- Žinutės: 2813
- Reputacija: 9
- Gauta padėkų: 512
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On All Saints' Day I worked until lunchtime. After lunch me and my family visited a cemetery_. We visited _ six cemeteries,
there are the places of the eternal rest (Amžino poilsio vietos?) of my family members. On the graves we put candles and left the flowers.
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Can Can't - visiems asmenims vienodas;
Can you? Can't you? - klausime sukeičiamas vietomis veiksnys su tariniu;
Po can ir can't nevartojama bendraties dalelytė 'to' (to sing - dainuoti; I can sing - aš galiu dainuoti)
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I went to visit my father's, grandfather's, grandmother's, brother's grave in Kėdainiai and the auntie's grave in Panevėžys on All Saint's Day. Also I left flowers and lit candles on all my relatives' graves. I didn't go to church on Tursday. On Saturday I went to church, because it was one month when my beloved auntie died. I and all my family are very upset now.
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... I can balance the books really well, because I'm an accountant. I can read in English, but I can speak _ English a little bit. I can't travel in the jungle, because I'm afraid of snakes.
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I love shopping online because it is convenient [kanvi:niant] (patogu ta prasme, kad praktiška. Comfortable yra ta prasme, kad švelnu, jauku, malonu jausti kalbant apie pavienius daiktus.) I need only a computer with the internet. .....and buy a product cheaper. ....
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