [pregnant] - nėščia
Harminda noticed [noutist] that Vanessa was looking over her shoulder [ šoulde] Herminda pastebėjo, kad Vanesa pasižiūrėdavo per savo petį
over the speed limit - virš greičio ribos (leistino greičio)
somebody is following [falauing] us - kažkas mus seka
a horn - mašinos signalas
a lorry - sunkvežimis
hard on the brake [breik] - stipriai ant stabdžio
the car seemed out of control - mašina atrodė netekusi be kontrolės (nevaldoma)
Someone screamed [skrymd] - kažkas suklykė
to crash into [kraš intiu] - atsitrenkti į
petrol - benzinas (Britanijoje; JAV - gas)
the lead role in a musical - pagrindinė (vedanti) rolė miuzikle
she gave it all up - ji viską metė; to give up - mesti, pasiduoti
anyway - vis tiek. bet kokiu atveju
the killing was related [releitid] to drug trafficking - nužudymas buvo susijęs su narkotikų prekyba
to stare [ste:] she was staring - žiūrėti įbedus akis, spoksoti; ji spoksojo
FAMILY MAN KILLED IN DRUGS SHOOTING - šeimos galva nužudytas susišaudyme dėl narkotikų
a headline - antraštė
desperate - primygtinis, primygtinai, atkaklus,-iai
she took a deep breath [breth] - ji giliai įkvėpė
a sari- saris, indiškas rūbas
You made your decision [desižn]- tu padarei/priėmei savo sprendimą
a trolley [troli] - vežimėlis
all her hopes of a happy reunion were gone - visos jos viltys dėl laimingo susitikimo išnyko
their hands were tied [tajed] - jų rankos buvo suraštos
she had to concentrate [konsentreit] - ji turėjo susikaupti
plain-clothes [plein klouthz]- be uniformų; civiliniais rūbais; the plain-clothes police - policininkai persirengę civiliais.
It seemed [symd] to take for ever to write a short message - atrodė užėmė amžinybę parašyti trumpą žinutę
Shauna pushed and he dropped the gun - Šona pastūmė ir jis išmetė ginklą
desperately - įnirtingai, atkakliai
Shauna held her breath ready for the crash - Šona sulaikė kvėpavimą, pasiruošusi susidūrimui
Their nightmare [naitmie] was over - jų košmaras pasibaigė
to escape [eskeip] - pabėgti
a gentle voice [džentl vois] - švelnus, mandagus balsas
plaster [plaste] - gipsas; in a plaster - gipso įtvare; sugipsuota(s)
the phone beeped [bypt] - telefonas supypsėjo
She looked up at the reflection [reflekšn] - ji pakėlė akis į atspindį
fake [feik] - netikras
to pull out - traukti lauk
careful not to alarm the gunman - atsargiai, kad nesuerzintų ginkluoto vyro
to raise [reiz] - iškelti
a powerful cick - galingas spyris
emergency services [emerdžensi] - nelaimės atvejų tarnyba
to reach [ryč] for the hand - siekti rankos

Can you answer my question?
There are three young women in this story who are going from Ireland to England for Christmas: Harminda, Vanessa and Shauna.

Which description (kuris apibūdinimas) is for Harminda? Which is for Vanessa? Which is for Shauna?

She quit a very good job because she wanted to stay with her boyfriend but he left her for another woman. Now she is going to London to get a new job.
She is engaged and she is going to London to get married on Christmas Eve
She is pregnant and she is going to London to tell the news to her parents.

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 1 sav. nuo Jurate.

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prieš 6 m. 1 diena - prieš 6 m. 1 diena #8346 nuo drugelis
drugelis replied the topic: Monday 2018/19
First description is for Vanessa.
Second description is for Shauna.
Third description is for Harminda.

Correct! :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 1 diena nuo Jurate.
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prieš 6 m. 1 diena - prieš 6 m. 1 diena #8347 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Monday 2018/19
Your homework for the 14th of January:
Read the first story about Sherlock Holmes called "The Speckled Band"

speckled [spekld] - dėmėta; a band - juosta
a servant - tarnas
to whistle [uisl] - whistled [uisld] - sušvilpti, sušvilpė
to mend / mended - taisyti, tvarkyti /sutaistė, sutvarkė
a bell-rope [bel roup] - skambučio virvelė
an air-vent [en e/r/vent] - ventiliacijos anga
shaking [šeiking] - virpantis, drebantis

Do the exercises from the workbook unit 8, pages 50 and a half of 51:

a robbery [roberi] - apiplėšimas

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 1 diena nuo Jurate.

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prieš 5 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 5 m. 11 mėn. #8356 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Monday 2018/19
Your homework for the 21 of January is:

Virtuvėje yra kėdžIŲ - There are SOME chairs in the kitchen
Tualete nėra tualetinio popieriaus - There aren't toilet paper in the toilet
Tualete nėra NEI KIEK tualetinio popieriaus - There aren't ANY toilet paper in the toilet.
Ar yra rankšluoščIŲ vonios kambaryje? Are there ANY / SOME towels in the bathroom?

Exercises from the workbook 8B pages 52-53
an advertisement [advio/r/tisment] - skelbimas, reklama
local -[ lokal] - vietinis ; a local [lokal] - vietinis žmogus
horrible - siaubinga
a couch [kAuč] - sofa
a coach [kaUč] - treneris, ekspres-autobusas

Write on the Forum about your dream house or your dream appartment :)

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
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prieš 5 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 5 m. 11 mėn. #8366 nuo Vilma
Vilma replied the topic: Monday 2018/19
I live in a house .It is an old house ,but not big.There are three rooms. On the first floor there is a big kitchen,a living room and a bathroom. There is a big and large staircase .On the second floor there is a bedroom and my child's room. In this house there is a large balcony,There aren't lot of carpet and furniture. There is central heading=t..My house is comfortable it has a summer terrace. I love it.

Yay! :)
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prieš 5 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 5 m. 11 mėn. #8367 nuo briediene
briediene replied the topic: Monday 2018/19
I have always dreamed of having a cosy house with a lake view.
I want my dream home to have a large family room on the main floor,
open concept kitchen and plenty of windows to let in as much sun light as possible.
My dream house would also have a master bedroom, large bathroom
on the second =first floor.
There also should be a special bedroom for my grand kids to stay.
I would like my dream house to be beautifully furnished and have some modern
art work on the walls.
But the most important thing that would make any house a dream house form me is the
laughter of my beloved family and friends.

Wow! Nina, the end of your comment made me teary [tieri] (ašaringa) :kiss:
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 5 m. 11 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 5 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 5 m. 11 mėn. #8368 nuo drugelis
drugelis replied the topic: Monday 2018/19
My house.
This is a one floor=single storey house. There are six rooms: the living room, two children rooms, our bedroom, the kitchen and dressing room.
There are=is a big sofa, the=a table, the=a section=built-in in the living room. Also there is a picture of nature on the wall next to the window.
Talking about children's rooms there are desks, chairs, sofas, wardrobes and a rugs on the floor.
Our bedroom. There are=is a double bed, TV on the coomode=chest of drawers [čest of droz] and there's a modern picture on the wall.
Next to the living room there is the=a kitchen. There are=is a fridge, kitchen unit, the =a table with four chairs, a sink, a cooker and two shelves on the wall.
Next to the kitchen there is a bathroom and a toilet. There are =is a mirror, a cupboard, a shower, a toilet and a washing mashine.
There are a lot of shelves in the dressing room.
Our house has a lot of plants in the rooms.

Wonderful! I love your comment, it is very good. The mistakes are just for the better learning :)
There is ar There are? Jei pirma eina vienaskaita - vartoti There is (There is a table and 4 chairs) ; jei pirma eina daugiskaita - vartoti There are (There are 4 chairs and a table)
A ar THE? po There is/ There are visada vartoti A (jei daugiskaita - nieko)
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prieš 5 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 5 m. 11 mėn. #8372 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Monday 2018/19
Thank you, guys, for your comments!
I'm sorry I didn't write about my dream residence.
Do you know the small yellow cabin [kebin] (trobelė) by the river Lėvuo on the way to the elementary school "Lėvuo"? This cabin is not far away from the main town bridge. It is empty, no one lives there at the moment. It doesn't have any utilities [jutilitiz] (patogumai)
If I was rich, I would buy this house, I would renovate it, I would install all the utilities and it would be my dream house :)
In my dream house:
There's a kitchen and a living / dining room on the ground floor
There's a study on the first floor or an attic. Of course, the attic has large roof windows and a fireplace.
On the ground floor there' s also a workshop (dirbtuvės) to fix or to make anything and a gym (sporto kambarys) for me to exercise :)

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
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prieš 5 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 5 m. 11 mėn. #8373 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Monday 2018/19
Please listen to the story :

Please do the exercises from the workbook Unit 8C on pages 54 and 55
Words from page 55:
a venue [venju] - vieta koncertams, masiniams renginiams
they have seen [si: n] ghosts - jie yra matę vaiduoklių
hundreds of soldiers marching [ma/r/čing ] - šimtai kareivių žygiuojančių
... passed through the grounds of Maesmawr Hall - ėjo per Masmoro pilies patalpas...
a housekeeper - namo prižiūrėtojas, ūkvedys
evil [i:vil] - nedoras, šėtoniškas
the woods [vuds] - miškas
into the shape [šeip] of bull - į jaučio pavidalą
Most Haunted - Labiausiai apsėsti
lots of strange activity - daug keistos veiklos/ dalykų
banging noises - daužymo garsai

Words from page 54:
ghosts [gousts] -vaiduokliai
guests [gests] - svečiai
a priest [pri:st] - kunigas
frightened [fraitend] - įbaugintas
brave [breiv] - drąsus
haunted [hauntid] - apsėstas; ten, kur vaidenas
a remote control [rimout kontrol] - nuotolinio valdymo pultelis
remote [rimout] - atokus, atskirtas nuo pasaulio

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prieš 5 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 5 m. 11 mėn. #8382 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Monday 2018/19
What to do for the fourth of February?
Do these exercises:

Listen to the audios and write on the Forum!
What did the robbers (vagys, plėšikai) look like? How much money did they take

Listen and find out;
Which speaker's parents' house doesn't have central heating?

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
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prieš 5 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 5 m. 11 mėn. #8391 nuo drugelis
drugelis replied the topic: Monday 2018/19
One robber is tall and blond with the moustache, his=he's about 30 years old.
The Other men is short with dark hair, his=he'sabout 18 years old.

They took 50 pounds.

Speaker's number 3.

You understood everthing! :cheer:
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prieš 5 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 5 m. 11 mėn. #8392 nuo briediene
briediene replied the topic: Monday 2018/19
Two mens (a man - men) came to this house.
They said that they are from the water kompany=c,but exactly=really they were robbers.
The first robber was tall and blond,he was about 30 years old.
The next robber was a short men=man with dark hair,he was about 18
The women=a thinks that they took about 50 pounds.

Yes, you understood it well :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 5 m. 11 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 5 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 5 m. 11 mėn. #8393 nuo studentė
studentė replied the topic: Monday 2018/19
A. One was most tall and blond with the moustache about thirty years old.And the younger was quite short with dark hair.He was eighteen.
The women thinks robbers take = took about 50 pounds.
B. The third speaker's parent's house doesn't have central heating.
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 5 m. 11 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 5 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 5 m. 11 mėn. #8394 nuo aina
aina replied the topic: Monday 2018/19
The first robber was tall and blond with the mustache, about 30 years old.
The other was with short dark hair about 18 years.
The robbers of the woman took about 50 pounds.
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 5 m. 11 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 5 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 5 m. 11 mėn. #8395 nuo fox
fox replied the topic: Monday 2018/19
One robber was tall and blond, with a moustache. He was about 30 years old. The other robber was quite short, with dark hair. He was about 18 years old.
The robbers took about 50 pounds.

The third speaker's parent's=ts' house doesn't have a central heating system.
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prieš 5 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 5 m. 11 mėn. #8397 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Monday 2018/19
We are going to talk about food . Your food and food in Britain:

roast [roust]:
roast dinner , Sunday roast- kepsnys su bulvėmis , daržovėmis ir Jorkšyro pudingu iš orkaitės; dažnai gaminamas šeimoje sekmadieniais.

DĖMESIO: Spoileris! [ Spustelėkite, kad išplėsti ]

Learn the new words: go to Student Book and down to -->Vocabulary Bank --> page 163
I learnt: new potatoes - šviežios bulvės! :)

Write on the Forum:
What food did you buy the last time you went shopping? What did you eat yesterday?

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
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prieš 5 m. 10 mėn. - prieš 5 m. 10 mėn. #8410 nuo briediene
briediene replied the topic: Monday 2018/19
Usually I had=have (nes usually) a cup of coffee and a pies of toast (o gal pancakes?) for breakfast
For lunch I had a bowl of sup and a salmon with vegetables. (a nereikia, nes reiškia vieną lašišą)
For dinner I had brown rice with tomatoes and mushrooms.
I went shopping for food the last Sunday.
I bought a bread,butter,cheese,milk,ham,rise,fruit,potatoes and some sweets.

Nice! :)
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prieš 5 m. 10 mėn. - prieš 5 m. 10 mėn. #8413 nuo studentė
studentė replied the topic: Monday 2018/19
The last time when I went shopping I bought one packet of butter, one kilogram of bananas and one bottle of milk.
Yesterday for breakfast I ate(=had; nes tinka ir gėrimams ir maistui) a cafe-coffee with a brooch with hole-bagel [beigl] and with some butter . For lunch I made a Thai soup with vegetables, shrimps and a coconuts milk. I love her=it (nes ne žmogus).
And in the evening I ate a yogurt with lots of fruit : mandarins, apples and bananas.
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 5 m. 10 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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