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Jurate's favourite leisure activities
I love cycling, walking and doing exercise. (to do exercise - mankštintis)
Last time I went cycling last Thursday night. I wanted to get some fresh air. I was alone. I cycled to my garden and back.
Last time I went walking two days ago. It was after work, I went around the town through the parks to the shop Iki. At the start I was alone, but I met my friend near the bus station and we walked to Iki together.
I love doing exercise. I go to the gym at Pasvalys Lėvuo school two times a week: on Tuesday and on Thursday. Last time I went to the gym a day ago. We worked out good!
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I love cycling, walking around the town. My daughter has a good bike and I often use it. Pure [pjo] (grynas) pleausure to drive with the wind. I often go to the village at my parents'. Housework swallows all my free time. I have _various activities: to take care of the daughters and husband, to make delicious dishes (=treats), to can_ vegetables, to knit socks, to braid hair, to clean house. I hate the clutter! Where I live there is a big yard with _various _ flowers. I love dwell there.
We keep a dog, a chinchilla, a sea pig and a two hundred liters aquarium at home. It also takes time. Animals at home are wonderful! Now I am carving the pumpinks. It's an amazing vegetable.
I hope to welcome guests during the halloween, because I will have some fun dishes
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How did I forget to write, that I really like to learn English language in free time. Because I have a teacher, whose knowledge inspires and very helps to learn
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Very good
I like reading books, cycling and travelling. My last read book was "Vilko vaikas", about a German girl who survived the war. Last time I went cycling last week. I cycled (važinėjau) with my husband. I like travelling around Lithuania and visiting (nes reikia derinti prie "like") the other countries, last month I was in Greece. There we were walking a lot and travelling by car.
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In October many shop windows in Britain turn (tampa) orange and black, with pumpkins, witches, broomsticks and cats. What do young people do to celebrate Halloween? Read this text to get started.
Halloween is celebrated on 31 October. This isn’t a public holiday (išeiginė) in Britain. Halloween is the night before the Catholic festival of All Saints( [ ol seints ] (Vėlinės) and the pagan Celtic festival of Samhain (1 November).
Halloween colours are orange and black. Orange means [mins] (reiškia) harvest because the end of October is the end of the harvest. Black is related [releitid] (susijusi) to death.
In the UK Halloween traditions are very much alive [elaiv] (gyvas) and popular, especially with kids and teenagers [ti:neidžez] (paaugliai).
People make pumpkin lanterns. They cut eyes and a mouth on the side [said] (šonas) of the pumpkin and they eat the insides [insaidz] (viduriai) of the pumpkin. Pumpkin soup is very popular.
On Halloween people like dressing up (persirenginėti): they put on (apsivelka) special clothes and a scary make-up [meik ap] (makiažas).
Children love dressing up and going to their neighbours. They knock [nok] (beldžiasi) on the door and shout "treat or trick!" People usually give treats to children: chocolates, biscuits or fruit.
People love watching horror [hora] (siaubo) movies and telling scary stories.
If you are in Sheffield, in the north of England, you can go to Fright [frait] (baimė, šiurpas) Night. What is Fright Night? It’s the Biggest Halloween Party in Britain’ and there are about 40,000 visitors each year.
Jurate's All Saints' Day
I didn't go to visit my father's grave on Thursday - on All Saints' Day. I visited it at the weekend. My father's grave is outside the old Pasvalys park. There's not only his grave, but my grandfather's and grandmother's graves too. I lit eight candles on their graves. I didn't bring flowers because my uncle brought a lot of white chrysanths on Thursday.
I didn't go to church on Thursday nor (nei) at the weekend, because I go there very rarely.
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On All Saints' Day I was at home with my family until late evening. Every year (vns.) we are waiting for the night and then we go to the grave. First of all we go in=to the grave of Daumėnai, and on the way back in=to the grave of=in Krinčinas. And there's my a little daughter wanted to WC(geriau to the toilet; to the loo: And there my little daughter wanted to the loo.). In that dark I could not find the place. It was very urgent we had to light candles and to scoot at home.
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