Yes, you are correct about Daniel - he works together with Bridget. But he isn't her colleagues, he is her manager - her boss.
Yes, Bridget likes him, she thinks Daniel is very attractive. But she is angry with him, because Daniel wants to sleep with her but doesn't want a relationship. She says that his behaviour [bi:hei vi ja] (elgesys) is rubbish.
Bridget says that Valentine's day is a silly commercial celebration, because she is lonely and doesn't have a boyfriend.
We in Lithuania don't celebrate Valentine's day a lot, but we celebrate Pancakes Day or Shrove [šrouv] Tuesday!
Shrove Tuesday=Pancakes Day - Užgavėnės
prieš 5 m. 10 mėn. - prieš 5 m. 9 mėn.#8465nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Monday 2018/19
We will meet on the 18th of March Have a happy holiday of the 11th of March! It is Lithuanian Independence Day and a day off!"A day off"means that we don't go to work
Please write about your Shrove Tuesday or Pancake Day. 1. Did you or someone in your family make pancakes for Pancake Day?
2. Write your pancakes recipe!
a recipe [resipi] - receptas What ingredients did you use to make batter? What amount did you use? batter [ba: te] skysta tešla, an amount [amount] kiekis, a bowl [boul] , a spatula [spačiula], a pinch [pinč] žiupsnis, a tablespoon [teiblspun] - šaukštas; to pour [pua] įpilti, to add [ad] - pridėti; thin - plonas; flour [flaue] miltai, yeast [ji:st] mielės; 3. Did you have any toppings for your pancakes?
4. What pancakes and what toppings are your favourite?
5. How many people were your pancakes for?
You can listen to a young boy called Zack who lives in England and likes to celebrate Pancake Tuesday!
a special day [spešal] -ypatinga diena; an apron [eipron] - prijuostė; to use up [juz ap] sunaudoti: to whisk - plakti; to get stuck [get stak] - sulipti; a cooker [kuke] viryklė; a mixture [miksče] - mišinys, tešla; to flip over [flip ouve] - apversti; to toss [tos] sviesti; gone [gan] - nebėra; to fall flat on the floor [fol flet on the flo] - išsiploti ant grindų; flat - suplotas, subliuškęs, plokščias
prieš 5 m. 9 mėn. - prieš 5 m. 9 mėn.#8483nuo briediene
briediene replied the topic: Monday 2018/19
I like Pancake Day.
It is very fun to celebrate .I always made =k pancakes for Pancake Day.
I have many recipes for pancakes and I like to tray different ideas.
I would like to sher my favourite recipe. In a big bowl pour buttermilk
add 1 teespoon of baking powder,a pinch of salt,3-4 tablespoons of sugar,
2 eggs,2-3 tablespoons of butter and flour.Let it set for 20 minutes
and start making.Pancakes will be fluffy and delicious.
Serve with whipped cream and fresh berries or maple syrup.Enjoy.
Wow! What a good recipe. I will definitely try it!
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 5 m. 9 mėn. nuo Jurate.
prieš 5 m. 9 mėn. - prieš 5 m. 9 mėn.#8485nuo drugelis
drugelis replied the topic: Monday 2018/19
My family likes Pancake Day, because I really very rarely made=k pancakes.
I don't have a special or strange=extraordinary recipe for pancakes.
My toppings is on pancakes comes from=is made of creamy cottage cheese. I made=kit from curd, sugar, sour cream and cocoa.
For my family it is very delicious.
I love curd filling too. Only I don't add cocoa. I eat pancakes with curd filling in the summer, I have them with fresh strawberries.
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 5 m. 9 mėn. nuo Jurate.
prieš 5 m. 9 mėn. - prieš 5 m. 9 mėn.#8486nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Monday 2018/19
For the 25th of March, please do all the exercises from the Workbook pages 60 and 61.
For the Exercise 1, remember: y=i: easy-easier (lengvas-lengvesnis) priebalsis+balsis+priebalsis= paskutinis priebalsis sudvigubėja:
For Exercise 2, use audio:
a brain [brein] - vienos smegenys; a mammal [memal] - žinduolis; an area [erea] - zona, patalpa; arealas; injured [in žerd] - sužeistas; an argument [argiu ment] - ginčas;
whereas [ue re as] - tuo tarpu, kai...
approximately [aproksimeitli] -apytiksliai; a contestant [kontestant] - konkurso, varžybų dalyvis; a competition [kompetišn] - varžybos; a prize [praiz] - prizas; a population [popiuleišn] - gyventojai
For Exercise 5, open the script (atsidarykite subtitrus)
prieš 5 m. 9 mėn. - prieš 5 m. 9 mėn.#8492nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Monday 2018/19
Here is what to do for the first of April:
Watch the videos "Invitation to dinner" again and remember the words:
Hang on! - Palauk.
I would like to take you out - Norėčiau tave kur nors nusivesti.
tonight, last night - šįvakar, praėjusį vakarą
Come this way please - Prašom eiti čia.
Go out for dinner - išeiti pavakarieniauti
to see a movie - eiti į kiną ( namuose būtų "to watch a movie)
I have to take this, sorry - Turiu atsiliepti, atsiprašau
a quick call - trumpas pokalbis telefonu
Please do the exercises from Workbook unit 9 page 62:
Beverages [beveradžis]=drinks=gėrimai
Set Menu [set] - asmeniškai sudarytas meniu (to set - nustatyti, sureguliuoti, sudėlioti...)
the board [bord] - pagrindinis prekystalis
I don't know what meals people have in our country. I can describe our family meals.
In workdays for breakfast we have eggs, dumplings, sausages, steaks or cutlets with vegetables and potatoes.
For lunch we also eat meat.
For dinner we have sandwiches or a soup.
Tea and coffee is popular in our country. I like "cepelinai"- our national food.
For food people shop in shopping centers or markets. In our town people rarely eat in restaurants cause there are no restaurants in Pasvalys.
We usuaiiy have 3 meals a day.
My famely also have 3 meals a day and snaks.
My brekfast is erly about 7.30 and it is laght.
I usually have a cap of coffee and toust for butter and dzem.
About 10I have a snak.
For lunch 3 day on weekI have a meat and more vegetables.
Dinner also is laght.
In my country people to prefer grilled or roast pork.
Lithuanian people fink that the best beer in the world is Lithuanian beer
I to prefer drink a coffee.tea,still water.At the weekend sometimes I like drink a glass of wine.
Oftener I shopping for food in supper store and sometimes in markets.
In restaurants piople don,t eat often I fink it is expensive.
prieš 5 m. 9 mėn. - prieš 5 m. 9 mėn.#8502nuo drugelis
drugelis replied the topic: Monday 2018/19
People in our country usually have 3 meals a day. They have their meals in the morning, afternoon and in the evening.
For breakfast people usually have sandwitches and coffee or tea. For lunch they have all kinds of soups and one hot meal=main course arba main dish. For dinner people in Lithuania usually have light meals or nothing at all. It's a new trend to not take meals after 6 pm.
In our country it is popular to eat honey and drink Lithuanian beer.
People in Lithuania usually buys food at the market or at the store.
People often eat at their home but now more and more tries=try(nes dgs.) to go outside for a meal.
Wow, it's very good, very English
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 5 m. 9 mėn. nuo Jurate.
prieš 5 m. 9 mėn. - prieš 5 m. 9 mėn.#8503nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Monday 2018/19
In the class of the first of April we had a listen about a magazine food quiz.
You can listen to it at home one more time: Click "CC" button in the videos and you will see the subtitles.
We also listened about a friends' party meal.
Listen to it again:
Listen to Bridget Jones Dairy where she tries to make a birthday meal for her friends
Start listening from 39min 19 sec.: Monday, the 6th of March
Finish listening at 57 min 30 sec.
You don't have to write anythinh on the Forum this time!
We are going to discuss Bridget Jones Dairy in class. See you!
Dear students, Please, don't come on the 15th of April: the library will be closed and everyone will be at Pasvalys Culture Centre [kolče sente] , at the culture awards ceremony "Skruzdės"
See you after Easter, on the 29th of April. Don't forget to do the exercises.
Come to the Forum a little bit later, I will give you an easy task to write on the Forum
prieš 5 m. 8 mėn. - prieš 5 m. 8 mėn.#8516nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Monday 2018/19
Here's your homework for the 6th of May (long time no meet! ):
Your homework for the 15th of April: 1
The exercises from the workbook, unit 10A , pages 63-64 (don't do the reading, exercise 5) Do the Listening exercise! It is very important to listen to a lot of English!
Watch the video about Easter
Script/ Tekstas:
Hello, I'm Toby and this is my friend Tia!
And we're getting all ready for Easter Sunday tomorrow. (Velykų sekmadienis)
Easter Sunday is a time when Christians [kriščans] - krikščionys) celebrate Jesus coming back to life.
There are lots of things to remind us of this [rimaind] (priminti mums apie tai) because it is spring.
A new life is all around us. Now we're going to do something really exciting, we're going to see baby animals on our friends farm. My brother Henry is coming too.
These little chicks have just been born (ką tik gimė) and we're allowed [alaud] (mums leidžiama) to hold (laikyti rankose) them.
I've got a black one.
- Oh , lovely, isn't it? (ar ne?)
it's a goldy color and he's very very soft and warm.
Mine is trying to get away! (Maniškis stengiasi pasprukti!)
Mine is having a rest (Maniškis ilsisi...)
Here's an egg that hasn't hatched [hetčt] (ne-išsirito)
Anyone wants to have a look? (Ar kas nors nori pažiūrėti?)
Chicks have hatched of eggs like this one. (vištos išsirito iš kiaušinių tokių, kaip šitas)
And eggs are really important for Easter
Tomorrow it is Easter Sunday and we've got lots to prepare! (Mes turime daug ką pasiruošti!)
We need to pick loads of flowers for church tomorrow (pririnkti krūvas (daug) gėlių) ecause we're going to make somethingreally beautiful with them. So I better get picking! (Taigi, aš verčiau eisiu skinti!) I've picked lots of baby flowers! (Aš priskyniau daug gėlyčių!) There are loads [loudz] here! (Jų čia yra krūvos!=daug!)
Look at all these!
Look how long this daffodil is! (narcizas)
It's time to say goodbye to Tia until tomorrow!
-Bye, Tia!
-Bye, Toby!
-Bye! I've been asked to do a very special job now. (Aš buvau paprašytas)
Mummy is taking me to meet a lady called Liz at the church...
This is where we will be celebrating Easter tomorrow.
There's Liz, Mummy!
She's making an Easter garden.
This tiny (mažytis) garden reminds us of when Jesus died on the cross and how his body was placed in a tomb [tu:m] (kapas)in a garden.
-Now, what do you think of the Easter garden?
This stone is in the wrong place! (netinkamoje vietoje)
It needs to go here.
We don't know exactly what the garden looks like
But it probably had plants and trees in it
...And lots of Sun because it was very hot!
Lots of people will come to look at this tomorrow (pasižiūrėti į šitai)
.... and remember the story of when Jesus came back to life.
Me and Daddy (tėtis)
are about to make chocolate Easter nests
...and my brother Henry is helping too .
-OK, boys let's crunch up [kranč sp] (sutrupinkime) the cornflakes [kornfleiks[ (kukurūzų dribsnius)!
-Okay, and now we're gonnapour [puo:] (supilsime) it in here...
Now, Toby, help us to stir [stio] (maišyti) it
It looks really yummy [jami] (gardu)!
I want to eat it all up! (suvalgyti viską!)
And now we need to get some spoons...
... to spoon them (kad supilti juos) into their own individualcases (į atskiras formeles)
Let's get a spoonful and put it in the case (į formelę)
That's one for you Toby!
Now we are making them into little nest shapes (Dabar mes darome iš jų lizdų formeles)
... and then putting some chocolate eggs inside (įdedame keletą šokoladoinių kiaušinių į vidų).
I'm going to give one to Tia tomorrow!
Because she loves chocolate and chicks (vištos, vištaitės, viščiukai)
Now we have to put the chicks on the nest! (lizdas)
Now for the best part: (geriausia dalis) licking the spoonson the ball clean! (nulaižymas šaukštų, kol samtelis švarus!)
The taste is lovely!
We could eat lots of more chocolate tomorrow!
It's going to be really fun !
BYE! 3
Please write on the Forum: Did you go to church at Easter?
Did you have any guests at your home for Easter?
Did you have any chocolate eggs?
Did you make Easter nests? (a nest [nest] - lizdas)
<em>Have a blessed Easter!
</em> (blessed [blest] - palaimintas)
See you in May the 6th
Jurate about Easter:
I didn't go to church at Easter, because I very raerly go to church. But I believe in God and I said a prayer [preje ] (maldą) at home. My mum went to church . She did it for us both
We ate chickens eggs at Easter. We didn't have chocolate eggs, but we had chocolate bunnies [baniz] (kiškučius) and chocolate coins [koinz] (monetas). It was an Easter present from a friend.
We never make an Easter nest for Easter. But this year I bought a decorative plate for Easter eggs with special cases [keizis] (skyreliais, formelėmis) in it. We put this plate with Easter eggs on the table and it looked like an Easter nest!
prieš 5 m. 8 mėn. - prieš 5 m. 8 mėn.#8524nuo briediene
briediene replied the topic: Monday 2018/19
I like Easter,it is spring and life begins anew.
I believe in God.
I'm happy because I can celebrate Ester 2 times.
First time catholic and in a week orthodox Easter.
I always paint eggs and bake kulic/cakes/
I will definitely decorate the table.
Wow! That is awesome to live by two traditions
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 5 m. 8 mėn. nuo Jurate.
prieš 5 m. 8 mėn. - prieš 5 m. 8 mėn.#8525nuo drugelis
drugelis replied the topic: Monday 2018/19
I always go to church at Easter every years and my mum and son too.
At Easter we always go to our parents,but this year my mother and my husband's parents were home to us=at ours'.Our family ate a lot of eggs at Easter day, so we paint a lot of eggs.
I like to paint eggs.
We always have chocolate eggs, because we give them to our children.
When our children were small, they always did a nest for Easter eggs and gifts.
Nice! Thank you at ours- pas mus (jau būti ten); to us - pas mus (ta prasme, kad dar ne vietoje: "Ateik pas mus)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 5 m. 8 mėn. nuo Jurate.
I went to church at Easter morning.
I didn't have any guests at our home for Easter.
I didn't have any chocolate eggs, I had chocolates.
I didn't make Easter nests, my daughter made the Easter nests.
For the 13th of May do the exercises fromthe workbook file 10, pages 65 to 66
Some words: accommodation [akomoeišn] - apgyvendinimas; to take - (kita reikšmė) - nusivesti, pasiimti ką nors su savimi; to show round, to show around - aprodyti; to create a profile [profail], to create an account[akaunt] - susikurti internetinę paskyrą; Kind regards - (pasirašant laišką) Pagarbiai
It is the most important to do the listening exercise!
Here is your homework forthe 20th of May Exercises from the Workbook File 10, pages 67 and 68: Remember the words:
a fortune teller[ forčiun tele] - būrėja(s); to predict [predikt] - pranašauti ; to move house - persikelti į kitus namus; to turn over [ouve] - apversti; face down/up - gera puse į apačia/ į viršų;
Love can't save you from your own fate [oun feit] Meilė negali tavęs išgelbti nuo tavo paties (pačios) lemties.