Here is the homework
for the 4th of March. It is about
favourite free time activities
Next time we meet on Thursday, the 25th of February!
I'm sorry, I forgot that next Friday is the cleaning day at the library and it is closed to visitors.
We meet on Thursday. We have a new EXTRA episode!
Who comes on Thursday, the 25th of February? Leave a comment
What to do for the 25th of February?
Watch the second EXTRA episode and do the exercises from your Workbook. We check the exercises in the class!
What to do
for the 4th of March?
Learn new words and phrases:
What do you like to do in your free time? Ką mėgsti
veikti laisvu laiku?
What do you like doing in your free time? Ką mėgsti
veikti laisvu laiku?
free time [fri: taim] - laisvas laikas; in free time - laisvu laiku; a favourite activity [feiverit aktiviti] - mėgstama veikla; to paint [peint] - dažyti, tapyti; painting - tapymas, dažymas; a painting - paveikslas, a picture [pikče] - paveikslas, piešinys, nuotrauka; shopping [šoping] - apsipirkimas; window shopping [uindou šoping] - vitrinų apžiūrinėjimas; cycling [saikling] - važinėjimas dviračiu; camping [kemping] - stovyklavimas; having a picnic [piknik] - piknikavimas; going for a run [gouing fo: e ran]- ėjimas pabėgioti; running [raning] - bėgimas; doing sport [diuing sport] - sportavimas; to chat [če:t] - plepėti; chatting online [če:ting onlain] - bendravimas internete; a bubble bath [babl bath] - putų vonia; a pot [pot] - puodas; for example [egze: mpl] -pavyzdžiui; the weather [uede] - oras; doing crosswords [diu:ing krosuordz] - kryžiažodžių sprendimas; classic [klasik] - išskirtinis, aukštos meninės vertės, klasiškas; classical [klasikal] - klasikinio stiliaus; special [spešal] - ypatingas; especially [espešali] - ypač; in the middle [in de midl] - viduryje
2. -ing:
Do the exercise on page 101 in Student book:
Note! If a verb has ONE vowel and one consonant at the end - the consonant is doubled! I finally got it
Dėmesio! Jeigu veiksmažodis baigiasi VIENU balsiu ir viena priebalse - priebalsė sudvigubėja. Pagaliau supratau.
Verbs with ONE vowel and ONE consonant and the STRESS on the last syllable have double letters:
veiksmažodžiai su VIENU balsiu ir priebalsiu
ir KIRČIU paskutiniame skiemenyje turi dvigubas raides:
to read = reading ( because 'read' has two vowels - nes turi 2 balsius)
to swim = swimming (because 'swim' has ONE vowel - nes turi vieną balsį)
to date = dating (because 'date' has one vowel, one consonant and one vowel again - nes turi balsį, priebalsį ir vėl balsį)
to visit = visiting ( because the stress isn't on the last syllable- nes kirtis ne ant paskutinio skiemens)
Can you make with -ing:
to prefer = ?
to wait =?
to rob= ?
to love =?
to iron =?
to travel=?
Do the exercises on page 53 and 54 in your Workbook and listen to track 25 from NEF Workbook CD
4. Practice time!
What do you like doing in your free time? Write on the Forum, please! Learn to tell. Practice at home.
If you don't know what to write about you, read the article on page 65 in your Student book and learn to tell 2 or 3 comments:
What do I like doing in my free time?
During lunch at work or after work I like going for a walk and listening to English audio books. At the weekend, if the weather is good, I like spending time in my garden. I love exercising. It makes me feel strong and relaxed. I like going to the gym, cycling and swimming. I love having a sauna after a good swim in Pasvalys swimming pool. And I hate staying in bed in my free time.