Wednesday 18/19

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prieš 6 m. 2 sav. - prieš 6 m. 1 sav. #8323 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Wednesday 18/19
Dear Wednesday students,
Happy Christmas and New Year 2019!
We will meet at the library after the holidays, on the 2 of January.

At home you can watch the videos from our last meeting.
It is about Christmas fan Andy Park who lives in the UK

Merry Christmas! My name's Andy Park, better known as 'Mr Christmas', because I celebrate Christmas every single day! Ha ha!
I write myself a Christmas card every single day.
I like to wrap (suvynioti) myself a present every day. I put it under the tree and I open it next morning.
Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without the Queen's Speech. (karalienės kalba) So I watch the Queen's Speech every single day at 3 o'clock.
I eat Christmas dinner every single day - I love it.
That's turkey, sprouts (Briuselio kopūstai), (I love my Brussels sprouts), roast (orkaitėje keptos) potatoes (do you know what, it's rather nice anyway), broccoli, carrots (it's all lush (riebiame padaže) ), thick gravy (tirštas mėsos sulčių padažas), stuffing balls(kukuliai iš įdaro) - I love my Christmas dinner.
After my Christmas dinner, I just sit down, relax, probably (galbūt) have a mince pie (kalėdinis keksiukas su džemu), a glass of sherry and pull (traukti, o šiuo atveju - perplėšti stipriai traukiant) a cracker (Kalėdų pliauškynė), or a party popper (konfeti) - you never know.
I celebrate Christmas every single day (kiekvieną mielą dieną), and I'll tell you what, I never get sick and tired (pažodžiui - nesusergu ir nepavargstu; reiškia - niekada nenusibosta) of it.

I love Christmas, but eating a Christmas dinner like I just have is not all that healthy. (sveika)
I asked my doctor. She said:
"Andy, your diet (dieta, mitybos režimas) is not very healthy. You're overweight (storas -mandagiai) and this can cause (sukelti) problems. You need some advice (patarimų).
"The good news is you don't have to stop celebrating Christmas every day. But you must stop eating so much. You don't have to have a roast turkey: you could have something else.
"And in general (apskritai), you mustn't eat so much fatty (riebaus) food. You have to take some exercise (padaryti šiek tiek mankštos). Try (pabandyk) running, swimming… anything like that." (bet ką panašaus)
Because of all that, this is the new me: looking good, feeling good (atrodantis gerai, besijaučiantis gerai). Merry Christmas!

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prieš 6 m. 1 sav. - prieš 6 m. 1 sav. #8330 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Wednesday 18/19
Check how well you remember new words - translate to English:
Pasitikrinkite , kaip gerai prisimenate naujus žodžius - išverskite į anglų kalbą:
Man labai patinka švęsti Kalėdas
Aš turiu suvynioti dovanas ir padėti po eglute.
Aš privalau valgyti sveiką maistą
Lietuviai nevalgo Briuselio kopūstų per Kalėdas.
Riebus maistas yra gerai šaltą žiemą.
Aš jaučiuosi gerai.
Tu atrodai gerai.
Kalėdų senelis yra storas, nes nedaro mankštos.

Check your translation - click here:
Pasitikrinkite savo vertimą - paspauskite čia:
DĖMESIO: Spoileris! [ Spustelėkite, kad išplėsti ]

See you on the second of January! (01 02)

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 1 sav. nuo Jurate.

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prieš 6 m. 1 sav. - prieš 6 m. 1 sav. #8338 nuo Fate
Fate replied the topic: Wednesday 18/19
i love to celebrate Chrstmas. I - aš - visada iš didžiosios I
i have to wrap presents and put it under Christmas. I
I mast eat healthy food. must
Lithuanians dazint eat sprauts. =don't
fatty food is good in the winter.
I am feeling good
You look good.
Santa klaus is overweight,because dont do exercise. = Claus; he doesn't
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prieš 6 m. 6 d. - prieš 6 m. 6 d. #8342 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Wednesday 18/19
Here is what to do for the next time - for the ninth [nainth] of January [dže: nju eri, dže: nju ri]:

Listen and read the story about Julie

The book to download:

Page 1:
Julie looked bored - Džiuli atrodė nuobodžiaujanti
She feels ill - ji jaučiasi blogai (ill [il] - sergantis, blogos sveikatos)
She nearly had and accident once - Kartą ji vos išvengė avarijos
in the carriage [keridž] - traukinio vagone, kupė
Page 2:
They wanted to be noisy and run up and down - Jie norėjo triukšmauti ir bėgioti pirmyn ir atgal
the back page - paskutinis lapas
Page 3
over the top of the newspaper - pro laikraščio viršų
people got on and got off - žmonės įlipinėjo ir išlipinėjo
he makes a lot of money - Jis užsidirba daug pinigų
angry - piktas;-a
she watched the hills [hilz] - Ji žiūrėjo į kalvas
a guard [gard] - prižiūrėtojas; sargas
Now then, he said... - Nagi, pasakė jis...
Twenty minutes late by [bai] my watch - 20 min vėluoja pagal mano laikrodį
Page 4:
more quickly [kuik-li] - dar greičiau
boring - nuobodus (bored - nuobodžiaujantis)
the little girl said suddenly [sadanli]- staiga pasakė mergytė
the men stood up - vyrai atsistojo
Page 5:
the seat [syt] next to him - sėdima vieta šalia jo
he picked up his bag - jis pakėlė/pasiėmė savo lagaminą
apples went all over the carriage - obuoliai pasklido po visą vagoną
Oh damn! [da: n] Po perkūnais!
What am I going to do? Ką man dabar daryti?

Translate for yourself Išsiverskite dėl savęs:
Ar aš turiu išlipti centre?
Kai aš esu autobuse, traukinyje ar lėktuve, visada jaučiuosi ištroškusi.
Mūsų traukinys vėluoja penkias minutes.
Pažiūrėk pro langą - tiek daug žmonių lipa į autobusą!
Per atostogas mes galime likti lovoje iki 12 val.

Check your translation Pasitikrinkite vertimą:

DĖMESIO: Spoileris! [ Spustelėkite, kad išplėsti ]

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 6 m. 6 d. nuo Jurate.

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prieš 5 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 5 m. 11 mėn. #8350 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Wednesday 18/19
Do the homework for the 16th of January:
Do the exercises from the workbook, unit 12, pages 73, 74, 75:

possible to eat - įmanoma valgyti;
bacon [beikan] keptas kiaulienos kumpis
a quick meal [kuik myl] - greitas pavalgymas
a roast [roust] meal - orkaitėje keptas maistas

Write on the forum about your daily diet

the daily diet - kasdienė mityba.
What do you eat in a day? When?
Ką jūs valgote per dieną? Kada?

Jurate's meals
In the morning I always get up too late, I have only twenty minutes to get ready to go to work. That's why I never have breakfast, I just drink some coffee with milk.
At work, when I feel hungry before lunch, I have some apples or a banana for a snack. At the lunch break I go home and make a nice meal: maybe some dumplings [damplingz] (virtiniai) from my freezer [fri: ze] (šaldiklis) or maybe some porridge [poridž] (košė) with a piece of meat from last day. I heat up [hi:t ap] (pašildau) my food in 10 minutes, I eat and I go back to work not hungry.
My dinners are big and very late. Sometimes I have it at the midnight. I make a big plate of salad with vegetables from my garden. I have potatoes or porridge with something - chicken, salmon or pork.
I think my meals are healthy because there are a lot of vegetables, fruit. Also, I like to exercise, I like going to gym. But the time of my meals isn't good, it is not healthy to have dinner late at night. I would like to change my dinner time! What about you?

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 5 m. 11 mėn. nuo Jurate.

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prieš 5 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 5 m. 11 mėn. #8354 nuo Dew
Dew replied the topic: Wednesday 18/19
my diet
In the morning 7*30 I drink a glass of yogurt with flax seed, eat about 50 g of cottage cheese and drink coffee with milk and bisquit.=a biscuit
Lunch in the lunch box. I dine=lunch at 12:00. It is meat, fish dishes with vegetables. Or I'm going to have dinner=lunch with me(=on my own) in the caffe.
I eat dinner around 17 * 30. I eat soup, meat, fish or vegetable dishes.
I try to eat healthy but not=I don't always succeed. so I do exercise in the morning and lead(=walk) the dog in the morning and evening.
Beautiful winter weekend for everyone :)
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prieš 5 m. 11 mėn. #8355 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Wednesday 18/19
Beautiful winter days for you too, dear Dew! :kiss:

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prieš 5 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 5 m. 11 mėn. #8357 nuo kupiskis
kupiskis replied the topic: Wednesday 18/19
What do I eat during the day?
In the morning I have a cup of coffee and some porridge.I and my husband like porridge of several grains - oats,barley,corn,buskwheat. When I was young,coffee was more breathless=fragrant arba aromatic? and strong. I think we get porrer =poorer quality food.
I often boil=cook soup. We eat it at lunch. For Soup I use vegetables from our garden. At lunch we eat green vegetables with some fish,meat. I like turnips,black radishes,pickled cabbage,beets.
In the evening I like to chew=snack waffles,drink hot milk with honey.Nutrition in our life is very important. It depends on sleep,working capacity,health depends on it.

Wonderful comment! :cheer:
Did you want to say that coffee smelled better in old days?
kvapnus - fragrant [freigrant], aromatic, scented [sentid]
virti - to cook; to boil -užvirinti arba pavirti verdančiame vandenyje (to boil an egg, to boil water)
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prieš 5 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 5 m. 11 mėn. #8358 nuo Red Rose
Red Rose replied the topic: Wednesday 18/19

Zita's meals,

In the morning I drink green tea with lemon and honey. Breakfast is at about 7 am. Mostly we eat porridge or dishes from eggs and drink coffee.
I have lunch at 12. This is fast food. I drink a cup of coffee and a sandwich or a snack.
We have dinner at about 5 p.m. Our dinner is a lot bigger than lunch. For dinner I often boil = cook soup. We eat fish or meat with lots of vegetables.
In the evening I like to eat fruit or nuts.

Great ! :cheer:
at about 7 - apie 7 val. (priekyje reikia 'at')
to boil - užvirinti, užvirti, pavirti verdančiame vandenyje (you can boil an egg)
to cook - virti turint omenyje, kad gaminti
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prieš 5 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 5 m. 11 mėn. #8359 nuo Good Morning
Good Morning replied the topic: Wednesday 18/19
In the morning I eat porridge or cheese and drink coffee with milk.
For Lunch I eat meat with vegetable.
For Dinner I eat fish or chicken with vegetable.

Naudininko linksnis kam? - reikia 'for' Dinner - vakarienė; for dinner - vakarienei
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prieš 5 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 5 m. 11 mėn. #8360 nuo Silvija
Silvija replied the topic: Wednesday 18/19
When it comes to nutrition, we all know that there are foods that can improve and harm your health. I can't tell that I eat very healthy food because I like sugary products. I know that sugar are = is bad for the brain function because it can interfere with the memory and the ability to learn. My body is very sensitive, and I try to stay away from foods such as meat and dairy products that trigger some unpleasant digestive symptoms.
In the morning I usually have some grain porridge with a cup of herbal tea. I like all kinds of grain porridge and especially buckwheat and oat.
During my lunch break at work, sometimes I eat something at the company's restaurants. I have a salad and some fish. If there's some space left in my stomach(pilve) I take some dessert with a cup of coffee.
I eat my dinner with my family at about 7 o'clock in the evening. I most=mostly prepare different sorts of dishes because my family eats meat and other products that I can't really eat. When I prepare something for them, I try to cook in a healthy way by avoiding all foods that contain excessive fat or salt.

Wow! :woohoo: This is so good! I am learning from you how to speak beautiful English :cheer:
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prieš 5 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 5 m. 11 mėn. #8361 nuo as vaida
as vaida replied the topic: Wednesday 18/19
For breakfast I have a cup of coffee and egs=egg sandwich.
For lunch I eat soup and I eat green vegetables with meat.
In the evening I drink tea and I eat yogurt with curd.
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prieš 5 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 5 m. 11 mėn. #8362 nuo Kriginienė
Kriginienė replied the topic: Wednesday 18/19
Daima's the daily diet.
In the morning at 7 PM l eat breakfast. There is nothing tastier than black bread with cheese. The cheese is homemade. Later I drink one cup of black coffee.
At lunch I always eat vegetables soup. In winter, when is cold I put some more pepper into the soup. Then the soup heats from inside.
In the evening I eat lots of vegetables. I eat different vegetables with cheese, fish or meat.

I love: "there's nothing tastier" and "The soup heats from inside." They are very good phrases. :)
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prieš 5 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 5 m. 11 mėn. #8363 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Wednesday 18/19
We watched a short video about food trucks in Los Angeles.
a food truck - maisto autobusiukas/vagonėlis
LA [el ei] Los Angeles [los andželes] - Los Andželas
Thai - tailandietiškas
a fried egg on top - keptas kiaušinis ant viršaus
on the ground - ant žemės
frite [fri: t] - keptos bulvytės (JAV ; o Britanijoje - chips )
Watch the video at home again, please:

This is Los Angeles in the US. It's a great place to eat but you don't need to go to a restaurant or a cafe. In LA there are thousands of other excellent places to eat all over the city when you can find them.
These are a few of LA's gourmet food 00:50 trucks there are around 6,000 gourmet food trucks in the city they sell all kinds of food and they're very popular 01:10 and every day they're in a different place you can follow the food trucks on the Internet
Usually fast food isn't very good but these trucks sell great food from around the world the food is cheap.
What would you like to eat ? Would you like to try some Thai food or some Mexican food? How about some Indian food or some Vietnamese food?
There's always some American food: there 's chicken, soup, cheese, salad . Some of the food is healthy and some of the food isn't
"Burger, cheese, grilled onions, and a fried egg on top. "
Luckily the weather is usually good in LA.
There aren't any tables or chairs here, but customers can sit on the ground and chat with their friends. It isn't always comfortable but the food is always delicious.
This is Arti Kanodia. This is her food truck: crispy waffle and frite.
Three years ago Artie went to Belgium and ate some delicious Belgian waffles. She returned to America and bought a food truck and now she sells Belgian waffles all around Los Angeles
Every day Artie drives to a different area of the city
She tells her customers where she is on her website on Twitter and on Facebook.
Artie's food truck is very popular. Artie is always busy. She'd like to go on holiday but she never has the time. Los Angeles is famous for its gourmet food trucks, but they are now in lots of other cities. There are gourmet food trucks in cities like New York, Chicago and London.
Are there any near you?

Do the test for unit 12

I would like - Aš norėčiau šiuo momentu (I would like to shop, I would like a waffle...)
I like- man patinka apskritai gyvenime (I like shopping,... I like to read books... I like waffles...)
some - šiek tiek (teigiamuose ir klausimuose)
any - nei kiek ( neigiamuose) nors kiek, kokių nors (klausimuose)

a chef [šef] - vyr. virėjas
else [elz]- dar ko nors ; more - daugiau. Anything else? Ar ko nors dar?

Please watch the video and write on the Forum:
1. What did Nick and Molly order for their Friday take away?
2. What did Mum write before going to the supermarket?
3. What did the family have for their Sunday Roast?

packed lunch - pietūs įsidedami iš namų į darbą
crisps - čipsai
nearly time - beveik laikas
a special treat [spešl tri:t] - ypatingos vaišės/ skanėstas
curry [ kari] indiškas troškinys (chicken curry, fish curry, beef curry...)
a shopping list - pirkinių sąrašas
roast - keptas maistas, iškeptas orkaitėje (roast beef, roast potatoes)
Sunday Roast - sekmadienio kepsnys
apple crumble [krambl] and custard [kasta/r/d]- trupininis obuolių pyragas su saldžiu padažu

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prieš 5 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 5 m. 11 mėn. #8364 nuo Dew
Dew replied the topic: Wednesday 18/19
Nick and Molly ordered Indian food curry and rice and fish and Chrips on Friday.
Nick and Molly ordered food on Friday.
The family ate a large lunch: Sunday roost beef and Yorkshire pudding and gravy, For dessert apple crumb pie.
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prieš 5 m. 11 mėn. #8365 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Wednesday 18/19
You didn't answer the second question ;)

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prieš 5 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 5 m. 11 mėn. #8369 nuo Dew
Dew replied the topic: Wednesday 18/19
Ups :)=Oops... Mom made a shopping list before going to the supermarket.
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prieš 5 m. 11 mėn. #8370 nuo Silvija
Silvija replied the topic: Wednesday 18/19
Hello :)
1. Molly ordered vegetable curry and rice. Nick ordered fish and chips.
2. She made a shopping list and she wrote down all the products that she is going to buy at the supermarket: cheese, milk, pasta, ready meals, bread, cereal, tea - bags and lots of vegetables such as carrots, broccoli, potatoes, mushrooms, peppers and tomatoes.
3. The father and the children had Roast Beef and Yorkshire pudding with lots of vegetables and some gravy, and the mother had a vegetables tart instead because she is a vegetarian. They all had some apple crumble and custard for dessert,
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